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0 posted 2001-01-25 12:05 PM

Note: Wrote this one real quick, and it may not be that good but I'll just post and see what you think... So be honest because I am no good a judging my own poetry.  Oh, and the format:  I use to write like this alot.  I hope it's alright and doesn't take away from anything but I just wanted, as DreadedLiver said, "spice it up a little"          
So here it is:  

In Love with a Dream...

I've danced,
        with you
dancing in my head

I've dreamed,
        of you
dreaming in my bed

Trying to keep be-
that you really are

for the day
that fate grabs the
Turns this life around
and love becomes

your sweet kiss
for me
    at bedtime
and for that night
to become
    a lifetime


for my dance
    with you
for my dream
    to come true

< !signature-->

"Every body has their destiny...

[This message has been edited by IsGona (edited 01-25-2001).]

© Copyright 2001 IsGona - All Rights Reserved
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1 posted 2001-01-25 01:11 PM

Jason, I remember you writing like this. When I saw it I was like 'Oh hey! I know that!"  

Its a sweet poem...I hope you get your dream. So many people don't...


"Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment."

Dopey Dope
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Member Patricius
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San Juan, Puerto Rico
2 posted 2001-01-25 01:49 PM

This was great! I liked it a lot. not only was the style dif (i've seen it before from you), but the poem was great. I liked it a lot.....keep it up.

I was born myself, raised myself, and will continue to be myself. The world will just have to adjust.

I'm in love with my shadow
I admire it daily

Child of the Stars
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Ann Arbor, MI
3 posted 2001-01-25 03:23 PM

   Y'know whut? YOU ROCK! Haha but you already knew that. The poem is beautiful. Believe it when I say it...I just love this style. Pleeeeze keep writing, cuz I love it all.

inspiration of my art search for light out of the dark all the pictures in my heart lie awake there in my fog...

since 2000-07-27
Posts 375
4 posted 2001-01-25 04:13 PM

Amen brotha! Don't we all know how that feels!! I don't know how many times I've wanted that 'dream' guy to be mine. This poem really rox! Keep up the awesome work, and keep postin!

Luv Always,

How come it is so easy for a person to say "I hate you," but it is so difficult for someone to say "I love you" and really mean it????

Jenn Cirrincione
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5 posted 2001-01-25 05:34 PM

Awwww, Jason, you're such a romantic!
Is this really about a girl? Maybe you should just take a risk and ask her out... girls are always suckers for a poet!!  
Good job, glad to see you post something new!!

"A person can never get over a broken heart if they aren't willing to let go of all of the pieces."-- ??

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6 posted 2001-01-25 11:01 PM

Thank you every one...

AF ~ Good to see you recognized the style and that you liked it.  Thank you

Dopey ~ It means a lot to get a compliment from you.  Not that you use them sparingly but each one means something.  Thanks

Carly ~ You got one thing right.  I ROCK...    Well not really.  But if you think so, lets just go with it.  And the poem if you say it's good, I believe you there to... Wow now me ego can explode all over the screen.. hehe thanks

SweetStuff ~ Yes I think we all have these hopes.  I'm sure it'll happen some day, but when  (((???)))  Thank you

Jenn ~ a romantic???  cool, I always wanted to be one of those    but seriously thanks, that means a lot.  And actually this is not about a real person but about the ideal person that, as of now, only exists in my head (well to me anyhow, I hope she exists out there somewhere).  Thank you again.  You were very kind

Thanks again to every one.

"Every body has their destiny...

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State of Despair
7 posted 2001-01-25 11:08 PM

i agree that you are a romantic
your writing shows it all
looks like a little influence by E.E. yourself eh?
i really love these unique styles, and i love your writing, its filled with such love and sincerity.


"Is it love in my gut, or piss in my bladder?" -Allan Riverwood

since 2001-01-23
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Alter, Ego
8 posted 2001-01-25 11:10 PM

wow... you really over did it here
I think this beats any EE work...
jeremy is true in saying that your work is full of love and sincerity...
im glad you like to spice it up as well, different styles always create a sense of creativeness and imaginativeness.... beautiful work


"If you had a choice to believe in yourself, or another person, who would it be?"

since 2000-06-15
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San Francisco,CA,US
9 posted 2001-01-26 12:30 PM

hey this is a great style!..i loved the whole poem and look foward to more..great job

"When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro"

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Member Rara Avis
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Twilight Zone
10 posted 2001-01-26 02:08 PM

You didn't have to spice it up cause it already was
beautifully written my friend
I'm gonna have to agree when they say you are a romantic
keep writing and sharing

I see no changes, wake up in the morning I ask myself, "Is life worth living or should I blast myself" TUPAC SHAKUR

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11 posted 2001-01-27 11:00 AM

Well I've never been called a romantic before.  Well I guess I have but I don't see what it is in this poem that makes you all say that.  I'm glad it does though.  Thanks

JDR ~ Actually yeah, I love e.e. but this style was actually influenced by a friend.  He introduced me to this style with one of his poems.  He thought it sucked but I thought it was great, so yeah I stole it from him    Thanks for the read

DL ~ I think you exaggerate, but geez thanks.  What else can I say.

187 ~ Thank you, but don't hold your breath.  I'm a very casual poet and prolly wont post again for a week or so.  but again thanks for reading this one.

acire ~ Thank you mr. moderator.  hehe that still seems weird to me (congrats) but since you are a mod now your replies are automatically 10 times as important... haha   jk but really thanks for the reply


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since 2000-05-31
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12 posted 2001-01-28 03:31 PM

Wow! What a lovely piece. I thought that I remembered the style and I hope to see more of it. It is unique. Your title fit this perfectly. I too am in love with a dream. But mine slightly differs.

"Tell me why you cry"

~*Buffy Summers*~
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13 posted 2001-01-28 05:23 PM

aww How sweet... I read it and thought WOW!?!?! I liked it alot. It captures what Im going threw with this guy right now. Hes nevr there. Well  E-mail me I'd love to talk to you... [email protected]

Kim Rayann

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14 posted 2001-01-29 06:45 AM

StarPryncess ~ Thank you so much for your reply.  I'm actually quite happy you commented on the title because I didn't really know if I liked it.  But it's good to know that you did.  I hope you love and your dream comes real someday.

Buffy ~ Thank you a lot.  It means much.  I got your e-mail.  I will write you back as soon as I get a chance.


"Every body has their destiny...

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tRyIn tO fIt iN2 mY oWn ShoEs
15 posted 2001-01-29 09:40 PM

This was such an amazing poem! I really liked it  
since 2000-07-19
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Connecticut, U.S.A.
16 posted 2001-01-29 10:37 PM

I loved it...hey sometimes I have the same dreams so I feel you great piece once again
since 2000-06-10
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Canberra Australia
17 posted 2001-01-29 11:13 PM

this is awesome i love it!
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since 2000-07-14
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18 posted 2001-02-03 04:24 PM

Thank you all very much...
It's so cool that I can say that with out feeling guilty about bumping my own poem.  I love the new forum

To steal ideas from one person is plagiarism; to steal from many is

The early bird may get the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese

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