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Teen Poetry #4
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since 2001-05-23
Posts 316

0 posted 2001-06-01 03:32 PM

Who is that there the one marching
why does he just stare like no ones watching
It's amusing the way he walks and his actions
the way he talks and his satisfactions
why are they so wierd so out of this earth
personally I think there feared they give birth
birth to new life an existance of freedom and grace
he walks in strife yet a smile covers his face

Why cause he marches to the beat of a different drum
in the distance he hears the coming locusts hum
He hears the fear that rages in the distance
and he marches towards it providing resistance

Though those around him laugh and ponder
his persistance makes them start to wonder
wonder about where his hope lies
and the reason he continues on despite staring eyes
The hum it's coming closer yet he stands strong
while others run away saying that he doesnt belong
running along against the crowd he's been battered
yet he continues on for his hope won't be shattered

Why cause he marches to the beat of a different drum
in the distance he hears the coming locusts hum
he hears the fear that rages in the distance
and he marches towards it providing resistance

He Grabs a mans arm as he passes by
he looks the man in they eye as he begins to cry
he has now ended all the mans searching
now it's two instead of one marching
marching against the flow against the norm
because they both know of the coming storm
united they stand walking through dying crowd
only covering there ears when the screams get loud

Why cause they march to the beat of a different drum
in the distance they hear the locusts hum
they hear the fears that rage in the distance
and they march towards it providing resistance.

Each man grabs another to go against the flow
as they do their eyes begin to glow
Now for each grabs one more turning them around
showing them the future they have found
Tears start to roll down the groups eyes
cause they see it coming they see the prize
The trumpet sounds and the masses disapear
the eight stand now with no fear

Why cause they marched to the beat of a different drum
they ran the distance against the locust hum
they see the king smiling in the distance
and they march towards Him the source of their existance

Ok this is basically about the whole christian walk in general.  this is my faith the reason no matter why the world seems it's closing in I wont follow the crowd cause Im going for a final prize, which is eternal life.  So therefore I must go totally against the flow.

The Rescue

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chasing rain
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since 2001-05-15
Posts 737
1 posted 2001-06-01 03:41 PM

Really powerful and strong, and the flow was pretty good! Great work, keep posting! *adds it to her library*

¤ ¢H@§ïÑg RåIñ ¤

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since 2001-05-15
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Sparks, NV
2 posted 2001-06-01 04:47 PM

hey sexy great poem! lol.....well anyways i hope you notice what i'm writting........


Dopey Dope
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Member Patricius
since 2000-08-30
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San Juan, Puerto Rico
3 posted 2001-06-02 02:54 PM

I enjoyed this poem very much. Let me just say that "going against the flow" doesn't give you eternal life. Being a GOOD PERSON if by "going against the flow" you mean yer being a good person, then wonderful. I enjoyed this poem. I liked it.

I was born myself, raised myself, and will continue to be myself. The world will just have to adjust.

I'm in love with my shadow
I admire it daily

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