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Open Poetry #14
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Janet Marie
Member Laureate
since 2000-01-22
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0 posted 2001-07-01 04:41 PM

It was a day like any other day
No more nor no less remarkable in any way
The sun came up in its gift of golden ray
Till the moon made its silvered shimmering display
The sky was in blue sway until night came to stay
And it was there in the gray that I felt the fray of betray

Still it was just a day like all the rest
Except that I woke with my heart in request
As the day's unrest progressed
Like an unwanted guest the night possessed
I knew the silence would be my test
And it was an aching absence that caught in my chest

This one day that began in anticipated renew
As I dreamed contentment might make its debut
I searched for a sign that would get me through
Still believing it true as the night came in on indigo imbue
Ending this day in ache of blue wondering if you even knew
God I would have given anything ... just to have heard from you

Janet Marie

We're all feeding our lonely like it might go away,
Like the doors of heaven will swing wide open if we just find the right words to say.
~E. McCain

© Copyright 2001 Janet Marie - All Rights Reserved
brian madden
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1 posted 2001-07-01 04:55 PM

This one day that began in anticipated renew
As I dreamed contentment might make its debut
I searched for a sign that would get me through
Still believing it true as the night came in on indigo imbue
Ending this day in ache of blue wondering if you even knew
God I would have given anything ... just to have heard from

Some words can mean so much, especially from the lips from a loved one. Speaking of absense, I have missed ya my dancing partner. Sent you an e-mail. Already I am hungry for more of your poetry.    

"Like Sand underneath the snow, I make you mine." Kristin Hersh

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In a corporeal internship...
2 posted 2001-07-01 04:57 PM

JM:  that last line is knee-shot where it hurts!  VERY powerful and I especially enjoyed the creative use of your rhyme-scheme (if only hip-hop were this deep!!).  Seriously -- very powerful evocation here.


"If you think you know it all, you have a lot to learn."

"Everyone can hear;  few can listen."

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The Hague, The Netherlands
3 posted 2001-07-01 05:13 PM

A very emotional poem JM. Great write!
Seymour Tabin
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Tamarac Fla
4 posted 2001-07-01 05:29 PM

When a buttrfly writes contention
You had better pay her attention.
For a butterfly to stop for a minute
Means she has flown just about her limit.
Beautiful My Tinker Bell.

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5 posted 2001-07-01 05:30 PM

Bittersweet, yet tender in the longing, but you wrote a line....The sun came up in its gift of golden ray...the gift of a new start, a new beginning, a new step on the pathway...all we have at times, JM.. A wonderful read from your pen...very gentle smile

Member Empyrean
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Kapolei, Hawaii, USA
6 posted 2001-07-01 05:30 PM

The anything is very significant in this I'm sure the date is...great expression of your feelings...James
serenity blaze
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7 posted 2001-07-01 05:36 PM

Didn't you get the singing chickens???? Okay, so maybe it wasn't me--but I thought the chickens were cute...This is so sad--I hope you are okay! HUGS...
Irish Rose
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8 posted 2001-07-01 05:47 PM

What a heartfelt write, Janet Marie, you tugged at my heart strings with this one....

Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
9 posted 2001-07-01 05:49 PM

*Hugs* for your hurt ...

An deeply emoted piece of your ache.
Perhaps sharing it with others will lessen it's intensity for you.
I hope so.
Love ya', sweet poetess.

~*The pen of the poet never runs out of ink, as long as we breathe.*~
                               [email protected]             

Member Ascendant
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Ontario, CANADA
10 posted 2001-07-01 05:49 PM

Oh Sweet Janet Marie, this brought tears to my eyes, I hope that you're doing okay, hun!
This is so beautifully sorrowful, penned so well with perfect rhyme, outpouring of emotion and images~

Take care of you!

Gentle Spirit
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11 posted 2001-07-01 06:25 PM

Oh Janet, sigh......I feel this.  Last June 15th was a beautiful begining for me.....only to end yesterday.  I share this pain you have dear one.  

On the wings of words our spirits fly....and our souls are free.

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12 posted 2001-07-01 06:29 PM

Janet--You are so good at writing real and honest.  I liked the way you controlled this with rhyme, for if you hadn't, I think it would be a scream.  Hugs!
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Ft. Lauderdale, Fl USA
13 posted 2001-07-01 07:45 PM

Now I have read this fine submission
How wonderful is this rendition!
You said to hell with all tradition
I am now going on a mission
To break poetic superstition
With no regret or admonition
But actually I sit here wishin'
That somebody would take me fishin'!!!

er, was I close?  

Kit McCallum
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Ontario, Canada
14 posted 2001-07-01 07:59 PM

Powerful and emotive writing Janet Marie, and such a wonderful rhyme scheme, it almost tickled the ears ... devine!  Many hugs for the tender sentiments within JM ... as always, you touch my heart with the emotions you display so beautifully.  

Best wishes,

Dark Angel
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15 posted 2001-07-01 08:01 PM

God I would have given anything ... just to have heard from you

That last line is so powerful, yes indeed.

Loved this JM  


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since 2001-03-07
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British Columbia, Canada
16 posted 2001-07-01 09:27 PM

Janet Marie, your poem was perfectly done as always but the yearning hurt my heart!  Logan picked up on the line that showed a ray of sunshine for you, and I hope you will see more of those.  I too have shared in anticipation and waiting to hear a call that didn't come.  I know you have many friends here who love and care for you, and if you will allow me I too wish you to use me to lean on too!  BIG HUGS, BIG, BIG HUGS.

If I have made you smile today, then I have done my job!    ~* Mysteria *~

Janet Marie
Member Laureate
since 2000-01-22
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17 posted 2001-07-01 09:57 PM

Thank you all for such sweet concern and Im sorry if I worried anyone...
I put this one up right before shutting down due to a bad storm coming in and when I got back on later...I have an emailbox full of "are you OK"...and all these generous replies...
Im ok...and I know I tend to write melancholy..but I didnt think/realize this one was so sad...I was trying to jumpstart my missing muse by working with some rhymes and images...and yes...purge some emotions I had locked up...
but no worries..OK...
you know my motto...tis not easy being a moth
thank you all for these replies and for the sweet concern...
you guys are the best...
I will try and reply more to each of these later...Im still having comp probs and cant get to some poem threads..(Im sorry if I am missing poems of my "regulars")....and all poems are loading slow...but as far as I know emails are working better than last week...
but I still got some bugs to work out.

love ya Poetry Land

We're all feeding our lonely like it might go away,
Like the doors of heaven will swing wide open if we just find the right words to say.
~E. McCain

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Charlotte, NC
18 posted 2001-07-01 10:17 PM


This was fantastic...looks like your
muse is starting to make her stir. hmmm
at any rate, really enjoyed this a lot,
but then again that is nothing new when
reading your work. i know this is a bit
melancholy, but i've learned to recognize
that as you purging yourself of emotion.

take care.
love ya,

"but i see your true colors,
shining through...
i see your true colors
and that's why i love you"
~phil collins~

Lady In White
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19 posted 2001-07-02 11:14 AM

Would you believe me, if I said...

I understand?

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Boot+Kitty=Poetry in motion
20 posted 2001-07-02 11:18 AM

That last line is killer, JM.  What a powerful poem!
since 2001-06-11
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Northern California
21 posted 2001-07-02 01:17 PM

oh my goodness... this hit a spot, you know, that spot. crying inside with you.


Cpat Hair
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22 posted 2001-07-02 01:29 PM

strongly written and strongly done...all I can say is this is very good!

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23 posted 2001-07-02 06:21 PM

'Like an unwanted guest the night possessed
I knew the silence would be my test
And it was an aching absence that caught in my chest'

You've got a talent for rhyme that my words just couldn't do justice...I'm not really sure how you do it, in spite of the 'missing muse'...your rhymes never sound forced, and the flow is just outstanding!  Great write, J...oh, and if you couldn't tell, I love this!  


it was love that first drew me,
it is love that will keep me here...
now I see love burning brightly
when everything else is unclear...

Member Elite
since 2000-02-10
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Pickering, Ontario
24 posted 2001-07-02 08:03 PM

You are always so good at nailing those  certain emotions right on the head.  The last line just rips at the heart.  An emotional write for sure.


It is a blessing to have wings for words, and passion in pen
Marina Crossley

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Member Seraphic
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25 posted 2001-07-03 12:49 PM

Well hell's bells and dagnabit, gal... I was sitting around all day, waiting for YOU to call!!!!

Whatcha mean this wasn't written for me? But... but... but... It had to be! *S* I know those feelings so well. *G*

Seriously... if this is the way you write when you're just playing around to kick-start your muse, lordie help us all once she gets started! *G* This is wonderful, JM... I love the alliteration of silvered shimmering and aching absence... and the internal rhyme is superb. This flows very well. But you know me... format means nothing if I don't feel. *G* And the ache of your last line would have been enough to pull these heartstrings all on its own. *S*

"God I would have given anything ... just to have heard from you" A special day just isn't special when certain people are missing from it... (especially when their absence is their choice)... it's just another day for loneliness. Beautiful work!

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Member Seraphic
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with you
26 posted 2001-07-03 12:53 PM

Janet, this hits home with me.....I know all too well how this feels   hugs to you.....
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27 posted 2001-07-03 11:42 PM

6/ butterfly's birthday.....yep you
know I have a big mouth baby...and you know
this poem rips my heart apart
because...well...because I know...when every
moment in time with "them" is etched into
our soul and our days fall like rain without
notice.....sweetie and your inner rhyme is
amazing, you spread your wings in this
one...why is it that pain makes the poetry of those little ironies in life
that just "is" only you could be this groovy
and this deep all in one poem...and that my
sweet sis is why you are amazing!!
~angel wing hugs and butterfly kisses~

Janet Marie
Member Laureate
since 2000-01-22
Posts 18554

28 posted 2001-07-04 10:15 AM

Thank you EACH and EVERY ONE of you for these encouraging and accepting replies..
Thank you for letting me know my words effect you and for letting me know you see both the work that went into the poem, be it the rhyme,imagery,alliterations, and also the impact of the emotions.

For anyone who actually finds time to come back and read the thank yous in this MUCH too busy forum...
I am still having comp probs and replying is  greatly hindered...I KNOW Im missing a lot of wonderful writing...
please know Im reading even if I cant reply.

thank you always
love to Poetry Land

We're all feeding our lonely like it might go away,
Like the doors of heaven will swing wide open if we just find the right words to say.
~E. McCain

Janet Marie
Member Laureate
since 2000-01-22
Posts 18554

29 posted 2002-06-16 12:54 PM


a year later and still the moth  

thank you my friend for the note about this one. your wise eyes saw between the lines.

You ...
You are still a whisper on my lips ...
A feeling at my fingertips.


Member Ascendant
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30 posted 2002-06-17 12:27 PM

Hey Jams
I don't know the specifics of this poems origin but I damn sure know the ache!

Forgetting all I'm lacking
Completely and complete
I'll take your invitation
You take all of me


Soleil Noir
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31 posted 2002-06-17 01:27 PM

Second reads are as powerful as the first reads...

passing shadows
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32 posted 2003-01-14 02:41 AM

geez, this tore me up...last lines just get me
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