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Member Elite
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0 posted 2001-10-27 03:36 PM


(Copyright 2001 by: MARK V SHELDON)

When did you learn to become so mean?
Was it in Kindergarten
and the older kid taught you how to
hurt others by hitting you?
Or was it when the teacher
embarrassed you in front of your peers,
pushing you further away
from respecting adults?
Did your parents unknowingly show you
how to yell
at those close to you
by screaming at each other,
or are you too
seduced by your own voice?

Did television convince you that
ambivalence towards women
would bring you their love?
Or was it your older brother
whose shopping list of females
spoke for itself?

When did your heart atrophy -- the same time that
she became a trophy?
Or when the game of life began
to bore you
so you found stimulation in
playing with people,
tumbling their emotions
with a pair of
snake eyes
and spinning their hearts
like Russian Roulette?

Are you rolling high
when you play another number?

Her number?

Does it all add up?
Any minus side to it?
How about when the one that counts
is permanently out of the equation
because your logic is faulty?
Sometimes, number one can become a




the only remainders being
a formula that stopped working
because she put two and two together and

canceled you out.

They are, afterall, your rules --
You always said that
it's all a numbers game...

"Learn to let go of fear, doubt, and disbelief..."  --THE MATRIX

© Copyright 2001 Mark V Sheldon - All Rights Reserved
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Kapolei, Hawaii, USA
1 posted 2001-10-27 03:47 PM

Yes Mark somehow I think we do develop certain parts of our personality in kindergarten...or is it third these young ages we are highly impressionable...James
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2 posted 2001-10-27 03:54 PM

"One is the lonliest number" lyrics came to mind when I read this.

I was never good in math. I don't like math games, but even worse, are people games. Friendly mutual jesting and jousting (playfully) aside, intentionally hurting other humans is not anything worthy of any kind of trophy.
Well said, Mark.

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Member Rara Avis
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The Shores of Alone
3 posted 2001-10-27 04:07 PM

Mark, I think you said some important things here, I wish I wasn't so familiar with the attitude spoken of.

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4 posted 2001-10-27 04:10 PM

Right on Mark! guys (and girls) who are Players end up getting beat at their own game. I was always horrible at algebra, I was better at geometry, hehe.


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across the land of dreams. In your heart, I'd always be.
5 posted 2001-10-27 04:20 PM

Such a voice you have here......
Full of bitterness, anger and seeing right through....

It has such a striking tone....

thank you my friend

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Canada eh.
6 posted 2001-10-27 04:22 PM

Very well spoken Mark!

  ~Time has cast a spell on you,
So that you won't ever forget me.~

Member Elite
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7 posted 2001-10-27 04:23 PM

Yeah, James -- it's always amazing how little kids, regardless of ethnicity and sex can get along so well and happily together...  Adults have so much unlearning to do.

Midnitesun:  I hear you.  If only more people did...

Sandra:  This was in great part inspired by your writings of late.  I'm glad you were able to read it though I am sorry you've found yourself on the receiving end of such a fool...

R.P.:  Indeed they do...  Although I have the highest respect for math, I admit I don't miss it.    Thanks for the read & reply.


"Learn to let go of fear, doubt, and disbelief..."  --THE MATRIX

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8 posted 2001-10-27 04:27 PM

My Melody:  ...not so much anger as contempt.  I've seen and heard too many women who were victims to such "players" that I am simply sickened by the mentality of such people and felt inspired to express it.  Perhaps it'll plant a positive seed into such a mind before the manipulation begins again...

Nancy, I'm glad you thought so.  Thank you.


"Learn to let go of fear, doubt, and disbelief..."  --THE MATRIX

Member Ascendant
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9 posted 2001-10-27 04:55 PM

How does one express gratitude for words that have touched the heart? You spoke for those too hurt to speak for themselves and you did it with power and force that shows your contempt for the games that are played with the hearts of so many. *sigh* with tears in my eyes I say thank you.

Love I leave with you whether it is in your life now or yet the essense of your dreams.

[This message has been edited by Startime (edited 10-27-2001).]

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In a corporeal internship...
10 posted 2001-10-27 05:23 PM

Karen:  you just did.  I am very moved by the thought that this touched you.  I am also proud to speak my mind.  Thank you for your emotive comment and read.


"Learn to let go of fear, doubt, and disbelief..."  --THE MATRIX

Mistletoe Angel
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11 posted 2001-10-27 06:05 PM

(big hugggssssss) Oh my gosh, it hurts my heart so very much to see how young innocent children are hurt deeply by peer pressure and how it affects them so deeply and motivates them to follow in their footsteps! (sad sigh) My heart goes out to them too, and your loving compassionate words shine from your golden heart and glows with the remedy of how we can reach out to help! (sigh) God Bless You, dearest friend! You have such a beautiful heart, sweet Mark, thank you for sharing!

May love and light always shine upon you!

Noah Eaton

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Member Rara Avis
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The Shores of Alone
12 posted 2001-10-27 09:10 PM

Thanks Mark, for what you said, in the poem, and in your response. Nice to know all men are not the same.

The Rusty Knight
since 2001-08-29
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13 posted 2001-10-27 09:36 PM

Good one Mark.  It must start at an early age or maybe it is born in some people.

Death comes not when we cease to breathe, but when we cease to dream.

Senior Member
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14 posted 2001-10-28 01:22 AM

"playing with people,
tumbling their emotions
with a pair of
snake eyes
and spinning their hearts
like Russian Roulette?"

What powerful imagery you've employed here is such a detestable thing for people to use others as pawns in some cheap thrill game.  A great write, with a message that needs to be heard.


Your beautiful words & creativity allow me to connect with the same in myself.  
Thank you for having the courage to share yourself so that I can too

Member Elite
since 2001-06-21
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In a corporeal internship...
15 posted 2001-10-28 11:40 AM

Thank you, Noah -- may you always remain happy and sincere.

Sandra, you are very welcome, and no, all men are not created equally, unfortunately, though they all have the potential somewhere deep inside them...

The Rusty Knight, thank you...  It must occur at some early age, my guess IS Kindergarten;  maybe even pre-school, when kids begin to learn how to become selfish and fearful and begin to shed their beauty, one layer at a time...  (I don't want to believe that they're born that way -- then, there really is no hope.)

Thank you, Krista -- a ripple has to start somewhere...


"Learn to let go of fear, doubt, and disbelief..."  --THE MATRIX

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