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since 2000-08-07
Posts 377
Bronx, NY

0 posted 2000-08-23 02:48 AM

A poet's greatest challenge

Quilted heavens from high above
allowed the stars to shine in song.
A night of rest for many poor souls,
was the night for a poet at home.

He sat amidst a darkened room
with a ruby lit candle by his side.
A scroll and quill at his mercy,
of his thoughts he tried to compromise.

Eyes glazed with fustrations
that stared densely onto his scroll.
For the muse of poetry so gracious to him
has left his presence unbeknownst.

In attempts he jotted down
what came naturally to his heart.
To poetically pen his passion and need
for his nymph, that innocent loving lark.

Unsuccessful were his lines
to get his finer points across.
For his beauty so fare and fiery,
his words were at a loss.

Poetic words to describe his heart
he had many problems with.
For these words with meanings bounded,
caused him trouble professing his love's limitless.

To simply write he loved thee
would be a poem of love too minuscule.
To simply write a poem of lust
would be the poem of a fool.

He concluded en thus
that his quill he shall rest,
since a poem for love of great magnitude,
a poet can never manifest.

He blew his ruby flame good-bye
and gingerly walked to his bed
where he saw his love in sleep's felicity
and said how much he loved thee instead.

"my love is my motivation
my love is my inspiration
perception of this poem
is your interpretation"
-- me

© Copyright 2000 JnR4eva - All Rights Reserved
Mark Bohannan
Member Rara Avis
since 2000-06-21
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In the winds of Cherokee song
1 posted 2000-08-23 02:51 AM

Poetic words to describe his heart
he had many problems with.
For these words with meanings bounded,
caused him trouble professing his love's limitless.

To simply write he loved thee
would be a poem of love too minuscule.
To simply write a poem of lust
would be the poem of a fool.

He concluded en thus
that his quill he shall rest,
since a poem for love of great magnitude,
a poet can never manifest.

He blew his ruby flame good-bye
and gingerly walked to his bed
where he saw his love in sleep's felicity
and said how much he loved thee instead.

No matter how hard we just isnt enough...we are our own worst have penned a beauty with your quill.  Loved the flow and the cadence of emotions

since 2000-08-07
Posts 377
Bronx, NY
2 posted 2000-08-23 09:45 AM

isn't that the truth when you say we are our own critics LOL.  and thank you for your very generous words...though for some reason i think maybe the poem reflects myself a little...just a little...once again thank you for reading this piece. i'm glad you enjoyed  

"my love is my motivation
my love is my inspiration
perception of this poem
is your interpretation"
-- me

since 2000-07-27
Posts 374

3 posted 2000-08-23 09:49 AM

Beautiful... I really like the way you worded this... "Unsuccessful were his lines to get his finer points across. For his beauty so fare and fiery, his words were at a loss."  And blowing good-bye a flame is such a neat way of puting it!!



Member Ascendant
since 2000-07-06
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Staffordshire, England
4 posted 2000-08-23 10:16 AM

Hi JnR4eva...
             This is wonderfully penned!! I can see him, trying to write his deepest feelings, and ending up by blowing out the candle and joining his love in bed.........I enjoyed the story, and the thought!

Today is a gift....
That is why they call it
'the Present'!

since 2000-08-07
Posts 377
Bronx, NY
5 posted 2000-08-23 08:22 PM

to ladysixstring

thank you for your kind and generous words    i'm glad that you enjoyed those lines much, I didn't think much of them as I wrote this lil' story but i'm glad that you did   thank you once again.

"my love is my motivation
my love is my inspiration
perception of this poem
is your interpretation"
-- me

Tennessee Angel
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6 posted 2000-08-23 09:15 PM

Oh, this is great!  I thoroughly enjoyed reading it.  I have been in the situation many a time where I wanted to say something so bad and no words seemed adequate.  Anyway, this is wonderful!  

--You can either take me as I am...or you can watch me as I go.--

Wilfred Yeats
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since 2000-08-04
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Wilmington, Delaware
7 posted 2000-08-23 10:55 PM

fortunate is the poet who has a real love to douse a flame for - well said - very well said
Diane Yvonne
Junior Member
since 2000-08-22
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Camdenton,Mo. USA
8 posted 2000-08-23 11:50 PM

Wonderful Job!!!
Mental picture was easily formed during Read.
Put together well, words had a good Flow
Enjoyed the Read.

Diane Yvonne

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since 1999-06-19
Posts 2462

9 posted 2000-08-24 12:33 PM

Nicely written.. enjoyed your poetry muchly.
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since 2000-02-16
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By the sea
10 posted 2000-08-24 01:31 AM

WOW!!!  I loved every word of very nicely done...I wish I had the talent to have produced such a wonderful piece of art such as this.


since 2000-08-07
Posts 377
Bronx, NY
11 posted 2000-08-24 06:54 PM

to sunny1...
thank you ever so much for your kind words.  i am beginning to realize that this poet reflects me b/c i have been having a hard time trying to come up with the perfect i love thee poem...its just so hard it really is...but im glad you enjoyed  

Tennessee angel....
thank you sooo much for your words    i am happy to know that i am not alone on this situation LOL...thanx taking your time to read  

to wilfred yeats....
you know you gave me a totally new angle on which to look at my poem...of the poet who is willing to put down his pen to be with his love..i never looked at it that way..thanx for the new angle    and thank you for your kind words too  .

"my love is my motivation
my love is my inspiration
perception of this poem
is your interpretation"
-- me

Jenn E
Senior Member
since 2000-08-02
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Kelowna, BC, Canada
12 posted 2000-08-24 07:07 PM

I to can just see all of this. One can never seem to find the right words...maybe that is why we write so many poems about one person. lol.  Beautiful read.
Jenn E

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since 2000-08-09
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13 posted 2000-08-24 09:14 PM

Quilted heavens from high above ...

The picture you paint in this poem is heavenly.

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since 2000-08-09
Posts 3092
14 posted 2000-08-24 09:18 PM

...yet the words that would not come to him
left an empty space

Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
15 posted 2000-08-24 09:33 PM


Simply a lovely render.

To pen that which we may find difficult to say aloud .....
Ahhhh !  Hello poet !

~*The pen of the poet never runs out of ink, as long as we breathe.*~
[email protected]

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since 1999-12-27
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16 posted 2000-08-24 09:57 PM

J, you have gifted this reader with a very moving piece of verse. Yes, abundant are those feelings that simply cannot find a place among mere mortal words! How lovely I found this sweet vignette. Thank you.

~ Claire

Could a greater miracle take place than for us to look through each other's eyes for an instant?......Henry David Thoreau

since 2000-08-07
Posts 377
Bronx, NY
17 posted 2000-08-25 01:26 AM

dianne yvonne...
thank you ever so much for your kind words    let me say welcome to passions and that i look forward to reading some of your poetry soon..thank you for stopping by  

to mike....
thank you for your words, they mean a lot  

to auguste....
lets not get silly here auguste...both u and i both now that you are VERY capable of making such a poem..your work has been nothing sort of beautiful and picturesque    thank you for your very kind words though

"my love is my motivation
my love is my inspiration
perception of this poem
is your interpretation"
-- me

Member Rara Avis
since 2000-07-29
Posts 9082
Victoria Australia
18 posted 2000-08-25 07:01 AM

I love the way you put this together incorporating all the pauses.
In the darkness silence.
But wake at 3am to providence.

Be well

"It is the image in the mind that links us to lost treasures;
but it is the loss that shapes the image,
gathers the flowers weaves the garland."-

Sudhir Iyer
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Mumbai, India : now in Belgium
19 posted 2000-08-25 07:06 AM

This is way beyond good...

very well-written... masterly penned...


Kit McCallum
Member Laureate
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Ontario, Canada
20 posted 2000-08-25 07:10 AM

Wonderful JnR4eva! I went through the same thought processes just the other night. If we have to force the words to paper ... it's best to turn out the light and begin a fresh day when the flow will come all on it's own. I really enjoyed this, well done!  

Best wishes,

since 2000-08-07
Posts 377
Bronx, NY
21 posted 2000-08-25 01:22 PM

to jenn E....
I will agree with you on that one, of how we write so many poems for that one person...we simply professs our love on one sheet of paper..impossible..thank yuo for your reply  

to bloomingrose....
thank you very much for your kind words   they are appreciated a lot  

to marge...
i couldnt help but start laughing when you said, "hello poet" LOL {{ still am laughing }}  thank you for your reply and kind words  .

to meadowmuse....
i wish to thank you for taking the time out to read this piece...i am glad to read that i have moved you with this one   i have read your piece already( confessions of a poet i believe) and i adore your piece to death  ..thank you for your kind words for they mean a lot  

"my love is my motivation
my love is my inspiration
perception of this poem
is your interpretation"
-- me

Senior Member
since 1999-11-27
Posts 1096
22 posted 2000-08-25 01:31 PM

JnR4eva, an excellent picture you have penned and painted.   I have been there many a times, knowing there is something there, but just can't quite put it to paper.  
since 2000-08-07
Posts 377
Bronx, NY
23 posted 2000-08-26 03:04 AM

to kethry.....
I loved your interpretation...thank you so much for stopping by and reading  

To sudhir.....
Your words are flattering.... I thank you very much for your support  

To kit....
Wow it's surprising to see that this poem is a very real aspect of life..especially to the poets' when I wrote it I didn't have that on mind...or maybe I did internally? ...hmm one would never know..thank you for stopping by to read, appreciated your kind words  

To Eloise....
I'm glad that you enjoyed this as well..i am unfamiliar with ur work but I would like to catch up on it when I have the time   thank you for your words  .

"my love is my motivation
my love is my inspiration
perception of this poem
is your interpretation"
-- rlt

Senior Member
since 2000-07-23
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North Carolina
24 posted 2000-08-26 03:29 AM

This is just so beautiful. I could see it all too. And what a lovely and tender scene it was.

since 2000-08-07
Posts 377
Bronx, NY
25 posted 2000-08-27 02:43 AM

thank you for ur kind words, and for taking the time to read   it is much appreciated  

"my love is my motivation
my love is my inspiration
perception of this poem
is your interpretation"
-- rlt

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