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Open Poetry #12
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since 2001-02-02
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0 posted 2001-02-02 03:45 AM

     I am sending this e-mail from my workplace, so if you want to reply to it please use [email protected].  I will check that mailbox when I goto work.

You can look at all the people around you.  The people that worry that the color of their couch doesn't match the rest of their livingroom.  Those people.. that go on vacations, and that have a social life and friends.  Those people that can "go out" for dinner just cause.  The people that have or goto parties.  These people have no reason to be depressed...  chances are you are one of these people.

Some people are depressed about their Boyfriend/girlfriend situation,

Some people are depressed about the fact that they didn't get what they wanted for their birthday,

Some people are depressed about the color of their house.

Some people are depressed just because for no reason.

What about when you get to the point where there is no depression anymore.  When you work 12 hours a day and the sound of your own mother crying makes you sick.  What about no food in the fridge, and cupboards bare.  How do you think it would feel to watch your parents slump lower and lower into poverty.  Crying until there are no tears left to cry..  puking out of sadness, until you dont even have the energy to dry heave.  Dead inside... with no emotions left...crying enough tears for 5 lifetimes at the sage of 16  What about literally saving pennies to feed your family.  Working my ass off so my sister can goto school, so she doesn't have to go through the pain I have.  Going to bed in a house with no furnace in the middle of the winter.  Having to live in the dark because you can't afford the electricity to keep on one light Going out into public and having people talk about how horrible of a life you have.  All these people that are so "concerned about you" that they offer you support..  but they can't spare $20 to feed my family for a week.  The same $20 that they spend on their "scratch and win", or alchahol to drink because they are stressed out about all the ****ing bs problems in their life.  What about the people that would trade places with almost anyone..   the people that would rather live in a **** ass apartment and have a dead end job and end up dying in a gutter alone than having to watch their family suffer.  No one deserves to live like

The sad thing is, people take their good lives for granted.  They dont understand what it is like to live without their Nintendo's or TV.  To have books even, friends, or enough money to pay busfair.  

Take a long hard look at your life, and tell me how bad off you are.  You always hear "what about all the starving people in Aisa?"  What about all the damned starving people in North America.. what about the people that live around all of this luxury, that can't have it.. its like hanging a big huge piece of meat out of the reach of a starving dog..  

If you haven't already guessed..  this is my life.. and I honestly think that I have been given this life to let other people know that things are ok..  that it isn't a big deal that you have to sit in the back of the car instead of the front seat on the way to the carnival..  or the fact that you only have 3 tv channels..  you are the lucky ones...  please dont take it for granted.

© Copyright 2001 douglas_laberge - All Rights Reserved
Paula Finn
Member Ascendant
since 2000-06-17
Posts 5546
1 posted 2001-02-02 04:15 AM

Not everyone is like this...not everyone is shallow and greedy...they all arent just offering handouts...some offer a hand up...its just not always easy to see the want to talk you can email me
serenity blaze
Member Empyrean
since 2000-02-02
Posts 27738

2 posted 2001-02-02 04:35 AM

Sometimes Okay? IS NOT ENOUGH. SOMETIMES? we must be very uncomfortable before we stretch.
And as to the *****ing about *****ing? even Jesus the Christ asked that the cup be passed from HIM.

Irish Rose
Member Patricius
since 2000-04-06
Posts 10263

3 posted 2001-02-02 05:22 AM

write poetry about have a computer?r-----use it to reach others if you can....
Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-25
Posts 63354
Listening to every heart
4 posted 2001-02-02 06:52 AM

Hello Doug...welcome to Passions.  This forum is used for poetry, but we do have a forum for this type of post.  Therefore, I'll be moving this to the Alley, where people can respond accordingly.  You'll find the Alley under "Discussions."

Again, welcome to Passions.  If you have any questions, feel free to contact a moderator.

If I whisper, will you listen?...
I would rather be silent and write, than speak loudly and be bound.

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