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Teen Poetry #3
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since 2000-06-29
Posts 211
Morris, Il USA

0 posted 2000-07-12 10:53 AM

This one is the most personal poem I've ever posted. You don't have to reply to it, it is just my way to get my hope's and dreams into the light of day.

Sun beats off the water
Baking into my skin
The beauty of nature surrounds me
As I simply take it all in
Birds flying overhead
Aquatic life beneath
Making somehow bearable
The scorching, blistering heat

A breeze picks u, cooling my body
Weary from a hard week at work
As catydids and crickets
In the grasses around me chirp
I drift away into the clouds
Losing track of time
Dreaming of what the future may bring
And hopes that are only mine

Will I make it like I want to?
Will i touch people with my songs?
Or will I fall flat on my face
And realize the whole thing was wrong?
How I want o be up on that stage
Seeing their faces turned towards me
Hearing my songs on the radio
Maybe it will help set emotions free

Am I perhaps too selfish
To want these things in life?
To provide for my family comfortably?
To give all I can to my daughter and wife?
Am I too proud to know I can
If I could just get a break?
Maybe I should just give up
Write it off as a mistake

But what would I do with all my songs?
Let them lie there like they do now?
I know I can touch hearts with my music
But I want to touch millions, I just don't know how

-Thomas A. Plemmons

Just as a little explanation: I've been writng songs since I was 12. Been singing in churches and such since I was 7. Poetry is kind of just a fall back for me, but I've really enjoyed it now that I've found all of you. I've been told I have a wonderful voice and that I should do something with it. Some of the songs I've written have brought tears to peoples eyes, touching them in a way that only that song could. If I could effect one person positively with my music, my work would be done. I want people to be able to feel what I felt while writing a particular song. So this is to all the hopes... It's very hard to get a foot in the door in the music business, you have to have connections, I have none. That's what this poem was about. I feel as if I'm caught up in an excercise in futility.

"I could have missed the pain
But I'd of had to miss The Dance"

-Garth Brooks-

© Copyright 2000 Thomas A. Plemmons - All Rights Reserved
since 2000-07-08
Posts 103

1 posted 2000-07-12 02:39 PM

This was a great poem, it really touched me a lot, and I can somewhat relate with my own writing, not just songs but novels and poems and other work.  It's a shaky next step, but this was a great poem... and I really liked it a lot. Good luck

since 2000-05-25
Posts 88
East Haddam, CT
2 posted 2000-07-12 04:42 PM

  I interpreted this poem as a very hopeful dream.  And with courage, patience, perseverance, and talent (u definetly have the latter) dreams can come true.  I read u'r desire to become a singer and I truly think u can make that happen. If u want it bad enough, u won't give up and u will achieve u'r goal.  Even the biggest stars in the music business had to start somewhere, and I'm sure that they all have felt as doubtful as u sound.  In my own humble opinion, I suggest that u continue writing u'r songs (and for our entertainment, u'r poems as well please and try to make something happen.  How about recording a demo tape and sending it to record companies??  Even online u can find managers and such looking for new musicians. What I'm trying to say iz that u don't neccescarily need connections to make it big.  If u've got the right kind of talent, that's all u need.  But sometimes u need to do the work in order to make it up there.  I'm sorry for the length of this, I've gone on rambling and I apologize.  But I would be interested in reading u'r songs if u wouldn't mind E-mailing some to me.  Maybe we can talk sometime.  My E-mail address is [email protected] and I would luv to hear from u.  Good luck.

~<3 Alwayz~

~*~*~*~*"We can complain because roses have thorns, or we can rejoice because thorns have roses." *~*~*~*~

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3 posted 2000-07-12 09:20 PM

Yes, music is a hard business to enter, but it can be done. Anything can be done if you work hard enough. You have talent for songwriting, I can tell from reading your poetry. The only way you can fail is if you give up. Don't ever give up.

"We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars." -Oscar Wilde
"The robbed that smiles steals something from the thief" -Shakespea

Ethan Halo
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on the roof again
4 posted 2000-07-12 09:28 PM

you only get one chance to do this dance that we call life. i always wanted to write songs and play music, but i can't play an instrument, and my voice has moods. it doesn't always like to sing well! so if you've got the talent and the dream, then do it.
as for touching people, here's a quote.
"if it looks good, you'll see it.
if it sounds good, you'll hear it.
if it's marketed right, you'll buy it.
but if it's real, you'll feel it."
-Kid Rock

good luck.

We all got our demons.
We all got somethin' to atone for.

since 2000-07-11
Posts 60

5 posted 2000-07-12 10:02 PM

Hey excellent poem. sometimes i feel the same way about my talents. Good luck making it to, and in the misic biz. It's waitin' for ya!
Jeremy Halstead
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since 2000-06-01
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Morris, Ill. U.S.A
6 posted 2000-07-13 05:46 AM

Tom...both you and I know that you have more than enough talent to not only make it into the music business, but leave it as a legend.
You've added more inspiration and depth to my life with your singing than you'll ever even know.  Remember, singing is something I dream of too...but you're the one with the chance.  I promise you that if you really get off your @$$ and do will happen.


"Time is the matter, and in a matter of that all wounds will heal and all scars shall fade."

Kit McCallum
Member Laureate
since 2000-04-30
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Ontario, Canada
7 posted 2000-07-13 06:32 AM

Oh Thomas ... you have a great deal of talent my friend.  I think someday, if you tuck this poem away, you can pull it out late one night, as you gaze across the street where your name is up in lights, and say "I made it!" Hold on to your dreams, and make them happen Thomas!

Best wishes,

since 2000-06-27
Posts 291
Dwight Il, US
8 posted 2000-07-13 10:57 AM

Well Tom, I set us a goal, and its been almost a year.  We've only got untill september.  You know what I mean.


Member Elite
since 2000-06-15
Posts 2527
9 posted 2000-07-13 06:15 PM

thomas...i the beginning of my junior year i set a couple of goals for myself...and towards the middle of the year they werent looking the way i wanted them goal was to do the best i could, get good grades, and then eventually graduate...well it was till the day before graduation day that i realized i had accomplished my goals...i didnt find out till that day that i was gonna graduate...just keep reaching for the stars...if i was able to accomplish mine then in my heart i believe that you will accomplish yours...dont think that you cant do only makes it harder...look to the bright side...belive that you can do it...and then hopefully it will...


Junior Member
since 2000-07-09
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Peoria, AZ
10 posted 2000-07-13 06:20 PM

You'll make it through.  You have the dream, ambition and the heart.  Good luck.

"Everything happens for a reason!"

April Resi
since 1999-10-18
Posts 119
11 posted 2000-07-14 12:45 PM

I've never had the pleasure of reading one of your songs (although I would love to if you want to send me a few!) but if you are half as good at writing songs as you are at poetry, I'm sure all you have to do is be patient and work a little bit. I know how awful it is to know that you could be making things happen if only you knew a few people, but just keep pestering people and sooner or later they'll listen to you! (nagging almost always works!) Just don't ever lose sight of your goal and don't EVER think you are being selfish for wanting to be successful in life. I wish you all the luck in the world, and hope to hear more from you soon

Doubt thou the stars are fire;
Doubt that the sun doth move;
Doubt truth to be a liar;
But never doubt I love.

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since 2000-05-31
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12 posted 2000-07-15 12:19 PM

silly me! I read it before but forgot to reply! oops!   sorry!   anywhoo, this poem totally gives meaning to EVERY little thing I have heard about you Thomas! You are such a wonderful person and I'm sure your wife and daughter are very pleased to have you as a part of their lives (singer or not) because deep inside you will always sing, whether you make it in the "music world" (which I hope you do) or not. Keep it up and best of luck with your dream my friend!! Love Always~*~Jessica~*~

~*~My fire is dead,it knew no pain; yet it is dead and I remain: All stiff with ice ashes lie;and they are dead, and I will die~*~

since 2000-06-29
Posts 211
Morris, Il USA
13 posted 2000-07-15 11:22 AM

Your words of encouragement are priceless in a way that only you can make them. Thank you all so much for striving to make me believe that nothing is impossible. If I ever do get where I want to be, I will remember that you played a part in getting me there.

Thank You,

Thomas A. Plemmons

"I could have missed the pain
But I'd of had to miss The Dance"

-Garth Brooks-

Artic Wind
Member Rara Avis
since 2007-09-16
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Realm of Supernatural
14 posted 2007-12-01 11:12 PM



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