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Open Poetry #17
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Senior Member
since 2001-05-30
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across the land of dreams. In your heart, I'd always be.

0 posted 2001-12-02 07:35 PM

~*~ A cross a field of lilacs spread ~*~

Across a field of Lilacs spread
I saw you there
A lady so fair
A spirit full of love
Full of care

And there was my beginning
My breath started
And pray that my ending
Would be somewhere within you

Lilacs ..
With shades of purple
I gave you…
A bouquet of my own feelings
I handed you

You took them and walked away
And I stood wondering
If you knew what do they say

The purple lilacs in your hand
I pray that you understand
The words written on their
Every tiny petal
How these petals stir
And shiver
As they try to say
The message I enclosed in
them forever
The feelings my heart
Wants to send your way

Is a lofty color
But in Lilacs
The message it carries
Is softer than any other
It speaks
Of “the first warm stirrings of love”
That my heart is fluttering like a dove
The moment you came my way
And I lost all the powers to say

Gentle lady…
Fair maid…
Come across this field of lilacs spread
Acknowledge this love of me
Fluttering in its bed

Look at me….
And don’t walk heedlessly
Never turning back to see
The soul of me
Standing there
Stripped of its mystery
Waiting for every moment to share
Share it with you
As you are clad in this soft
Enchanting hue

As you carry those soft purple lilacs
In your arms
That they are in fact relics
Of  the soul
That gave them
And the secret confession
They tell
As they shiver
In their flowery cell

Look closely at them for a moment
And remember
The look in my eyes
As I handed them to you
The shivering of my hands
As they touched
The hand of you
And remember
The message
Of these lilacs
And their purple hue.

Thank you

© Copyright 2001 MyEnchanted_Melody - All Rights Reserved
Member Seraphic
since 1999-08-22
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1 posted 2001-12-02 07:45 PM

Beautiful presentation, MyEnchanted_Melody!
Member Empyrean
since 2001-08-14
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Canada eh.
2 posted 2001-12-02 08:10 PM

Lovely Melody.  Very nicely penned with a lovely pic as well.  Hugs, Nancy.

"A dream is a wish your heart makes..."

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Member Rara Avis
since 2000-06-03
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The Shores of Alone
3 posted 2001-12-02 08:19 PM

Melody, you have done a beautiful rendition here.
This part in particular stood out for me
As you carry those soft purple lilacs
In your arms
That they are in fact relics
Of  the soul
That gave them
And the secret confession
They tell
As they shiver
In their flowery cell"

You write so beautifully.

Senior Member
since 1999-11-27
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4 posted 2001-12-02 08:27 PM

This is a remarkable piece of work.  The presentation of this was lovely.
Senior Member
since 2000-03-08
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Here, Now, Forever
5 posted 2001-12-02 09:16 PM

the wonderful way this piece of art was presented does the poem much justice...

Lone Wolf
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since 2000-03-16
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Lansing, MI USA
6 posted 2001-12-02 09:18 PM

What a lovely write, Melody.  Very well done.  

All writing comes
by the grace of God.
-Ralph Waldo Emerson

Mistletoe Angel
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Portland, Oregon
7 posted 2001-12-02 09:26 PM

(sigh) Oh my gosh, this is soooooooo beautiful! I love it!!! Romance fills every breeze and color of this poem! You are sooooooo romantic, sweet friend! (kiss on cheek) I love it!!! You have such a beautiful heart, sweet friend, thank you for sharing!

May love and light always shine upon you!

Noah Eaton

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since 2001-06-13
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8 posted 2001-12-03 05:25 AM

Hi there my dear MEM......

an amazing piece of art that it is friend

I haven't had so much time to express the real joy I have been since the very beginnig when ur imaginary lines captured my whole senses....

each time I breathe ur ink which reflects ur outstanding soul,I gain that sort of  feeling which says.....MEM ur such incredible  poet which I'll always love and  be proud of......

MEM my dear and close pal,  keep up the good work and don't ever let ur pen disappear
Senior Member
since 2001-05-30
Posts 1106
across the land of dreams. In your heart, I'd always be.
9 posted 2001-12-03 02:31 PM


Thank you..



Thank you for your kind words..
Love & {{Hugs}}


Dearest..I'm so glad that you loved it.

Thank you for your sweet words.



Thank you

I"m thrilled that you have enjoyed it..



I'm glad that you loved both the poem and the presentation.


~Lone Wolf~

Thank you soooo dearly sweet friend


You are surely a sweet guy...and a sweet dear friend..

Thank you soooo much and here is a kiss on your cheek..


My dear friend...
I don't know how to thank you for your ever sweet encouraging words.....

God bless you....

Thank you

Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
10 posted 2001-12-03 07:56 PM

Postitively awesome sentiments displayed here~
WOW, gal .... I'm impressed with this inspire of sheer beauty~
Thank you soooooo much for joining in with such a gorgeous piece~

~*The pen of the poet never runs out of ink, as long as we breathe.*~
     [email protected]                

Member Rara Avis
since 2001-09-23
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On A Journey To The Unknown
11 posted 2001-12-03 09:15 PM

This is so beautiful! And the picture is too.

Senior Member
since 2001-05-30
Posts 1106
across the land of dreams. In your heart, I'd always be.
12 posted 2001-12-04 03:02 PM


Dearest and sweetest friend..

Wow....I'm so very glad that you loved it...

And million thanks to You for the wonerful challange...


~Smart Chick~

Thank you so much for reading it..


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13 posted 2001-12-12 09:06 PM

since 2001-12-03
Posts 54
Pacific Northwest, U.S.A.
14 posted 2001-12-12 11:04 PM

This is so very beautiful...I am speechless as to its lovliness...WOW  


Member Elite
since 1999-08-31
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Oregon, Originally From Alaska :)
15 posted 2001-12-12 11:31 PM

Very pretty piece....I love the picture too!!!! All quite lovely!!!!  



"Somewhere, somehow, it should be possible to touch someone and never let go again.  To hold someone, not for a moment but forever." Unknown

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Member Seraphic
since 2000-01-18
Posts 22676
with you
16 posted 2001-12-12 11:36 PM

"Look at me….
And don’t walk heedlessly
Never turning back to see
The soul of me
Standing there
Stripped of its mystery
Waiting for every moment to share
Share it with you
As you are clad in this soft
Enchanting hue"

all style and elegance here   loved this  

Titia Geertman
Member Ascendant
since 2001-05-07
Posts 5182
17 posted 2001-12-13 07:05 AM

Hai MyEnchanted_Melody

I missed yours before, but congratulations to you.

You wrote a true lovely poem.


A rose is a rose is a rose...I guess...
Want to use the pics on my website? Just let me know.

Earth Angel
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Realms of Light
18 posted 2005-07-05 11:52 PM

A peek into the past! Thanks for the link to this poem. Lilacs are my favourite flowers and this poem was simply gorgeous!


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