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0 posted 2002-01-10 02:13 PM

The time has come
after all is said and done
to let go of our past
yet, how can it be
this ache inside me
is bittersweet in taste...

As distance in between the beat
of two hearts that vowed a sacred pledge
now find the struggle of letting go
an overwhelm of turmoil...

I know now more than ever
things will never be the same
as my heart is thawing slowly
from the numbness of the pain
all the while believing in the good of you
regardless of the ache I feel...

I must have loved you
once upon a time
to feel this way today...

In twilight sleep of clustered dreams
whispered prayers to heaven I shall send
for strength of spirit to guide me
toward new beginnings of tomorrow
wherein lies no conflict
of you within this world...

Embrace this verse
as a meant to be
release me from
your controlling wing
allow the butterfly
in me
to soar beyond
the remembering...

Just this once
I ask of you
show me that you truly do
love me in your own way
and unshackle me
from the memory
of once upon a yesterday...


[This message has been edited by CocoBaci (01-10-2002 02:49 PM).]

© Copyright 2002 CocoBaci - All Rights Reserved
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1 posted 2002-01-10 02:43 PM

I must have loved you
once upon a time
to feel this way today...

Riding the same wavelength today, Coco.

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Member Rara Avis
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Deep in the heart
2 posted 2002-01-10 03:01 PM

Dearest Coco ... what a wonderful, sad, compelling piece.  I love it and hate the pain I know you feel, but ifyou can write this wonderful piece I know you are OK and will get even better my poetfriend.

Fool, said my Muse to me, look in thy heart and write.

Mistletoe Angel
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3 posted 2002-01-10 03:06 PM

(tears fall down my cheeks) So very sad, sweet friend, I too pray with all my heart that he will love you as your heart desires and make you feel special and loved like before, free of the tears of yesterday! (big hugggsssss) My heart goes out to you, sweet friend, we all love you so much! You have such a beautiful heart, sweet Coco, thank you for sharing!

May love and light always shine upon you!

Noah Eaton

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4 posted 2002-01-10 03:33 PM

SweetPoetFriends Duncan, Interloper and Mistletoe thank you bearyyyyyyy much my heart sends you hugz...

Moonlight Romeo
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The heart of you
5 posted 2002-01-10 03:40 PM

It's always a yesterday isn't it?

Well done CocoBaci.

What light through yon window breaks?  It is the east, and Juliet is the sun.

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6 posted 2002-01-10 04:12 PM

*sigh* love needs to be free to soar the heavens and grow the way it is meant to be. I am sorry this was about yesterday and not the feelings of love flowing in your heart today...but you let go with such tenderness that I know the love leaves a strong impression still upon your heart. ***big hugs*** My heart goes  out to you.

Love I leave with you whether it is in your life now or yet the essense of your dreams.

Bill Charles
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highways, & byways, for now
7 posted 2002-01-10 04:45 PM

CocoBaci - I relate to this writing very well. Love your title 'Once upon a yesterday'. Just beautiful writing, I can't say enough about this....


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8 posted 2002-01-10 05:06 PM

Romeo oh Romeo you're a sweetheart2say what you said in reply and I thank you4commenting Poetfriend...

Startime, sweetie ya know there's something in your reply2me that just hugged my heart so it seemed 4an instant there and I thank you dearone4this2day...

Bill, muahhhhh on cheekz sweetie and I thank you4your kindness and  sincerity...


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9 posted 2002-01-10 05:19 PM

enjoyed very much
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Member Rara Avis
since 2000-06-03
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The Shores of Alone
10 posted 2002-01-10 05:22 PM

Once upon a yesterday...Why is it so hard to move on from that thought? This is beautiful and sad, and I understand the feeling.

Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
11 posted 2002-01-10 05:23 PM


'I must have loved you
once upon a time
to feel this way today...'

Ohhhhhhhhh .... poignantly perfect~
*BIG* Hugs ...

~*The pen of the poet never runs out of ink, as long as we breathe.*~
       [email protected]                   

mirror man
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12 posted 2002-01-10 06:31 PM

This is very good.  And familiar to me too much.  "I must have loved you once" is the most familiar, I think.  Probably to also too many others.  A very good write all around, well said.
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13 posted 2002-01-10 08:09 PM

VandanaSweetie, you are always there my dearPoetfriend and4this I thank you always4your smiles mean bearyyyyyy much2me...

Cat, gosh i luv that nickname4u and I'd just like2say2u as well my heart sends out2u a teddy bear hugNmuahhh on cheekz2u2 DearPoetFriend...

MargeSweetMarge, your gift of friendship all this time that you have shared with me has brought much light in2 my world and4this I deeply thank u....

MirrorMan (may I call u...MM), thank you PoetFriend for what I just read from you in reply has made my smile a brighter one...


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Kapolei, Hawaii, USA
14 posted 2002-01-11 02:28 AM

We each have our own personal way of letting go of love and moving on...and yet we all feel the same exact feelings of sadness and grief and disappointment as we go through the process...James
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15 posted 2002-01-11 12:17 PM

JamesSweetie, very true what you say2me in reply though I must say the following 2expand on what you've so kindly said2me here...
Indeed we all love and show our love in our own ways thaz a part of the thrill that we're blessed with in our living days that makes it all the more exhilarating I guess...
However when another thinx they can have the best of both worlds and still expect the other2 not sway their love 4them, well as certain as the amber sun does rise at every dawn with that kinda thinking may come conflict and eventually heartache so it seems...
I'm probably rambling on here but you've nailed the point that I've tried2pen in this poem 2the 'T' my friend and it's odd but when one does put closure to something it usually takes the other offguard so then I ask myself how can that be when all the signsNwriting were there clearly written on the wall and their choices made are the actions that say what it is they really want (or is it) teehee...
You're da best JamesNhugs2uAlways...

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Member Laureate
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East Lansing, MI USA
16 posted 2002-01-12 10:33 PM

I've always wondered my PoetFriend, why we have to let go today to remember tomorrow. . .

you always make me think. . . well done. . .


To the world, you may only be one person. But to one person, you may be the world.

Irish Rose
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17 posted 2002-01-13 01:46 PM

oh boy, this touches in a deep place....

A true friend does not love you for who you are, but in spite of who you are." -- Caroline Tran

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18 posted 2002-01-13 02:10 PM

SweetSven, my heart hugz u dear friend muahhhh on cheekz and thank you sooooo bearry much4letting me know you dropped in here...

IrishRose, you're a sweetie and I thank you as well for letting me know your thoughtsNfeelings cuz 2be truthful I'm the one who is deeply touched by the kindness of a friend like you


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