Teen Poetry #3 |
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Get the better guys |
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~sugarpie313~ Member
since 2000-09-14
Posts 375Maine, USA |
When i was around you i felt like i had to watch what i did, watch what i say, how i act make sure i wasn't acting like a little kid. When we would meet up with your friends all i wanted was your you to acknowledge me, tell them i'm your girlfriend not your sis but in your mind i guess that couldn't be. So i got sick of playing that stupid game and if was given another chance with you i'd pass, because your nothing but a jerk to me that's the reason i dumped your [edited] So girls if your guy acts like this you better do something fast, because he is not the best you can get trust me, i did the same thing, twice, in my past. < !signature--> ~*Always make time to stop and taste the pop tarts*~ [This message has been edited by LoveBug (edited 09-24-2000).] |
© Copyright 2000 Valerie - All Rights Reserved | |||
curlygurly Member
since 2000-09-12
Posts 276USA |
loved the poem, i know how you feel, i've dated 3 guys. one, in the end, became a real [edited] and i hate him now. stay clear of them! hint: tell them u have to get to know them b4 u'll date them, if he says ok, then u've got a winner, hopefully! [This message has been edited by LoveBug (edited 09-24-2000).] |
Erin Member Elite
since 2000-06-15
Posts 2527~Chicago~ |
Sugar~~~What a poem!!!Good work... tell them i'm your girlfriend not your sis but in your mind i guess that couldn't be. If someone guy ever told his friends that I was his sister...Ohhh he would have to go and find a new one then... *Falling in love is when you give someone a piece of your heart, falling out of love is when the piece doesnt fit* |
Suga_Baby Member
since 2000-08-06
Posts 380Maine, USA |
HAHAHA you rock my world hun!! This poem was FULL of attitude and you KNOW I love attitude ![]() ![]() |
Child of the Stars![]() ![]() ![]()
since 2000-09-07
Posts 1658Ann Arbor, MI |
I guess I have a few things to say. In the first place...why even go out with a guy like that?? I mean, come on..you must have been able to see what he has done in the past. And it's hard for guys when they're with their buds...they don't want to be different. Having an attitude..not understanding...that's way not cool in my book...And [edited] about how you were treated isn't cool either. For once, try to see what the guy is goin through. Ya might be surprised. Try some compassion girls, it gets ya far in life.< !signature--> Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you'll land among the stars. [This message has been edited by LoveBug (edited 09-24-2000).] |
Jenn Cirrincione![]() ![]()
since 2000-07-02
Posts 2107Fl |
Sister? Ohhh [edited] no. That's not cool at all. If he's not proud to be with me... he doesn't deserve me. Good job at losing the loser. P.S.Child... I think from your reply u are a male so... hey now! girls feel like they don't want to be different around their friends either... but if your girl called you her brother, that wouldn't piss you off to no end? She's allowed to vent, and guys are not total jerks, but you act like us women don't understand you at all, and that we assume you're all jerks. Not the case. It's called a broken heart, we can be upset for gosh sakes!! Jenn< !signature--> "He's mastered the art, of looking sincere, his eyes have a way, of making you stay, don't look in the mirror"- Chely Wright [This message has been edited by LoveBug (edited 09-24-2000).] |
StarPryncess17 Senior Member
since 2000-05-31
Posts 932Colorado |
Absolutely kick his [edited]to the curb!! My goodness girl what the hell were you thinkin for putting up with that!?!?! You deserve better and I'm so glad you lost the pathetic loser!! I'm so sorry that you had such an awful experience...at least now you can learn from the mistake...and do better!! keep it up my friend!! < !signature-->Love Always ~*~Jessica~*~ ~*~sMiLe! It MaKeS yOuR bUtT ShInE~*~ [This message has been edited by LoveBug (edited 09-24-2000).] |
Child of the Stars![]() ![]() ![]()
since 2000-09-07
Posts 1658Ann Arbor, MI |
ok....4 words....I AM A CHICK. just because I don't have a one-track-mind like you girls doesn't mean I'm a guy!! Sheesh! I was just trying to help you understand what the dude may be goin through. And yes you can be upset, but not to the point where you are constantly [edited]about your mistake!! End of discussion. Oh yeah sugarpie, i liked the way you wrote this! If not for the complainin, it would be a super poem. [This message has been edited by LoveBug (edited 09-24-2000).] |
Deranger Member
since 2000-05-10
Posts 498Somewhere, between here and there |
Kinda reminds me of a Pearl Jam song…”Better man”…anyway, Ditch the loser, find yourself a real man. Cheers and all that. In-wishing-the-world-worked-according-to-Pearl-Jam THERE IS NO SPOON! Spreading insanity, one post at a time Singing, "If i die before i wake..." |
Jeremy Halstead Senior Member
since 2000-06-01
Posts 569Morris, Ill. U.S.A |
Well I'm a guy and I do understand Child's point to a certain level... it must have been difficult for him to be man enuff to face the rupercussions of his decision to date you. But that exactly the thing...he wasn't man enuff and that's his problem. Even though it wasn't easy for him, you still deserve better treatment than that. I'm assuming the problem was yer age. When I was 18, I dated a girl 3 1/2 years younger than me for 5 months and never once back away from the torment that I constanly faced...I treated her well and defended us everyday....that's called being man enuff. I hope yer next relationship works out better for ya. Jeremy Curse not upon love, for it is the greatest of great things. Be it not love that curses you....but thy lack thereof. -J.D.H. |
Jenn Cirrincione![]() ![]()
since 2000-07-02
Posts 2107Fl |
Okay, so your female. What I said still stands. If she feels hurt, I think she has a right to complain a little. But that is just my opinion. Jenn |
~sugarpie313~ Member
since 2000-09-14
Posts 375Maine, USA |
Hey guys, thanks for replying.and i would like to mention about 99.9% of my poems are not self-reflective. okay, for one thing i was not [edited]Child. I have never been in this position, and obviously if i was the guy wasn't probably acting like that in the beginning right? wouldn't that be logical cuz if he was i wouldn't of stayed with him. duh! i'm not that stupid, and i do have compassion for guys... i'm not that cold-hearted. THANKS TO JENN FOR STICKING UP FOR ME!! LOVE YA ![]() Love, Valerie< !signature--> ~*Always make time to stop and taste the pop tarts*~ [This message has been edited by LoveBug (edited 09-24-2000).] |
Suga_Baby Member
since 2000-08-06
Posts 380Maine, USA |
Ok here we go.... 1) She was NOT [edited]!! If you write a poem about something that caused you pain, does that automatically make you a complainer? She was simly expressing the pain she felt. 2) How the [edited]do you know the guy was going THROUGH something? Maybe he was a player... a jerk... maybe he tricked her into thinking he was something he was not... 3) If ANYONE is mistreated, they have the RIGHT to be upset about it and therefore express that pain any way they want to. 4)It is nearly IMPOSSIBLE to UNDERSTAND WHY someone HURT you... WHY someone told his friends you were his SISTER... 5) Compassion to the point of being a TOTAL softie who lets his/herself get walked all over and taken for granted will NOT get you far in life 6) If she wants to [edited], so LET her! It's not your problem and you have no right to reply to her poem that she probably worked very hard at and say "If it weren't for all the [edited]..." That's just RUDE. Enough said. [This message has been edited by LoveBug (edited 09-24-2000).] |
Suga_Baby Member
since 2000-08-06
Posts 380Maine, USA |
Ok so I was talking to Val on ICQ as I was writing the above reply and while I knew SHE was typing a reply, I did not know what it was going to BE... So that being the case, I would like to change the above statements from SPECIFIC statements about Sugar, to UNIVERSAL statements that can apply to anyone. Just wanted to make that known. Thanx ![]() [This message has been edited by Suga_Baby (edited 09-21-2000).] |
Member Elite
since 2000-01-08
Posts 4697 |
Well, I guess everyone is wondering why I'm bring this back... This thread was moved from this forum to the Moderator's forum for dicussion, and we have decided to move it here, and close it. But we will let Sugarpie have the last word, since this is her thread. Profanity is prohibited here at Passions. We have visitors of all ages, and we want to protect our younger visitors. And using astericks is NOT ok. It clearly states this in the forum guidelines. Also, we encourage open discussion here at Passions, but we do not allow personal attacks. If you disagree with someone's opinion, that's fine. But you should let that be known in a respectful manner. You should never attack someone because you don't agree with what they have written. I hope everyone understands why this thread has been closed. -LoveBug False gems may shine as brightly as the genuine article, but there are always those who can tell the diffrence. |
cutie2005 Member
since 2000-04-30
Posts 148Bennett, Colorado USA |
Whazzz up? This poem rocked! You have attitude and I like it hehe..!! Good job.. I know what you mean too.. I think in a time every girl will..!! Well talk to ya lata good work keep it up! Luv, cutie If you love someone you would go to the end of the world for them! |
Member Elite
since 2000-01-08
Posts 4697 |
Well, I guess Sugarpie has chosen not to reply, so I will now lock this thread. If you have any questions, feel free to e-mail myself or any of the other moderators. Thanks! False gems may shine as brightly as the genuine article, but there are always those who can tell the diffrence. |
~sugarpie313~ Member
since 2000-09-14
Posts 375Maine, USA |
Well everyone, this is going to be the last reply on here so i might as well make it good. Thank you to everyone who took the time to reply and share their opinion(s), beliefs, and triumphs related to this poem. I am very sorry that it has come to this, but i guess all good things must come to an end (another poem of mine lol) I hope that everyone has learned a lesson from all of this, and that we will all grow and prosper and respect people and other peoples beliefs and feelings. um... at this point i'm speechless and i guess i just wanted to tell everyone that i appreciate you all replying and everything, and maybe i'll keep on writing, maybe i won't, maybe it'll be good, maybe it won't ... i guess we'll wait and see lol ![]() You guys can still read this but if you would like to reply you have to e mail me okay? ![]() Peace out everyone... Love, Valerie ~*Always make time to stop and taste the pop tarts*~ |
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