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Senior Member
since 2000-07-11
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West Virginia

0 posted 2002-03-20 08:36 PM

This Poem Is Dedicated To Warren "Newie" Wallace.
He Passed away July 23, 1994. March 20th is his B-day.He would be 69 years old today.

I'll Always Have Days Like Today

I've spent all this time fighting just to keep you alive
To find grief kept me from seeing you today
I just didn't have it within me to leave you behind again
So, know in heart I placed a flower on your grave...

Our memories, I will guard them with my every breath in life
Here are 69 wishes begging for you to come home
Cause the day you left, Dad, you forgot to take me with you
I know you were ready but I wasn't ready to let you go...

As sad as it is I'll always have days like today
Days where I'm reaching and I know you're reaching, too
I think I'd give just about anything at this moment
To see those sweet angels dancing there with you...

Happy Birthday seems so empty when I can't see your eyes
But, I'll always have days like today to know family still sings
I bow my head with the weight of reality once more
And, to the long miles, lonely miles, that death brings...

I'm too hurt to cry for what I'll never again touch
Your birthday belongs to us so I'll always have days like today
I'm a bit weak that you'll never hear how I love you so much
But, it hurts to know your birthday is spent so far away...

Your day, while away, takes the very life of me
I don't even own the will anymore to laugh
For, our once upon a time hits me as hard as stones
So, will you ask God now if I can have you back?...

Sauni @~~~>~~

The Sun Shines
Not On Us, But In Us
The River Flows Not Past,
But Through Us

© Copyright 2002 Saundra - All Rights Reserved
Mistletoe Angel
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1 posted 2002-03-20 08:41 PM

(tears fall down my cheeks) Oh Saunni, this is sooooooo beautifully heartaching, sweet friend, my heart goes out to you and I know this kind of pain so very well, for I too have experienced losses of my own and I wish I could celebrate yet another birthday with them and get to say all the things I regret I couldn't say before! (BIG HUGGGSSSSSSS) My heart goes out to you, sweet friend, know deep down Wallace will always love you so much and just knowing you and the love in your heart will always give him the happiest birthdays forever! (sigh) My thoughts are always with you, sweet friend, we all love you so much, God Bless You! You have such a beautiful heart, sweet Saunni, thank you for sharing!

May love and light always shine upon you!

Noah Eaton

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Charlotte, NC
2 posted 2002-03-20 08:51 PM


your poem left me in tears...partially
due to the fact that it is just written
with such emotion and devotion for your
Dad, but also partially because i lost my
Mom when i was sixteen years old back in this really hit home for me.
i wish i had the right words to ease your
pain but i know as well as anyone that
sometimes words can't heal the holes that
fill our hearts. just please know you and
your dad are both in my prayers and thoughts.

take care.

ps try to smile...i know it's hard.
but try my friend.

"you can't stop
the rain
from pouring down
can't stop the
world from turning 'round
can't stop me from
loving you
no matter
what you do

Deputy Moderator 1 Tour
Member Rara Avis
since 2000-07-10
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Maidstone Kent England
3 posted 2002-03-20 08:59 PM

Sauuni darling girl oh how utterly unbearable is the pain written in this. If you should ever happen to lose the touch of your father I know that your soul would bleed for eternity. How heart wrenching this is, you’ve written the pain of this soooooo well.

Take heart, there light beckons go forward to your destined fate, where you shine, I know it I

Love and warm stuff
As always

To give light to them that sit in darkness..... to guide our feet into the way of peace Luke 2:79

[This message has been edited by Marsha (03-20-2002 08:59 PM).]

Senior Member
since 2000-07-11
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West Virginia
4 posted 2002-03-20 09:03 PM

Noah, thank you dear friend for responding. I really needed it. You always have the words to pull me up from my lowest, as I am tonight. It took me all day to even get my nerve to write,and when I did, that's what came out. This could have been a better write, but I posted because there was no thought behind it but rather all heart talking. Thanks again.

Aimster, thank you so much for reading this also. I know you know how I feel and for the life of me I keep wondering when this rain will be over. I think I've gone so long pretending I was ok, to find, I'm really, really missing him in everything I do.Thanks again.

Sauni @~~~>~~

The Sun Shines
Not On Us, But In Us
The River Flows Not Past,
But Through Us

Senior Member
since 2000-07-11
Posts 1777
West Virginia
5 posted 2002-03-20 09:10 PM

oh how utterly unbearable is the pain, your words exactly, Marsha, and is my heart right now. Thank you for reading this. I can't wait until I can find that light and just smile at what we had rather then cry for what we don't have anymore. Thanks again.

Sauni @~~~>~~

The Sun Shines
Not On Us, But In Us
The River Flows Not Past,
But Through Us

Gentle Spirit
Member Patricius
since 2000-10-09
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6 posted 2002-03-21 06:16 AM

very touching Saunni.  It is hard to miss someone and ache for them...I feel your pain.  Peace to you friend.

On the wings of words our spirits fly....and our souls are free.

(I could have missed the pain, but I'd have had to miss the dance~Garth)

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Member Laureate
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East Lansing, MI USA
7 posted 2002-03-21 03:02 PM

when the words come out my friend. . . that's when they seem closer. . .

from your heart. . .


To the world, you may only be one person. But to one person, you may be the world.

Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
8 posted 2002-03-21 03:07 PM

From one who also knows the pain ... *hugs*

~*The pen of the poet never runs out of ink, as long as we breathe.*~
         [email protected]                    

Senior Member
since 2001-07-22
Posts 774
9 posted 2002-03-21 03:16 PM

~~sigh~~ I don't believe we ever truly stop mourning for the loved ones we have lost, but we can keep the best parts of that love alive in our memories and they always live in our hearts. I hope you can at least find peace one day dear!
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