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since 2005-04-06
Posts 199

0 posted 2005-08-17 08:57 AM

Just thought it might be time to drop another Saga type poem in here
It has some open meanings
And several hidden ones
Great fun to write
Hope you enjoy it

It takes a few minutes

The Legend of the Chrystal Flame

I’m the only one who knows, so its me you ask
You come to me to seek the truth, it seems a simple task
Are you sure you want the truth, ‘cause truth can have an ugly face
No.. You don’t want the truth, for here, in truth, it has no place
Believe the truths of legend; they are as true as truth can be
All else that I’d tell you, would show our human frailty

Legend of their perfect love, brings hope and burns a Chrystal Flame
The shifting masks of memory, ensure that only love remains
You think that I’m a simpleton, who’d betray his friends
Be gone you fools, don’t you see, tis here the story ends

And the Years Pass
Now the years are growing short, I have a tale to tell
Fools are gone, we’re alone, remember this part well
So many times I’ve said this, when all is said and done
Come with me to other times, when we all were young

Perfect is my memory, of the Chrystal Flame
Legend of the lovers, whose story gave its name
How they blazed a trail of love, wide across the world
It all began so simply, with a lonely boy and girl

Of course there was a castle, of course there was king
War and siege and pestilence, and many other things
But they are only part, of the story you will hear
My voice is weak, I am old, closer drag your chair
Look around and see the world, how happily you play
But once the world was not like this, in those far off days
Let others speak of Dragons, and supernatural force
They are a part of legend; cannot be true of course

You know me well, as the old man, lives up on the hill
No one alive still knows me, but very soon you will
Go over to the corner; drag out that old chest
Memories are buried there; in a mouldy nest
My harp lies there disconsolate; too many broken strings
Find the gut; then tune it up; once more I will sing

Over there now; on the shelf; grab the flask of wine
My voice will need an oiling, to sing just one more time
You recognise my harp; I always thought you would
You recognise the patterns, graven on the wood
In cloth are many treasures; you’ll see them one by one
Do not be in a hurry; the day has scarce begun

History repeats itself; or so the experts say
Come and walk through history; time for us to play
You live in peace and harmony; the Flame is burning bright
Let us now return, to those days of murky light

Calinor, the King, was an old and bitter man
Rivals from the other states, encroaching on his land
Burning villages lent smoke; that hung a dismal haze
Scent of death was everywhere; every time of day

Roland was the Princeling; but he was still a child
Pretenders all around, and chaos running wild
I was very lucky; for I became his page
Thought he needed company, someone more his age
Roland lived a courtly life, as princes always do
No trials or tribulations, like for me and you

You already know the heroes, battles that were fought
Killing and the desperation, this long war had wrought
History books are written; only by victors’ hands
There always is another side, just so you understand
It’s no time to discuss, who was right or wrong
In a time of war, only death will sing his song

Religion was a part, as religion always is
I kill you in my Gods name; go to him in bliss
Said they followed gods of peace; religions always do
It must have been a different peace; one I never knew
So people died for god, while others cursed his name
If all followed his beliefs; it would not be the same

Ruthless King was Calinor; a very brutal man
Ruled only by the strength, measured in his hands
Then again a kingdom, is measured by its King
But still they have no right, to just do anything

A people full of confidence, now full of despair
A city filled with beauty, now shivering in fear
So that’s the situation, as my sorry tale begins
In this type of situation, nobody really wins

Roland grew to manhood, a knight with shining lance
I was just an archer, but bard when I’d the chance
You heard the words, archer, bard, now you’ve realised
The one that all, thought was dead, right before your eyes
In the chest, down the side, there is a silver box
Pass it here, hold your tongue, no matter what the cost
Then sit and listen closely; I have a tale to tell
You will then be keeper, and you must guard it well
So now you know I’m Algorin, so hated for so long
Bet you never thought that Algorin, was Keeper of the Song
But this not about me, its of the Chrystal Flame
Of love and hate and traitors, and how it got its name

We must have been about fifteen, when first we went to war
There is no need to recollect, the bloodshed and the gore
Battles won and battles lost, death to fellow men
Too exhausted to mount up; yet back we went again
But heroes can be cowards; depends on those who write
Traitors are always traitors; they never can be right

King Calinor decided, that Roland should be wed
Allies were needed in his fight, or he would soon be dead
Highlanders were then approached, to send their princess down
With Darienne, Princess Royal, sent into the town
Roland was by then a man, scarred in many ways
He did not fall for Darienne, but for her lovely maid

Royal marriages are not for love; they always are a plan
Allegiances and treaties are more important than
Romance and the taste of love, two hearts joined as one
Royal marriages for love; it simply isn’t done

Love had come to Roland, so peace was on his mind
A Highland treaty would give this, for a lasting time
Who are we, mere mortals, to question what is right
Peace would mean an end, to our bloody fights

But Calinor did not want peace; it never was his plan
From castle keep he ruled the war, that brought death to man
‘Tis why he wanted treaties, with the other tribes
Great would be the slaughter, with them by his side

You’ve all heard of the stories, of the battle knights
On their steeds in armour; a truly awesome sight
They really were invincible, like an ancient tank
But this was not true, of the other ranks
Peasants were the soldiers, and they gave their lives
In a normal battle, not many would survive

Smell of blood and screaming men, lingers in my ears
In battle is an end, to all men’s hopes and fears
Roland was a knight of knights; he wanted this to cease
No matter what the final cost; he knew he wanted peace

The Prince was very honourable, also very just
For peace to marry Darienne, then marry her he must
So the plans were done, for the wedding day
Although he wanted peace, he also loved the maid

In the castles hidden rooms darker plans were laid
None knew the machinations, the King now put in play
Came to me in dead of night, envoys of the King
Telling me to go there, and for him to sing

There among the Knights of Fear, I heard his evil plan
Calinor may be King, yet still a wretched man
Just after the wedding, when they made their vow
From a leafy tree; I must strike the blow

Darienne must die; assassins must be blamed
Highlanders would fight, country back in flames
As our world’s best archer, I must lend a hand
Roland could never know, he would not understand

The politics of power, are not for those like me
My prince the only answer to our destiny
If Darienne was dead, he could marry maid
But what would happen to our land; I was sore afraid

The wedding day was beautiful, when Roland took her hand
Sky and air were chrystal clear, all over the land
King then gave the signal, to put the plan in place
Shoot an arrow in her heart; then leave without a trace
I think that was the instant, I knew what I should do
Raised my bow, asked my gods, to hold the arrow true
Then I stood, so all would know, who had shot the king
Did my life now matter; No; it didn’t mean a thing
Roland was in fury; his father lay there dead
I was once a hero, now hunted for my head
Loathed by everybody; Hated by my friend
Somehow I survived, and never found an end

My part of this story ends; I swear to god above
Roland brought the world to peace, and filled it with his love
His love of maid grew stronger, yet he maintained his vow
And of her love for him; You will learn that now

It was a few years later, when Darienne gave birth
On the day the twins were born, her spirit left the Earth
The maid was in despair, when the twins were born
Wandered through the night, lost and so folorn
She took her life to end, her unrequited love
Roland heard the news, in the castle high above
The legend says he died, for love of Darienne
But now you know the truth, here the story ends

You look on me with pure contempt, written in your eyes
Yet you wanted truth, and none of this is lies
Remember that the truth, is what you understand
It has formed a legend; Love now fills our land

In the chest before you, real truth is buried there
One day perhaps it can be told, when there is no fear
You are now the guardian; Keeper of the Song
My time has come, I will go; Death only waits so long


Live It

© Copyright 2005 P.Nicholson - All Rights Reserved
Marge Tindal
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since 1999-11-06
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
1 posted 2005-08-17 10:09 AM

There is so much to like about this penning~
I am on my second read and will be back to find even more of it to my liking~

Wonderful ink !!

~*When the heart grieves over what it has lost,
the spirit rejoices over what it has left.
- Sufi epigram <))><

Email [email protected]

Joyce Johnson
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Member Rara Avis
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Washington State
2 posted 2005-08-17 12:32 PM

i printed your poem off before I read it, so I could savor it with my morning coffee.  A wonderful tale of romance, valor, honor and treachery.  I loved the cadence and I especially liked the line "History books are written by the victor's hand.  There always is another side, just so you undestand."

How trues.  We never get both sides of the story.  

This is a piece that could have been written in the past, when poets were revered and you would have been among them.  Good job.  Joyce

since 2005-04-06
Posts 199
3 posted 2005-08-17 01:06 PM

Thankyou both so much

My style has been called archaic
But thats cool by me
The only poetry I remember Rhymes
It just grew out a little thought about the truth of legends
Then as it came together I had the chance to talk about so much more
I was a bit scared of putting it in here
Simply because the last Saga type poem was not really well recieved
Thanks again

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Member Patricius
since 2001-03-09
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Idaho, USA
4 posted 2005-08-17 02:38 PM

longte:  An eloquent write and glad you posted it here so we have a chance to enjoy it!

Betty Lou

Betty Lou Hebert

Joyce Johnson
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Member Rara Avis
since 2001-03-10
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Washington State
5 posted 2005-08-17 04:12 PM

I am a fan of poetry that rhymes too.  It is so much easier to memorize.  Great job.  Sorry if we were't receptive to your first one.  Love, Joyce
Marge Tindal
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since 1999-11-06
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
6 posted 2005-08-17 07:04 PM

See ... I'm true to my promise ... back in for another breath of 'archiac'~

You will find that 'most' of us here in the Corner are 'rhymers' ... sometimes not, but poets just the same~

Your style is refreshing ... keep sharing, please~

Hey ... you send me the link or name of the 'other' saga ... and I'll be more than happy to take a read~
(as I know the others here will too)

~*When the heart grieves over what it has lost,
the spirit rejoices over what it has left.
- Sufi epigram <))><

Email [email protected]

since 2005-04-06
Posts 199
7 posted 2005-08-17 09:52 PM

The original one was called Prophecy Complete

But it is very different to this one
I have been writing for just on a year now
I went back to the other saga and read it again
This one is so much better that they cannot really be compared
Yet when I wrote it I thought it was great
So much for me thinking I was not changing as I write

Live It

Member Ascendant
since 2003-03-21
Posts 5499
8 posted 2005-08-18 02:22 AM

Peter, well done. If the other was not well recieved as you felt, it may have been just a slow day. Will go find it and read. good writitng here. martyjo
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