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Member Rara Avis
since 1999-08-13
Posts 7666

0 posted 2000-02-19 04:12 AM


Caught up in this vicious circle,
Somehow I always wind up here,
I'm none other than the hurt fool
Watching Sweet Love disappear.

I roll the dice, a can't win game.
A loser thrice, I bear no shame.
Coming or going, no common sense,
When emotion's flowing, makes no difference.
A grim facade in velvet blue.
By the nightshade awaiting you.
A silhouette of dire need.
An oubliette where my heart will bleed.
With understanding come and gone,
Such is reprimanding to this useless pawn.


To this useless pawn, such is reprimanding,
Come and gone with understanding.
Where my heart will bleed, an oubliette.
Of dire need, a silhouette...
Awaiting you by the nightshade,
In velvet blue, a grim facade.
No common sense, coming or going,
Makes no difference when emotion's flowing.
I bear no shame, a loser thrice,
A can't win game, I roll the dice.

Watching Sweet Love disappear,
I'm none other than the hurt fool.
Somehow I always wind up here,
Caught up in this vicious circle!

Michael Anderson

It's the little things you take for granted
that'll mean the most when they're gone.

[This message has been edited by Michael (edited 02-19-2000).]

© Copyright 2000 Michael Anderson - All Rights Reserved
Member Rara Avis
since 1999-08-13
Posts 7666
1 posted 2000-02-19 04:25 AM

Please, I'd sincerely appreciate it if no one gives a "hang in there" or "if love is true" type response to this poem.  I am really doing fine despite my recent setback in the romance department.  I will say thank you to all of you who have helped me in this very tough time, though.  That being said, this poem I attribute solely to the full moon tonight and my being extremely bored....LOL

Thanks everyone,


[This message has been edited by Michael (edited 02-19-2000).]

serenity blaze
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since 2000-02-02
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2 posted 2000-02-19 04:28 AM

There are no words of healing, tonight.  This is such a painful, lonely place...I don't know about you, but I expected hell to be a crowded place...

My heart weeps in sympathy...and prays for healing...

christies heart
since 1999-08-10
Posts 189
3 posted 2000-02-19 04:44 AM

This poem is so great in its structure and artistic (ness) (not really a word    ) I love it! The only hang in there you will get from here is regarding the night, it is almost over. At least you are somewhere where you can see that there is a full moon out!!

 Grant that I may not judge my niegbor until I have walked a mile in his moccasians

Native American prayer

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4 posted 2000-02-19 05:55 AM

Your poem so sad but it is so good
It says clearly what it should
I can not only feel how you feel
I can see this is so real

Nice the way you structured this one
You weren't bored by any chance  

 The ability to describe life with words is similar to painting a picture; both can be powerful tools.

Lost Dreamer
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Somewhere near the Rainbow
5 posted 2000-02-19 06:59 AM

Michael, No matter the reason why
         you need no reason,
         Your poetry will always
         evoke an emotion from someone.
         I myself am always amazed
         how you can take either
         a delicate laced love poem,
         or a deep seated darkness poem
         and send me on a journey
         through your mind, and surroundings.
         I thank you for your talent
         as I'm sure many others do as well.

Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
6 posted 2000-02-19 07:07 AM

The moon is an awesome sight ...
sending magnetic renderings such
as this one to your pen.
Well, I kind of think that either
I hope you get bored again real soon
OR the moon stays full !

 ~*The pen of the poet never runs out of ink, as long as we breathe.*~
[email protected]

Senior Member
since 2000-02-18
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North Carolina
7 posted 2000-02-19 08:48 AM

Your comment makes me wonder if the moon ever gets bored. : )  I love the picture you paint with your words.  I had to read it more than once, just to truly appreciate your wonderul style.
Junior Member
since 2000-02-17
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Auckland, New Zealand
8 posted 2000-02-19 09:06 AM

I must say, I had to read it four times before I got the jist of it. The rhyme structure is quite complex and kinda cool! Must have taken a while. I like it heaps and loads and tons!

 Let winds rage, seas boil and years curse,
My love shal live everyoung in my verse.

Member Patricius
since 1999-07-05
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Glen Hope, PA USA
9 posted 2000-02-19 09:28 AM

Michael....this is very creative to say the least  
Senior Member
since 2000-02-14
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10 posted 2000-02-19 09:34 AM

Very cool Micheal...I too write sometimes to relieve boredom.  (Although most times mine just ends up in the trash can.)
Very nice poem you've written here though.

Thanks for making my morning a little more enjoyable.


 Never be a carbon copy of anybody...make your own impressions. - ANON.

Member Ascendant
since 1999-10-28
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state of confusion
11 posted 2000-02-19 10:03 AM


your talent continues to grow and blossom.


Member Rara Avis
since 1999-08-13
Posts 7666
12 posted 2000-02-19 01:53 PM

serenity, yeah - someone told me it would be a party where all my friends would be...sadly mistaken were they.

christies heart, well I made it through and actually managed about three hours of sleep, too.  (That's actually pretty good for me on nights like that).

Helmut, somewhere stuck between bored and braindead, me thinks...LOL

L.D., and I am so thankful to have appreciative friends like you who not only share my talent - but feel my emotion as well.

Marge, the moon really does have a strange effect on me.  Must be the wolf hidden deep within dying to come out and howl.

sonjes, I don't know if the moon gets bored having a front row seat to all the calamity down her on earth - but I bet it gets lonely up there.

Glorfindel, glad you made it through the rhyme structure.  Rarely will I attempt something as such - readible frontwards/backwards, etc.

CMGrimm, Likewise.

Ruth and Corinne,  

Thank you all for the kind replies.


Member Elite
since 1999-12-27
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13 posted 2000-02-19 01:59 PM

The moon can certainly inspire the heart to ache and pen to flow. Thanks for sharing this one's beautiful and sad.
Member Seraphic
since 1999-08-22
Posts 22648

14 posted 2000-02-19 02:08 PM

Michael, this is so sad and creatively brilliant! I love this form you have chosen to bring home the point of the vicious circle. Excellent, my friend!


Member Rara Avis
since 1999-08-02
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Purgatorial Incarceration
15 posted 2000-02-19 02:32 PM

Hey Mike, hang in there,if love is true, it'll come back to you!  
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Member Seraphic
since 2000-01-18
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with you
16 posted 2000-02-19 06:15 PM

Michael~ really loved the feelings that came to me reading this. The style was so great.Last night's moon played with me too. Full moons always excite me and make me feel restless, like I'm supposed to be somewhere else! Again, loved the poem!   -SEA
Junior Member
since 2000-02-19
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17 posted 2000-02-19 06:34 PM

Creative poem, Michael.  Enjoyed.  

Member Elite
since 1999-10-28
Posts 3539
18 posted 2000-02-19 08:40 PM

For being bored've done this poem justice!!

*devina bows to the poet!!*

 Open arms can be the most fragile in the world...

Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-05
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Ft. Lauderdale, Fl USA
19 posted 2000-02-19 08:44 PM

This has officially become my favorite MICHAEL poem. The creativity and word usage in this one leaves me in awe of such ability. I cannot say WELL DONE!! loud enough to do it justice.
Member Elite
since 1999-07-25
Posts 2646
20 posted 2000-02-20 04:31 PM

Lovely poem -  I knew all would be well.  It doesn't hurt near like you thought it would, 'eh?  That speaks volumes in itself.  I'm glad you are looking at life through brighter eyes, and with head held high.  Helps when you have others to fall back I knew you would.  Now, just find a cure for that boredom, and you'll be well on your way!  

 ** I'm reaching for the brightest star I've ever seen - knock my ladder out from under me, and you'll wish you hadn't !! -pFF ** Here's to 2000!

doreen peri
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21 posted 2000-02-20 06:27 PM

Excellent, Michael! I enjoyed the first stanza, then reading the second, I started asking, "Wait, what is he doing?", then reading the final stanza it all came full circle and I got chills up my spine. The structure is the poem. It's wonderful!

On a more personal note, as you know, my marriage just broke up about 6 weeks ago. I have written and posted several poems about it. One of which, I, too, made a comment about my doing fine and not to worry about me. LOL. Good thing my ex-husband doesn't have the URL to Passions because if he came in and told me publicly that he was glad I was finally doing ok, I think I'd throw the computer through the front window. Then, I'd change my screen name. LOL

Take it easy, m'friend.


Member Elite
since 1999-07-25
Posts 2646
22 posted 2000-02-20 06:36 PM

I'm finding this very interesting!  LOL  Maybe I should say something a bit more "nasty" next time?  hehe  Talk about a no-win situation!     I think the group would be a bit happier if we went with Plan B, which was "don't reply to eachother's poetry at all".....Sorry to have offended anyone.
Member Rara Avis
since 1999-07-22
Posts 9245
23 posted 2000-02-21 01:18 AM

Well there is a full moon out tonight, but I don't think I'll be writing anything as good as this!

I don't want to intrude here or start anything, but my goodness. People don't get so glued to this. They are two people who tried, and for whatever reason it didn't work. If you two can remain friends that is fantastic! Gen, I hope you don't feel that you have to quit replying to his work, or he yours or any of us to either of your works.

I feel like I should apologize for that comment, but I didn't make it. Geez, I'm sorry you guys have enough to deal with let alone some who are more upset over this than you two.


There's only two ways you can go...
One way you can save your riches,
And the other will save your soul.
Rich Mullins

Member Rara Avis
since 1999-08-13
Posts 7666
24 posted 2000-02-21 05:45 AM

I honestly thought this poem would be dead and gone by the time I got back on line.  Looks like a lot has happened in my absence.  First I would say thanks to everyone who had something good to day about the poem.        

Second, I would say WhtDove is right.  Gen and I tried.  Obviously "true love" wasn't in the cards for us and this poem was in no way related to her.  I was more involved in writing a poem that could be read forward and backward - thus the name, "Vicious Circle", which alone accounted for the direction I let this poem go.  It benefits no one to dwell over things that cannot be.  I have accepted this and have chosen to move on.  This is not always an easy task, and even harder when others wish to keep speaking to you of the issue, thus the request for no sympathy replies at the beginning of the poem.  I would once again ask that none more be said on this issue.

Gen,I find your sarcasm disheartening.  

"It doesn't hurt near like you thought it would, 'eh?  That speaks volumes in itself."

I actually think I liked the two weeks of cold silence you gave me better than this side of you.  You have no right to judge the way I choose to go on with my life.  You obviously didn't share the depth of love I did, so how can you even think you can grasp the pain I am feeling?  What could you have possibly said more "nasty" than that?

Please go on with your life Gen and don't badger me for going on with mine.  Remember, this was your decision, alone.


[This message has been edited by Michael (edited 02-21-2000).]

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