The Alley |
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Another Brick in the Wall |
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Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-05
Posts 25505Ft. Lauderdale, Fl USA ![]() |
(With apologies to Pink Floyd) . . Reverend Wright, he damns the country DUM da da da DUM DUM da da da DUM Barack sits right there, center row DUM da da da DUM DUM da da da DUM When it gets broadcast on the telly DUM da da da DUM DUM da da da DUM Obama says, "I didn't know!" Hey! People! Swear I didn't know! All in all It's just another brick in the wall. Father Phleger hates the white man DUM da da da DUM DUM da da da DUM Says the honkies have to go DUM da da da DUM DUM da da da DUM Obama called him one great pastor DUM da da da DUM DUM da da da DUM Then he said "I didn't know! Him!? A racist!?? Swear I didn't know! All in all It's just another brick in the wall. Tony Rezko bought him houses DUM da da da DUM DUM da da da DUM Price tags were extremely low DUM da da da DUM DUM da da da DUM When feds put Rezko in the slammer DUM da da da DUM DUM da da da DUM Obama said, "I didn't know!" Tony? A felon?? Swear I didn't know! All in all It's just another brick in the wall. William Ayres was quite the bomber DUM da da da DUM DUM da da da DUM Pentagon just had to go DUM da da da DUM DUM da da da DUM When he said he'd do it over DUM da da da DUM Obama said, "I didn't know! Bill? He said that? Swear I didn't know! All in all It's just another brick in the wall. Fannie/Freddie were his sweetheart DUM da da da DUM DUM da da da DUM Sent Obama lots of dough DUM da da da DUM DUM da da da DUM When their downhill slide got going DUM da da da DUM DUM da da da DUM Obama said, "I didn't know!" Fannie? Freddie? Tell them it ain't so! All in all It's just another brick in the wall. ACORN loves to fill out ballots DUM da da da DUM DUM da da da DUM With people buried long ago DUM da da da DUM DUM da da da DUM Barack defended them in courtrooms DUM da da da DUM DUM da da da DUM Now he claims he didn't know. DUM da da da DUM DUM da da da DUM Acorn? Cheating? Swear I didn't know!!! All in all, it's just another brick in the wall. All in all, it's just another brick in the wall. ![]() |
© Copyright 2008 Michael Mack - All Rights Reserved | |||
Member Seraphic
since 1999-08-22
Posts 22648 |
Obama's not saying too much for his IQ, is he Michael? I'm mean, after all, you'd have to be pretty dumb to miss all that! |
Mistletoe Angel![]() ![]() ![]()
since 2000-12-17
Posts 32816Portland, Oregon |
Regardless of what can be argued as gross bad judgment on Obama's part in phases of his past, the longer his campaign, the RNC and 527's affiliated more with his campaign push all of this tirelessly, the more the McCain-Palin ticket's disapproval ratings will shoot up and make them appear unelectable to the populace. The bottom line is, most Americans are economically desperate right now, and they want to hear what the two candidates have to propose in hope of turning things around (it's going to take more than four years to turn everything around obviously and the challenges will extend beyond one, even several presidencies). And the longer McCain's campaign goes spending more time attacking his opponent rather than elaborating on their economic proposals, the more they'll have nothing but themselves to blame for their defeat in three weeks. Besides that, lest we forget, McCain and Palin have many skeletons of their own in their closets that highlight how they're anything but the "mavericks" and "reformers" that they avow themselves to be incessantly. Sincerely, Noah Eaton "If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other" Mother Teresa |
Grinch Member Elite
since 2005-12-31
Posts 2929Whoville |
Did you accidentally post this in a discussion forum Mike? If so if you ask a Moderator they’ll move it for you. ![]() |
Member Seraphic
since 1999-08-22
Posts 22648 |
Obama sent his crew of lawyers up to Alaska, Noah. What scandalous information did they uncover? I haven't heard a single thing, after a month of digging. |
Mistletoe Angel![]() ![]() ![]()
since 2000-12-17
Posts 32816Portland, Oregon |
Well, to begin, there was of course the release of this 263-page report from the bi-partisan Alaska's Legislative Council that found that Palin abused her power by violating Alaska Statute 39.52.110 (a) of the Alaska Executive Branch Ethics Act in light of what's being deemed the "Troopergate" scandal. Interestingly enough, even McCain has taken on Palin three times during her six years as mayor of Wasilla for earmarks she won from Congress, and vowed to publish the names of those who asked for them..............................before Palin became his running mate. Sincerely, Noah Eaton "If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other" Mother Teresa |
moonbeam![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
since 2005-12-24
Posts 2356 |
quote: It's taking a while to shift all the moose, wolf and bear carcasses it's buried under, Denise. |
Huan Yi Member Ascendant
since 2004-10-12
Posts 6688Waukegan |
/ “In May, the Washington Post poll found that 44 percent said he was unqualified. In June, August, September and now October, between 44 and 48, now 45 or 44 percent, say Obama is unqualified. That is the second-highest total in modern American history, exceeded only by... Michael Dukakis in October 1988 after two disastrous debate performances." UPDATE: Looking at the poll, the question is, "Regardless of who you may support, do you think Obama does or does not have the kind of experience it takes to serve effectively as president?" Right now it's 54 percent yes, 45 percent no.” . |
Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-05
Posts 25505Ft. Lauderdale, Fl USA |
Regardless of what can be argued as gross bad judgment on Obama's part in phases of his past We're not talking bad judgement, Noah, we're talking baldfaced lies. Besides that, lest we forget, McCain and Palin have many skeletons of their own in their closets Exactly what I would expect. You must have attended the Obamaman basketball clinic, Noah....a quick head fake to the right and move to the left. Ok, then. I'll play. If McCain and Palin have so many skeletons you should be able to come up with a song parody of your own. I look forward to seeing it ![]() Well, to begin, there was of course the release of this 263-page report from the bi-partisan Alaska's Legislative Council that found that Palin abused her power by violating Alaska Statute 39.52.110 (a) of the Alaska Executive Branch Ethics Act in light of what's being deemed the "Troopergate" scandal. Actually, Noah, she was not chastised for abusing her powers, she was chastised for not stopping her husband from using his access to the governor's office to abuse his power. That reminds me of something. What is it...hmmm? Oh, I know - Travelgate! Remember that one, Noah, where first lady Hillary fired the entire travel office in order to get her personal buddies in. She abused the Oval office her husband occupied, which is exactly whar Palin's hubby did. Were you as incensed at Hillary, Noah? Did you say shame on Bill the way you're speaking of palin? Somehow I doubt it... No it was no accident, Grinch. I;ve no desire to start political bru-ha-has in the Open forum...better to keep them here ![]() |
rwood Member Elite
since 2000-02-29
Posts 3793Tennessee |
Hey! "Teachers! Leave them kids alone!" Catchy revise there, Mr. BaLLad with an eer. You got my lyrically political wheels spinning this morning. Hope you don’t mind my mind ramblings from my own personal speculative reference with Pink Floyd’s lyrics: As the youngest of the pop 4. Palin: Youth before “experience”= or the actual carbon (print) dating of one’s exponential decay of service whilst trying to remain active amongst the corrupt. Palin is the “pudding” for McCain’s tough “meat.” She softens his edges, and I personally feel this is one of the only reasons why he (or his advisors) chose her as his running mate. Tenderizing McCain’s image is really all she can do, since she’s not experienced enough to season anything beyond her local soup kitchens. And I think she’s doing ok where she’s at, but for VP? The only way she might survive being chewed up and spit out is if she becomes BFF with Hilary, (which is only a hunch) and this will poison her position forever. And I really don’t want to see her doing that, because she does have some admirable potential, despite the fact that everyone knows she’s not Mother Teresa--which cycles me around to McCain, sorry, my brain works that way, but if one studies his past, they will know there is a legitimate and very meaningful connection. He does have a soft side. Still, McCain does tend to strike some as the “Teacher.” And with some merit, since I don’t see him receiving too many invitations from foreign leaders for a chat. Maybe it’s just me. But he’s quite “Bushy” in that light. Given, Bush has to RSVP a decline due to kicking up some illegitimate foreign soil, but with all that dirt aside, does McCain really strike anyone as being someone who will reinstate some grain of dignity for us when so many (understatement) are raw from being “Sandbushed?” I hope so, but even with my eyes squinted and from a distance McCain appears cuffed by his own reticence. Could it be that he doesn’t trust himself whilst adhering to a “trust no one” principle? Can he scale his own “wall.” The man is the oldest in history to maybe make all the choices. This could be good and very bad. I don’t want to see McCain suffer presidency for 2 reasons: 1. He will suffer the fate of the “Teacher,” only not imaginary, and mostly because of his predecessor. I feel like I’ll be watching a fatherly figure being tossed into the “meat-grinder.” 2. He will prove me wrong and bullhead his way through a 4 year term with more chafing force than Bush ever thought he could. “Wrong! Do it again!” All I can say is: Please, make me wrong. On the flip side of another ticket, I’m on to Obama. I could care less which race and ethnicity box he checks on his gov. claim forms. Whether he or his staff have self-appointed him as potentially the first black president in history, neither he nor his staff have done their history homework. He’s the first TO CLAIM his black heritage. Which is totally cool, but not cool enough to hinder or enhance my vote. “WHAT?” says modern day punkcrunk artist, “Lil Jon.” Whom only has a 2 degree separation from Pink Floyd. (He did a ditty with Korn, whom also covered PF.) But, no. Oh, ye, of little Pink Floydian faith. I’ve held out one simple lyric strictly for Obama. “We don’t need no education.” Sometimes ya gotta love a double negative. and he’s a double negative to me. He’s got less experience under his collar than that of Palin! Foreign affairs!! Ok, so Palin doesn’t have much either, unless you want to include the percentage of Americans who still think Alaska is a foreign country. Hence, his smart-choice running mate, Biden, who chairs the U.S. Senate Committee on Foreign Relations. Ok, Obama knows the area is his weak point, obviously, but all the while he states, constantly, that he’s “not aware” of so many things that it’s getting ridiculous. Well? Isn’t this the point where a negative times a negative doesn’t equal a positive? Is the “not aware” anything different than any other political figure has used? No. So what’s Obama changing in our country seriously needing of change? To those who do nothing but focus on his physical image, he appears as a negative, photographically. “Photography. noting an image in which the brightness values of the subject are reproduced so that the lightest areas are shown as the darkest.” ( “No dark sarcasm in the classroom.” He’s not suffering anything unorthodox from those who look at others from inside a box. jeesh, I’m not trying to rhyme! I don’t want to see Obama suffer presidency for 1 reason: He wants to take Pink out of Floyd and the world just isn’t ready, even if I wished it was. sighs.. “Breathe.” |
Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-05
Posts 25505Ft. Lauderdale, Fl USA |
I like the way your mind works, Regina. See you on the dark side of the moon ![]() |
Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-25
Posts 63354Listening to every heart |
Regina, welcome home! Now breathe, girl! |
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