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Tramp Poet
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since 2000-01-06
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Could Be Anywhere...

0 posted 2004-05-05 01:40 PM

the boy

the boy howls and screams
thru older, stronger hands
keeping him silent to the outside.
retreats over the years
into a special, safe place
only his, never shared.

the boy grows with years
innocence gone, stolen
inner rage gnaws at his soul.
where is this God, Father
where is the protection
where is the justice or joy?

the boy becomes a man
and the rage builds on
he doesn’t even know, suspect.
one day he goes away
back to his secret place
for decades he is left alone.

the boy slumbers, forgotten
as the man displays the rage
finds solace in hurting.
Decades of abuse, violence
pass by season after season
man ever growing, struggles.

the man works thru the years of
jail, divorce's, love and hate
anger ever building, ebb and flow.
One day the man wakes up, realizes
sick and tired of being there, again
accepts the forgiveness of Jesus.

the man continues to struggle, grow
a dozen years slip away, ever quicker
failed ministries, split churches
Seems his walk with God, crawling
he is forgiven, redeemed, paying price
for a life spent playing with evil.

the man comes to the Lord time again
backsliding, angry with God still
tears of anguish and anger, confusion.
settles into a peace and comfort
shattered by yet another tragic atonement
faith shaken to the core of his being.

the man after nearly half a century
still angry, still full of rage, still, still
striking out, kicking against circumstance.
Realizing tis his inner blackness, bitterness
that needs to be exposed, cleansed
takes it out, shakes it out, washed in Light.

the man comfortable, finally, finally
makes his new home; far, far away
a new life in a new town in a new time.
His heart soaring as God seemingly brings
a love he has prayed for in dreams
for years they realize, prayer for years.

the man gives his heart completely, totally
secrets revealed to no other in life
a bond, sharing, freedom to love without check.
the boy struggles from his exile and slumber
awakened with love, coaxed into daylight
his secret place exposed and shared with love.

the boy becomes excited, playful, truly alive
sharing with a special love, a special friend
allowed to take her behind his waterfall.
the boy is happy, innocent, overjoyed
sharing all that he has, and ever will have
his pure heart given gladly, confidently.

the boy becomes a pawn in battles raged
the boy and girl cower and hide as adult
personalities wage war over pride and habit.
And when the battlefield clears, retreat sounded
the others go away, taking away, alone... again
the girl they say dead, the boy unknown.

the boy howls and screams
thru older, stronger hands
keeping him silent to the outside.
retreating, he is gone...gone again
into a special, safe, forever place
only his, never again to be shared.


© Copyright 2004 Daniel James Burt - All Rights Reserved
Joyce Johnson
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Member Rara Avis
since 2001-03-10
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Washington State
1 posted 2004-05-05 03:30 PM

I'll never understand that children can be tormented in their innocent years.  Just know it is not God that does this but man who has the free willto make his own decisions.  Love, Joyce
Marge Tindal
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since 1999-11-06
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
2 posted 2004-05-08 12:31 PM

This tore at my heart with such immensity~

And ... this poem is the real for far to many, boys-men, girls-women~


~*When the heart grieves over what it has lost,
the spirit rejoices over what it has left.
- Sufi epigram <))><

[email protected]

since 2004-04-05
Posts 451
3 posted 2004-05-08 01:03 PM


I can feel the pain and sorrow as if I were reliving my own past. I will never understand why children have to suffer so.


'When you find a dream within your heart, don't ever let it go.
For dreams are the tiny seeds from which tomorrow grows.'

since 2003-10-03
Posts 469
here then there then back here
4 posted 2004-05-31 04:13 PM

the boy howls and the girl screams...God is there whether we know it or not, and when you find in you the trust that God wants you to feel you will know that while we think we have been deserted it is only us that can trust him to let us trust others.
My trust in people waivers closely to the edge at times but my trust in God has never let me down and gives me the strength to trust time and time again.

Senior Member
since 2003-11-28
Posts 682
Cheboygan,MI USA
5 posted 2004-05-31 08:09 PM

This is really an intense, thought provoking poem. A lot said here.

Senior Member
since 2000-07-01
Posts 1597
6 posted 2004-06-01 03:09 AM

Ow.. blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted.. amen


If there cannot be equal in affection, then let the one with more be me - midnightblues

Street Heart
since 2002-09-05
Posts 349
7 posted 2004-06-01 01:38 PM

Daniel,you have me choked up...and I wonder where all this came from,your words.There have been many poems I have read and enjoyed from so many talented writers on this site,but I have to say that this work of yours has disturbed and moved me unlike any other.In fact,I feel as if you somehow know me.The anger? I'm not sure how much has it's grasp on seems to be more of a resignation for me...and disillusionment. Your writing here is immensely in-depth and articulate.Sure would enjoy discussing this offering of yours with you.

Street Heart

If a man has not discovered something he is willing to die for,his life is not worth living.

Martin Luther King,Jr. Detroit,1963

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