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Member Elite
since 1999-06-22
Posts 4870
TEXAS (it's all big)

0 posted 2000-02-11 01:12 AM

okay yes this is a three parter i am reposting all in one post today because three years ago today mom died suddenly of diabetic comlications. its all true very heartfelt and maybe a lil minus on the meter yes i remember cryin when i wrote it and feeling proud at the end. you dont got to read it all it is very long.


Feb 11th 1997

It was early morning a young boy arose
Grabbed his money and slipped on his clothes
The same he wore when he stole in that night
To find his mother was still to be all right

On his face he wore a hateful little smirk
She had been sick for a month dodging their work
A sore on her foot that never was heeling
She said it would kill her he still was unfeeling

Selfish little boy to think of her that way
Would he regret it for the rest of his days?
He had always loved his mother to be sure
But for these last seconds a lifetime to cure

It was dark in the hall he tiptoed descending
Life as he knew it soon to be ending
Frozen in time with wishes to rewind
If only he had the presence of mind

And still one last chance for regret
As still another second he had yet
He threw on the lights a bastard uncaring
To find his mother lying there staring

On that night the world was left spinning
The stars all black the devil was grinning
But God was there ever forgiving
His head to her heart still she was living

The ambulance came and took her away
He followed so close as he could belay
But the only security that was to be found
That annoying siren was still making sound

In the emergency room for hours he waited
His prayers did flow though a bit belated
No one would speak or tell him the worst
They all looked on him as if he was cursed

He knew He knew he had to have known
The rest of his life he would wander alone
He cried with no shoulder he always had thought
Would be there forever if he got this distraught

The chaplain calmed him but offered no lie
He told the boy soon his mother would die
They sat and they prayed and there’s nothing belated
So into the night those two brothers waited

The term the doctor used “Son will you pull the plug?”
A term most used as a sobering drug
A little boy with a decision to make
Never thinking later a murderer would make

And on February 11th 1997
My dearest mother was greeted in heaven
And with poems such as this one that I lay down
My momma I love her she’ll always be around


Feb 12th to Oct 6th 1997

The little boy with weary eyes never wanting more
Then to be left in his room with a lock on his door
Though a lack of ambition always prevented
His grandma loved him and his grandpa resented

Everyday he would lay watching Bogie and Bacall
And he would watch the Big Sleep into which he would fall
And cats seven of them decorated his room
Just waiting to be found for a need to exhume

A two story house with those long halls never ending
Each led to darkened rooms where sadness was spending
Shared memories of one who departed so dear
Saddled with emotion of loss anger and fear.

Tension arose between the grandfather and son
There was an estate to be cleaned and jobs to be done
The boy always stayed tired but so wanted to rise
But everywhere he looked he saw his momma’s eyes

He could see his mother in his nighttime vision
Dreaming of that day he made that decision
His mother would awake from that dreadful coma
He would wake with a start and grab for a soma

Except for the seven cats the room was empty
And he knew then at once where his mother would be
One black cat for each white cat lived life in his room
And that added some mixture of gray and of gloom

Then one day all so fast his grandfather was through
He was tired of this boy having nothing to do
He crept in with a gun kept under his pillow
The big man moved quietly appearing a willow

The boy awoke amidst the middle of a dream
He did not faint or beg or offer a scream
A silent understanding they had come to share
And the very next day the boy was not there

He roamed all the streets walking into each store
Sun hurting his eyes, birds singing hurt more
He missed his cats and his grandmother’s love
Grandfather was back there with threatening glove

A job was in hand he returned triumphantly
Both of his grandparents were so happy to see
He bought a computer and plugged in the cord
It was a fateful thing God helped him afford

His prayers for so long had been just to be kissed
Would might then that it be his mother not missed?
He met many women on that computer that day
More in his room little by little he did stay

Then one day the boy not wanting more grew bold
He asked out a girl without asking how old
He only cared to see what she would look like
A nose ring a tattoo and hair in a spike

He would not be derailed his ambition returned
After prayer and more dates he started to learn
The best company found his cats lying around
But then one day a fair was coming to town

An online attraction he asked her to go
And waited those seconds one waits to hear no
But she said yes and as the date of the fair came
He remembered to ask so she told him her name

The days he waited he was at peace with the world
Something was telling him that this was the girl
Might be that his momma was telling him yes
This is the one that years of prayer have blessed

A knock on the door there had need not be two
Yes as he waited a cat puked on his shoe
He ran down the hall he was lost in the moment
Oh too be young in such a blissful descent

A fateful day as the one that had gone past
He ran with such glee not knowing it would last
He threw on the lights and this time with more care
The door opened slowly his future was there


Oct 6th to Present Day

What stood in front of the boy he had seen there before
All neatly wrapped up in a convenient metaphor
The hinges from which he’d always swung safely upon
The door crept slowly open revealing she was gone

There instead stood a lady whose eyes he thought explained
How beauty would find a place where horror always reigned
A tinge of disappointment he couldn’t keep in check
His smiling ear to ear from the head upon his neck

She greeted him with warmth and he followed close behind
Soon he would not look back there was a future left to find
She drove him away; he had no car, where had he gone
The door to the house where the hinges he swung upon?

The county fair was there they rode the Ferris wheel
And all this time he had the chance a kiss that he could steal
But the boy was just that and what would take to make a man
A silent prayer went up “Dear Lord this lady can?”

The feeling told in many tongues simple to understand
That someone else in the world would want to hold his hand
She took hold so gently as to initiate his soul
A little reminder that soon she would make him whole

After parting ways he searched for stars that never moved
Which one was his mother smiling down that she approved
He thought she might have her hand on the shoulder of his love
To protect this one from her vantage point above

The night was dark and the devil was not liking this
He had used all his schemes but the boy had gone amiss
Love was a bond the boy would never need forget
A star was born that God had hued the color of her wit

In his bedroom these last nights he would ever lay alone
Thinking on his mother whose star now brightly shone
It might be a ball of gas or an angel’s scattered toy
But that star would ever shine just for that little boy

Years would pass as the man lay beside his wife
For hours they would cry recalling his mothers life
With child in her belly and laughter at their feet
They would smile together sadly their tears tasting sweet

© Copyright 2000 Walt Burns - All Rights Reserved
Member Rara Avis
since 1999-06-15
Posts 7136
Mobile, AL
1 posted 2000-02-11 03:49 AM

It is true, this is long, but I enjoyed every last word of it.   I am glad in the end you found what you needed.
This was truly a touching tribute.

Member Elite
since 1999-05-23
Posts 4094
Coastal Texas
2 posted 2000-02-11 04:23 AM

Way Out Walt...this is beautiful.  I don't care either if the meter isn't true, or if the scansion is precise.  The message and the lovely memories imbued are what make this tri-part poem so touching.  Though the inspiration was painful, I thank you for sharing this.

Yet another reason why I could not be a Dietician...for a lab, I had to do nutritional case studies for terminal patients: cancer, pediatric, and diebetic complications.  Seeing those people, and knowing their fate, simply soured me to that profession.

I understand in part where you are coming from...I lost my Aunt Ruby to the same thing.


Senior Member
since 2000-02-10
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United Kingdom
3 posted 2000-02-11 04:41 AM

Thanks for sharing that with us, it was a great poem that did not feel long, I am glad that there is a happy ending, it realy puts life in perspective .
Member Elite
since 1999-06-19
Posts 2462

4 posted 2000-02-11 08:39 AM

Rhyme and meter don't mean anything without feeling.  Tremendous poem Walt.
Member Patricius
since 1999-07-05
Posts 10750
Glen Hope, PA USA
5 posted 2000-02-11 08:52 AM

Walt...this is oveflowing with pure emotion.......I'm glad within your life, a ray of sunshine now shines  
Member Elite
since 2000-02-04
Posts 2919
New York, USA
6 posted 2000-02-11 09:07 AM

What a beautiful tribute to your Mom, I lost mine almost 17 years ago to the same dreaded disease, and I truly know how true your words are.  Thank God we find the strength to get through it.  Wonderful poem Walt.
Member Elite
since 1999-07-31
Posts 3023
United Kingdom
7 posted 2000-02-11 09:54 AM

Walt: You have every reason to be proud, I think it's the best I ever read of yours..I wish the circumstances could have been different for you though...bless you

HUGS sweetheart

 The grape passes through the press to yield wine.
Your life must pass through the press of passion and pain to yield the wine of wisdom..

Senior Member
since 1999-08-15
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Sitting in Michael's Lap
8 posted 2000-02-11 10:03 AM

Walt, there is absolutely, positively, nothing wrong with this poem.  It was not too long, nor did the lack of perfect meter detract from the story you were trying to tell.  It was very sincere, and true to the thoughts I am sure you had at that time -- ugly rumors aside, not even I think in regular meter ...  

I am smiling, Walt, and I am sure that wherever your mom is, she is smiling too ... thank you for this beautiful piece.


 Full fathom five thy father lies,
Of his bones are coral made,
Those are pearls that were his eyes;
Nothing of him that doth fade
But doth suffer a sea-change
Into something rich and strange...

--William Shakespeare, from The Tempest

Member Elite
since 1999-06-22
Posts 4870
TEXAS (it's all big)
9 posted 2000-02-11 10:39 AM

thank you guys last year i even forgot the anniversary until the next day...this year its like a whole nother life time ago and was missing her yuh thanx for the replies  
Member Seraphic
since 1999-05-20
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Cape Cod Massachusetts USA
10 posted 2000-02-11 10:11 PM

Walt, you're a very sensitive man - and you do your mother proud with this poem - It's just wonderful..

God Bless..

Marge Tindal
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since 1999-11-06
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
11 posted 2000-02-11 10:28 PM

I have seen your heart.
I like what you've said and
the way in which you said it.
Beautiful heart.
Bless you.

 ~*The pen of the poet never runs out of ink, as long as we breathe.*~
[email protected]

Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-05
Posts 25505
Ft. Lauderdale, Fl USA
12 posted 2000-02-11 10:33 PM

I remember when you first posted this, Walt. It was powerful then and equally as powerful now..a true example of opening one's soul and exposing the feelings therein. Wonderful work.
Roniece Dawson-Bruce
Member Ascendant
since 2000-01-29
Posts 5689
Sydney, Australia
13 posted 2000-02-12 06:42 AM

Walt - these are fine words - I enjoyed reading all of them.....nice to know you have found your happiness    .... Roniece ..
Poet deVine
Member Seraphic
since 1999-05-26
Posts 22612
Hurricane Alley
14 posted 2000-02-12 10:16 AM

Walt, a wonderful tribute to your mom needs no excuse from you....emotions shared are poetry, all the meter and rhyme scheme in the world won't make a poem as heartfelt as this. I read with my heart, not my head.  

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