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Dark Poetry #3
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Local Parasite
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since 2001-11-05
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Transylconia, Winnipeg

0 posted 2003-06-12 02:46 PM

A handsome, grim ferocity
Thou art, o titan, I surmise
Thou hast decieved all prophecy;
Thy subtle, woven mystery
Disguises from inquiring eyes
The hidden beast of history.

Thy skin is ridgèd, broken, and
Resplendent--and thine anxious claws
Are dug into the wretched land;
A shade is cast--of mercy? no,
But in a greedy, hungry pause
To rob the weak and starving foe.

There is no thought; consideration
Hath not relevance or need--
Thou art a creature of attrition
Devouring through the hapless Earth
The juice of life--instead to bleed
A frothy waste 'pon thine own girth.

Upon thee an insectoid face
That sea of nectar haply swims
With promises of sugar-paste
And as that thick foundation swells
The leaves of thine adornèd limbs
Shall cry, for they can do no else.

The spring is come, the rain decides
Thy chain-link wings are spread--and in
The soil, thy promist seed confides;
There is another, I propose,
Another, who the mindless sin
Shall grasp, and thitherto he grows...

© Copyright 2003 Brian James Lee - All Rights Reserved
Janet Marie
Member Laureate
since 2000-01-22
Posts 18554

1 posted 2003-06-12 04:38 PM

A handsome, grim ferocity
Thou art, o titan, I surmise
Thou hast decieved all prophecy;
Thy subtle, woven mystery
Disguises from inquiring eyes
The hidden beast of history.

Thy skin is ridgèd, broken, and
Resplendent--and thine anxious claws
Are dug into the wretched land;
A shade is cast--of mercy? no,
But in a greedy, hungry pause
To rob the weak and starving foe.


Did ya really think ya could hide from the moth in the dark? pick on your fav season winter and so in payback ya give my beloved trees a hard time?

In your crit message you say "think aloud"
but me thinks it should say read aloud cuz your rhyme divine begs for the resonation and your language and meter mix isnt done justice unless one allows it to roll off the tongue and across the lips.

Awesome poem of imagery and personification go hug a tree and I'll hug a bug

Im still imagining your voice ...
can see the sparkle in your eyes.
I cant explain your power over me
Its understated understood & beautiful.

Janet Marie
Member Laureate
since 2000-01-22
Posts 18554

2 posted 2003-06-12 04:47 PM

I think that I shall never see ...
a poem as lovely as a tree.

Deputy Moderator 10 ToursDeputy Moderator 5 ToursDeputy Moderator 1 Tour
Member Laureate
since 2002-09-29
Posts 19237
Florida, USA
3 posted 2003-06-12 06:56 PM

A handsome, grim ferocity
Thou art, o titan, I surmise
Thou hast decieved all prophecy;
Thy subtle, woven mystery
Disguises from inquiring eyes
The hidden beast of history.

Thy skin is ridgèd, broken, and
Resplendent--and thine anxious claws
Are dug into the wretched land;
A shade is cast--of mercy? no,
But in a greedy, hungry pause
To rob the weak and starving foe.

Brian, since you do hide so much, I havn't read much of your work. I would love to read more of it, though, because this is beautiful words and phrases you have written. It's like reading the classics. Simply an amazing writer, you are, Brian!!!!

Even though I can't write this way, I do love to read poetry like this. I'll be looking for more of your work. This is art!!  


Member Rara Avis
since 2003-03-02
Posts 9655
New York
4 posted 2003-06-13 03:44 AM


you amaze me . . .

Thou art, with quill and ink in hand
Thou hast achieved tranquility
Performance naught with brevity
Equations of enormity
Itelligence and mastery
A solemn man of poetry

Close . . . I'm learnin . . .  


[This message has been edited by littlewing (06-13-2003 03:48 AM).]

Senior Member
since 2002-09-26
Posts 959
blues & greys
5 posted 2003-06-15 04:07 PM

amazing, but then again i never expect less...
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