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since 1999-11-09
Posts 378
California! Yeah! Okay, I'm done now

0 posted 2000-01-15 09:52 PM


Fleeting, floating, softly flying
O how the gentle caress can dim like so
Gentle, breathing, waking
How can such a long feeling last for long?
Each time I cry I lose it again
Each time I smile I feel its caress
And when I go on living a life
Wanting so much and yet wishing so little
I can never forget how much it hurts
When it happens
Each time

Sky so bright, cheery and wide
Stars so happy, dancing and wise
Feelings that are there and yet not
Touching you like a feather
So with a whisper
Such a tender, forgotten thing,
You could blow away the softness
And leaving you

O when will the touch ever last?
Why must it's tickle be so fleeting,
Like a shooting star's desire never granted?
I can't help being such a feather
Blown away and lost
Seeing, losing, wanting so much
And yet the wind blows me away before
I can ever last for more than a feather's caress
I have to go soon, flying away like the wind
For I can never be anything more
Than just a feather

Lips touching yours
I wish I could just once look into your eyes and wonder
Wonder at what you think of me
Wonder at whispery softness in my heart
And feeling as if I could fly
With all these gentle feathers
But now it's different
Wondering about different things
For if I had looked into your heart, eyes, and soul that night
I would have died

You said I had a hunter's heart
Wild and free
Like a falcon in the sky I adore
But I will never fly again
Because of the loss you tore from me
O how can a caged falcon live so?
When her flight is stolen
So softly, lightly and taking such a single thing
For they were but simple

So now I'm broken
Now I cannot fly
I look up into the sky I lost
Still flying away with the harsh wind
When another heart comes too close
For I am just a falcon, lost, lonely, and torn
Because I will never fly again
Without feathers

 "Sometimes stars can only be seen in darkness."

"Sorrow's crown of sorrow is remembering happier things."

© Copyright 2000 Tiffany - All Rights Reserved
Member Seraphic
since 1999-08-22
Posts 22648

1 posted 2000-01-15 10:01 PM

This is sadly beautiful, Astraea. Well done!
I hope your feathers grow back!  


And slight is the sting of his trouble
Whose winnings are less than his worth;
For he who is honest is noble,
Whatever his fortunes or birth.~~~Alice Cary, ~Nobility~

Lynn Burdette
Junior Member
since 1999-11-23
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Greensboro, Georgia ( I'm a Georgia peach!)
2 posted 2000-01-15 10:14 PM

This is a beautiful poem. Thank you for all the replies you have made to all of my poems. They are greatly appreciated. Keep up the good work on your poems.
Paul Hoekman
since 1999-12-28
Posts 382
Harwinton Ct. U>S>A>
3 posted 2000-01-15 10:23 PM

you continue to be
one of


since 1999-11-09
Posts 378
California! Yeah! Okay, I'm done now
4 posted 2000-01-15 10:31 PM

dsnyder:  I hope so too.  Thanks for the wish.

Lynn Burdette:  I respond to all the lovely poetry that I have time to read [and with me being away so much, boy, do I have some reading to do!] and I find yours very beautiful.

Paul:  Always a supporter, your comments are always appreciated.  Thank you and your poetry continues to be among my favorite.


 "Sometimes stars can only be seen in darkness."

"Sorrow's crown of sorrow is remembering happier things."

Member Elite
since 1999-06-16
Posts 3850
In the space between moments
5 posted 2000-01-16 01:13 AM

You are among my favorites too, Astraea.  This is deeply sad and moving.  Exellent work.

 *Krista Knutson*

~*Like a lion, without fear of the howling pack,
Like a gust of wind, ne'er trapped in a snare,
Like a lotus blossom, ne'er sprinkled by water,
Let me, like a unicorn, in solitude roam.*~ Hymn Of Buddha

Marge Tindal
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Member Empyrean
since 1999-11-06
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
6 posted 2000-01-16 02:13 AM


This is feather-soft emotion.
Sadly floating like a feather in the wind.
Blown away with the imagery you've portrayed.

I hope the winds of sure direction
catch your feathers and you fly again.

 ~*The pen of the poet never runs out of ink, as long as we breathe.*~
[email protected]

Deputy Moderator 5 Tours
Member Rara Avis
since 2000-01-03
Posts 7855

7 posted 2000-01-16 03:30 AM

Wow. I can see why your name's Astraea. You should be a star. (and i think i just inspired myself with that last sentence ... sheesh) But before I go into a mad writing binge, let me just say that this poem deserves to be read. I loved it. A lot of poems have choice nuggets in them that makes you want to read the poem again. Well, this whole POEM'S a choice nugget.


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Senior Member
since 1999-12-28
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8 posted 2000-01-16 04:50 AM

Astraea, This is wonderful , all your poems are wonderful ,  
Elizabeth Santos
Member Rara Avis
since 1999-11-08
Posts 9269
9 posted 2000-01-16 07:05 AM

My favorite line?
"The wind blows me away before I can ever last for more than a feather's caress"
There were many such in this poem. So lovely yet sad

Senior Member
since 1999-09-26
Posts 1104
Champaign, IL
10 posted 2000-01-16 08:24 AM

Good things never last long enough do they??


Rus Bowden
since 2000-01-13
Posts 139

11 posted 2000-01-16 11:22 AM

Hi Astraea,

Such a harsh flight for a feather among the sky.  When will it return?  Nice muse, nice verse you,ve penned.


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