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Member Rara Avis
since 2000-07-25
Posts 8229
Somewhere... out there...

0 posted 2000-10-03 10:44 PM

word games...
it's all just word games-
each word,
each phrase
passage to a deeper meaning

a wall of rhetoric
to shelter
to protect
yet the message
bleeds through the cracks

don't be afraid
to take off the mask
and speak what's on your mind

my heart prefers the
sting of honesty
to the torment
of a truth
in disguise


"...until you have read the verse on his
heart, you have not truely met the poet."

© Copyright 2000 Vicky L. Raynes - All Rights Reserved
Member Elite
since 2000-09-16
Posts 2061
1 posted 2000-10-03 11:20 PM

How'd this one get so far to the bottom without a response?  It's great!
Yes, it seems so many people these days speak in riddles!  Would be nice to have more people just say when they really mean!
Loved it!!


Of all sad words of tongue or pen, the saddest are these: 'it might have been.' -John Greenleaf Whittier

Wesley the Blue
since 1999-09-02
Posts 426
Forest Lake, MN, USA
2 posted 2000-10-03 11:40 PM

I like to think that the purpose of "word games" is to make your intent/message perfectly obvious, but have fun doing it.  Liked your poem.


Even in the darkest night, someone will be there holding a candle for you.

Senior Member
since 2000-04-05
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North Carolina
3 posted 2000-10-04 12:09 PM

I agree with you completely, great poem
Member Rara Avis
since 2000-07-25
Posts 8229
Somewhere... out there...
4 posted 2000-10-04 01:03 PM

   Thanks so much for reading.  Glad
   you enjoyed this.  

Der Keit-
   Thanks.  Glad you liked.  

   Really glad you liked this.
   Thanks for reading.  


"...until you have read the verse on his
heart, you have not truely met the poet."

Member Elite
since 2000-05-13
Posts 3552
High Springs, Florida
5 posted 2000-10-05 10:04 AM

ah...this one....stab and twist...!!! a time when words were meant to make a point rather than hurt..

i dont think people always know just what to say...and some of us try to make them sound just right so as to protect as well as make known what needs to be known..

and..some of us dont like to lose people over petty differences..

glad we made it thru out differences  made us stronger aye  

lots of hugs to you, dg

theres no such thing as a failure who keeps trying--coasting to the bottom is the only disgrace. -j popper

Member Rara Avis
since 2000-07-25
Posts 8229
Somewhere... out there...
6 posted 2000-10-06 02:20 PM

  now, you know this is an oldie.  no
  intention of stab and twist here.  
  yes, this was a tough time for me, but
  yes, we also made it through with flying
  colors.    i hope you know just how
  much your friendship means to me.  

  love you a whole bunch,

"...until you have read the verse on his
heart, you have not truely met the poet."

Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-25
Posts 63354
Listening to every heart
7 posted 2000-10-06 02:22 PM

Vicky, so I guess innuendo is out, hey? This is good, and straight to the heart of the matter...

If I whisper, will you listen?...KRJ

Irish Rose
Member Patricius
since 2000-04-06
Posts 10263

8 posted 2000-10-06 04:26 PM

It's true, isn't it, we reveal so much of ourselves, and it's poetry that is so much the verse of the soul. THank you for this.


Member Rara Avis
since 2000-07-25
Posts 8229
Somewhere... out there...
9 posted 2000-10-07 05:44 PM

   I understand that many people feel
   the need for inuendo, but it just
   doesn't always set well with me.
   Most of the time, I would rather
   be told things outright.  Thanks
   for reading this.  Glad you like it.  

Irish Rose-
   Thanks so much for reading.
   Really glad you enjoyed.  


< !signature-->

"...until you have read the verse on his
heart, you have not truely met the poet."

[This message has been edited by vlraynes (edited 10-07-2000).]

Marge Tindal
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Member Empyrean
since 1999-11-06
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
10 posted 2000-10-07 05:51 PM


Word games ?
Okay .... I'll play !
Right up front I'll say -
And ain't nobody gonna make me
change my mind ! ! !  

So glad to call you friend.

~*The pen of the poet never runs out of ink, as long as we breathe.*~
[email protected]

since 2000-09-23
Posts 90
Hugo, MN
11 posted 2000-10-07 06:56 PM

my heart prefers the
sting of honesty
to the torment
of a truth
in disguise

This whole poem is great but I like this line the best.  Difficult things are so much easier to hear straight out aren't they?  


"So often times it happens that we live our lives in chains
And we never even know we have the key."
-Already Gone, The Eagles

Deputy Moderator 1 TourDeputy Moderator 1 TourDeputy Moderator 1 Tour
Member Ascendant
since 2000-09-30
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lost in blue pages
12 posted 2000-10-07 07:02 PM

love it and enjoyed reading it....


Fred Hobbs
since 1999-06-08
Posts 329
Tallahassee, Florida, US
13 posted 2000-10-07 09:01 PM

Vicky,  You're right of course, everything is a word game.  And you're obviously a player.  Nice job.
Member Elite
since 2000-02-04
Posts 2919
New York, USA
14 posted 2000-10-07 09:18 PM

vl - There is nothing I like less than those kind of games!  Sugar coating it doesn't make it any easier, simply adds more weight.  This is great.  Bonnie
Kit McCallum
Member Laureate
since 2000-04-30
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Ontario, Canada
15 posted 2000-10-07 09:29 PM

No word games from me Vicky ... just straight out wonderful! I have the same thoughts, tell me straight, or don't tell me at all ... terric wording, and I love the message!  

Best wishes,

Member Rara Avis
since 2000-07-25
Posts 8229
Somewhere... out there...
16 posted 2000-10-09 02:24 AM

You just made my day, my friend.  
I really hope you know how much
I value your friendship.  
love and hugs to you.  

thanks so much.  glad you enjoyed
this one.  yes...for me anyway, it's
much easier to hear things straight out.  
thanks for reading.

thanks so much.  glad you liked it.  

thanks so much for the reply.
glad you enjoyed.  

EXACTLY!!  sugar-coating just doesn't
agree with me.  thanks so much for
reading.  glad you liked this.  

So right you are...if it's worth saying,
then it's worth saying outright.  
thanks so much for your responses
to my poems.  I appreciate you.  


< !signature-->

"...until you have read the verse on his
heart, you have not truely met the poet."

[This message has been edited by vlraynes (edited 10-09-2000).]

Mark Bohannan
Member Rara Avis
since 2000-06-21
Posts 7269
In the winds of Cherokee song
17 posted 2000-10-10 06:33 PM

Vicky-Now you didn't think that I would let this one go out without my name on it did you?  This speaks so much of how things should ALWAYS be but yet so many people feel that they must mask the truth in order to spare feelings knowing that if the roles were reversed they too would feel more pain from a lie.  Excellent verse and wonderfully written.  
Member Elite
since 2000-08-19
Posts 2330
Queensland, Australia
18 posted 2000-10-10 06:48 PM

Great message, well said. I think life would be a lot easier without the word games, but it may hurt a little more sometimes.

Member Rara Avis
since 2000-07-25
Posts 8229
Somewhere... out there...
19 posted 2000-10-11 04:53 PM

   wow...i'm flattered.  thank you
   so much for rescueing this one
   before it got lost on the back
   pages.  i really appreciate your
   loyal responses to my poems.  i
   have a great deal of respect for
   your writings and your input means
   alot to me.  really glad you liked
   this one...and so glad you agree.  

   thank you so much for reading. yes,
   the truth can be painful, but it's
   easier to deal with than a lie.
   glad you liked this.  


< !signature-->

"...until you have read the verse on his
heart, you have not truely met the poet."

[This message has been edited by vlraynes (edited 10-11-2000).]

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