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Member Empyrean
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0 posted 2001-07-12 06:05 PM

The Compromise

All around the roses grew,
their petals open and breathing bees,
the path zigzagged through
to him, benched under a tree.

He knew she was there
and patted the place
where friendship held the chair,
though he was curtained
by layers of cascading doubts.

He laughed at her belief
in crossing barriers,
but some of the obstacles he built,
he released
so they could sit together
feeling the naked boards beneath their words,
wondering at the way the other thought,
for the meaning was all wrapped up
in little packages that lay at their feet.

While they sat together contemplating
what to do with all this treasure,
they learned something about each other,
for she was want to tear them open
and he to take his time.

So they sit on friendship’s bench
with time ticking the roses closed,
while she learns patience
and he learns to trust.

[This message has been edited by Martie (edited 07-12-2001).]

© Copyright 2001 Martie Odell Ingebretsen - All Rights Reserved
Member Elite
since 2000-06-14
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1 posted 2001-07-12 06:18 PM

This is a wonderful poem.  Full of personifications of human emotion wrapped up in those little packages lying about their feet.  You've caught a real good photograph of humanity with this poem.  In my opinion,  they must be in love to demonstrate such compromise for each other's feelings.  Very nice.  -Bob
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2 posted 2001-07-12 06:22 PM

Hopefully when ready they will meet in the middle...enjoyed!
Member Elite
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In a corporeal internship...
3 posted 2001-07-12 06:45 PM

Martie:  a very wise insight told through a fairytale-like setting and manner.  A unique feel to this story -- one which presents the message without imposing it...  Very artistically done!  (BTW:  did you mean to use the word "threw" instead of "through" in the line "the path zigzagged threw"?)


"If you think you know it all, you have a lot to learn."

"Everyone can hear;  few can listen."

[This message has been edited by MARK V SHELDON (edited 07-12-2001).]

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4 posted 2001-07-12 06:49 PM

Martie...nicely done....a lovely arrangement.  Bob
Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-25
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Listening to every heart
5 posted 2001-07-12 06:55 PM

Martiesque in every way...from the the the emotions so carefully wrought...

how many ways can I say that what you write pleases me, each and every time?

I don't know.

But I won't quit, if you don't.


Member Empyrean
since 1999-09-21
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6 posted 2001-07-12 07:06 PM

Bob--Thanks so much for your reply...I don't think any relationship will work without compromise...not for the long haul anyway.

JLR--Yes..that's the way it works, I think.  Thank you.

Mark--I enjoyed your reply and thanks for pointing out my little oops...I fixed it.


Karilea--I can't quit...and I'm glad you won't.  Hugs!

[This message has been edited by Martie (edited 07-12-2001).]

Irish Rose
Member Patricius
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7 posted 2001-07-12 07:12 PM

I enjoyed reading this, thinking about this bench and all the wonderful thoughts that went into this poem.  Thank you for this one, Martie.

Member Rara Avis
since 2000-11-16
Posts 7450
8 posted 2001-07-12 07:13 PM

this is so very exquisite, Martie, a keeper, may I and may I share with a few friends via e-mail?  you know, it would be a wonderful poem for pastors to share with prospective marital couples, although, it would be good to know BEFORE persons were at that stage

If I were all these people that had responded so far, I would say all that they have said, so let me echo them here, please.

Simply lovely, Martie!Full of wisdom, too!

Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-05
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Ft. Lauderdale, Fl USA
9 posted 2001-07-12 08:21 PM

Ah, Martie...your mind is such a wonderful place to visit....thank you for another glimpse  
Bill Charles
Member Patricius
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highways, & byways, for now
10 posted 2001-07-12 08:49 PM

Martie - a most telling writing you have done. And so very true...


Janet Marie
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11 posted 2001-07-13 12:44 PM

All around the roses grew,
their petals open and breathing bees,
the path zigzagged through
to him, benched under a tree.

He knew she was there
and patted the place
where friendship held the chair,
though he was curtained
by layers of cascading doubts.

He laughed at her belief
in crossing barriers,
but some of the obstacles he built,
he released
so they could sit together
feeling the naked boards beneath their words,

So they sit on friendship’s bench
with time ticking the roses closed,
while she learns patience
and he learns to trust.

I do so love picking out the Martie-phrases...
the poetic gems from that mind of yours that see things like so few do...
then I can see things thru the eyes of you
beautiful write poetess groovy    

Feels like Im dancing with truth and wisdom
Precious rhythm you are my guide
These days are sacred, my heart is humble
Oh warrior show me the light

Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
12 posted 2001-07-13 04:03 AM

My goodness .... you just continue to delight!
I like this ... it moved right into 'second' place !

What a wonderfully touchy-feely poet you are !
Thank you for your thoughts !

~*The pen of the poet never runs out of ink, as long as we breathe.*~
                                 [email protected]              

Member Seraphic
since 1999-05-20
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Cape Cod Massachusetts USA
13 posted 2001-07-13 08:24 AM


This is a truly wonderful piece... It's one I wish I could say I'd written... I've come back to read it about 4 times already, my friend...

Thanks for writing it...

Cpat Hair
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14 posted 2001-07-13 08:31 AM

feeling the naked boards beneath their words,
wondering at the way the other thought,
for the meaning was all wrapped up
in little packages that lay at their feet.
many nice lines in this one... but these I enjoyed the most....

very nicely written!!

Member Rara Avis
since 1999-06-15
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Mobile, AL
15 posted 2001-07-13 08:53 AM

This I know that several people have been through in their lives. This is wonderful!  

brian madden
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16 posted 2001-07-13 02:31 PM

enjoyed this alot Martie.

"Here I am in prison,here I am with a ball and chain There is whiskey in the jar-o" Traditional irish song.

Member Rara Avis
since 2000-07-25
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Somewhere... out there...
17 posted 2001-07-13 06:21 PM

   This is beautiful...
   I love the thoughts you've penned here,
   and you've penned them so perfectly..

"...until you have read the verse on his
heart, you have not truely met the poet."

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By the sea
18 posted 2001-07-13 07:33 PM

This is lovely, Martie.  It sounds a lot like a love poem, rather than that of friendship.  Since we love our friends, a poem about friendship often has that sound, doesn't it?  


Michael Auguste~
There is more depth to the heart than the mind can comprehend and it only has boundaries when we choose to fence it in.  

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Member Laureate
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British Columbia, Canada
19 posted 2001-07-14 02:05 PM

I am late reading Martie, but you know your writing always warms my heart, and this one in particular you penned so well.  Janet Marie picked out pretty well all my favorite lines so know I loved it and here a hug for ya!

~If you have a choice to sit down or dance, I hope that you dance~

since 2000-12-06
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20 posted 2001-07-14 03:45 PM


since 2001-07-10
Posts 288
21 posted 2001-07-15 12:09 PM

Martie, I'm fairly new to this post but, I echo what everyone before me has said... I would like to inject some more pats... if I may. Your visions speak from a poetic place where one has to stop and feel from the heart. It is more then the written words; between those lines is a wisdom portrayed with lyrical undertones. Fantastic imagery!
Bravo!   Love and peace ((~.~))

Elizabeth Santos
Member Rara Avis
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22 posted 2001-07-21 09:12 AM

Another superb piece to be published some day
Beautiful thoughts captured in a unique way
In awe

Dark Angel
Member Patricius
since 1999-08-04
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23 posted 2001-07-22 06:17 PM

So they sit on friendship’s bench
with time ticking the roses closed,
while she learns patience
and he learns to trust.

Wow Martie, Excellent writing my dear.
Absolutely love the above lines.  

"little miss understood
little misunderstood"

~Marry me Jane~

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Member Seraphic
since 1999-07-29
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24 posted 2001-07-23 09:21 AM

Just when I think your writing couldn't get better, you share a gem with us that takes my breath away with its beauty! I love this one, Martie... its wonderful message flows with grace and delights with imagery that is Martie-unique. *S*
Member Seraphic
since 1999-08-22
Posts 22648

25 posted 2001-07-23 09:01 PM

Fabulous, Martie, simply fabulous! I thought I'd responded to this before and came back for another read and saw that I didn't. Sometimes you just leave me speechless, I guess!
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26 posted 2005-11-01 03:13 PM

Compromise is, no doubt, the best of all possible worlds.  You put the concept together in a wonderful way.  Hugs Ken

Through rubble and trouble and dark of night
The yawn of a dawn will hasten the light

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