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Member Elite
since 2000-02-29
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0 posted 2001-11-30 08:05 AM

Alone, in hues of gold
Where flames reach
with blue streaks
from logs piled in random
burning wedge and square

I delve the spirits of ale,
wondering why time
should be so unkind

Flicking match
I light a candle for you ,
as if you are truly here

Empty words spill
from cup of lip to fall and stain,
drying in seasoned exposure
to the heat from flames, now kindled
in flickering tongues

I would see the phrases
from ashes rise
as tipping mug of amber brew
I toast the specter of you
and watch as candle drips
its melted form

Hushing the smoke
in ancient stirs of private laughter
Swirling in a bouquet of scenes
we once shared

with windows lashed
open in passion's heat
Even in the frigid bite of drizzling rain

Now, so dreading am I, in prelude of winter

Yet, once again
I feel the tender fingers of your hand
touch in gentle passing brush
this heated brow

How long had it been?

I stumble in fevered thought
lying with eyes closed
begging for dreams
this fever would pass
and healed I could rise

If not for tempered steel
when last, I saw your eyes

Keeping sound, the strength in your stance
you tripped the light from my soul
and kissed me forever, good-bye

Why did I lie?

I wish time forward or back
to lapsing moments
beguiling my breath
in restless sighs

"Candles may never burn in my heart for you!"

My foolish lips now scorch in pain from words
so deeply insane

For I know, in this very night
with millions of matches spent
in relentless hope, that you
may seek the flame

Knocking once more, at my door
Lest I shall grow old, in alone
and blaze our memory down around me

I douse with draft of ale
the raging fires inside

Thank you~ to a secret poet I greatly admire! You are wonderful.

[This message has been edited by rwood (edited 11-30-2001).]

© Copyright 2001 Regina Wood - All Rights Reserved
Irish Rose
Member Patricius
since 2000-04-06
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1 posted 2001-11-30 08:24 AM

Regina, take a bow!  This is glorious!

Kathleen (Kay)
"When red-haired girls scamper like roses over the rain-green grass, and the sun drips honey."
Laurie Lee

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In a corporeal internship...
2 posted 2001-11-30 08:45 AM

Subjectively, this is the strongest poem of yours I have read yet.  It encapsulates an apogee of imagery, emotion, and soul through an expression which can be savoured time and again.  I am completely impressed!!


"Your focus determines your reality." --Qui-Gon from The Phantom Menace

Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
3 posted 2001-11-30 08:46 AM

What a lovely, lovely stirring of the embers~

'Yet, once again
I feel the tender fingers of your hand
touch in gentle passing brush
this heated brow'

Beautifully done sweet lady~

~*The pen of the poet never runs out of ink, as long as we breathe.*~
     [email protected]                

Mistletoe Angel
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Portland, Oregon
4 posted 2001-11-30 08:52 AM

BRAVO!!! I LOVE IT!!! YOUR WORDS ARE ALWAYS SO WONDERFUL AND EXCITING TO READ!!! Your special friend will love this so very much! (kiss on cheek) We all love you, sweet Regina! You have such a beautiful heart, sweet friend, thank you for sharing!

May love and light always shine upon you!

Noah Eaton

Seymour Tabin
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Tamarac Fla
5 posted 2001-11-30 08:57 AM

You have impressed me too. But then you always have. *L*

Member Elite
since 2001-06-17
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6 posted 2001-11-30 09:07 AM

What a fortunate subject to be the object of your talent. You are a gift.
Deputy Moderator 1 Tour
Member Rara Avis
since 2000-06-03
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The Shores of Alone
7 posted 2001-11-30 09:42 AM

Wow, Regina, you stun me with this one.
I feel so many things reading it. Your writing just gets better and better (unbelievable,as how could such beauty  mprove?)

Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-25
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Listening to every heart
8 posted 2001-11-30 09:55 AM

A wonderful tribute, and a great photo, too!

since 2001-10-24
Posts 146

9 posted 2001-11-30 11:06 AM

A beautiful stirring of passion.  Thank you.
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since 1999-11-23
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East Lansing, MI USA
10 posted 2001-11-30 12:32 PM

I can see them Regina. . . lining up in chorus. . . singing to the poet. . .

wonderfully done. . . the candle sought. . .


To the world, you may only be one person. But to one person, you may be the world.

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By the sea
11 posted 2001-11-30 01:28 PM

Such a nice tribute, Regina, lovingly written.    This man would be very honored, I'm sure. (((hugs)))


Michael Auguste~
There is more depth to the heart than the mind can comprehend and it only has boundaries when we choose to fence it in.  

A Whisper's Caress
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on the horizon of a fairytale
12 posted 2001-11-30 02:56 PM

so so well done.

ever deep...runs
the wishing well
for fairytale illusions

Janet Marie
Member Laureate
since 2000-01-22
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13 posted 2001-11-30 03:56 PM

Empty words spill
from cup of lip to fall and stain,
drying in seasoned exposure
to the heat from flames, now kindled
in flickering tongues

I would see the phrases
from ashes rise
as tipping mug of amber brew
I toast the specter of you
and watch as candle drips
its melted form

Hushing the smoke
in ancient stirs of private laughter
Swirling in a bouquet of scenes
we once shared

with windows lashed
open in passion's heat
Even in the frigid bite of drizzling rain

Now, so dreading am I, in prelude of winter

Yet, once again
I feel the tender fingers of your hand
touch in gentle passing brush
this heated brow

Thats SOME muse ya got there  WHEW
this is superb writing...
the imagery is outstanding and the intensity is pure poetry.
very very cool write Regina...VERY  

he said ... "dont cry" ...
said "it only hurts forever ... and all we have is time."

~Tabitha's Secret~

Member Empyrean
since 2001-08-14
Posts 35113
Canada eh.
14 posted 2001-11-30 04:33 PM

Regina...THIS is poetry!  Exquisite!  hugs, Nancy.

"A dream is a wish your heart makes..."

Larry C
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United States
15 posted 2001-11-30 04:49 PM

Incredible! I can see how I rate... Not that I would ever be jealous!

Member Elite
since 2000-02-29
Posts 3793
16 posted 2001-11-30 08:27 PM

Kay: ~Great Hugs! I'm so delighted you enjoyed a great musing today!

Mark: I completely thank you! As the depth was very much a genuine first of its kind. ~Sincerely...I hope for more of this muse.

Marge: Thrilled for you to visit me and this piece. Your thoughts are deeply appreciated.

Noah: I do really feel loved in here and you are a special sparkle in my smile! I hope so Noah! Love and Hugs!

Seymour: Then I shall be so honored to know it in my heart and hope I never disappoint you!~Hugs!

Richard: As I would love to not correct you, because you are such a man of truth..I am the fortunate one...and you have gifted me this eve!

Sandra: I only wish you knew how much you inspire me every time you leave your thoughts. This was something special that I can only hope will continue..I don't want to lose the muse. Sincerest warmth and thanks!!!

Sunshine: Thank you for shining a light on this verse. So glad you approved. And for your sweet compliment. Many hugs!

Texasrose: Thank you for that! It's so nice to stir things up every once in a while!  

Sven: You see so deeply! I wish I had your glorious vision and depth...I have to try..yours is natural!

Michael: I hope so!!!!   So glad you stopped in! ~Smile at you tonight~  

AWC: big Hugs and smiles! Thank you so much!!!

Janet: Some muse indeed! So wonderful of you to say so and so glad you enjoyed this. From my heart to yours! Hugs!

Nancy: You are such a kind and wonderful lady!!! I'd say your muse has been flowing I have read so! Hugs!

Larry: Dear sweet are my most A~Musing poet. I hold you precious!


It's all in the mind
Except for what's in the heart.

Robert A
since 2001-10-29
Posts 174

17 posted 2001-12-06 11:01 AM

Gentle Spirit
Member Patricius
since 2000-10-09
Posts 13989

18 posted 2001-12-06 11:34 AM

Your muses are wonderful!  Dear somh~ just one question?  Can I borrow at least one just for a lil while?  Luv ya hon!

On the wings of words our spirits fly....and our souls are free.

(I could have missed the pain, but I'd have had to miss the dance~Garth)

True Reflections
since 2001-12-04
Posts 143
Ohio, USA
19 posted 2001-12-06 11:47 AM

I usually have a tough time reading and comprehending non-rhyming poetry because my mind is always looking for the rhyme. This blew that away better than any poem I've read in free verse. You've shaken my snowglobe of poetic comfort. Sigh....


Member Ascendant
since 2000-10-03
Posts 5918
20 posted 2001-12-06 11:55 AM

*sigh* talent drips from the pen that wrote these words as your heart listened to your muse and it thrilled to inspire you with the glory of this poem. Absolutely stunning. I am left in awe. **Hugs**

Love I leave with you whether it is in your life now or yet the essense of your dreams.

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