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Seymour Tabin
Member Empyrean
since 1999-07-07
Posts 31720
Tamarac Fla

0 posted 2001-02-24 12:54 PM

A Poets Rebuttal

The mind of a poet is a butterfly’s flight
He lands on all flowers that come into sight.
He colors his wings each flower he lands
And lives on the nectar they offer so grand.

Each hue is a view each view is a hue
His palette is endless his brush stroke are dew
He’s as fragile as the mist of the morn
The slightest rejection and he is gone.

He is a spirit that roams the ethereal mode
And lives by the rules of fantasies code.
A phantom part human part vision it’s true
A gossamer being, that flies in the blue.

A demigod and a nonconformist
A seeker a dreamer a Jason of goal
A weaver of stories of twist and of gist
A traveler that knocks at the door of each soul.

An odd piece of clay that thinks he can fly
That soars in the blue in the shape of a Y.

[This message has been edited by Seymour Tabin (edited 02-24-2001).]

© Copyright 2001 Seymour Tabin - All Rights Reserved
Irish Rose
Member Patricius
since 2000-04-06
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1 posted 2001-02-24 12:58 PM

Ok, Seymour, you took my breath away with this one.


The mind of a poet is a butterfly’s flight
He lands on all flowers that come into sight.
He paints his wings each flower he lands
And lives on the nectar they offer so grand.

Each hue is a view each view is a hue
His palette is endless his brush stroke sundew.
He’s as fragile as the mist of the morn
The slightest rejection and he is gone.

He is a spirit that roams the ethereal mode
And lives by the rules of fantasies code.
A phantom part human part vision it’s true
A being that mentally flies in the blue.

A demigod and a nonconformist
A seeker a dreamer a Jason of goal
A weaver of stories of twist and of gist
A traveler that knocks at the door of each soul.

An odd piece of clay that thinks he can fly
That soars in the blue in the shape of a why."

I thought I was flying!!

This is super-man!!!

Poet deVine
Member Seraphic
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Hurricane Alley
2 posted 2001-02-24 01:10 PM

A perfect rebuttal!!! This is wonderful Sy.
Janet Marie
Member Laureate
since 2000-01-22
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3 posted 2001-02-24 01:34 PM

The mind of a poet is a butterfly’s flight
He lands on all flowers that come into sight.
He paints his wings each flower he lands
And lives on the nectar they offer so grand.

Each hue is a view each view is a hue
His palette is endless his brush stroke sundew.
He’s as fragile as the mist of the morn
The slightest rejection and he is gone.

He is a spirit that roams the ethereal mode
And lives by the rules of fantasies code.

A seeker a dreamer a Jason of goal
A traveler that knocks at the door of each soul.

An odd piece of clay that thinks he can fly
That soars in the blue in the shape of a why.

Ive said it before and I'll say it again ...
Oh how I love the way your poetic mind works ....
and to walk barefoot in its lush garden like this is equal to raspberry nectar
AND I have also said before...
and will say again ...
YOU CAN FLY just did
and so did we upon witnessing
this is awesome inspire sweet Sy


Strange ... the desire for certain pleasures is a part of my pain.
~Kahlil Gibran~

Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
4 posted 2001-02-24 01:41 PM


My turn to be all a'flutter~
Winged thoughts-hued of golden butter
Flight does soar~


~*The pen of the poet never runs out of ink, as long as we breathe.*~
[email protected]

Senior Member
since 2000-02-26
Posts 1862
Regina SK; Canada
5 posted 2001-02-24 05:25 PM

"An odd piece of clay that thinks he can fly
That soars in the blue in the shape of a why."

Exquisite rhyme as always Sy. Enjoyed this read muchly.


[This message has been edited by Poeminister (edited 02-25-2001).]

Seymour Tabin
Member Empyrean
since 1999-07-07
Posts 31720
Tamarac Fla
6 posted 2001-02-24 10:01 PM

You are so kind, thank you so much.

DeVine One,
Thank you for the wonderful.

You are the greatest. Winkiewinkie Stinky

Thank you butter flutter. *L*

Glad you enjoyed, thank you.

Senior Member
since 2000-02-26
Posts 1862
Regina SK; Canada
7 posted 2001-02-25 11:30 AM

Member Seraphic
since 1999-08-22
Posts 22648

8 posted 2001-02-25 12:18 PM

Beautiful poem, Sy!! Lovely!!

On Gossamer

On gossamer your soul soars high
As gentle as a butterfly
Adrift upon the springtime breeze
Wings flutter with such grace and ease.
In meadow fair or hill or glen
You drift aloft and bless again
With ev’ry word from your pen wrought
Those walls it seems have only taught
A little higher, friend, to fly
There is no limit to the sky
To any door you hold the key
To open it poetic’ly
Across the chasm wide you sail
Portraying truth, you never fail
On gossamer fly ever high
As gentle as that butterfly.


Member Rara Avis
since 2000-11-16
Posts 7450
9 posted 2001-02-25 12:59 PM

I really enjoyed this, it was very uplifting and lilting in rhythm. I do wonder if you noticed how you departed from your rhyme scheme in one stanza in particular.
Seymour Tabin
Member Empyrean
since 1999-07-07
Posts 31720
Tamarac Fla
10 posted 2001-02-25 04:02 PM

Thanks for the bump.

Thank you so much for the lovely poem. *L*

You are right I did change the rhyming.

Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-25
Posts 63354
Listening to every heart
11 posted 2001-02-25 07:00 PM

....and I, my friend, am re-butting this right back to the top! Well done, and a pleasure to find on my return home...
Member Seraphic
since 1999-08-22
Posts 22648

12 posted 2001-02-25 07:42 PM

You're welcome, Sy! I wrote that over a year ago for you! Time sure does fly, doesn't it? Sort of like you!

[This message has been edited by Denise (edited 02-25-2001).]

Seymour Tabin
Member Empyrean
since 1999-07-07
Posts 31720
Tamarac Fla
13 posted 2001-02-25 08:38 PM

Welcome home to home and home. *L*

Well to tell the truth I sort of like you too. *L*

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