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Member Laureate
since 1999-11-23
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East Lansing, MI USA

0 posted 2001-01-27 11:36 PM

hi shadow,
I haven't forgotten about you
it's just that some of the days
have been cloudy lately
and the nights really haven't been
all that bright either
but I know that you weren't really
that far away from me
you were right there, looking over my shoulder
and I could feel your smile
hear your voice
and hold your hand
so I know that you didn't forget about me
it's just life
it's like that sometimes
but as long as you're there
I'll always know that
I'll have someone to talk to
someone to laugh with
someone to share my secrets with
you know that it's always been you shadow

thank you. . .


To the world, you may only be one person. But to one person, you may be the world.

© Copyright 2001 John Garcia - All Rights Reserved
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In the space between moments
1 posted 2001-01-27 11:42 PM

I've never looked at a shadow that way before...but you're definitely right, it is like a friend...insightful and well done, I enjoyed this!  

*Krista Knutson*

I'm a slow dying flower
In a frost-killing hour
The sweet turning sour and untouchable...
-Natalie Merchant

Member Rara Avis
since 1999-06-15
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Mobile, AL
2 posted 2001-01-27 11:42 PM

Shadows are fun. They're always there..right behind you..   Love this, Sweet Poet Man!

Member Empyrean
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Listening to every heart
3 posted 2001-01-27 11:42 PM

If perhaps a bit of sun
shall bring the shadow closer
here I am, now please do run
for that is why I chose her...

liked this!

Senior Member
since 2000-09-24
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Presque Isle, ME
4 posted 2001-01-28 12:37 PM

This made me think of Peter Pan. Hope yours never gets lost.

To love another person is to see the face of God.
- Les Miserables


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5 posted 2001-01-28 12:40 PM

Nicely penned and I enjoyed the read... Thank you PoetFriend...

Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
6 posted 2001-01-28 01:05 AM

You brought to mind that little lilting nursery rhyme -

I have a little shadow
who goes in and out with me.
And what can be the use of him,
is more than I can see.

Love the thoughts wrapped up in this piece.

~*The pen of the poet never runs out of ink, as long as we breathe.*~
[email protected]

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Member Laureate
since 1999-11-23
Posts 14937
East Lansing, MI USA
7 posted 2001-01-28 02:45 PM

Alwye, I've recently discovered that shadows can be quite wonderful. . . thanks for reading. . .

Temptress, I know. . . and I'm wondering why. . . and if they're giving me bunny ears!!  LOL  

Sunshine, I liked yours too!!  Thank you my friend. . .

kcsgrandma, Peter Pan. . . yeah, that's it!!     I love it!!  Thank you!!

Coco, you are welcome PoetFriend. . . anytime. . .

Marge, there are a lot of thoughts in this. . . thanks for bringing out one of them. . .


To the world, you may only be one person. But to one person, you may be the world.

Member Elite
since 2000-09-18
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8 posted 2001-01-28 02:48 PM

I'm glad to know that you will never be alone.
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lost in blue pages
9 posted 2001-01-28 03:07 PM

oh yeah remind me on Peter Pan too.
don't lose it.

loved reading this excellent piece.
((warm hugs))

Member Rara Avis
since 2000-04-30
Posts 7563
Spring, Texas
10 posted 2001-01-28 03:14 PM

Shadow walking, soul talking, being with your closest friend, sharing your closest secrets with the one you harbour within;
well written Sven.


Member Elite
since 2000-02-16
Posts 2637
11 posted 2001-01-28 05:50 PM

Hi Sven,

I have spent many an hour in deep conversation with my shadow, a very reliable and trust worthy friend, also one that never leaves you alone in times of trouble or need, this is a magnificent piece here friend, loved it, keeping it,

Love, Cerenity

"God doesn't have to be reminded that we exist.
We have to be reminded that He exist!"

(Writer Unknown)

passing shadows
Member Empyrean
since 1999-08-26
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12 posted 2001-01-29 01:27 AM

knowing all about shadows, I say this is very nice. It made me smile big  
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Member Seraphic
since 1999-07-29
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13 posted 2001-01-29 01:44 PM

This "shadow" has been feeling forgotten... so many thanks for explaining about clouds and such. *S*

I love this, Sven... well done!

Member Rara Avis
since 2000-07-29
Posts 9082
Victoria Australia
14 posted 2001-01-29 02:24 PM

shadow walking, shadow talking
what do you know! He's shadow stalking
a shadow friend, close like no other
unless I could have this shadow lover  
write on

Those of us who refuse to risk and grow get swallowed up by life. Patty Hansen.

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Member Rara Avis
since 2000-07-10
Posts 7423
Maidstone Kent England
15 posted 2001-01-29 05:34 PM

Sven dear heart, AD, this is utterly terrific, I love this image, I really love this. I always have been fond of shadows, at least they didn't swipe your lippy, clothes or anything else. Which or course the sisters all did. And they didn't answer back, this is a truly wonderful piece from you. Great comfort in having someone to always relie on. (Well, a shadow is a someone)
I love it which goes without saying, and it joins all the others there in my library
Thank you for this beauty
Take care love as always

Take back the hope you gave,- I claim
Only a memory of the same
Robert Browning

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Member Laureate
since 1999-11-23
Posts 14937
East Lansing, MI USA
16 posted 2001-01-29 07:25 PM

inot2b, I shall indeed never be alone. . . even when I am. . . thank you my friend. . .  

Charisma, thank you my friend. . . we all need a little Peter Pan in our lives. . .

James, thanks for reading my friend. . . sometimes, it seems like they're the only ones that understand. . .

Cerenity, thank you so much. . . indeed our shadows are always with us. . .

passing shadows, thought that you might like this one. . . glad that I could make you smile. . .  

suthern, how could anyone forget about you??     thank you my friend. . .

Kethry, would that we all could have that one!!  Thanks for reading. . .

Marsha, Bubbles. . . thank you so much. . .indeed a Shadow is always there. . . and they don't answer back. . . glad that you liked this one. . . thank you. . .  


To the world, you may only be one person. But to one person, you may be the world.

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