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brian madden
Member Elite
since 2000-05-06
Posts 4374

0 posted 2000-06-17 06:07 PM

Sailing through a stream of conscience
I glide gently over its reflective surface,
paddling with a shovel to unearth
all my past whispers and future promises.
I am to myself on this journey, seated
on the crafted bark of a fallen Oak.
Gaze at the sky where God holds his throne,
I am stunned of breath at this ice blue ceiling
stretching to infinity over all celestial planes.
Its majestic presence towers over my dwarfed insignificance.
The answers do not lie in the tranquilliser clouds  
where birds sail on the wind of dreams
and spirits fall dumb in lack of oxygen.      

Little islands of failed ideology clot the waters
and give sanctuary to the masses who wish to follow blindly.
Encountering cannibals of independent thought,
it is safer to adopt the mask of each ethic tribe;
to sink into their traditions of brutal savages and  parasites.
These are my obstacles but I have focus and clarity of soul.  
Lost to a destination unknown, staring through the fresh waters
observing in silent denial the ghost of my reflection
in constant change until it is unrecognisable, incomprehensible.
My youthfulness is eternal decay, drained
to nourish an expanding intellect.
Burdened with empty knowledge scratched upon my face,
tangled barbed ivy conceals identity in chaotic overgrowth.

Memory is malleable, contoured to suit a present purpose,
each distortion peels away a layer of truth,
until it fades as a falsely construed photograph.
My mind holds jagged shards of images
that will not gel together, as a puzzle without resolve.
I am sailing for twenty years at least though
I only just became sentient to this world.
At first chaos plagued the mind, unable to grasp its complexity.    
Now my personality is at calm with its Siamese self,
they are lovers under duress of my obsessions.
Death and beauty are statuettes of darker seeds,
where shallow God falls I rise in streams of conscienceness
fragmented visions flow seamlessly from tributaries of psyche.    

"Take nothing but pictures. Leave nothing but footprints. Kill nothing but time".

Baltimore Grotto

"To be nobody-but-yourself-in a world which is doing its best night and day, to make you everybody else - means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight; and never stop fighting."

E.E Cummings.

"Art is a lie which makes us realise the truth." Pablo Picasso

"We Irish are too poetical to be poets, we are a nation of brilliant failures" Oscar Wilde


© Copyright 2000 brian madden - All Rights Reserved
X Angel
Senior Member
since 1999-11-07
Posts 1521
1 posted 2000-06-17 06:36 PM

ooooh this was a really cool poem, wrapped in wonderful literary paper.

I like!

Sudhir Iyer
Member Ascendant
since 2000-04-26
Posts 6943
Mumbai, India : now in Belgium
2 posted 2000-06-17 06:45 PM

Should I repeat myself and say BRILLIANT...
why not??? Brian, you are one amazing poet...

*My vote for this one for sure*

Regards sudhir.

Senior Member
since 2000-02-14
Posts 685
3 posted 2000-06-17 06:59 PM

Nice one Brian....


Never be a carbon copy of anybody...make your own impressions. - ANON.

Janet Marie
Member Laureate
since 2000-01-22
Posts 18554

4 posted 2000-06-17 08:11 PM

you already know this is one of my faves of yours
soo cooool
soo deeeep
so BRI  
later wise gator

Irish Rose
Member Patricius
since 2000-04-06
Posts 10263

5 posted 2000-06-17 08:40 PM

this was stunning, it reads with a flow and imagery that breathes expression.
good choice, Brian


"How do I love thee? Let
me count the ways.
I love thee to the depth and breadth and height
My soul can reach, when feeling out of sight
For the ends of Being and ideal Grace." Elizabeth Barrett Browning

Deputy Moderator 5 Tours
Member Rara Avis
since 2000-01-03
Posts 7855

6 posted 2000-06-17 09:57 PM

Usually I blanch at message-heavy poems, but this is amazing just for the lines about paddling with a shovel, and tranquilizer clouds. Love your words.


Senior Member
since 2000-03-28
Posts 1369
7 posted 2000-06-18 03:42 AM

Brian - always so deep ---This poem
is delicious ----a reader's joy and
a masterpiece

Jon Mewett
Senior Member
since 2000-03-04
Posts 1304

8 posted 2000-06-18 04:45 AM

Wonderful Brian wonderful.


Kit McCallum
Member Laureate
since 2000-04-30
Posts 14774
Ontario, Canada
9 posted 2000-06-18 09:58 AM

Oh Brian ... if I copied all the lines I particularly loved, I fear I'd repeat the entire poem ... tremendous verse! Really wonderful!

Best wishes,

Poet deVine
Member Seraphic
since 1999-05-26
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Hurricane Alley
10 posted 2000-06-18 11:26 AM

Wonderfully written Brian!  
Member Seraphic
since 1999-05-20
Posts 21191
Cape Cod Massachusetts USA
11 posted 2000-06-19 09:30 AM

You're good, Brian...
Junior Member
since 2000-06-17
Posts 45
12 posted 2000-06-19 11:11 AM

serenity blaze
Member Empyrean
since 2000-02-02
Posts 27738

13 posted 2000-06-20 03:37 PM

Brian, howdy again, I remember this my attention twice....
since 2000-04-16
Posts 414
Apex (think raleigh) NC
14 posted 2000-06-21 03:47 PM

i remember this.  just as nice the second time  
luv Elyse

brian madden
Member Elite
since 2000-05-06
Posts 4374
15 posted 2000-06-25 07:43 AM

X Angel, "wrapped in wonderful literary paper" does that mean I am in the book? LOL
thanks for your wonderful response.

Sudhir, thanks for the vote and reply. Sir, I am surrounded by amazing poets.

chris, thanks for the reply.

Jan, thanks. Can always count on you.  

Kathleen, thank your your kind words.

Mike, I know that I lack subtlety in such matter sometimes. Thanks for your wonderful reply.

netswan,thank you for your wonderful response, another porch poem.

Jon, thanks.  

Kit, thanks for your kind words

PDV thanks.

Nan, good? only sometimes lol. don't let the irish charm fool you. thanks.  

Nancee, thanks, i think.  

serenity, thanks.

Elyse, thanks again.

"An abyss that lasted creation A circus complete with all fools
Foundations that lasted the ages Then ripped apart at their roots"
joy division

Member Elite
since 1999-06-19
Posts 2462

16 posted 2000-06-25 11:26 AM

Nicely written. Enjoyed.
Lost Dreamer
Member Elite
since 1999-06-20
Posts 2464
Somewhere near the Rainbow
17 posted 2000-07-03 07:46 AM

Brian, I got to the end of this poem, and off my tongue out loud came the word amazing. Your way of illustrating your thoughts overwhelms my mind. You are a fine artist and I am blest to have eyes to absorb the extreme talent you exhibit.
Member Elite
since 2000-02-04
Posts 2919
New York, USA
18 posted 2000-07-16 08:43 AM

Simply incredible!!!!!  Bonnie
Elizabeth Santos
Member Rara Avis
since 1999-11-08
Posts 9269
19 posted 2000-07-31 03:16 AM

Either a very great muse or a very talented poet wrote this one. I think it's the later

Member Elite
since 2000-05-13
Posts 3552
High Springs, Florida
20 posted 2000-07-31 04:42 PM

"paddling with a shovel to unearth
all my past whispers and future promises."

..those 2 lines brought on my FIRST chill...

as always brian..i stand in awe..
great work!!


"Half of what i say is meaningless; but i say it so that the other half may reach you."
-Kahlil Gibran

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