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Member Elite
since 2000-02-19
Posts 4297
Charlotte, NC

0 posted 2000-10-09 05:50 PM

Heart and Soul
Amy M. Kennedy

It's two AM as I stare at the wall
The night always drags on much to slow
Summer nights are over and now it is fall
Amazing how in just 3 months love can grow

Your love has made me complete
I am finally whole
As I happily remember the sound of your heart beat
I want you to know...I love you heart and soul

Brisk autumn rolls in, leaves red and gold
The night air is cold and brisk
My lonely heart feels alone and old
But loving you has been worth the risk

Cold and alone I shout out to the night
Does anyone hear as I shout to the moon
You are my angel love, my ever-guiding light
Your stays with me are always over too soon

I hang onto the day when we'll be together
And no more will we have to depart
Closing my eyes I pray, we'll last forever
All the love I have for you is in my heart

Distance makes the heart grow fonder
I think that's how the saying goes
How is it possible this love can get any stronger
One fine day, we'll have no more woes

Look at the star-filled sky
As they twinkle down upon you and me
And no NEVER will I say good-bye
Forever you and I will be...just watch and see

"The head learns knew things, but the heart forever more practices old experiences"

© Copyright 2000 Amy Kennedy - All Rights Reserved
Janet Marie
Member Laureate
since 2000-01-22
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1 posted 2000-10-09 06:28 PM

Amy this is BEAUTIFUL
and you've done a excellent job
on the rhyme...
perfect flow....
and the emotions are expressed with a poetic passion
your heart and soul indeed do shine in every line
wonderful writing girlie ...
your angel inspires amazing things in you  

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Member Patricius
since 1999-10-22
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2 posted 2000-10-09 06:46 PM

Member Elite
since 2000-01-18
Posts 4713
3 posted 2000-10-11 05:06 AM

Lovely heartfelt poem Amy  
I hope your dreams come true and you're together forever never apart.

Love is the life of the soul...
It is the harmony of the universe

Junior Member
since 2000-10-06
Posts 34
Escondido, CA, USA
4 posted 2000-10-11 05:28 AM

This is absolutely incredible...  I try to re-examine most of the poems I read, but because of the effect that your words have on me in this particular work, I was forced to stray from my standard ways of opperation...  Ok, I'll admit it; I almost cried...
It really got me to thinking about my soulmate, who by coinsidence, is also named "Amy," and it made me yearn for her presence intensly...  A shame, then, isn't it, that she lives in Philladelphia, PA and I live in San Diego, CA, eh?  Hehehe, oh yes, boohoo @ me, j/k.
Congrautlations on your relationship, I know how fulfilling true-love can really be.

A man in a bubble is a man in trouble.

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Member Ascendant
since 2000-09-30
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lost in blue pages
5 posted 2000-10-11 06:15 AM

reading your words, I must agree,
How wonderful that love can be...
I have hear how you shout out to the moon,
and wish for you, that you will meet him soon,
hope that your ever-guiding light,
help ended your cold and lonely night.

Wish you all the happiness in your love.


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Member Rara Avis
since 2000-07-10
Posts 7423
Maidstone Kent England
6 posted 2000-10-11 12:59 PM

Amy this is lovely, really beautiful. I like this a lot, and you've done an excellant job of writing this. Well done

Wesley the Blue
since 1999-09-02
Posts 426
Forest Lake, MN, USA
7 posted 2000-10-11 02:01 PM

Im with you compleately Aimster.  Hold on to that love, though it be so far away.  truely a wonderful poem.

Keith W. Mullin

Even in the darkest night, someone will be there holding a candle for you.

Member Elite
since 2000-02-19
Posts 4297
Charlotte, NC
8 posted 2000-10-11 04:56 PM

Thanks to you all for such wonderful replies. You all touch me so deeply when you reply with your beautiful words and inspiring wisdom...a special thank you goes out to keith. i think you and i are on the same wavelength  

love ya

"The head learns knew things, but the heart forever more practices old experiences"

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