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Janet Marie
Member Laureate
since 2000-01-22
Posts 18554

0 posted 2001-07-27 10:02 AM

~Night Reverie~

Twilight walks the land in silent hush,
tentacles of darkness creep up without rush.
Warm breath of gray wraps so tenderly,
crickets tune for the nightly symphony.
Small tree frogs of green croak for rain,
as the hot summer night begins again.

Shooting stars fall in a fiery cascade,
as the orange embered sun's memory fades.
The silver etched moon makes its nightly rise,
Heaven's lighthouse glowing across ebony skies.
A summers mist curtain drapes across the lake,
as emerald raindrops shimmer, the night fairies awake.

Magical night of dancing rings, and fairy things,
night's breeze sigh of woodland kings and queens.
Darken tree limbs move in gentle prance
hares and hinds lead the forest into a dance.
Ghostly wings add their own whispered tune
as the mist takes its leave to reveal the moon.

Luna's beams reflect on the lake in sparkling glisten,
butterfly fairies sing lullabies, the forest falls silent to listen.
Winged children of the night gather awaiting mystic winds,
for now they play, before the dawn's arrival they will ascend.
In scampering frolic on the forest's leafy, feathered, floor,
in innocent reverie they discover the magic the night has in store.

As half the world sleeps, this innocent world holds its keep,
embracing night in splendor's reap, the forest keeps its secret deep.
If only all could know, what begins when night wind blows,
the tiny light of fireflies slows, the stage of life in its glows.
Silvery moon is now on high with its smiling face in the sky,
the tender songs, sweet matching cries, rival dancers daring tries.

To those who won't believe in the magic of fairies at play,
witness with wonderment before night gives way to day.
There is purpose in the nightly rituals of their quested toil and toll,
promising the earth's rebirth, summons the seasons of their vested goal.
To bestow a kiss of bliss upon each petal with morns mystical dew,
ensuring each and every blossom bursts in blessed blooming renew.

As the new day's dawn arrives ... they take silent flight with mornings light ...
with the return of eve's twilight, they will again dance in the reverie of night.

~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~

** thank you so much Logan ...
for the invitation, pleasure, and honor of writing with you.
Most of all thank you for indulging my moody muse.      

only you could give love that satisfies the soul...
see the darkness of my heart and still won't let me go.

[This message has been edited by Janet Marie (edited 07-27-2001).]

© Copyright 2001 Janet Marie - All Rights Reserved
Senior Member
since 2001-05-11
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1 posted 2001-07-27 10:04 AM

There are many who are going to applaud this collaboration...

let me be one of the very first!

Member Elite
since 2001-06-17
Posts 2533

2 posted 2001-07-27 10:11 AM

Would that I could pen such imagination, for surely there's a feel of emancipation, It seems my world's of concrete, glass and steel and forever closing up another deal. Enjoyed the respite.

"Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to decieve"

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Member Seraphic
since 2000-01-18
Posts 22676
with you
3 posted 2001-07-27 10:18 AM

Janet and Logan....I don't know what to say....this is SO beautiful   such a soft magical, you two write wonderfully together. I hope to see more....I loved this   and I plan on keeping it!  
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Member Seraphic
since 2000-01-18
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with you
4 posted 2001-07-27 10:40 AM

back again...sorry, this is gorgeous....
"As half the world sleeps, this innocent world holds its keep,
embracing night in splendor's reap, the forest keeps its secret deep.
If only all could know, what begins when night wind blows,
the tiny light of fireflies slows, the stage of life in its glows.
Silvery moon is now on high with its smiling face in the sky,
the tender songs, sweet match cries, rival dancers daring tries."
I can see this in a book....with exquisite pictures of faries dancing in moonlight....
your combined talents shine so bright here....I truly hope you do another like this one.....

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since 2001-02-04
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5 posted 2001-07-27 10:47 AM

I have to echo SEA...this is incredible.  Thanks to both of you for the morning surprise!
Member Empyrean
since 1999-09-21
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6 posted 2001-07-27 11:30 AM

Logan and Janet Marie--This is a magic recipe of word delight...just loved it!!!!!
Member Elite
since 2000-01-06
Posts 3129
7 posted 2001-07-27 11:48 AM

Well, I must say this is a beautiful piece.

Well, I do believe in magical little Fairies at play.. Bravo on this you two...  


Seymour Tabin
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Tamarac Fla
8 posted 2001-07-27 12:14 PM

JM & Logan,
You have created a Seurat painting with words. Illustrated with points and hues of magic color. Beautifully done.

Senior Member
since 2001-06-20
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where the sky and horizon meet
9 posted 2001-07-27 12:23 PM

Oh I do so love nighttime magic!  And you two have created such a magical scene    I love it!  A wonderful collaboration  you two  

"Poetry and Hums aren't things which you get, they're things which get you.
And all you can do is to go where they can find you."
~Winnie the Pooh

Member Ascendant
since 1999-12-26
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Ontario, CANADA
10 posted 2001-07-27 12:25 PM

Janet Marie and Logan~

This is an exquistely enchanting duet, it should be in a children's book, it's a keeper for sure


Member Elite
since 2001-06-21
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In a corporeal internship...
11 posted 2001-07-27 06:47 PM

If Felix Mendelsohn were alive, he would score this.  If I had the time, so would I, but for now, I can hear the orchestral tones and melodies in my head as I read this amazing description.  Ethereal and effervescent.  Most magical, you two.


"When you tell the Truth, you never have to remember what you just said."
--Del Casher

Member Rara Avis
since 2000-07-25
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Somewhere... out there...
12 posted 2001-07-27 06:54 PM

Janet Marie & Logan-
   Wow!  This is absolutely gorgeous!  
   You write so beautifully together.
   I hope this won't be the last collaboration
   we see from you two.
   I love it!  


"...until you have read the verse on his
heart, you have not truely met the poet."

Member Ascendant
since 1999-10-28
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state of confusion
13 posted 2001-07-27 07:26 PM

Beautiful, beautiful!


Member Elite
since 2000-09-16
Posts 2061
14 posted 2001-07-27 07:31 PM

'Twilight walks the land in silent hush,
tentacles of darkness creep up without rush.
Warm breath of gray wraps so tenderly,
crickets tune for the nightly symphony.
Small tree frogs of green croak for rain,
as the hot summer night begins again.

Shooting stars fall in a fiery cascade,
as the orange embered sun's memory fades.
The silver etched moon makes its nightly rise,
Heaven's lighthouse glowing across ebony skies.
A summers mist curtain drapes across the lake,
as emerald raindrops shimmer, the night fairies awake.'

The beauty of this is just breathtaking, guys...what a pair!  I am a sucker for color imagery, and you've mastered it here, for sure...incredible write, my friends...awesome pics, too!  Job VERY VERY well done...


it was love that first drew me,
it is love that will keep me here...
now I see love burning brightly
when everything else is unclear...

Member Elite
since 2000-08-09
Posts 3092
15 posted 2001-07-27 07:46 PM

JM & Logan~ This is magical perfection. Every line is captivating.
ENCORE ENCORE, please!  


Mark Bohannan
Member Rara Avis
since 2000-06-21
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In the winds of Cherokee song
16 posted 2001-07-27 08:05 PM

Now you two make a wonderful team. The imagery along with the rhyme works beautifully, the cadence is as magical as the poem itself and of course a journey into a realm that we all would love to be able to see was a real treat indeed.  Heck, I don't even mind that JM blew me off to write with you Logan.  I can understand why.     Sorry JM, you knew that I would say something to rub it in didn't ya?  LOL

Again, this was superb writing from both of you.

Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
17 posted 2001-07-27 08:33 PM

JanetMarie And Logan~
My stars !  This is sooooooooo lovely !
The spirits joined such lovely thoughts in this piece.
Absolutely exquisite~
LOL @ MarkB~

~*The pen of the poet never runs out of ink, as long as we breathe.*~
                                 [email protected]              

Gentle Spirit
Member Patricius
since 2000-10-09
Posts 13989

18 posted 2001-07-27 09:10 PM

Excuse the expression please, but DAMN this is exquisite!!  Now the only question left is when ya'll gonna teach me how to write like this???   This is simply one of THE most beautiful writings I have had the honor to read.  What would this place be like without you two??  Thank goodness we don't have to find out!!  Hugs to you both madamne poetess JM and sir poet Logan!!

On the wings of words our spirits fly....and our souls are free.

(I could have missed the pain, but I'd have had to miss the dance~Garth)

Senior Member
since 2001-06-21
Posts 636
19 posted 2001-07-27 09:28 PM

I love it. It's beautifully written and magical.

Throw your heart out in front of you
And run out to catch it.

Senior Member
since 2001-05-28
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20 posted 2001-07-27 09:57 PM

Okay,wonderful people, this may not be the proper way to do it, but this is the only chance I will have to thank each and every one for your wonderful replies..and I want to set the record right on the title, the imagery, of course, Janet Marie did all of that, and very well indeed..I could not have come close with the parts I did without the inspiration of the lines that she set forth with such...ahh, geez, Janet Marie, you are wonderful...very very gentle and tender smile to a marvelous poetess with my great thanks and a humbleness to be able to duet with you
Member Elite
since 2000-03-06
Posts 3733
21 posted 2001-07-28 07:38 AM

Ohhhhhhhhh my butterfly baby...and Mr. Logan
This is wrapped with fairey dust and moon
glow, soooooo beautiful...a moment in time
to get lost in.  Now....lets see where else
that moody muse will be taken are a
brave man  
Your styles complimented eachother well and
left a poem that flowed with ease and grace~

Member Elite
since 2000-02-29
Posts 3793
22 posted 2001-07-28 08:05 AM

Gosh....Let's see, the only word I can think of is....PUBLISH! Yes that's it. What parent would not love to read this to their child at night, lulling them sleepy with such soothing words of magic. Or even reading to myself each night in beautiful, dreamy illustration! I believe you have some takers here!

Janet Marie
Member Laureate
since 2000-01-22
Posts 18554

23 posted 2001-07-28 01:17 PM

Thank you all very very much for these wonderful replies...and as you can see by his reply my partner in rhyme for this is MUCH to humble and generous...
Logan that honor runs both ways and this poems inspire and credit is yours.
It was your first verse that set the tone and allowed the poem to find its direction,
I thank you for your gracious and kind reply,
gentle poet of the fire.

Thank you all, and I look forward to writing with Logan again.
peace and poetry

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Member Laureate
since 2001-03-07
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British Columbia, Canada
24 posted 2001-07-28 10:58 PM

Late again!  I don't think I have to tell you how special this is you two, I printed it, read it to one of the worst critics I know, my Granddaughter, and she wanted more!  And so do I, when is th next one?  This is the way fantasy is supposed to be - leave you smiling with a sense that you have been part of something quite magical!  Well done both of you, and I must say you are naturals writing together, so let's have another?

~ Give the heavens above more than just a passing glance ~And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance ~ I hope you dance. (Lee Ann Womack)

Senior Member
since 2001-02-19
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Under the stars upon the wind
25 posted 2001-07-28 11:42 PM

Great job you two..
I feel as if I can't say anything
that hasn't already been said.
It is simply beautiful!

Freedom is not Free (Korean War memorial)

Member Empyrean
since 2001-08-14
Posts 35113
Canada eh.
26 posted 2001-08-22 04:12 PM

Wishing you both the 'glistening things',
-moonbeams, starlight, and fireflies' wings..... This write is incredibly delightful! Congrats to the two of you and hope to see you create together again soon!

Magical Hugs, Nancy Lee.

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Member Laureate
since 2001-03-07
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British Columbia, Canada
27 posted 2001-08-23 01:36 AM

I am back, I felt like a bedtime story, and wanted to see the pictures in color with it. I know I have a printed copy but this is so damn good, I figured some others might want a bedtime story too.  Man, you two are dynamic when you lock words, pleeaassee do another one?


since 2001-07-10
Posts 288
28 posted 2001-08-23 11:18 AM

What a mystical collaboration of dancing beauty. It was like turning on a video of action and profound imagery. I echo all that was said before me... (sorry for the tardiness) I stand and applaud   with much appreciation and awe. Love and peace   Maggie ((~.~))

Senior Member
since 2000-04-05
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North Carolina
29 posted 2001-08-23 11:26 AM

JM and Logan this is so magical, and dreamy,
it lures you into a magical place, I agree this is a fairy tale worthy to be published simply fantastic.

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Member Laureate
since 2001-03-07
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British Columbia, Canada
30 posted 2001-08-24 02:49 PM

Back for seconds!  My daughter in law and granddaugther are here and we are reading some of the fine work at Passions, and Brenda says to tell you to write a children's storybook  

~*If you can't say anything nice about someone, don't say anything at all*~ hmmm...they were smart whomever said that!

Janet Marie
Member Laureate
since 2000-01-22
Posts 18554

31 posted 2001-08-25 09:47 PM

THANK YOU everyone for such wonderful and delightful replies to this...
and to Mysteria...thank you for sharing this with your friends and family...
and for coming back so many time  
Thank you again to Logan for sharing your inspiration with me
thanks all...very very much.

Feels like Im dancin with truth and wisdom
Precious rhythm you are my guide
These days are sacred, my heart is humble
Oh warrior show me thy light

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