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Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-05
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Ft. Lauderdale, Fl USA

0 posted 2000-11-25 10:18 PM

Some people say they love each other unconditionally
But what they say is..."I love long as you love me"
True love that's unconditional will never have a pause
Its boundaries are limitless and there's no hidden clause.

There's love enough to go around for everyone on earth
The unconditionality its only proof of worth
Blessed be the soul who, once in life, can have love of that kind
It is the greatest love there is but -oh, so hard to find!

I love you unconditionally - if I'm with you or not
For all the love I'm capable of giving you have got.
There is no wrong that you can do - no sin you can commit
To stop my heart from loving you and that's the truth of it.

Perhaps you'll find another who will fit you like a glove
But there will always be a place in my heart filled with love.
For I love you for what you are....not what you are with me
So if you're happy, I am, unconditionally.

© Copyright 2000 Michael Mack - All Rights Reserved
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1 posted 2000-11-25 10:24 PM

BRAVO!!!CLAPPING. This is so very true. I have loved and no matter what the outcome I love them still. This is so very perfect for true love once given is never taken back. *sigh* This poem of yours pleases this reader to no end. You have truly the gift for truth and such a talent for putting it into beautiful words. Thank you so very much for sharing it.

Love I leave with you my friend whether it be in your life or of yet the essense of your dreams. [URL=]

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Ala bam a
2 posted 2000-11-25 10:26 PM

So? Now whatta bout that Bud light man?....Balladeer......Yanno, I'll be looking for that book really need to have one could name it something original like: My Poetry....or, Balladeer, Part Time Moderator, Part Time Poet.....Or, how to stick it to a Toerag and still find time to write. Or, "Makin' Time To Make Some Rhymes....Or, "How I Made A Million Bucks Killin' Roaches and Writin' Poetry"...or, "These Poems of Mine, Mostly Rhyme, When They Don't it Ain't a Crime, It don't matter none to me, Got your money, Hee-hee-hee."
Janet Marie
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3 posted 2000-11-25 10:38 PM

There is no wrong that you can do - no sin you can commit
To stop my heart from loving you and that's the truth of it.

For I love you for what you are....not what you are with me

you are wiser than EVEN YOU know...
and those lines above...
those eloquent, amazing gifts of poetic grace...
they are now engraved on my heart...and etched in gold...

the only thing left to say is...
and I do..I do

Member Ascendant
since 1999-07-29
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Ala bam a
4 posted 2000-11-25 10:53 PM

Dear Janet poor misled sweet dear, How can ya be so affectionate, to this silly old Balladeer? Have ya ever had the pleasure, of a Toerag round your feet?, Think of long pure ecstacy, and dreams so long and sweet. Balladeer's so silly, and ugly, fat and weird, you oughtta read my expert work, and forget that Balladeer. I could make ya famous, you'd forever love me dear, Then Balladeer could write again, bout love and pain and tears. (Ya see?...leave him, come to me, it would be a blessing to him and his writing?)  
Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-25
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Listening to every heart
5 posted 2000-11-25 11:58 PM

would one love one, right or wrong?
would one love one, without song?
would one love one, all along?
would one love one, treated wrong?

You would treat All right, Sir
of that, All can be sure...

and that, our most dear Balladeer
is tribute to one most sincere...

Never should the Forums be without thee...

If I whisper, will you listen?...
I would rather be silent and write, than speak loudly and be bound.

Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-05
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Ft. Lauderdale, Fl USA
6 posted 2000-11-26 12:08 PM

Startime...I'm SO glad you could relate to this. Thank you for a very wonderful reply book for a broken down bug catcher coming soon. Those are great titles, though!

JanetMArie...if they are engraved in your heart, they are in a very special place..  

Toe...I don't know if she ever had the pleasure of a Toerag around her feet but I know she stepped in dog doodoo once. Does that count?  

Sunshine...yes, I would give my All. Thank you for coming by so late! No, I'll always be here  

[This message has been edited by Balladeer (edited 11-26-2000).]

since 2000-11-25
Posts 252
big old Bangor Maine up by the shack
7 posted 2000-11-26 12:12 PM

as always a very well thought and rendered piece. by the way, would my old account have been wiped out? Jbowie
Member Rara Avis
since 1999-06-15
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Mobile, AL
8 posted 2000-11-26 01:50 AM

Beautiful.   I agree totally.  

Member Rara Avis
since 2000-07-29
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Victoria Australia
9 posted 2000-11-26 09:07 AM

'swonderful. I do believe a woman would give her soul unconditionally for such a love.
Write on

Why do yesterdays remain and todays pass by ...unnoticed?
Rex E. Alford

Member Patricius
since 2000-05-14
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New Brunswick Canada
10 posted 2000-11-26 09:12 AM

Great poem full of wonderful wisdom and unconditional love expressions....well thought out my friend and full of reality's truth about love...oh how so many pine for thet perfect one and bless them when they find it!!!!!!!ethome
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11 posted 2000-11-26 10:22 AM


     I really like this one Ball   I do believe it is one of my favorites from you. It is so true and so wise.  Thank you for sharing,

~~Tara aka rp25 :o)

Irish Rose
Member Patricius
since 2000-04-06
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12 posted 2000-11-26 10:52 AM

This is simply beautiful.  It's a testimony that love IS unconditional!  IT's the purest kind of love, and the poem is wonderful.  No glove could fit more perfectly than the words in this one!

What is that you express in your eyes? It seems to me more than all the words I have read in my life.

Walt Whitman

Junior Member
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13 posted 2000-11-26 12:09 PM

man this is very good. your words say what i feel for my love.Thxs for the reminder.Sometimes we let things get in the way of our unconditional love.  THXs Agian!
Member Empyrean
since 1999-09-21
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14 posted 2000-11-26 12:11 PM

Balladeer--this is wonderfully expressed and true...thank you for being you!
Member Seraphic
since 1999-08-22
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15 posted 2000-11-26 01:48 PM

The world definitely needs more of this kind of love!! Great poem, Balladeer!!


Paula Finn
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16 posted 2000-11-26 02:09 PM

Forever and ever amen...yes yes and yes...this is how love should be...and you have said it so well
doreen peri
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17 posted 2000-11-26 06:49 PM

(((( HUG )))))
Kit McCallum
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Ontario, Canada
18 posted 2000-11-26 07:05 PM

Smile Michael ... your wonderful heart is showing.    

I really loved this ... it could only be written by someone who knows the truth in what they want and deserve in return. Beautiful sentiments, and so delicately woven, much appreciated this lovely piece my friend.  

Best wishes,

Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
19 posted 2000-11-26 07:11 PM

What a beautiful piece of poetry.
You touch tender in the most appealing ways.
I'm pleased to know you - unconditionally.

~*The pen of the poet never runs out of ink, as long as we breathe.*~
[email protected]

Member Elite
since 2000-02-19
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Charlotte, NC
20 posted 2000-11-26 07:58 PM


such a beautiful and honest piece
you have wove here. i stand in awe
of your talent, from funny to romantic
to charming to sentimental, you can
write it ALL. i applaud you. great
work. take care.


Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-05
Posts 25505
Ft. Lauderdale, Fl USA
21 posted 2000-11-26 08:00 PM

jbowie....WONDERFUL to see you around again. I'll find out...

temptress...Thank you, my friend. I'm glad  

kethry...and so would a man. Thank you, sweet person  

ethome...yes, we pine for it but many wind up with sons of birches!   I  appreciate your words very much  

rosepetals...and thank you for being there to let me share it with...

Irish Rose...I'm so glad you agree...unconditionally.

weave watcher...if that's the way you feel about your love, then I congratulate both of you!  

Martie....and thank you VERY much for liking the me that I am  

Denise...I agree....and WE need more of YOU!!!  

Paula...I thank you for agreeing  

Doreen....a hug from you is always special!

Kit...and your beautiful comments are also very appreciated. Thank you're pleased? I'm TICKLED PINK!! You are a wonderful friend....extremely unconditionally       

Amy...I write it ALL...for you and your approval is ALL to me. Thank you, person I am very happy to call friend.  

[This message has been edited by Balladeer (edited 11-26-2000).]

Senior Member
since 1999-12-15
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Wisconsin, USA
22 posted 2000-11-28 11:08 PM

Balladeer-You touched my heart with this one. To have this perfect of a love which transcends all else.  Wonderfully written, may I add that I also pray every night for this person that he is kept safe.  I feel the feelings you wrote here.
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Member Seraphic
since 1999-07-29
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23 posted 2000-11-29 09:28 AM

You stole those last two verses from my heart. *S* Granted, you've prettied them up and given them sublime rhyme... but I still recognize them! LOL
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Member Seraphic
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with you
24 posted 2000-11-29 12:35 PM

Balladeer~ You must have women throw themselves at you on a daily are amazing........I loved this.   -SEA
Member Elite
since 2000-05-06
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25 posted 2000-12-29 12:22 PM

Balladeer, I just wanted to let you know how I truly enjoyed this read tonite...
As a matter of fact I come here now to thread to my library for tomorrows I may continue to browse...


Member Elite
since 2000-05-06
Posts 3043

26 posted 2000-12-29 12:26 PM

Oh boy oh boy, I did it again I 4got to hit that button 2 thread...
So, I pop rite back and shall now clic that button to library

since 2000-12-26
Posts 68

27 posted 2000-12-29 05:29 AM

what a great positive message and it is rare. In fact does it even exist?  

Elizabeth Santos
Member Rara Avis
since 1999-11-08
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28 posted 2000-12-29 06:07 AM

The message so well presented, and it's true, unconditional love is very rare.
A great poem from the best

Member Elite
since 2000-02-08
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Mississippi coast
29 posted 2000-12-29 07:16 AM

This touches the inner soul. One day, over 30 years ago, when I said, “I love you”, and I really meant it, scared me to death.

Poet deVine
Member Seraphic
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Hurricane Alley
30 posted 2000-12-29 07:59 AM

It is the ONLY way to love.......
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