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Teen Poetry #4
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since 2001-04-28
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0 posted 2001-05-23 09:45 PM

Hey everyone,

Sorry I haven't posted any new poems. I've been going though some things well my so called "FRIENDS" and things just aren't going the way I would like them to. So, if you want to know what's going with my "FRIENDS" just read this poem and guess what's going on. Thank you.


It's been raining for days now.
All the rain shows is all the
tears I have shed.
Because of the pain You've given me
And because I thought you guys
were my really friends
But I've find out the truth about you guys.
The truth that I have find is that
You guys and just useing me
All you wanted from me was money.
Now because of this I just to move away.
You have cused me to much pain from
The lies you guys have said to me.
The words you guys said to me
You guys really didn't mean a thing
You've guys had to me.
I've give you guys a peace of my heart.
And all you guys have tour it up into pieces.
All I have to you guys is
I'm not saying a thing to guys
Intill you guys are sorry for what
You've guys had done and for what
You've guys had said behind my back.

© Copyright 2001 Smlie4u87 - All Rights Reserved
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since 2001-03-25
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swimming in fairy floss...........
1 posted 2001-05-23 10:25 PM

oh god that poem has really opened up a can of worms!!!....look i think its better for you to have found out now what terrible ppl they were then later deserve better and in sure you're going to find it soon...your poem reminded me of the superficialities of some ppl i know in sux but its there..the only thing for us to do is to look past that and find (hopefully) a person who really does care.

"Life is not long and boring,
it's short and compelling." -Javier Agosto-

anonymous albert ?
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2 posted 2001-05-24 01:05 AM

i bet lot of people can relate to this...cuz it is a very real poem...your message was clear and i wish u the best in the future...graet poem

if i die before i wake , i pray the lord my soul will take-"when thugs cry"

Dopey Dope
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Member Patricius
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San Juan, Puerto Rico
3 posted 2001-05-24 03:58 AM

This is a really sad situation. It sucks to know when a friend is using you, let alone a group of friends. Looks like your in between a rock and a hard place.
I feel you here....good luck.

I was born myself, raised myself, and will continue to be myself. The world will just have to adjust.

I'm in love with my shadow
I admire it daily

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tRyIn tO fIt iN2 mY oWn ShoEs
4 posted 2001-05-24 07:53 AM

People can be so harsh...its hard to really trust n e 1, well for me atleast. I know what your going through with your friends, although its not the same situation it doesnt have to be to get hurt by people who you thought truely cared about u. Its tough and its extremely hard to deal with but we'll always be here for you. If you need to talk hun e-mail me at [email protected]   I hope things get better.
Junior Member
since 2001-04-28
Posts 16

5 posted 2001-05-26 01:33 PM

Hey everyone,
Thankz for peplying to my poem, But I have One quetion, should I show this poem to my "friends"?????

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