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Bay City, MI

0 posted 2000-09-26 10:48 PM

Cancer is a deadly decease,
I have already lost two grandparents and a dog,
They all had this and now one more,
My aunt now has cancer to,
They say 6 months will probably do,
Thats as long as she has to live can u believe it?

This women was a great friend of mine,
Always there by my side,
Now its my turn to watch her suffer,
I cant help but come home and cry,
Cancer is such a pain in the (edited),
Why does everything i get so close to have to end to that?

I hope this doesnt run in the family,
Because if it does ill put an end into it,
Im sick of you CANCER always taking my loved ones,
I heard of people but when you took my dog,
It wasnt fair,
You will never end the life of this young boy,
I will fight you untill The end has to come,
You are nothing but a scary decease,
I hate cancer why does it hurt so bad,
plz if i ever get cancer that bad......pull the plug
This is the end of this poem it may not make since but cancer HERE I COME!
< !signature-->

"what doesnt kill you only makes you stronger"

[This message has been edited by LoveBug (edited 09-29-2000).]

© Copyright 2000 Branden Jacobs - All Rights Reserved
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since 2000-08-05
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On the streets w/ people
1 posted 2000-09-27 03:48 PM

Sorry to hear aobut your family's troubles But, I  do like you attitude here, you don't have to give in to the disease   
since 2000-09-12
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2 posted 2000-09-27 04:13 PM

hey, i'm sorry to hear about cancer haunting ur family, my dad's got cancer, as of last thursday. it sucks really bad and i hope that he come out alive but ya never know. keep ur spirits high
love always

"I've kissed the moon a million times, danced with angels in the sky"
Enrique Iglesias

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3 posted 2000-09-27 05:35 PM

My attitude in here is nothing but truth and i try to make it loud and clear i will never ever leave the world to this. Im sorry it sounds so negative and such. Im sorry for all of you who think it sucks. But you deal with a person dying with cancer.

"what doesnt kill you only makes you stronger"

since 2000-08-29
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Central Maine
4 posted 2000-09-27 06:33 PM

aww hunnie   this is so sad!!!  ( my friends aunt just died of cancer   i hope you are okay!! Great poem though, lots of emotion   keep it up

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5 posted 2000-09-28 03:23 PM

I dont know to much on that subject...But my aunt and one of my dogs died of cancer...I have lost friends to other things...Like getting killed (shot, stabbed, beat to death) and all that...Because they were in a gang...But thank you for sharing this with us...I will keep you in my prayers...

It TaKeS a MiNuTe To LiKe SoMeOnE, aN hOuR tO hAvE a CrUsH oN sOmEoNe & A dAy To FaLl In LoVe, BuT iT tAkEs A lIfEtImE tO fOrGeT sOmEoNe.

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In the space between moments
6 posted 2000-09-28 10:23 PM

Death in any way, shape or form hurts deeply....I'm very sorry for you and your aunt.  Well written words here, very emotional.  

*Krista Knutson*

"Wheresoever you go, go with all your heart." -Confucious

Dopey Dope
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7 posted 2000-09-29 03:52 PM

Sorry about all the past and future losses that have/will come into your life.

I was born myself, raised myself, and will continue to be myself. The world will just have to adjust.

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8 posted 2000-09-29 09:56 PM

Thank you all for what you have said her and thanks for all your support i didnt enjoy writing this poem but its a way to show my feelings

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9 posted 2000-09-29 11:32 PM

What a sad story my dear, I've lost a few dear loved ones to cancer...that and other things. Anyways, your aunt will be in my prayers...Take care
Love Always

~*~sMiLe! It MaKeS yOuR bUtT ShInE~*~

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10 posted 2000-09-29 11:37 PM

Cancer is a horrible disease. I have also lost loved ones to it. I know that it's hard to see so many of your family members suffer like this, but you just have to remember that we are all in God's will, and He never gives us anything we can't bear. Just put your faith in Him.

False gems may shine as brightly as the genuine article, but there are always those who can tell the difference.

since 2000-06-14
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North of Hell
11 posted 2000-09-29 11:59 PM

This was so sad...I almost cried. But it was also EXCEPTIONAL. You really got your feeling across here, and I hope writing this made you feel better, or at least got out some of your sadness.
What always amazes me is reading replies to poems and hearing people relate the poem to their lives personally...that is so cool, in my opinion. It's good to share these things with one another...helps us know we're not alone    This poem was personal to me b/c the doctor's told my friend last week that she had a 50/50 chance of having cancer in her mouth and we were all so scared. Luckily today she found out it isn't cancer, but still, the scare was there, so in some tiny miniscule way, I understand what you mean.  Hope everything turns out positively for you.
Much Love

~*Things you see the way you see them will never be seen again*~

~All that I have found in reason is reason just to not believe.~

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Fitchburg, Ma, Usa
12 posted 2000-09-30 03:58 PM

I'm sorry my dad died of colon cancer. I don't get why cancer comes, but I do know he's in my heart and always be in there. I love him I was his little princess and always will be his little princess. I have a disability and my dad taught me alot of life one of them was to never never give up in life. My dad never gave up in life except the day he died. Peace out
Minna [email protected]    

When YOU leave someone in love, friendship, death ect.. You leave footsteeps in their hearts

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Bay City, MI
13 posted 2000-10-01 12:07 PM

Well im sorry to hear about your dad dieing and about everyone else who has lost a love one to cancer i wrote this poem and someday i will read this at the funeral of my aunt and i will then dedicate it to her but till then i have read it to her and in her bed she cryed  she loved it and told me to never give up in life and thats all i needed.

"what doesnt kill you only makes you stronger"

Isabel Galaxia
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14 posted 2000-10-01 12:18 PM

Well, not to take away from your story, my family has dealt with cancer too.  Almost every woman in my family has had cancer, of some kind, making my chances of getting it over 59%.  But here's the thing, my grandmother has had cancer twice, 30 years apart, and she's still here.  After your experience, I'd think you'd be pessimistic, but people do come out of this okay.  Well, sorry for taking up so much room, keep writing...hasta luego
By the way, great poem

Beautiful is empty
Beautiful is free
Beautiful loves no one
Beautiful stripped me
-"Beautiful" CREED

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Bay City, MI
15 posted 2000-11-08 06:54 AM

Here is my poem im replying to it myself so it will show up in the forums and i hope i do get some more reply's then what i had because i seen the other poem and well that got me to bring this back.

"put the name of the person u love, not in a heart because they alway break but put it in a circle which last forever"

since 2000-11-09
Posts 70

16 posted 2000-11-10 06:10 AM

I lost my cousin to this disease, she was only 20 and my mother was suspected to be suffering from it as well. I was fortunate though, she was spared from it. It turned out that nothing was really wrong with my mother but I had quite a scare. I was not prepared to lose another loved one. I accompanied her to the tests and I felt her fear. Hope everything turns out well for you and that's a healthy spirit to adopt.

since 2000-11-09
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17 posted 2000-11-10 06:10 AM

I lost my cousin to this disease, she was only 20 and my mother was suspected to be suffering from it as well. I was fortunate though, she was spared from it. It turned out that nothing was really wrong with my mother but I had quite a scare. I was not prepared to lose another loved one. I accompanied her to the tests and I felt her fear. Hope everything turns out well for you and that's a healthy spirit to adopt.

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Bay City, MI
18 posted 2000-11-10 06:48 AM

Yeah,a little update here my aunt was beyond controll of stoping this she didnt know that she had it at first and then it got worse well on October 31st 2000 my aunt passed away and it really hurt just thought you would like to know and o ya thanks for sharing all the things you guys have and apsara thanks alot and im glad it all worked out for ya!

"put the name of the person u love, not in a heart because they alway break but put it in a circle which last forever"

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