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Member Empyrean
since 1999-11-16
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Kapolei, Hawaii, USA

0 posted 2000-03-03 05:39 AM

Empty Lips

More than anything I wanted to be your one and only lover.
So many times I tried to keep us together.
Yet time after time I could clearly see
your heart chose not to fall in love with me.
Yes, you possessed me in all your earthy splendor
and each time I gazed at your lips
they looked warm and they looked tender.
No doubt, my lips wanted to feel loves pleasure
but her lips were thinking, enough already, why are we together?
Your kiss was lonely because you held back your love.
They were lips with no meaning
a pair of empty lips just hanging there.
Somehow it just doesn't work when no love is attached
when only one cares and the other has no feelings to share.
Have you ever thought about two lips going together
with one wanting to give love and pleasure
and the other thinking whatever.
That cold and crazy one way heart
is destined to keep our lips apart.
A heart unwilling to share a tender touch
nor share a kiss, some love and trust.
So tell me please are you real?
Whats the deal with those empty lips?
Don't you have a heart to give?
I chose to give my love to you.
Answers please.   Why did you choose not to?


[This message has been edited by jmlee12345 (edited 03-03-2000).]

© Copyright 2000 JamesMichael - All Rights Reserved
Member Elite
since 2000-02-16
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1 posted 2000-03-03 09:37 AM

Hi jmlee12345,

This poem hit home very well. It is a very lonely place to be. You said it wonderfully.

Thanks for the read,  Cerenity

Member Seraphic
since 1999-08-22
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2 posted 2000-03-03 01:08 PM

Very sad. Unrequited love is one of the worst feelings in the world. Great poem!


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3 posted 2000-03-03 01:14 PM

you just described my is sad...for both
Member Empyrean
since 1999-11-16
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Kapolei, Hawaii, USA
4 posted 2000-03-03 02:35 PM

Thank you Cerenity for reading and commenting.  Yes it was very lonely and frustrating.  When you give your love to someone and they choose not to give back how long should you stay with them?
Thank you Denise and I have to agree.  Stupid me I stayed with this woman for over five years and I could never gather enough strength to let her go...for her own good and for mine.  Because both people suffer when the love is not mutual.  
Corazon I agree that it is sad for both.  One is thinking why won't she love me and the other is thinking how did I end up with this person and where is my real lover.  Do you have the warm lips or the cold lips? (laugh)  Hope you find some lips with meaning.   James

Member Patricius
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Glen Hope, PA USA
5 posted 2000-03-03 03:56 PM

This is a very sad is a two way, but I usually end up going the wrong way anyway
Member Empyrean
since 1999-11-16
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Kapolei, Hawaii, USA
6 posted 2000-03-03 04:20 PM

Yes Hoot Owl it was a very happy and also a very sad period in my life.  I only wish I had a happier tale to tell. (laugh)  Someday I will write a happy poem about two lovers....a lovely woman and me falling in love together... and sharing a special kiss...the one that last forever.   James
since 2000-02-05
Posts 483
7 posted 2000-03-03 06:06 PM

sounds like the exact same thing im going through right now and i myself was just wondering the same question. you put it in to words perfectly. now only  for the answer *sigh* hopefully things will get better for us both soon.   (not smilin but hey we gotta try)
Member Empyrean
since 1999-11-16
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Kapolei, Hawaii, USA
8 posted 2000-03-03 06:28 PM

Thank you for your nice comments.  I can only share in both of your pain right now but hopefully in the near future I will share the moment when joy returns to your hearts.   James
Marge Tindal
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9 posted 2000-03-03 07:04 PM

And I would wish for you
lips that speak of love for only you.

Love is such a personal thing,
ours to give.  You can give it,
but can't make someone give it back.
Your heart is blessed when they do
and broken when they do not.

Very intimate feelings you've been
able to share with friends.

 ~*The pen of the poet never runs out of ink, as long as we breathe.*~
[email protected]

Member Elite
since 1999-12-27
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10 posted 2000-03-03 09:31 PM

I'm glad you were able to put these feelings into words, James, and you did it well. Keep writing...and keep those lips warm!  

~ Claire

Janet Marie
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11 posted 2000-03-03 09:35 PM

james, sad, sweet poem, your tender heart always comes thru in your words...keep  a smile on those lips...your time is due...take care, janet marie

 When you see through love's illusions, there lies the danger...
And your perfect lover just looks like a perfect fool
So you go running off in search of a perfect stranger
While the loneliness seems to spring from your life
Like a fountain from a pool.

Jackson Browne

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Pickering, Ontario
12 posted 2000-03-03 11:08 PM

A wonderful poem James, I enjoyed it very much.


Member Empyrean
since 1999-11-16
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Kapolei, Hawaii, USA
13 posted 2000-03-04 06:17 AM

Thank you Marge and that is beautiful..."your heart is blessed when they do and broken when they do not".  Yes it is a wonderful blessing and I hope I never forget that.
Thank you Claire for your wonderful comments and I have a special woman in my thoughts right now and I have been telling her the way I feel about her and she agrees with me that it is a special blessing when both desire a kiss with the same intensity.  Time will tell if we will care for each other.
Janet thank you for you nice comments...that is so precious that you said I have a tender heart and I assure you this is the year that my desire is happiness.  
Thank you Marina I am glad that you enjoyed this.  I thank everyone for the wonderful comments.      James

[This message has been edited by jmlee12345 (edited 03-04-2000).]

Nurse Crachet
since 1999-09-27
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They know where I am!
14 posted 2000-03-04 06:27 AM

Your poem is a real eye opener, sorry for your pain I hope things change for you and you find your destiny
Member Empyrean
since 1999-11-16
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Kapolei, Hawaii, USA
15 posted 2000-03-04 03:59 PM

Thank you for reading my poem and for your concern.  I hope that I can pick the right one.  I know somehow I am responsible for my destiny.  James
since 1999-12-26
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16 posted 2000-03-04 06:39 PM

James ((Hugs)) I think so many of us have been there, perhaps that's what makes us poets?!   Keep smiling, your day will come, although it will never seem quite soon enough *sigh*  

 All of my life I've been searching for the words to say how I feel........ - Phil Collins.

Member Empyrean
since 1999-11-16
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Kapolei, Hawaii, USA
17 posted 2000-03-05 07:28 AM

Thanks for the hug, the flower, and all your nice words of encouragement.  Maybe thats what it has never been my day..but I feel like my day is close...and I have never been more aware of the mistakes I have made..and hopefully I will make the right choices to assure my happiness.   James
Poet deVine
Member Seraphic
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18 posted 2000-03-05 09:32 AM

The title drew me in..I love this... also I've been here.. good poem James.  

since 2000-02-03
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19 posted 2000-03-06 12:31 PM

Hum! Hum!
I have been wanted to tell you this for a long time but felt silly to say.
Well here it goes
Once this guy and I were madly in love
And his name is James Lee
It's over now and
We are good friend

When I first saw your name
With the 12345
It put a smile on my lips
Well I have 5 children

And thanks for the comment
On my Blue Turning Pink


Member Empyrean
since 1999-11-16
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Kapolei, Hawaii, USA
20 posted 2000-03-06 03:17 PM

Thank you Poet deVine for your wonderful comment.  The part that is sad is why it sometimes takes so long to accept that the other person doesn't choose to care for us.  If they could find the right one for them I am sure they would jump in with both feet.
Thank you Monique.  You have a beautiful name.   You are a sweetheart for writing such nice things about me.   I have three boys.  They are 26, 23, and 20.  Two live in California and one in Germany.   I wrote the way I felt in my heart.   James

Nate Dogg
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21 posted 2000-03-06 05:43 PM

Wow! This was a beautiful expression of your fruastrations. Keep up the great work!


since 2000-02-05
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22 posted 2000-03-07 01:09 AM

very nicely said. you write how i feel.keep up the good work (maybe one day soon i'll be reading something about how you found the love of your life) *hopes*
Member Rara Avis
since 1999-08-13
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23 posted 2000-03-07 05:38 AM

Wow - this is a painful place to be.  It's hard to "draw that line" sometimes but then you have to ask yourself what you really have if you choose not to.  Beautifully written, I could feel the sadness in your dilema.


Member Empyrean
since 1999-11-16
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Kapolei, Hawaii, USA
24 posted 2000-03-07 03:46 PM

Yes Nate some pain and lots and lots of frustration.
Thanks for sharing my dream just another is my hope and my desire to find a special one and to write about the feelings.
Michael truly is painful when you see the truth and it is painful accepting the truth...and than you feel better..and you realize the only way out of the situation is to accept your loss and go on.  Thanks everyone,  James

[This message has been edited by jmlee12345 (edited 03-07-2000).]

Member Elite
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25 posted 2000-03-07 04:03 PM

Your poetry is so refreshing and gives me a view of both sides of the kiss, each is painful in it's own way and in so many of the same ways.  I was drawn by the title and stayed for the truth.  My hope is that you will find a love worthy of all the beauty you hold in your heart and soul, anything less would be a tragedy.
Member Empyrean
since 1999-11-16
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Kapolei, Hawaii, USA
26 posted 2000-03-08 03:51 PM

Thank you butterflies don't cry and for one with such an understanding heart I can only hope for the same for you.   James
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