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since 2000-05-20
Posts 387

0 posted 2000-11-12 01:16 PM

A Perfect Rose

A site of perfection
She’s happy and beautiful
Life is going great
It’s prosperous and wonderful

When it shines it shines
When it pours it pours
She wasn’t prepared to beg
To pick up change on all fours

Her life spiraled down hill so fast
She held on, to only some of her clothes
Her young children slept in the car
While she begged and froze

She saw the looks on people’s faces
She still had her dignity and would comb her hair
She’d wear the clothes that she’d always wore
People would walk, judge her by what she’d wear

It didn’t take long to see the change
That life’s turn had brought on to her
Tired of the begging day and night
Her life of prosperity was merely a blur

For now she looked the homeless part
Her clothes were soiled and hair untouched
People would look at her again
And give her looks of pure disgust

They wouldn’t give to her
Because she looked like a drunk
Her inside still beautiful
Only the exterior stunk

For in her life it rained
The way it rains on a rose outside
But under her blackened petals
She’s still a perfect rose inside

© Copyright 2000 kat - All Rights Reserved
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since 2000-04-22
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1 posted 2000-11-12 01:53 PM

Hi Purr Purr!
Very sad when people are down others keep kicking.
This is wonderful of you to show that we are all special
no matter what we may look like on the outside.

"For in her life it rained
The way it rains on a rose outside
But under her blackened petals
She’s still a perfect rose inside"

Very nicely said kat

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2 posted 2000-11-12 02:03 PM

a heartfelt poem ..nicely written kat..


A poem is never finished, only abandoned.
- Paul Valery (1871-1945)

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3 posted 2000-11-12 03:09 PM

Such a nice reminder, don't put your nose so high when you see one so far down on their luck. Someday that might be you with your hand out.
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4 posted 2000-11-12 03:12 PM

An excellent ending to this.  Brought tears to my eyes.  

To capture and live a moment is truly living

Member Patricius
since 2000-05-14
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New Brunswick Canada
5 posted 2000-11-12 03:13 PM

beautiful word pictures all the way through ....very nice work ...such a great story line ....really brings out the changes that one's life can go through....definitely inside is the best place to look.....thanks..ethome

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Charlotte, NC
6 posted 2000-11-12 03:25 PM


this is a beautiful reminder to us all.
life can deal any of us misfortune and
when we look up on others...we should
think what if that was us? wonderful poem
you have penned here. take care.


since 2000-05-20
Posts 387

7 posted 2000-11-12 03:49 PM

Hi insect! Yes it is sad and someone I was talking to recently inspired me to write this.  I'm glad you liked it. Thanks  

Victoria: Thanks!

inot2B: Yes, I agree. Thanks for your reply.

dreamkeeper: I'm glad it moved you. Thanks!

ethome:  I'm glad you enjoyed it. Thanks!

Amy:  That's exactly it! What if that was us?  Glad you liked it. Thanks!


since 2000-05-25
Posts 125
New York
8 posted 2000-11-12 06:32 PM

If only those around us
Could see inside our hearts
For when they look at us
They'd see more than the outside parts

If they looked inside our soul
They may see we have the blues
From what the world has stole
And the kaos that ensues

If they'd only open their hearts
And see inside those blues
They'd look past those outer parts
And feel what it's like to be in our shoes

Wonderfully written Kat ! as always...

since 2000-05-20
Posts 387

9 posted 2000-11-12 07:38 PM

Dakota:  What a beautiful poem as a reply. Thank-you so much! I'm so glad that you enjoyed it!  


Irish Rose
Member Patricius
since 2000-04-06
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10 posted 2000-11-12 07:45 PM


I loved these lines:

"But under her blackened petals
She’s still a perfect rose inside"
< !signature-->

"When red-haired girls scamper like roses
over the rain-green grass,
and the sun drips honey.""
Laurie Lee


[This message has been edited by Irish Rose (edited 11-13-2000).]

Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
11 posted 2000-11-12 11:05 PM

This is a tenderly written piece.
We all need to be cognizant of the fact
that 'There but for the grace of God ...' could go any one of us.

And we don't need to just SAY it ...
we need to DO it !
We need to reach out a hand to one in need.
I think you would appreciate this one -

Thanks for the beauty of your tender heart.

~*The pen of the poet never runs out of ink, as long as we breathe.*~
[email protected]

since 2000-05-20
Posts 387

12 posted 2000-11-13 08:22 AM

Irish Rose: Thank-you! I'm glad you enjoyed it!  

Marge:  Yes, I agree. We DO need to DO it! I read your poem and it's absolutely beautiful as all your poems are. Thanks so much!  


Member Elite
since 2000-08-09
Posts 3092
13 posted 2000-11-13 10:42 AM

Kat~ It's heartbreaking to see others suffer but heartwarming to see someone care, like I know you do.
God bless you,

Senior Member
since 2000-11-12
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Palm Bay, Florida
14 posted 2000-11-13 11:28 AM

"For in her life it rained
The way it rains on a rose outside
But under her blackened petals
She’s still a perfect rose inside" <- powerful, beautiful words.

I find it hard to understand homelessness, maybe because I've never experienced it. I think that sometimes it is the sadness of it that encourage people to hold judgement, disgust, and also fear.
Here, you did a wonderful job of explaining it from their POV, creating a chance for the open-minding to view their world and maybe, hopefully understand.

since 2000-05-20
Posts 387

15 posted 2000-11-14 07:36 PM

Deb:  Yes it is heartbreaking and I do care alot. Thank-you!

dragonpoe:  I guess no one can really understand how the homeless feel unless they're homeless themselves. By writing this poem I tried to show how easy it is for any one of us to go from having everything to having nothing at all and how so many judge without thinking.  I'm glad you found it powerful. Thank-you!  


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