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Deputy Moderator 1 Tour
Member Rara Avis
since 2000-07-10
Posts 7423
Maidstone Kent England

0 posted 2000-11-20 04:09 PM

You Have Mail

My breath comes in quick gasps, my heart to pound
Oh how my ears prick up on hearing that sweet sound
My eyes take on a very special sparkle and open up wide
These signs of my excitement I couldn't even try to hide
My mouth which has lately been drooping and rather sad
Breaks into a smile and I laugh as if i were a little mad

My hands begin to shake and I tremble as if I am cold
Oh how I miss you, I miss having your hand to hold
My lips part as if they can feel the memory of your kiss
My arms feel so empty knowing exactly whom they miss
The joy of signing on and seeing that I have some post
Hoping desperately that it's from whom I want it most

I fear the moment of discovering that the sender isn't you
This feeling of desolation it cuts me through and through
My head that has for those brief moments lifted up high
Sinks into sadness and my heart begins again to softly cry
This waiting is something I really believed that I could do
All I can hope is that your love for me will stay ever true

I'll continue to wait in my own and rather lonely world
My love will be like a rose with its petals tightly furled
Eventually this time will pass by and become my yesterday
Others may try but they're simply not you, what can I say
You may think I'm silly to believe in a love that is true
But it doesn't matter what others say because I love you

< !signature-->

Take back the hope you gave,- I claim
Only a memory of the same
Robert Browning

[This message has been edited by Marsha (edited 11-20-2000).]

© Copyright 2000 Marsha Grace Melody Todd - All Rights Reserved
Member Rara Avis
since 2000-07-29
Posts 9082
Victoria Australia
1 posted 2000-11-20 04:18 PM

Marsha, sorry this mail is again not him. Hope he returns soon *HuGS*
Be well

Why do yesterdays remain and todays pass by ...unnoticed?
Rex E. Alford

Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-25
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Listening to every heart
2 posted 2000-11-20 04:20 PM

Marsha, give you a thought, and you make it into a dream come true...


If I whisper, will you listen?...
I would rather be silent and write, than speak loudly and be bound.

Member Elite
since 2000-11-17
Posts 2364
east coast
3 posted 2000-11-20 04:34 PM

enjoyed the read and here's hoping that...

"...the dream that you wish... will... come... true..."


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Member Ascendant
since 2000-09-30
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lost in blue pages
4 posted 2000-11-20 04:39 PM

I have seen the movie......and it so romantic......loved it....just as your poem......great piece.


Mark Bohannan
Member Rara Avis
since 2000-06-21
Posts 7269
In the winds of Cherokee song
5 posted 2000-11-20 05:11 PM

Nothing like receiving mail from the one that holds your heart and I know how you feel when the wait for snail mail keeps the anticipation lingering.  Wonderful write from you my friend and president. Hope your mailbag holds for you what you are waiting for and that the holding of hands is soon back to you as well.
Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-05
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Ft. Lauderdale, Fl USA
6 posted 2000-11-20 05:40 PM

Marsha, you have male......admiration  
Deputy Moderator 1 Tour
Member Rara Avis
since 2000-07-10
Posts 7423
Maidstone Kent England
7 posted 2000-11-20 05:51 PM

Kethry, Thanks love, my time will come, and I'll just keep holding on until it does.
Kari, Well, you had the thought first love, and I still say the original is far better. What's that saying imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. Take care
                  M M
Tier, thank you here's hoping.  

Charisma, thank you it is isn't it. (The film is really good and I did enjoy it)  

Mark my friend, Mmmm it's one of those things that my mam was always saying, that patience is a virtue. Still I never had any then and I think I've got even less now. Of course it may be that the letter that I'm waiting for disappeared when we were flooded here. I do know that the Post Office was under several feet of water, so who knows. I'll just have to keep my fingers crossed that I'm one of the lucky ones, won't I!
Take care
               Mushy Marsha

Take back the hope you gave,- I claim
Only a memory of the same
Robert Browning

Deputy Moderator 1 Tour
Member Rara Avis
since 2000-07-10
Posts 7423
Maidstone Kent England
8 posted 2000-11-20 05:58 PM

'Deer, sorry, you must have slipped in while I was replying. Thank you very muchly. I do appreciate it so very much. As long as the admiration isn't from anyone who works in a hospital. I know I'm bias but then I would be.  
Take care

Take back the hope you gave,- I claim
Only a memory of the same
Robert Browning

Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
9 posted 2001-02-17 11:35 PM

Smiling here~

~*The pen of the poet never runs out of ink, as long as we breathe.*~
[email protected]

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