Dark Poetry #2 |
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Amy, Dear |
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Honeybee Member Ascendant
since 1999-12-26
Posts 5372Ontario, CANADA ![]() |
*I admit that this is by no means my best poem or even a great poem, but, I had to write it to release my many emotions that so many others are feeling about this person as well. This is a very cathartic "free verse" poem for me* I hope that anyone who reads my poem learns one thing: please stay away from superficial, selfish people, they are just vexations to your spirit. And men please don't automatically go for the woman who is good-looking, go for personality, because you will soon find out in my poem that just because someone is attractive on the outside, they can be very ugly on the inside. ~AMY, DEAR~ So sorry, Amy, dear, but, I must confess something right now, I've held back for far too long weary of your Scorpio sting, but, I can no longer hide my feelings, I'm finally brave enough to say what others are thinking, for, I see right through you, never before has a person been more transparent, you appear to the world as an overly confident seductress, but, it's blatantly clear that you're so very insecure, using vanity as your escape and your cover-up, all the while you suffer from uncertainty, it's obvious that you constantly need a lot of reassurance and stroking for your ego constantly bragging to anyone you can about the offers and compliments that you receive from men and how you stole another girl's boyfriend, some of which, I am sure, are fabrications and overly exaggerated, you seem to think that your life is not complete unless you have a fan club of men to build yourself up while you tear others down, and to think that many of us, including myself were envious of you, I'll admit that you are indeed pretty, but, not beautiful, and yes, there is a difference, now I feel sorry for you, it's just so sad, I see the pain within you and you wonder why most of your girlfriends are disgusted by your behaviour, and hun, I know what you are thinking: but, it's not jealousy on our part, we can only take so much betrayal, snobbery, scheeming and superficiality from you, you need to learn that there's more to life than that, Amy, dear, and you always claim that most of your close friends are men and not women, your excuse: because all women backstab, well newsflash, it's not us with the problem - it's you, you're the snake, cold and ruthless, you never seem to care about how others feel, you fail to see that your actions have caused a lot of tears, you seem to get off on hurting those who care most about you, and in horror and in shock, I've witnessed many of this, at first glance you seem so outgoing, caring and attractive, reeling the men in by the dozens, and boy-oh-boy, do you ever play the part well, you're so convincing, bravo, Amy! Uproarous applause for you, my dear! you should win an emmy for your performance, in reality these so-called men who are "friends" are really little boys ruled by their dicks, who will soon realize who and what you are, and they always do, that's the beauty of it, they always do, ending up despising you, wondering what they ever saw in someone like you, and only then do they become true men who value a real woman who is attractive on the outside - yes, but, more importantly who has a beautiful personality something which you seriously lack, I'll never understand why you use men for their money and good looks, and the horrible ways in which you have treated most of your boyfriends can never be erased from my mind, I have never seen a woman tear apart or belittle a man the way you do, does nothing please you? Wait a minute, I already know that answer. You've convinced yourself that life will get better if only you have the most fashionable clothes - designer and expensive is a must, if your boyfriend of the week is the best looking, if you're the thinnest, sexiest and most appealing, if you dye your hair the latest shades changing your hair colour and style more than the seasons, first, it's brown, then red, then blonde, then auburn, then black, then red once more, then blondish-brown and then red yet again, and that you're Miss popularity stepping on everyone else along the way to reach the pedestal, you seem to think that if you have all of that then life will somehow begin, but, I say that your life only ends and you need to take off your jaded rose-coloured glasses and open your eyes, I'm asking you today to go straight to the nearest mirror, don't walk, but run and really look yourself in the eyes, afterall, the windows to your soul never lie, only then will you see that all of this is just to conceal the emptiness that lives inside, reminding you of how sad your life has become, leaving you to cry an ocean of tears, no longer beautiful, but finally seeing the ugly, pathetic little girl that you truly are, I only hope that one day you will finally be mature enough to show people the respect that they deserve, for, there's nothing more sickening than the person who suffers from the "I" disease and you're dying a slow death from it, of course, I am by no means perfect, but, at least I can stand tall with pride knowing that I am not like you, that I have a heart, you need to realize how cruel and vain you have been, that success is not attained by destroying other people's self-esteem, by plunging a knife deep into the back of your friends or by gossiping your life away, it's apparent that you don't even know what love and respect is mainly because you don't love and respect yourself, something which I'm ashamed to admit that I suffer from as well, but, it's how you choose to deal with it, you see, and I have chosen to treat others well and be a kind and compassionate person, leaving superficiality at the door, while you took the other route, for, beauty is only skin deep and you're just rotten to the core, I don't regret telling you this, my only regret is not telling you sooner on behalf of all of us, sorry, if the truth hurts, but, it finally had to be said, Amy, dear *By Melissa Honeybee* The beauty of poetry gives me wings to fly |
© Copyright 2000 Melissa P. Long-Monette - All Rights Reserved | |||
Xeonox![]() ![]() ![]()
since 2000-04-01
Posts 1764CA, USA |
This is just a great poems. Thank you for not keeping all those emotions bottled up inside. I loved this lines. don't walk, but run and really look yourself in the eyes, afterall, the windows to your soul never lie, Great work. I enjoy every word of it. ![]() Ronil (What I say I live by and what I live by is what I create). |
poutprincess Senior Member
since 2000-07-06
Posts 735Perth, Western Australia, Australia |
WOW WOW WOW youve said it all....and im sure we've all known someone we needed to say that to! ~Dawn "Steady as it comes, right down to you, I've said it all, so maybe we're a Bliss of another kind" Bliss-Tori Amos |
sonjes Senior Member
since 2000-02-18
Posts 564North Carolina |
Wow! That was one long vent!!!! Bravo!!! Do you feel better yet?? You have described her to a tee...if she walked into the forum, we would all know her. ![]() Friends like that are a dime a dozen if you ask me...but you shouldn't ask me because I'm the type of person that only keeps a few friends anyway. So, great post, melissa! Don't care what people say Just follow your own way Don't give up and use the chance To return to innocence. -Enigma |
brian madden Member Elite
since 2000-05-06
Posts 4374ireland |
Melissa, this poem needs more attention than what I just gave it so it has been saved to my read later file. But in my quick read through the poem I am deeply impressed blown away by your thoughts and handling of the subject matter. Excellent writing. "I concede relationships have left me weak Won't be here so I don't care Look for something worthy to replace my guilt" Mansun legacy |
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