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Senior Member
since 2000-01-23
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Colorado, USA

0 posted 2000-02-05 03:51 PM

"If I Were A Poet"
(The Poet Artist)

If I were a poet,
I’d gladly bestow it
Upon anyone who was willing to listen.
For, my favorite folklore,
And stories of yore,
Would surely make hearts throb,
And eyes, glisten.

But if I were a poet,
How would I show it?
What type of artist would I be?

Perhaps, like Chef Boyardi,
I’d create new and delectable recipes.
Or, maybe, in the style of Mozart,
I’d make my art sing with a beautiful ring.
Or, as a painter, like Rembrandt or Monet,
My words might appear from out of thin air,
Then, emerge on paper,
Like the laying down of lustrous paints.
Or, what if, like Michelangelo,
I could release my poem,
As if, from deep within a block of stone?
Or, suppose, instead, I were a "Casanova" of words,
What kind of artist would I become?
I think I’d be all of these,  
For, I’m an integral part of each and every one:

[The Poet Chef]

If I were a poet,
I’d cook up a recipe for everyone to delight in.
You’d savor each word, rolling it around on you tongue,
As you craved each and every piece of my verse.

Maybe, I’d start you off,
With some onomatopoeia soup.
I’d mix the words and blend them well,
Until the flavor was sublime,
Then spice it up with a pentameter beet,
And even throw in a little rhyme.
I’d add some metaphor and simile,
Until the dish was sweet,
Then, serve it up on a plate,
Of limerick, all complete.  

I’m more than happy to share my recipe,
I’m very glad to show it,
But I wish I were a better a cook.
If only I were a Poet.

[The Poet Musician]

If I were a poet,
I’d sing my words in three part harmony,
And set my heart to the rhythm of, a five meter beat.
Like a great maestro, tapping with his feet,
I’d construct my symphony of words,
Slowly building towards a giant crescendo,
Then, ending on an upbeat note.  

[The Poet Painter]

If I were a poet,
I’d paint a picture with a thousand words,
And color my words with imagery,
In shades of passionate hues.
I’d tint my love with crimson red,
And orange would be the fire of my desire.
I’d use midnight blue for my darker moods,
Ivory White, for my purity of thoughts,
Blackest black, for my deepest fears,
And brightest red, as the color of my excitement.
Then, with an exhilarating rush,
Hold on tight to my brush,
As it strokes the canvas of life.

[The Poet Sculptor]

If I were a poet,
I’d take formless words, from deep within my soul.
I’d knead them, mold them and shape them well,
Until they took on a life of their own.  
Then, I’d release them from my page,
To speak for themselves.
Happy to be free,
They’d never speak ill of me.

[The Poet As A Lover]

If I were a poet,
How would I bring all my words together?
I’d hold them very close to me,
With nurturing compassion.  
I’d massage each syllable,
And caress every word, until mature.
Then, when just right,
I’d cover them with indigo ink,
And lay a foundation down for them,
On which to rest and think,
But like a fine wine,
I’d release not a single line,
Before it’s time.

[The Poet Artist]

If I were a poet,
What kind of artist would I be?
Which would best appease my words?
Which would be my essential guide?
Would I be a chef, a musician, a painter or a sculptor,
Or, perhaps, just a lover of life--
Which would I be?
I think I’d be all of these,
For, if I were a poet,
They’d already be living inside of me.



[This message has been edited by u_gene (edited 02-05-2000).]

© Copyright 2000 Gene M. - All Rights Reserved
Poet deVine
Member Seraphic
since 1999-05-26
Posts 22612
Hurricane Alley
1 posted 2000-02-05 06:13 PM

Gene this is great! A multi-faceted poem... a lot of what ifs....I'd like some of that soup if you please!  

Marge Tindal
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since 1999-11-06
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
2 posted 2000-02-05 06:29 PM

This is wonderfully creative.
I liked each and every poem and
the verses within the poems.
You sure excel with this one.

'But like a fine wine,
I’d release not a single line,
Before it’s time. '

Chill me a carafe of Poet 2000 Blush !

 ~*The pen of the poet never runs out of ink, as long as we breathe.*~
[email protected]

Member Seraphic
since 1999-05-20
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Cape Cod Massachusetts USA
3 posted 2000-02-05 07:34 PM

Well this is pretty special... Nice job here

and btw... I hear they're looking for a new cook at the stute (so's to cut down on the cafeteria brawls)....

..but it has to be someone who's Justin Credibly multi-faceted... so they can paint and stuff too.....

Elizabeth Santos
Member Rara Avis
since 1999-11-08
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4 posted 2000-02-05 07:59 PM

Gene, This was a very pleasant surprise! What a wonderful poem! There are so many beautiful phrases here. I enjoyed reading this very much'

Member Elite
since 1999-10-08
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The Hague, The Netherlands
5 posted 2000-02-05 08:53 PM

Gene !   You have me in total awe here ! Are you sure you only started writing recently ?  
Senior Member
since 2000-01-23
Posts 935
Colorado, USA
6 posted 2000-02-05 09:17 PM

PdV, Thanks, I believe a poet must be multi-faceted. All his/her life's adventures come out in their words.

Marge, Nan, Liz,
Thanks so much for those wonderful words. I really appreciate it.

Munda, Thanks, but you have nothing to be in awe of. Your poems are incredible. And yes, except for the little four line poem on my web-site, I wrote my first poem here about two weeks ago. But I still have an awful lot to learn.


[This message has been edited by u_gene (edited 02-05-2000).]

Member Patricius
since 1999-07-05
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Glen Hope, PA USA
7 posted 2000-02-05 09:36 PM

Clever, clever  
Member Seraphic
since 1999-08-22
Posts 22648

8 posted 2000-02-05 10:20 PM

Boy, Gene, you sure have lots of poetry inside of you just busting to get out!
These are wonderful!


Senior Member
since 1999-12-15
Posts 1203
Wisconsin, USA
9 posted 2000-02-05 10:29 PM

A mighty fine blend and mixture.  My compliments to the chef, er, uh poet.
Senior Member
since 2000-01-23
Posts 935
Colorado, USA
10 posted 2000-02-05 10:45 PM

Hoot,  Thanks, But I try to be clever without being clever.    

Denise,  That's how I feel. I've got so much I want to get out. I think I'm over my fear now. I had a little anxiety in the begining about being able to come up with things.

Gemini,  Thanks. I see your relatively new too. Welcome to the forums. I'll be looking for your poems.


[This message has been edited by u_gene (edited 02-05-2000).]

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