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Open Poetry #10
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since 2000-04-22
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0 posted 2000-10-09 09:57 PM

It was another autumn of the poet's meeting
An October 13th gathering, as they began they're seating
They started the talks of past kings and peasants
Suddenly the poets felt an evil presence
n the floor opened in a fire burst
When a demon arose with an awful thirst
With the stench of death on this blackest night
To battle in rhyme for souls to fight
His pitch black eyes like a bottomless hole
Stare into your mind draining your soul
He says, "If you don't mind"
"I'll rhyme you a poem so fine"
"And all of your souls will become mine"
Then he sat down to write hi
s first line
Right then came a blinding flash of Light
Appeared the Prince of Peace saying "Not quite"
"I except your challenge you know me"
"I'm the Saviour I'll set these souls free"
"Because a good soul can see the Light is the way"
"Everlasting life for these souls that's all I'll say"
hen the Devil wrote down another line for his poem
And said," When that clock strikes three"
" We shall see"
"These souls are mine, not to roam free"
"With me is where they'll be"
Then the Devil just grinned
And smiled in sin
ust then the Lord he pulled up his pants
And held out his arms and danced
As he began to speak in words like a song
"I know you're way is wrong"
"I'm the Light to show them the way"
"And no matter what you say"
"They will live forever with me"
"Happy and free"
"They will have faith that's all OK"
ust then flames surrounded the room
With a tremendous explosion and boom
The Devil had finished his rhyme
The clock stroked three as he yelled "Your out of time"
"I have my rhyme, these souls are mine"
"I'll take what's mine you'll see"
"And I'll never let these souls go free"
Well the poets began to frown
Terrified that they were going down
As the room begins to burn Satan screams "He'll never learn"
With the emptiest holes for eyes
Swallowing souls with his lies
Then the flames did rise
And in the fires the poets could hear distant cries
Hell is this place if faith ever dies
ut a wind began to twirl
In a mighty force of a whirl
"It's the Holy Ghost"
The poets did boast
Which took away their doubt
Blowing Hell's fire out
Pure white light filled the room
The Lords lightening bolt to stop their doom
Then Jesus stood tall
And said, "I will save all"
"Don't be afraid with me your saved, Lucifer is the one to fall"
hen the Devil he said, "It's time"
"I'm ready to do my rhyme"
"And swallow these souls, they're mine"
"Now here's what I have to say"

You can live in a life so rich
Fast cars and money and fame
Just beautiful women, no bitc*
Just ask for me by my name

I'll give you what ever you wish
The best clothes is what you'll wear
You will eat the most expensive dish
What ever you want ask and I'm there

So prick your finger for some blood
And sign this contract right now
Noah's boat's got no room to save you from the flood  
Now you're in, just sell your soul you know how


Well , Jesus fell to his knees and let out cries
"STOP right there he's tricking you with lies"
Then stood on his feet and said, "BEHOLD"
"Feel my warmth haven't you notice Satan is cold"
"I'm the Light, listen to what I have to say"
"For everlasting life take my hand, let me show you the way"
"But now is the time"
"To show my rhyme"
"Just believe in what I say"
"I'm the Prince of Poetry to lead the way"

I give you this earth of land and sea
The sun and the stars and all that's free
Birds of beauty that sing and fly
A world of wonders to make you sigh

Beautiful flowers with pollinating insects
Just the real thing not any make believe effects
Bright sunny days and the pouring rain
True emotions of love and pain

I gave my life to save your soul
Have faith in the me make it your goal
Sweet passionate poets silence this strife
Spend eternity with me in everlasting life


Shouting and whistles the poets did cheer
Their faith in God took away their fear
Songs and dancing began to start
Singing for the Lords love never to part
Well all was good in this time and place
Given from the hand of God and all his grace
But just as the poets began to feel great
urkIng in the shadows was Satan to steal their fate
He said with a deep cold voice "You might have won this score"
"But there's no way in Hell that I won't be back for more"
hen Jesus rose opening his arms up wide
And said to the poets "Just keep faith inside"

[This message has been edited by insect (edited 10-09-2000).]

© Copyright 2000 insect - All Rights Reserved
Kit McCallum
Member Laureate
since 2000-04-30
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Ontario, Canada
1 posted 2000-10-09 10:29 PM

"I give you this earth of land and sea
The sun and the stars and all that's free
Birds of beauty that sing and fly
A world of wonders to make you sigh"

Bravo Insect! A wonderful story of good vs. evil, and performed with such poetic style!  Well done!  

Best wishes,

Paula Finn
Member Ascendant
since 2000-06-17
Posts 5546
2 posted 2000-10-09 11:17 PM

This is just magnificent...BRAVO insect BRAVO
Member Elite
since 2000-01-06
Posts 3129
3 posted 2000-10-10 11:56 AM

Ya'no I was hoping that the other fella would win. His hang out sounds like a lot of fun....  
Great piece insect.


Senior Member
since 2000-04-22
Posts 1014

4 posted 2000-10-11 10:25 PM

Kit McCallum…Thank you Kit
                            I'm glad you enjoyed this one
                            it was a lot of fun to write.

Paula Finn…Thank you Paula
                      I'm always happy to see a reply
                      from you.
                 Be careful he lurks in the shad
                                                                    "Your soul is mine"

Marge Tindal
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since 1999-11-06
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
5 posted 2000-10-11 11:59 PM

This is an absolutely brilliant piece of work.
And I say WORK ... because neither the write
nor the formatting could have been easy to pull off
and yet you did both with excellence.

I'm most impressed.

~*The pen of the poet never runs out of ink, as long as we breathe.*~
[email protected]

Member Rara Avis
since 1999-06-15
Posts 7136
Mobile, AL
6 posted 2000-10-12 12:24 PM

Yes..I didn't expect this when I opened it, but I got something wonderful at any rate. This was excellent writing. I love this!

Mark Bohannan
Member Rara Avis
since 2000-06-21
Posts 7269
In the winds of Cherokee song
7 posted 2000-10-12 01:33 AM

Okay so now I am bowing to YOU as you deserve it along with a stand "O" and I must tell you ..... in all honesty...this is

You do know of course that this one goes in my library.

Mark Bohannan
Member Rara Avis
since 2000-06-21
Posts 7269
In the winds of Cherokee song
8 posted 2000-10-12 01:35 AM

OOPPPPSSS  back so soon as I did forget to check that box and I ain't letting this one slip away.
Senior Member
since 2000-04-22
Posts 1014

9 posted 2000-10-13 10:53 PM

Marge Tindal…Thank you very, very much Marge!
                          Your beautiful replies always give me
                           a great big smile.

Twice back at ya!

Temptress…Thank you
                     How about 2 % LOL
                     Thanks for replying.

Mark Bohannan…Thanks Mark
                               I enjoyed writing this but I must say every time
                               I come into the forums I have to read it again
                               and again and it's still enjoyable to read every
                               time. Thanks for the wonderful compliment.

Mark Bohannan…T
hanks Mark
                               I enjoyed reading your reply and I look forward
                               to giving you much of what you ask just sign
                               Wouldn't want you to slip away now!
                                               Your friend……well you know who!?

Member Ascendant
since 1999-07-29
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Ala bam a
10 posted 2000-10-13 10:55 PM

When it comes to the "Poetry Prince"
Ya gotta consider the one with no sense,
The poetry's usually bad,
Ya gotta consider old Prince Toerag.....LOL....this is a fine piece....I will read more of your work......

Sigmund Freud
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since 2000-06-03
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Come to my couch...
11 posted 2000-10-15 02:13 PM

I think you should come to my office and lets talk about your devil incarnations.


Senior Member
since 2000-04-22
Posts 1014

12 posted 2000-10-17 08:58 PM

Toerag…Thank you
                I've seen a few battles of your own!
                But I won't mention Balla….oops! LOL
                Anyway thanks again for replying.

Sigmund Frend…Thanks for the invite…..Oh!
                             You mean an appointment?
                              How about we have a beer there Ziggy
                              and discuss She Devils.

since 2000-05-20
Posts 387

13 posted 2000-10-22 09:39 PM

A Prince of Poetry
That’s what YOU are!!
This is truly my favorite
One by far

Your talent oustounds me
You are truly blessed
Your creativity draws me
This one insect
Beats all the rest

I'm speechless insect. You've out done yourself with this piece.  You have such a wide spectrum when it comes to subject matter. You can take any topic and make a jewel out of it. Love police to Love..LOL  No matter what it is, makes no difference. You always rise to the top!!
You wanted me to look at this one and I did. Now I can tell you. I LOVED IT!! THIS WAS AMAZING INSECT!! WOW!!  

kat (purr purr) lol

Member Elite
since 2000-02-19
Posts 4297
Charlotte, NC
14 posted 2000-10-22 10:31 PM


this ROCKED! loved the rhyme, the format,
the message. Loved the whole darn thing in
fact. Truly an inspirational piece, and
a lovely tribute to our Lord and Savior

Take care.

"The head learns knew things, but the heart forever more practices old experiences"

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since 2000-09-30
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lost in blue pages
15 posted 2000-10-23 06:17 AM

I am thrilled, and moved,....this is ART, PRECIOUS WORK can't describe the feelings inside me, struggling my strive, and is your story.....contain faith.
what I almost had lost.
Thank you for writing and sharing this one with us.


Senior Member
since 2000-04-22
Posts 1014

16 posted 2000-10-25 09:48 PM

kat…Thanks kat
          You've said enough to make me purr!
           Love the verses of yours for me
            And the smiles too
             I thank you
              I missed you my friend my pickle jar
               If you have to go please just not to far

              Little kat whiskers tickle my chin
            This place of poetry we want you in
           I love your licks and pretty soft fur
         But most of all I love your purr!

Aimster…Thank you
                 "ROCKED" cool word to use, love it
                 You take care too!

Charisma…Thank you
                    This is a very uplifting reply!
                     Smiles on my face thanks
                     Here a smile for you and everyone!

Ron K. Fox
Senior Member
since 2000-10-24
Posts 925

17 posted 2000-10-25 10:06 PM

So darn cool. i want to go out and kick some satan butt! (dodging those pitchforks of course) Ron
Senior Member
since 1999-12-15
Posts 1203
Wisconsin, USA
18 posted 2000-10-25 10:28 PM

insect-WoW! I felt myself reading faster for the answer and was not prepared for the end. I felt shivers when reading and glad it effected me this way.  You leave alot to think about and in an excellent way.
Senior Member
since 2000-04-22
Posts 1014

19 posted 2000-10-25 11:02 PM

Ron K. Fox…Thank you
                       Nice of you to come in and reply.    
                       Be careful he may be in the shadows lurking!!

                                          "Yes I am here"                                        
                                          " Please don't fear"
                                          " I'd like to make myself clear"
                                          " I don't use pitchforks to win your soul"
                                          " But I have the fastest car, here give it a go"
                                          " Tell me your problems and I will fix"
                                          " Or just give me a call I'm at 666-6666"
                                          " It may be busy but just the same"
                                          " I'd rather that you'd call me by my real name"
                                          " So Passion friend just sign here__________."
                                          " Selling your soul is nothing to fear"
                                          "Ha! Ha! Ha! Haaa aa a!! (Deep laugh with echo)"

Gemini…Thank you
                I like to read it fast too!
                I think it's better that way but sometimes I get tongue-tied.

[This message has been edited by insect (edited 10-25-2000).]

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