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South Carolina, USA

0 posted 2002-03-26 03:41 PM

Why can’t I tell you I miss you
Of the emptiness I feel without..
Without your face, smile, voice
without you here when I...

When I needed someone to talk to...
When I was afraid, even as a man..
When I needed your warmth, comfort
When I was alone...lost in life...

I cried that day, I still do..
You were not there...
I saw you everywhere I walked...
I heard your laughter, I turned...
nothing behind me...

But...I knew you were...
were there every step I took..
Wanting to say...stop Son, listen to me..
Don’t go that way...

I couldn’t hear your words...
I wanted to, more than ever...
I strained to hear them...
silence greeted me..

I would touch that cold stone
knowing you were there..sleeping..
Saying...Hi Momma, I’m here...
I love you Momma...
I miss you...

I always wondered if....
If it would have been different now
If you were here to turn to...
To talk to, to rely on, to confide in..
To take my shame guilt..
To help me feel whole, alive..

Though you are are here..
You are half of me...I am half of you...
I have your temper, your anxiety...
I have your hair, your complexion..
I have your sensitivity, compassion

Most of all....I have your memory..
And your love...

© Copyright 2002 Barry J. Tackett - All Rights Reserved
Lady In White
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1 posted 2002-03-26 03:45 PM

If this is rough, I would understand
for you still miss her loss of hand
held within yours, fragile, pale
but on the wind, your words have sailed

she now looks with pride upon you
for all you write, and all you do...

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2 posted 2002-03-26 03:48 PM

L In W....

Excuse me while I sit here and cry a little.

Thank You!!!!

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Member Seraphic
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3 posted 2002-03-26 04:19 PM

This is filled with so much intense emotion... polishing it would almost be an injustice. It speaks love and the anguish of missing very well, Magnus... and speaks to all of us who've experienced loss.
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South Carolina, USA
4 posted 2002-03-26 04:24 PM

suthern...thank you very much for your're right...leave it as is..
for the heart wrote the words...not the hand.

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5 posted 2002-03-26 04:48 PM

I was just sailing along, having a fun afternoon reading all the silly stuff, and I knew I shouldn't read this. But I did. And it made me tear up right away. Beautifully done.


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6 posted 2002-03-26 05:00 PM

Nan...thank you...sorry for the tears...I
have shed a few...putting it rather lightly..
I had never written anything about my mother,
and I felt I needed to...

I know there are some here and out there
who never even had the opportunity to
experience the joy of a mother...I had that
joy...and I am thankful for that...I just
wish I still had it...she was 40 when we
lost her suddenly...and would be 71 right
now....I often wonder what she would look
like now....I know I would still recognize
her eyes and her smile...those never change..

Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
7 posted 2002-03-26 05:33 PM


'....I often wonder what she would look
like now....I know I would still recognize
her eyes and her smile...those never change..'

For now .... I simply cannot speak my thoughts~
I'm sorry ... I will return~

~*The pen of the poet never runs out of ink, as long as we breathe.*~
         [email protected]                    

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South Carolina, USA
8 posted 2002-03-26 05:42 PM is OK...It is just a part of me
that I wanted to let out...I know she would
be smiling now....

Mistletoe Angel
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9 posted 2002-03-26 07:20 PM

(big hugggssssss) Oh Barry, this is so very sad, sweet friend, I know these feelings of absence so much too and my heart goes out to you, for I too always cry and feel scared about going onto college and having to cope on my own! (sigh) My heart goes out to you, sweet friend, I am always here if you need someone to talk to, we all love you so much! You have such a beautiful heart, sweet Barry, thank you for sharing!

May love and light always shine upon you!

Noah Eaton

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10 posted 2002-03-26 07:23 PM


All birds have to leave the become
an adult bird and eventually be the guardian
of a new nest...

Have courage young man,  spread your wings
and soar into your future...You can do it!

Thank You Noah...

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Member Rara Avis
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In Your Poetic Mind
11 posted 2002-03-26 07:29 PM


Isnt it amazing where we find our strength, even when it all seems so helpless..that inner voice calls and tells have much courage, and a ton of compassion to write such words of complete love....I am honored to have read this....(next time please offer a tissue warning, I am keeping this) thank you....



Step through the
barrier of my mind,
enter my soul,
feel my desire,
let my eyes guide you
into the shadows
of my heart

[This message has been edited by Greeneyes (03-26-2002 07:30 PM).]

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12 posted 2002-03-26 08:09 PM

Barry this is a busy week and I just popped on here for a min to check out the page and oh my, am I glad I did. this is heartrenching, I know the loss you speak of so well, it hurts, and Barry, truly writing helps. It helped me so much when I was grieving and still when I start to cry, I sit to write and all gets ok for the time being. This was a most wonderful write from the soul. You have my prayers. floria


"Alas for those that never sing,
But die with all their music in them"
(Oliver Wendell Holmes)

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Canada eh.
13 posted 2002-03-26 08:20 PM

Barry, just popped in for a minute tonight on hubby's computer and this one jumped off the screen and grabbed my heart.  My mother was 46 when she died and I often wonder what she would look like now...sometimes I am fortunate to hear her voice in dreams......

~Somewhere in my heart I'm always
Dancing with you in the summer rain~

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14 posted 2002-03-26 10:11 PM

Just the fact that you wrote this is testament to how special the lady was. Any mother who can instill this degree of love in her children is a were very fortunate to have her and, I'm sure, vice-versa....
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where insanity meets breeding
15 posted 2002-03-26 10:24 PM

This one touched me deeply Barry. I lost my mom at 52, she’d be nearly 58 now, and there isn’t a day goes by that I don’t miss her. There are so many things that have happened in the last 6 years that I wish I could share with her. You know how it is.

If she who dies with the most toys wins, then can I have some toy boys please?

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South Carolina, USA
16 posted 2002-03-26 10:33 PM

Michael,  Nancy,  Floria, Lauren...


Yes,  I have nothing but the greatest love
for a woman who did so much with and for
me during the first 21 years of my life..

She was my mother,  my fishing buddy,  my
hunting buddy, best friend
who I could sit and talk to about anything.

Sadly,  I fell in love with my wife about
two years before she died....and began to
pull away from her...this caused her a lot
of anguish...because I stopped writing,
didn't call often...she was no longer my
number one woman in my life...She grieved
over this....until the day she died...and
I,  in my blindness of love,  never knew
how much I was hurting her then...That
fact has been a burden that I have carried
all of my adult life since then...So,  I
guess you can say that this letter is to
her to simply say...Momma...YOU are my Nr. 1
lady of my always have been,
and will remain so...until we meet again..

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