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0 posted 2000-08-12 08:14 PM

You were saying...
the things you miss about Love
once you've experienced it
it left your life on the wings of a dove
once you appreciated it

You were asking... (with a smile)
How come in all the years
from the beginning of our friendship
how come through all the tears
and happiness that re-mends it

You wondered...
How come through all this
and how close we've always been
and with the occasional friendly kiss
from friend to loving friend...

I said...
And all the times we cried together
when the other needed a shoulder
to whisk away on eagles feather
in weakness, each others boulder...

We smiled...
I've always liked you
just never really said
me too, but never thought to say
even slept in each others bed

We paused...
But nothing ever happened
did you ever wonder why?
we never got distracted...
in all the many times

We stopped...
And just sort of sat there
looking into each others eyes
then something started to happen
of all things, I got the butterflies

You moved...
And without a second thought
leanded forward and gave me a kiss
I could'nt think or move or talk
it never felt quite like this...

Time froze...
Our lips together, just barely touching
eyes closed and nothing to say...
opened our eyes to see each other blushing
but niether pulled far away

It happened again...
I grew weak in the knees
my heart began to flutter
I think I hit 200 degrees
I felt weak, like melting butter

Again we paused...
Backed up, eyes wide, gazing deep
"I've never felt like this before"
"me niether, kinda funny, and very weak"
holding hands, trembling, with this friend I adore

Together, at the same moment,
while we were exchanging smiles
we looked at the other and said...
"I Love you" in a way we never have before.< !signature-->

Strive for higher levels, if they seem out of reach... Grow, and they will get closer.

[This message has been edited by ThUnDeRkYsS (edited 08-12-2000).]

© Copyright 2000 B.J.Howe - All Rights Reserved
since 2000-07-11
Posts 308
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
1 posted 2000-08-12 09:33 PM

I'm not sure how I want to respoond to this
It hit me on so many different levels.... I can't really explain what came over me while I was reading it.  It created a perdect picture for me, it was so real and honest and true...
I guess the only thing to say is that I really really enjoyed this one...
Great writing, can't wait to read more.

Jenn E
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since 2000-08-02
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Kelowna, BC, Canada
2 posted 2000-08-12 10:28 PM

Awwwwww, this is so very honest and with a truly happy ending. Lasting realasionships are built on are way ahead here. The way you tell this is indeed like you are right there. Thank you for sharing this beautiful experience with all of us. I could feel my heart flutter right along with you as I read.
You have made my heart smile!
Jenn E

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since 2000-07-13
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3 posted 2000-08-13 11:38 AM

We paused

We stopped...

Time froze...

We kissed...
and from then on
you never had to wonder again
my friend
~~soft hearted hugs

Paula Finn
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4 posted 2000-08-13 11:56 AM

Isnt it funny how you can find the best love right when you least expect it? And in the eyes of your friend?  
Senior Member
since 1999-09-23
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5 posted 2000-08-13 08:49 PM

Thank you all so very much for your kind replies.  This is a new topic for me... lol.

Strive for higher levels, if they seem out of reach... Grow, and they will get closer.

Senior Member
since 1999-09-23
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6 posted 2000-08-14 01:32 AM

LOL... Maureen, I did'nt pick up on the hidden meaning in your reply 'till just now :P LOL  Time will tell... what will happen, when, if, all those.  SUCH HEADACHES!!! LOL J/K  Thank you ;D

Strive for higher levels, if they seem out of reach... Grow, and they will get closer.

Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
7 posted 2000-08-14 08:56 PM


No matter what happens in your future -
you will always remember this moment.

You wrote of it very sincerely.
Such an enjoyment.

~*The pen of the poet never runs out of ink, as long as we breathe.*~
[email protected]

Senior Member
since 2000-06-12
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Earth 3rd Rock from the sun!!
8 posted 2000-08-14 10:53 PM

Very beautiful peice you have written, yes I agree with Marge.....a moment like this is very have expressed it wonderfully.....Great read!!  

Julie :)

A Romantic Heart
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Forever In Your Heart
9 posted 2000-08-14 11:12 PM

If only we could capture a moment like this and put it inside a bottle to use everyday like perfume, so the fragrance of the moment would last forever!!! Wonderful poem!!!Sometimes we have love there right before our eyes without knowing it...
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since 2000-04-05
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North Carolina
10 posted 2000-08-14 11:30 PM

this was magic was very lovely and so romantic. I loved the friendship that blossomed into love.
Member Elite
since 1999-07-25
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11 posted 2000-08-15 01:28 PM

Oh geeeeze, all I know to give you is one long **breathless sigh** to show you how much I liked this!  Talk about poetic romantic perfection...I am definately keeping an eye out for more of your work, this is the first one I've read of yours...I've been gone awhile, but it's poetry like this that makes me glad to be back!  **sigh again!**  Btw, I really liked the way you styled and formatted your really added to the way this read - almost like I could feel the "pause" between the couple, and the magic...Wow.
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since 1999-07-25
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12 posted 2000-08-15 01:32 PM

Let me rephrase...first one of yours I've read since I got back online, which it's been awhile, and not to mention that you only grace us with your works from time to time, not nearly enough!  LOL  MORE!
Senior Member
since 1999-12-15
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Wisconsin, USA
13 posted 2000-08-15 01:41 PM

Absolutely, breathtakingly beautiful!
A Romantic Heart
Member Ascendant
since 1999-09-03
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Forever In Your Heart
14 posted 2000-08-15 02:39 PM


Hope You don't mind me saying this...but you remind me of THE GREATEST AMERICAN HERO...(I use to watch that show alot...Ps..I had a crush on William Katt...Believe it or not I am flying on air..I never thought I could feel so free....Believe it or not...

Member Elite
since 2000-03-06
Posts 3733
15 posted 2000-08-15 02:47 PM

Whew.......what a tale!!  Friends often make the best lovers...overlooking what is in front of you for so long....who better to love than a friend that knows you so well...fantastic writing!!
Senior Member
since 1999-09-23
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16 posted 2000-08-16 11:50 PM

Marge ~ Yes, I dont think I COULD ever forget that moment, and much has happened since then, not sure for better or worse... but none-the-less I remember that moment as if it were yesterday.  Thank you for your kind words  

JulieAnn ~ Thank you, very rare, yes.  I think there was enough feeling in that one moment to last a lifetime though. lol

A Romantic Heart ~ Tell me about it... Thank you  

Rosebud1229 ~ Thank you for kind reply, I'm glad you liked it  

poetFemmeFatale ~ Thank you, Thank you!    Been a while, yes... I'm glad you liked it, always happy to hear such kind words coming from one as yourself  

Gemini ~ Thank you much!  

A Romantic Heart ~ I dont mind, no... Although I really could'nt anyways, seeing I'm not familiar with that show    Thank You  

Butterflies ~ I'll agree with you without commenting on the rest...    But yes, I do agree... so much more feeling it seems like.  Thank you much  

Strive for higher levels, if they seem out of reach... Grow, and they will get closer.

Nate Dogg
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Georgia, Fulton
17 posted 2000-08-17 02:21 AM

Wow, thunder, this was quite a story! It seem so genuine and your sincerity was as good as it gets. This is an excellent piece and thanks for sharing!


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