Open Poetry #17 |
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Oh My Dearest Rebecca, I Miss You So |
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Robert William Gruhn Member
since 2001-11-06
Posts 168California, USA |
Oh my dearest Rebecca, I miss you so: Think about you everyday, Such a sweet spirit, Longing to hold you, Again someday, Yet He, Who gave you to me, Promised, He'll carry me back to you, When heaven is ready, When forever welcomes me, Back home, You were so gentle and compassionate, A love that flowed so dearly, Over my pain, My angel of mercy, Wouldn't hurt a fly, Much less another human, You're up there now, Looking through God's mind, At us wretches down here, So many living in fantasy, Of earth bound ignorance, Pretending, To know more than their Creator, How pathetic, They must truly seem to you, Reigning over the deaths of others, Proclaiming these terrible deeds as justified, Such a sorry lot, Staring into free will's mirror, Stepping on a baby's soul, As if it were a bug, Snuffing out its life, As if it means nothing, Well my loveliest one, I must go now, Soon the vial ones will be knocking, Pounding on the door of my thoughts, Proclaiming their innocence, Angry, Because I've spoken of what they've done, How dare I, Try to waken their consciences, Why couldn't I just have let well enough alone. |
© Copyright 2001 Robert William Gruhn - All Rights Reserved | |||
Mother_Earth Senior Member
since 2000-11-20
Posts 13701/2 year Texas & 1/2 year Michigan |
Robert, so sorry for your loss. Please remember all the good times and don't ponder on the bad. Talk to her and tell her how you feel and she will hear. Thanks for sharing. Hugs, ME |
Robert William Gruhn Member
since 2001-11-06
Posts 168California, USA |
You completely missed the points of my poem dear poetess, when I think of my dearest Rebecca, I have nothing but good thoughts, but when I think of the vile ones on this earth that abort unborn babies without a second thought of remorse, it truly sickens me, does it not you? Maybe you should go back and more carefully read my poem again! Robert |
Larry C![]()
since 2001-09-10
Posts 10286United States |
Sir Robert, Don't be too harsh on those who attempt to understand. Be harsh on those who don't even try. There is too much pain in the world and our hearts. The past is history and the future is a mystery, but today is a gift and that is why it is the present! |
Robert William Gruhn Member
since 2001-11-06
Posts 168California, USA |
Yes Larry, and there are so many here who do not even try to understand, but of course you do and Startime, and Mistletoe Angel, I am quite thankful for that! My thoughts seem to be in the form of some sort of leprosy to so many others here! Best regards, Robert |
Startime Member Ascendant
since 2000-10-03
Posts 5918Canada |
*sigh* Sir I wish the world was not as it well know my feelings on this. All we can do is to keep our faith and help encourage the good in the world to become stronger. My heart goes out to you for I understand your pain and anger very well. **big hugs** ![]() ![]() Love I leave with you whether it is in your life now or yet the essense of your dreams. |
Mistletoe Angel![]() ![]() ![]()
since 2000-12-17
Posts 32816Portland, Oregon |
![]() (tears fall down my cheeks) Oh, dearest brother, my heart cries out to you, for I know just how you feel and it breaks my heart to see so many living in fantasies and not worshipping the Love He gives us and taking it to the heart. (sad sigh) Rebecca will always love you, sweet brother, for your love and hers is forever true, and nothing can ever change that, for He promises you her love eternally! (sigh) Someday you will again meet her forever, but until then, always listen to your loving golden heart and always love yourself and spread your love to the world. Always be faithful for yourself, you can make a change, for you have brought the greatest gift of friendship to me a boy like me could ever dream of, and your love is destiend to touch many more. (big hugggssssssss) God Bless You, sweet brother, I hope I've helped you in any way, for we all love you so very much! (sigh) My heart is with you always, sweet Sir Robert! You have such a beautiful heart, sweet brother, thank you for sharing! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() May love and light always shine upon you! Love, Noah Eaton |
since 2000-05-31
Posts 3076PA |
Robert, I'm so sorry for your loss. I know how much it hurts to lose someone you love.. and how hard it can be around the holidays, Hugs to you.. take comfort with the people who do love you and always hold those treasured memories close. Hugs, Tara ![]() "My heart is like an open book, for the whole world to read" |
Mother_Earth Senior Member
since 2000-11-20
Posts 13701/2 year Texas & 1/2 year Michigan |
Excuse me, Robert. Sorry if we miss understood each other. I don't like abortion but can understand how it is a must in some cases. I can't be the judge on the decisions of others. I too mourn the loss of life in those who never had a chance to live. ME |
Robert William Gruhn Member
since 2001-11-06
Posts 168California, USA |
Excuse me, Robert. Sorry if we miss understood each other. I don't like abortion but can understand how it is a must in some cases. I can't be the judge on the decisions of others. I too mourn the loss of life in those who never had a chance to live. ME Excuse me, ME, do you also dislike murder?, because that is what we are talking about, so would you decline to be juror in the trial of a serial killer?, declining to be the judge of that scoundrel's decision to murder other human beings, respecting that killer's free will decision? And that killer's victims had maybe the opportunity to defend their lives, needless to say, an innocent defenseless baby has absolutely no chance to save their own life! I refuse to argue on this to any extent, because there is no room for argument, only pathetic excuses that hold no logic! Robert |
Titia Geertman Member Ascendant
since 2001-05-07
Posts 5182Netherlands |
Robert William Gruhn, Do you have any respect for people who are kind enough to answer to your poem???? Even if they, as you stated: completely missed the point???? This is not the way we treat people here in Open#. This is a friendly site. And as for your poem: You may have your own opinion on the matter, I respect that, but I ask in return that you treat those who answer your poem with respect too, even if their opinion is not the same as yours. They're entitled to have their own opinions. It's not nice to be harsh to anyone whom YOU think doesn't fully understand your writing(s), we can't read your mind you know. Titia A rose is a rose is a rose...I guess... Want to use the pics on my website? Just let me know. [This message has been edited by Titia Geertman (edited 12-15-2001).] |
since 1999-10-22
Posts 10463USA |
so sad ![]() |
Robert William Gruhn Member
since 2001-11-06
Posts 168California, USA |
The answer to your judgements on my comments to ME is the same as with her, if you believe that any person should have the right to make a personal decision to murder an innocent defenseless baby (human being)before that child is given the chance to take its first breath, then I have absolutely no respect for you either, if that ruffles your liberal feathers then that is too bad. Yes, this is sad, a very sad commentary on the lack of human compassion for these innocent ones, I will continue to write poems in defense of these little ones and will continue to respond negatively to comments that support the idea that one human being has the right to make a personal decision to kill a defenseless one, there is no self defense involved here, except in rare cases where the mother's life is threatened, that is the only situation that I agree that the mother has the right to terminate her pregnancy, that is my opinion and I will never change it, and as long as there is breath in my body I will never stop writing in defense of these innocent ones. Robert |
Titia Geertman Member Ascendant
since 2001-05-07
Posts 5182Netherlands |
Sir, even though I didn't express my own opinion about abortion, you judged me anyway: if I should..... As this is no discussionsite but a poetrysite and because I don't like your agressive tone, I won't reply to you here anymore. Titia A rose is a rose is a rose...I guess... Want to use the pics on my website? Just let me know. [This message has been edited by Titia Geertman (edited 12-15-2001).] |
Janet Marie Member Laureate
since 2000-01-22
Posts 18554 |
Mr. Gruhn said: quote: Mr. Gruhn, It is YOU who misses the's not your "thoughts" that are the reason "that so many here" dont respond to your work. It the fact that you DONT respond to virtually anyone elses work while you heavily post your own work expecting us to read you. Your numbers speak for themselves: Originating Posts: 140 total posts: 182 That says it all. You hardly even reply to the 2-3 people who do take the time to come read you daily. It's called returning the respect given. You were given a warm welcome and given the same respect all new poets are given...but it didnt take long for us to see you weren't going to reply to our work, so we stopped taking the time to read you. You can dice it and slice it how you like and you can try and make it be about the content of your poetry but that wont comes down to ego and lack of respect. The same kind of lack of respect you showed Mother Earth when she didn't reply to your poem the way you wanted. Her first reply in no way warranted that rude response from you. Considering how little you reply in here you should have been more gracious to someone who did read your work. THAT was what Titia was pointing out--another point you missed. Before you judge others and insult them publicly and make rude comments about the other poets in this forum...perhaps you should look at your own actions. |
Duncan Member Ascendant
since 2001-08-07
Posts 5455 |
It is beyond me how someone who claims to care so much about innocent life could speak to another person with the callous, self righteous, arrogant attitude you displayed towards Mother Earth. I had to laugh as you suggested she read again so as to better understand your poem. Now why in the world would she or any one else care to do that? This is the last time I will read or respond to anything you write...I just wish there was a way to do it now without giving you a 'bump'. |
Moonlight Angel New Member
since 2001-12-15
Posts 7 |
I do not see why you were being rude to ME, and if that is the way PIP people are, then I do not want anything to do with this site. I hope i find kinder people on this site then you, Robert. The poem was nice, your response to other people was not. |
Titia Geertman Member Ascendant
since 2001-05-07
Posts 5182Netherlands |
Thank you Janet Marie and thank you Duncan for speaking your mind for M.E. Moonlight Angel, welcome but please don't get the wrong impression of PIP, it's a very friendly sight. Mr. Gruhn is just an exeption (in his answers that is), that's all. Titia A rose is a rose is a rose...I guess... |
Robert William Gruhn Member
since 2001-11-06
Posts 168California, USA |
So, let the wolves gather 'round, they smell the blood of their prey, that useless human who doesn't respond in writing to their poetry, although he does read it, he writes his poetry for those who care to read it, if he wrote only for responses he would have left here long ago, as far egos go, as I've read and observed here at this site, there is this elitist circle of people here who constantly pump each other up and stroke each others egos, and give this over blown phony insincere welcome in the form of massive responses to the first poem a new visitor posts here, after that, it's all down hill from there for any new poet unless they play along with their little game, this is the oldest tactic in the book to make a poetry forum appear a warm and fuzzy place. As far as true constructive literary critique of the poetry posted here, it just doesn't exist, post "NICE" comments or responses, or get the hell out of here, the biggest threat given you is that they will not read your posted poetry ever again, let alone comment on it, how pathetic can you get? There have been a few poets here who have responded to my poems here on a consistent basis, and they have never attempted to pressure me into responding to their postings, this is how it should be, to attempt to legislate or coerce others into commenting on others poetry here with the threat of non-response is the really disgusting thing about what goes on here, I see a self-absorbed handful of elitists here who actually receive the brunt of the commentary here and most of it has got to be some of the most sickeningly ridiculous suck up stuff I've ever seen on the Internet. So you all go ahead with your little game, keep stroking each other, and give that major dose of insincere one-time stroke that you give to first poem poets here, I will continue to post my poetry at the dozens of other poetry forums on the web that do not require response to others poetry there, and many of them are much more successful than this site is in terms of real constructive literary criticism and true poetic community! Ciao, Robert |
RosePetal![]() ![]()
since 2001-08-26
Posts 2985South Florida |
Robert, First, I would like to say that your agressive tone is going to make you lose the few readers that you presently have. I, myself, have responded to a handful of your work and NOT ONCE have you EVER responded to mine. Basically it's as if you are saying that you are too good to respond to others. We encourage and support eachother here at PIP, and if anyone is self-absorbed it is YOU Rob! All you seem to care about is dumping your poems here and expect us to reply. I'm not trying to be rude to you, I am just expressing my thoughts in an upfront way so there is no misunderstanding. Now as far as abortion is concerned, I dont despise it. I feel it is a woman's choice to do with her body as she wishes. However, I don't think abortion should be used as a form of birth control like some women use it as. Well, there is my two pennies, don't spend it all in one place. [This message has been edited by RosePetal (edited 12-15-2001).] |
Member Rara Avis
since 1999-05-19
Posts 8669Michigan, US |
We don't force people to respond to others, but we do expect them to be fair to everyone. Posting five or ten poems every day pushes other poems to the bottom, and that's not fair. Expecting people to respect your opinions, while denying them respect for theirs, is also unfair. If you were looking for constructive criticism, it would have been more fair to look a little deeper - and realize you weren't even in the right forum. We like it when people try to be fair. We demand, however, that people respect all others. Obviously, Robert, you don't feel that you fit in very well with the philosophies of this site. I agree. Ciao, indeed. |
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