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Member Rara Avis
since 1999-08-13
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0 posted 2000-01-12 07:33 AM


Laying alone in dark silence,
I first hear footsteps down the hall.
Then laughing voices that convince
Me, I am not alone at all.
So, up I spring to the next room,
But I find no-one waiting there.
Just a cold and empty gloom
That lingers in the midnight air.

So cold it chills me to the bone.
I see, set open, the front door.
As I feel the house creek and groan,  
Walking barefoot across the floor.
There again, I hear the laughing,
And wonder if the jokes on me.
Though not quite consciously quaffing,
The whole situation I see.

Then I feel it touch my body,
The chill it lays upon my skin.
My heartbeat jumps, as my prickly
Neck hairs reveal the presence within.
Suddenly I see the sickness
Inflicted on my every breath.
The cold air in all it's thickness
A spirit calling to my death.

A ghost that haunts me night by night.
I wonder does he know he's dead?
Fearing sleep, I leave on the light,
And place the earphones on my head.
So I won't hear what the voices tell
In my midnight reality;
But still must walk the halls of hell,
To shut doors opened but to me.

Michael Anderson

[This message has been edited by Michael (edited 01-12-2000).]

© Copyright 2000 Michael Anderson - All Rights Reserved
Dark Enchantress
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1 posted 2000-01-12 03:49 PM

I don't really know what to say much as I hate to admit it. I've never really been in this position. But it was a beautiful poem just the same and although it was hard for me to understand at described it very well.  

 "They can take away my belongings. They can beat me. They can torchure me and they can kill me. Then they will have my dead body. But they will not have my obedience."

~*Angel of Darkness*~

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Sunny Queensland
2 posted 2000-01-12 05:20 PM

If this is an analagy great I really enjoyed the poem, BUT if you live in a haunted house, get out of there, more likely you have a haunted soul.  I can 'dig' that my friend  

 Let your heart guide you. It whispers, so listen closely.
(Sovereign of the Spirit)

since 2000-01-03
Posts 391

3 posted 2000-01-12 10:17 PM

Michael this was a creepy one with a brilliance of haunt.  One of your best in my opinion.  It gave me chills to really think about it happening to myself.  I live alone and somtimes I think someone is here but its the old house just talking to me!!! Ok now I won't be able to sleep.  I loved the lonliness of this piece.  Kudos to you Michael!!< !signature-->


"Write down what you say if what you say is not written down" (Bojopy)

[This message has been edited by Bojopy (edited 01-12-2000).]

Member Rara Avis
since 1999-08-13
Posts 7666
4 posted 2000-01-13 01:25 AM

Thank you all for the compliments.  

I know I am obscure sometimes, thanks for putting up with me, D.E.

Isis, everybody has ghosts...some just scream louder than others.

Bojopy, glad I won't be the only one "not sleeping" tonight...LOL


Elizabeth Santos
Member Rara Avis
since 1999-11-08
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5 posted 2000-01-13 01:34 AM

I've got the chills! Just checked the other room and everything is OK. Don't do this to me in the middle of the night. I get so scared! Good poem

Member Seraphic
since 1999-08-22
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6 posted 2000-01-13 01:40 AM

Very chilling! This makes me very glad that I don't live alone!!! Excellent spooky poem, Michael!  


Jim Hastings
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7 posted 2000-01-13 01:58 AM

Excellent poem, I have to wonder why I work so late at night and what are those sounds from the other side of that door.

 It's fantasy. But if it contains a piece of me doesn't that make it as real as I am?

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8 posted 2000-01-13 02:04 AM

Those are your inner demons wanting to come out!
Excellent poem.

Member Elite
since 1999-10-28
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9 posted 2000-01-13 03:16 AM

Ok Micheal, now you've done gone and scared the living hell out of me...I'm the biggest chicken that walks the earth me thinks...and to top it off, I'm sleeping alone for the first time in four years...(next time put a warning label, will ya???)LOL!!

 Open arms can be the most fragile in the world...

Member Seraphic
since 1999-05-20
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Cape Cod Massachusetts USA
10 posted 2000-01-13 08:11 AM

Michael - Lack of sleep is getting to you...

But you do write well when you're deprived... Nice one... again...

Dark Angel
Member Patricius
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11 posted 2000-01-13 08:29 AM

Ooooh very chilling, Excellent Michael!!

 What comes from the heart goes to the heart.
Samuel Coleridge

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12 posted 2000-01-13 08:44 AM

Ok now you've scared me I am sitting her alone listening to every little noise, great poem so haunting  
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13 posted 2000-01-13 08:56 AM

Scary thought’s crossing my mind
As I'm reading line by line
This is a good choker
Almost like a Bram Stroker (hope I spelled that on right)
Very enchanting and haunting

Sally S.
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14 posted 2000-01-13 09:17 AM

Ooooooo!!!  Spooky, Michael!  I like it!  Wonderful, as always!  
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Member Seraphic
since 1999-07-29
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15 posted 2000-01-13 09:40 AM

... and suthern shivers. *G* Well done, Michael!!!
Member Rara Avis
since 1999-08-13
Posts 7666
16 posted 2000-01-13 02:31 PM glad I could share my nightly tortures with all of you...LOL
myslinky, I believe you're probably right.

devina, making mental note right now, *warning label next time* - sure thing.

Nan, is it that obvious?  Nevermind, forget I asked.

HelmutB, that's quite a compliment...TY.

and thank you to everyone for the kind, if shivering, replies.


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Sitting in Michael's Lap
17 posted 2000-01-13 02:41 PM

This literally gave me chills ...

I like the line "I wonder does he know he's dead?"  A sobering thought ... not sure whether this was meant to be taken literally but it works well that way.


 You cannot choose the way of your death, but the path you choose will determine its own end.

Senior Member
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Aloha, Oregon
18 posted 2000-01-13 02:54 PM

OKay now you've done it!!! It's a quarter to 1 PM and it still scared me. Now I'll be sleepless all nite long! Seriously, it was scary but I really enjoyed it. Very well written.

 Poetry~ Words falling on paper, painting a dream.

Shawna R. Holder
Boise, Idaho

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19 posted 2000-01-13 03:36 PM

Michael, this hootowl business is for the birds!  (no pun intended toward Ruth!)     I don't know why your mind tends to run away with itself late at night, depriving you of sleep, but you still have candles around the house per chance?  ROFL  
And um...just a quick note, once we get together, if you aren't getting PLENTY of sleep, I'm gonna be the death of you for sure!     Wheaties for breakfast in the morning, vitamins every day, and LOTS of exercise!!  hehe  You better start sleeping now to get ready for our week together!  Now shut those gorgeous eyes and SLEEP!!!!  I'll stand watch over you and chase the spooks away.  LOL   This poem shows your talents in so many shadowy colors!  Splendid are.   And I ditto all the shivering comments above!  Glad it's afternoon now!  BOCK - BOCK !!

 ** I'm reaching for the brightest star I've ever seen - knock my ladder out from under me, and you'll wish you hadn't !! -pFF ** Here's to 2000!

Member Empyrean
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20 posted 2000-01-13 04:13 PM

This poem certainly did have a dark flavor and I'm glad I read it on a beautiful sunshiney day.  Very well done Michael!
Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
21 posted 2000-01-13 04:54 PM

Michael -

Maybe it's just my interpretation of my
own ~spirit~ that walks my nights ...
but .... I welcome the ~spirits~ that
keep me company in the evening hours.
I also am not the slightest bit intimidated or frightened by those ~spirits~.

I figure that if it's in MY bedroom ...
it has to be friendly ! ! ! !   LOL !

Sleep tight !
Don't let the bed bugs bite !
Smile when awakening
at morning light.

 ~*The pen of the poet never runs out of ink, as long as we breathe.*~
[email protected]

Member Rara Avis
since 1999-08-13
Posts 7666
22 posted 2000-01-13 05:52 PM

Indeed Marge,
   This was a very serious poem on a real subject but I don't mind it being taken light hearted, though.  Everynight I close and lock all the doors in this 3 bedroom house and inevitably when I awake in the middle of the night for whatever reason, one door will be open.
   I'm not so far gone that I think my mind is playing tricks on me...there is something there...albeit more of a playful nature I think.  I even speak to it sometime in a joking manner.  O.K. You all can ship me off to the farm now...LOL


Member Rara Avis
since 1999-07-22
Posts 9245
23 posted 2000-01-14 12:20 PM

Put the headphones on?  I think I would have been GONE!  I don't know but if I were you I would annoint my house!  I don't know if I could live like that!  I would be terrified!
I'll talk with you about that annointing later!
Excellent in describing it though Michael!< !signature-->

Where there is faith,
           there is love.
Where there is love,
          there is peace.
Where there is peace,
            there is GOD.
Where there is GOD,
        there is no need.


[This message has been edited by WhtDove (edited 01-14-2000).]

passing shadows
Member Empyrean
since 1999-08-26
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24 posted 2005-04-16 05:04 PM


this chills

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Member Laureate
since 2001-03-07
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British Columbia, Canada
25 posted 2006-01-24 11:51 PM

Michael I missed this one too!  You are so right everyone has their own types of ghosts, and sometimes just putting on some earphones definitely does the trick doesn't it?  I printed this one, enjoyed it and bumping it for a second go round.
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