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Open Poetry #6
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Senior Member
since 2000-02-02
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0 posted 2000-02-10 10:13 AM

I walked and walked
must have been a million miles
or more
and I thought and thought
and worked it all out
in my mind
each question
was gone over
worded and reworded
until it was
formed perfectly
each response
was backspaced, reordered,
deleted and rethought
until it proceeded with the proper logic
and just when I would
get to the end
and the next thought would
give me the answer of
what to do with my
I would start over.
and so I walked
until I couldn't anymore,
finally falling asleep with no resolution,
fitfully tossing and turning
seeking perfection,
seeking an ending…
how can I end an A+ analyzation
with the question
What if?

What if I don't do tomorrow,
what I am doing wrong today?
what if....

[This message has been edited by Corazon (edited 02-10-2000).]

© Copyright 2000 zoe d. - All Rights Reserved
Member Elite
since 1999-07-31
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United Kingdom
1 posted 2000-02-10 10:16 AM

Hmmm, I understand this perfectly and the answer is that life is a circle, no end, no beginning, just a constant..

HUSG sweetheart

 The grape passes through the press to yield wine.
Your life must pass through the press of passion and pain to yield the wine of wisdom..

Danny Holloway
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since 2000-01-15
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Tulsa, OK
2 posted 2000-02-10 10:19 AM

I think there are no resolutions.  We invent our lives one day at a time and the "what ifs" are only folly for the mind filled with insecurity. (thinking out loud)
Good writing.  

Member Elite
since 1999-07-23
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Boot+Kitty=Poetry in motion
3 posted 2000-02-10 10:23 AM

how can I end an A+ analization
with the question
What if?

Lady, you are one heckuva writer!  This is profound, right on the mark!

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Member Seraphic
since 1999-07-29
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4 posted 2000-02-10 10:47 AM

And what if the answer lies not in walking but in flying... away? *S* Well done!!! (Even if I do hate to agree with the sailor! *S*)
Ted Reynolds
since 1999-12-15
Posts 331

5 posted 2000-02-10 10:55 AM

This is very nice indeed.  You know, I wonder if you put the whole thing in first person "I walk and walk . . ." etc., it would work too . . . and feel more like the person speaking isn't out of the circle yet.  Anyway, I do also like it as it is.  (But check the spelling of "analysing.")
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6 posted 2000-02-10 12:05 PM

I like this very much, tuning thoughts in the mind are something I have dealt with much lately.
Member Elite
since 1999-10-28
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7 posted 2000-02-10 01:22 PM

No more thinking of what if's...only where you've been and more importantly, where you're're too sweet of a person to worry so much!!G*

 Open arms can be the most fragile in the world...

since 2000-02-05
Posts 315
8 posted 2000-02-10 01:50 PM


Through your poetry..I see a sensitive, intelligent, wonderful person with an incredible talent...

Don't let those "what ifs"..hold you back...Shove 'em in the closet...and live  life to the fullest!...*grin*

 Freedom of expression is the watch word...

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since 2000-02-02
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9 posted 2000-02-10 02:13 PM

thanks for  the hugs, and yep circles is the right word….
Danny Holloway thanks
thank you shipmate….means much you know?
well then I will grow wings…..hugs and thanks for the compl.  
Ted Reynolds
lol thanks, funny thing was either way I spelled it my spell check said it was wrong, so I figured it wasn't a word so it couldn't be spelled wrong **grin**
WilliamHugh thanks
sigh, I know, but you can't go on to the next til you figure out where you messed up, or you will just do it again….
thank you much that is a very sweet thing to say

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Member Seraphic
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with you
10 posted 2000-02-10 04:37 PM

Corazon~ Life holds too many "What If's". I know, I do it a lot  .Sometimes all you can do is not ask that. Jump in and see where you land! -SEA
Member Patricius
since 1999-07-05
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Glen Hope, PA USA
11 posted 2000-02-11 12:05 PM

If we made no mistakes my friend we would never learn  

"If you have made mistakes...there is always another chance for may have a fresh start any moment you choose, for this thing we call 'failure' is not the falling down, but the staying down." ~Mary Pickford

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Member Rara Avis
since 2000-01-03
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12 posted 2000-02-12 01:59 AM

Very impressive. This thing flows where no flow should be possible. When you look at in on the page, it's like words just tumbling down in some chaotic waterfall; but when you read it, you see this chaos has some sort of logic, even if skewed, behind it. Exactly what you're saying in the poem reflects in the format. Did you notice?  


Senior Member
since 2000-02-02
Posts 1209

13 posted 2000-02-14 10:39 AM

hoot thanks much, and loved the quote...thanks, I hadn't noticed lol, this is another of those that just tumbled onto the page.....well actually, I do walk at night and my brain goes round and round with my feet, and sometimes when I am done a poem tumbles out...thanks for the comments and for taking the time to notice

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