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Member Seraphic
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0 posted 2002-01-09 12:36 PM

~When Spirits Whisper My Name~

I have often wondered
As I held in my hand
Artifacts from Choctaw
Who once walked my land -
Did I inherit
Through blood or theft?
I love my hills
But was someone bereft?
Cherokee blood flows through my vein
Before my Dad's purchase
Did anyone deign to buy the land
Where I'd eventually live?
Was it taken by force
Or did someone actually give
The owners full value?
These thoughts fill my mind
Though others would choose
To leave the past behind...
I can't help but wonder
When spirits whisper my name
If my presence brings pride?
They know they have claimed
My heart and ignited
A burning desire
To feel the breath of justice
Fuel the keeper's fire.

Photo Credit - Jerome Tiger
The Trail Of Tears

© Copyright 2002 suthern - All Rights Reserved
Irish Rose
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1 posted 2002-01-09 12:49 PM

Beautiful.....just beautiful.

Neither genius, fame, nor love show the greatness of the soul.
Only kindness can do that. ~Jean Baptiste Henri Lacordaire~

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2 posted 2002-01-09 01:04 PM

Ahhh, suthern. Now, what I think, is that the spirits brought you to that land as you inherit the wind...I loved this write...very gentle smile
since 2001-12-07
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In The Kokapelli's Song
3 posted 2002-01-09 01:04 PM

There is too much beauty and heartfelt emotion here to critique anything!  *smiles*  Well penned!


I do not seek...I find!

Janet Marie
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4 posted 2002-01-09 02:54 PM

These thoughts fill my mind
                      Though others would choose
                       To leave the past behind...
                        I can't help but wonder
                     When spirits whisper my name
                     If my presence brings pride?
                     They know they have claimed
                         My heart and ignited
                            A burning desire
                     To feel the breath of justice
                        Fuel the keeper's fire.

the fact that you wonder and ponder these things at all shows the respectful intent and compassion you have for these people of pride...and that dear poetess is why when they whisper your name you can feel them in the breeze....
very cool poem Ruth girlie...very cool indeed..wisdom wrapped in rhyme divine.
so good to read today and see you romping in the forums
where did ya shove the werk monster ... in a filing cabinet   *evil grin*

I ask why you come here, you say just because
Could I live without it if I knew what it was
But it really dont matter when you look at me that way.

Lady In White
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5 posted 2002-01-09 03:01 PM


They know they have claimed
My heart and ignited
A burning desire
To feel the breath of justice
Fuel the keeper's fire.


Mistletoe Angel
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6 posted 2002-01-09 03:13 PM

(sigh) Soooooooo beautifully heartfelt, sweet friend, the spirit of the Cherokee and passion will always shine in you, we all love you so so much! (kiss on cheek) I love it, sweet friend, may all our spirits forever kiss the light of the heavens with joy! You have such a beautiful heart, sweet Suthern, thank you for sharing!

May love and light always shine upon you!

Noah Eaton

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TEXAS (it's all big)
7 posted 2002-01-09 03:14 PM

man that was good suthern thanks
Poet deVine
Member Seraphic
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Hurricane Alley
8 posted 2002-01-09 05:52 PM's a treat to read you Ruth. This is well done!
Ivy Rose
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9 posted 2002-01-09 06:42 PM

I love the Native American flavor of this poem. I hear the whispers of the spirits and the voice of the wind that echoes that of the Great Spirit. This poem reminded me of all of that and more. I LOVED IT!!!!

****Ivy Rose

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10 posted 2002-01-09 06:45 PM

Very moving poem. I have other friends who are native americans, and they would love this. floria
Seymour Tabin
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Tamarac Fla
11 posted 2002-01-09 06:51 PM

The wind has been blowing generations, I'm glad you heard it. Lovely write. Sy

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Canada eh.
12 posted 2002-01-09 06:56 PM

WONDERFUL write....simply,....WONDERFUL !!

~* A dream is a wish your heart makes... *~

Bill Charles
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highways, & byways, for now
13 posted 2002-01-09 06:59 PM

suthern - loved this write. YOu do hold the spirits inside, and they are well...


Kit McCallum
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Ontario, Canada
14 posted 2002-01-09 07:46 PM

"I can't help but wonder
When spirits whisper my name
If my presence brings pride?"

Wonderful pondering in this piece Suthern!  I often think of the the past, the land ... titles passed down from person to person, rightfully in some cases, but I've seen cases of trickery in others. In my business I deal with mineral rights (like oil, gas, coal), surface rights, and all sorts of ownership and heirs issues. I am constantly amazed at how people have divided up the land for what what goes back for generations. So many don't even realize that they may only own the surface property, and not what actually lies below the surface. Many times people are surprised to find out that "Grampa" sold off the coal rights, or the oil and gas rights a long time ago.  It's pretty fascinating to go through the registry office and see the deeds. Some of the history is really interesting, especially when you go back to the incredible handwritten records from so many years ago. Sheesh, I'm rambling, lol ... thanks for the thought-filled read Suthern ... you got my mind going.  

Best wishes,

[This message has been edited by Kit McCallum (01-09-2002 07:47 PM).]

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Ft. Lauderdale, Fl USA
15 posted 2002-01-09 10:39 PM

Your presence will always bring pride, suthern girl. The past is what the past is....we move on and try to be sure that when our future generations look back on us, they will do so with pride
Member Empyrean
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Kapolei, Hawaii, USA
16 posted 2002-01-10 12:30 PM

Oh yes this was written with some thought and understanding...James
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Member Seraphic
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17 posted 2002-01-10 09:47 AM

Dear Poets - I'm overwhelmed and humbled by your kind and generous responses... and thank you very much!!  I grew up finding arrowheads and my finds were treasured immensely... but it was only as an adult that I started wondering about the previous occupants of the land I call home. My Dad's farm lies within the hunting ranges of the Jena Choctaw, but they came dangerously close to losing their very identity and have few records. And land title searches trace back only to the Louisiana Purchase... so I can only speculate, wonder... and listen. *S*

But even if the thoughts were tumbling around somewhere in my brain, this poem wouldn't exist without Marge Tindal. I read her incredible poem "Before the Tears" /pip/Forum53/HTML/000610.html and started typing a response... this poem was the result. *S* But she didn't just inspire it... she titled it and formatted it and enhanced it with an incredible picture... and then even posted it for me! *S* I can't thank her enough, but I can send her my sincere appreciation and abundant love... and I do. *S*

Many, many thanks to each of you for taking the time to read and respond... I fight the werk monster's clutches fiercely enough to know that time is a precious and limited commodity. *S* Believe me, your words have touched me deeply and are greatly appreciated. *S*

[This message has been edited by suthern (01-10-2002 09:53 AM).]

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Member Rara Avis
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The Shores of Alone
18 posted 2002-01-10 11:07 AM

I think this is a poem you should be proud of.

Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
19 posted 2002-01-10 11:36 AM

When the spirits move within you ...
they do so with the words of the ancients~

This is a wonderful work of the heart~
You just know that I felt it should be shared with all~
Thank you for letting me 'scramble this EGG'~
I love you~

~*The pen of the poet never runs out of ink, as long as we breathe.*~
       [email protected]                   

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Here, Now, Forever
20 posted 2002-01-10 11:53 AM

i guess you cant asses the future if youre living in the past, but i must say that it is ok to dwell in it for a while.. besides its what we learn from
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Boot+Kitty=Poetry in motion
21 posted 2002-01-10 11:58 AM

Belle - A terrific poem, with a really tricky format.  I enjoyed it very much.  As for having the poem posted for you, I can do that for you, too.  Just send me your password and I'll post everything you want. heh, the lil Belle will fall for this and then there'll be TWO kitty kickers in here!
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22 posted 2002-01-10 12:21 PM

Ruth--You are a poet!  This is fine, in it's depth of thought and form of words, a wonderful write!
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23 posted 2002-01-10 02:11 PM

ok, if anyone can bring me back around its you lady....and yep when the spirits whisper your name, they do so with pride
wonderful poem lady....good to see you posting again...even if marge helped you do so

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Member Patricius
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just out of reach
24 posted 2002-01-10 02:37 PM

Awesome !!!!! Chris

Life is not measured by breaths you take, but by moments that take your breath away.

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Listening to every heart
25 posted 2002-01-10 02:40 PM

I thought perhaps you had been studying under Marge's candle, the format was so "hers"...but it stands well the poem, and the poem the history...thank you for the research on this, for from such beginnings, rises awesome work....

and Lady, you are one awesome work...

Member Rara Avis
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Victoria Australia
26 posted 2002-01-11 07:11 AM

I knew this would be beautiful when I saw your name...but it is not beautiful...It is awesome. IWIHWT

Here in the midst of my lonely abyss, a single joy I find...your presence in my mind.  Unknown

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Member Seraphic
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27 posted 2002-01-11 10:10 AM

I will now go to the blackboard and serve my penance by writing 500 times

Marge is right.
Marge is right.
Why hesitate or argue?
Marge is always right!

(Of course... this is a virtual world... so I'll utilize my cut and paste options. *G*)

catalinamoon: Thank you... I am proud of it. *S* As a dear friend told me "if the spirits hadn't brought it to your heart it would remain unsaid"... I'm very proud they chose me for this gift. *S*

Eagle Scorpion: "Those who don't remember the past are doomed to repeat it" ... I hope we are learning. *S* Thank you for reading!

LJA: Thank you... I'm so glad you enjoyed! *S* As for your posting offer... It's true, I AM blonde... and I've been known to be too naive for my own good. *G* But I LOVE cats, sailor... I'll kick the kitty-kickers!!! LOL

Martie: I appreciate those kind words so very much... thank you! *S*

jellybeans: I'll do anything to keep you around, dear friend... even *gasp* post poems if that's what it takes! LOL Thank you so much!

Nightshade: Thank you! *S*

Sunshine: Her candles ARE made of magic, aren't they? *S* And yammean someone was complimenting me when they called me a real piece of work? Hmmm... I'll have to remember to thank them. *G* Thank you so much, Sunshiney One... I'm glad you like! *S*

Kethry: I don't think anyone has ever said that to me before... I am touched to the core of my being... and so very grateful. Thank you! *S*

And last but certainly not least... Thank you, Marge. *S* You can cook in my kitchen ANY time, dear lady... with my eternal gratitude. *S*

Larry C
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28 posted 2002-02-16 02:24 PM

No boot... but a *bump*
Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
29 posted 2002-02-18 07:45 PM

Tee-Hee !
A 'Grandma-is-RIGHT bumper upper !

AND it stands on the beauty of your spirited thoughts~

~*The pen of the poet never runs out of ink, as long as we breathe.*~
         [email protected]                    

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30 posted 2002-02-18 08:37 PM

Simply beautiful... I am researching my family history now and though have not found any Native Americans in the mixture of Scot, Irish, German and a spattering of what may be Portuguese, there is the continued whisper in the family lore that one of our great grandparents was Blackfoot or Apache or Choctaw (they can't seem to remember exactly what tribe!) From the cheekbones and dark eyes in this family I can believe it LOL - I noticed though, that the whisper used to be the shameful sort, as was typical then, but now has turned to pride and a fascination. Understanding must surely be around the bend, and your writing helps to bring it closer. Thank you for a wonderful piece of poetry!

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Member Seraphic
since 1999-07-29
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31 posted 2002-02-20 03:12 PM

Larry: Remembering the post that prompted your bump, I can only chuckle with chagrin... this really was written in 5 minutes. *G*

Marge: Thank you is insufficient... but I do thank you, dear lady... for the inspiration and the presentation. *S* And I love you too, beaming grandma... very much. *S*

icequeen: Those whispers have changed tone, haven't they? *S* Thank you so very much for your wonderful response... it it truly appreciated and has made my afternoon. *S*

passing shadows
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32 posted 2003-01-22 03:07 AM

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