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Right Now!!! |
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Poet deVine
Member Seraphic
since 1999-05-26
Posts 22612Hurricane Alley |
Ok..RIGHT NOW!!! What's on your desk or computer work area...left to right, list what you've got there... |
© Copyright 2001 Poet deVine - All Rights Reserved | |||
Jamie Member Elite
since 2000-06-26
Posts 3168Blue Heaven |
not counting the usual stuff??( printer, camera, mouse etc) -- nothing on my left actually.. ..so right to farther right, (even wrapping around to the bookshelf that is beside me on the right)-- a pen-- a stapler-- a cd (natalie merchant) my checkbook, a bottle of "dew" and a notepad that i wrote the poem i posted tonight on (table for one)-- that's it. There is society where none intrudes, by the deep sea, and music in its roar. |
SpitFire Member Elite
since 2000-04-19
Posts 2396 |
~Figured it'd be a good time to answer this one as it's actually sort of clean for once. Ok, besides the computer and it's parts: *my little pouch wallet thing *a little glass jar with push pins and coins in it *a rock *a tiny turtle with a bouncing head? (E gave that to me the other day. It's cute). *a flattened and rusted bottle cap *two small earings (not matching) *a tin with pens, pencils and paintbrushes *chapstick *software *a lightbulb (just laying there?) *thesaurus and dictionary *two cans of air spray? (lilac and lavender) *pile of loose BW photographs *a battery *a plate with fork, knife and leftover dinner *and a pictionary hourglass timer thing. ~Think that's it. I sound like a slob huh? It's not that bad really. *Peace. |
Jamie Member Elite
since 2000-06-26
Posts 3168Blue Heaven |
Oh Ms Devine?--- yours please??--- and i think you should have found a way to have "right now" by Van Halen playing with this post...heh |
Poet deVine
Member Seraphic
since 1999-05-26
Posts 22612Hurricane Alley |
Ok..here goes: My Tower My Zip Drive (external) My hand lotion My Monitor Two lamps (one doesn't work so I got another one and just haven't removed the sick one) A brass basket with a zillion pens in it A small wicker basket with half a zillion pens in it (I'm a compulsive back-to-school shopper) A small wooden crate thingie with some Software stacked in it My phone My calculater My watch A bottle of Ginseng A small jar of change A stack of maps THERE! |
serenity blaze Member Empyrean
since 2000-02-02
Posts 27738 |
Okay...grin this may take some time...but to my left...a vial...of...TOOTHPICKS! AND? uh oh...software (Picture it) A cup of water, and heh heh heh rolling papers---one earring, and two nickels---now scanning to the right...my cigarettes, in a black leather case, and a porceline box filled with miscellania...a jar filled with pens and pencils and rulers and one particularly fine purple plumed quill...an overflowing ashtray..(the truth hurts) headphones and a small tray of what fills the rolling papers. |
Member Rara Avis
since 1999-05-19
Posts 8669Michigan, US |
Please keep in mind I have a BIG desk Large box of Kleenex Letter caddy filled with bills 16 foot tape measure Textbook from last class (FP 2000) 3 paperback novels 2 inches of floppies (from setting up new computer) note pad w/scribbles (from setting up new computer) a Christmas card (don't ask) 1/3 empty box of blank CD's some current correspondence demanding attention Robert Frost Selected Poems (the ones out of copyright) package of Keebler Chips Deluxe (peanut butter) open book (on Linux, and I never seem to get it closed) half-sleeve of Saltines (soup a week ago) plate of dinner rolls (dinner last night) container of La Choy Chow Mein Noodles (dinner ages ago) thick mouse pad (where I'll set my cokes later today) container of paper clicks glass with a few highlight pens and a golf ball screwdriver needle nose pliers gender changer (25 pin to 9 pin) Office organizer with blank 3x5 cards, pens, post-its small salt & pepper shakers lamp phone 3x5 card caddy (reference cards) scotch tape dispenser 3 CD's I recently burnt thin mouse pad (where my coffee is setting) at least 20 3x5 cards spread in front of keyboard (how I take notes) pen (the one currently in use) main keyboard main mouse and mouse pad other mouse and mouse pad (other keyboard is under desk) aspirins Ibuprofen Rolaids other lamp 2 CD cases (for the ones in the computers) And I probably could have cleaned it in the time it took me to inventory it… ![]() |
serenity blaze Member Empyrean
since 2000-02-02
Posts 27738 |
at first? I thought Ron's leftover foodstuff bizarre? but? damned if I did not just find the leftover head of a crawfish...not even kidding and don't ask? I just don't know!!!!! well, I've a clue, but? no idea as to how it got there. |
Poet deVine
Member Seraphic
since 1999-05-26
Posts 22612Hurricane Alley |
Gee! Ron's desk was MINE before I wrote this question (there was no way I was going to let you know that I took out several plates, a glass and 13 empty Diet Coke cans!). ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Member Rara Avis
since 2000-06-07
Posts 7665Twilight Zone |
Why did you even ask 1. a beanie baby on my monitor 2. 1 cup filled with pens 3. 1 cup filled with markers 4. phone 5. a stack of bills 6. some pic frames 7. cup of coffee 8. a link remover thingy 9. that thing you use to stand fodlers 10. Tons of paperwork 11. a bottle of nasal spray 12. on top of my desk are: a. box of SBS50 speakers b. box of HP 20GB backup drive c. box of quickbooks d. box of Win 95 e. box of Win 98 upgrade f. box of netgear sb104 g. box of iomega zip drive h. box of Norton Systemworks 20001 i. box of Ensoniq Audio PCI j. box of Win 98 full version k. box of Seagate TapeStor (wow, thats old) l. box of HP-CD Writer Plus m box of band-aid 13. a lot of binders 14. stapler, office tape "So long as men can breathe or eyes can see, |
serenity blaze Member Empyrean
since 2000-02-02
Posts 27738 |
Oh...and almost forgot! I've a framed photo of ![]() |
Dopey Dope![]()
Member Patricius
since 2000-08-30
Posts 11132San Juan, Puerto Rico |
A blue marker A paper that Morouxshi_San gave to me....it's a flower and says that he loves me...erm....hehe My cd's And an ashtray with....ciggs in it....but it's not mine! ![]() No really it's not mine....but anyway yea. ![]() |
Sven![]() ![]()
since 1999-11-23
Posts 14937East Lansing, MI USA |
Well, I have a drafting table. . . does that count as a desk??? Right now, my notebooks are on it. . . and in the tray attached are more pens and pencils than you could shake a stick at. . . LOL ![]() ------------------------------------------------------- To the world, you may only be one person. But to one person, you may be the world. |
Packratmike Senior Member
since 2001-02-25
Posts 632California, USA |
OK...other than my monitor, speakers and cam...here goes: A pair of glasses I'm not using. A glass case. 2 plastic pencil sharpeners. A bottle of Tums An empty coffee mug. A highlighter. Two pipes, A lighter. A small box of matches. Someones business card. A twisted paper clip. A floppy disk. |
Jesse Jaymz Senior Member
since 2000-01-24
Posts 708Youngstown, ohio |
ready for my mess?? hehehehe oh yeah by the way. my desk is a piece of plywood on a kitchen cabnit in my room keyboard and monitor speakers a wicker shelf letters an angel 7 pop cans (differant flavours) my electronic roledex my neckless my rings my guitar tuner guitar picks dead pens ![]() an eeyore beenie baby a bottle of jim beam with a candle in it (looks very cool) and a picture of the one i love so very much but doesnt love me ![]() All I feel is hurt and sorrow, praying it'll all be gone by tomorrow but as tomorrow rolls around, another tear hits the ground. [This message has been edited by Jesse Jaymz (edited 04-12-2001).] |
Member Seraphic
since 1999-05-20
Posts 21191Cape Cod Massachusetts USA |
Excluding all mandatory computer related paraphenalia... A roadmap of Florida (I'll need it tomorrow) Directions to my friend Carol's house Last minute things to pack tonight Yesterday's list of "to do's" Last week's list (it was lost) A red pen A cup of coffee (needing a refill) A black pen A note to call parents Antibacterial hand cleaner A piece of the keyboard I dumped clams on A pile of nondescript papers A huge pile of pens & pencils A box of orange tacks An empty paper plate An empty Junior Mints tin Dental floss Sudafed My Caller ID box A dictionary Some poetry books A picture of my daughter Empty film containers Candles A butane lighter for the candles A bread box full of bills (paid & unpaid) A pile of CD's (that should be in the CD rack...) A container of designer paper clips... .... one's a butterfly ....one's a frog ....one's a snail ....ones a.... ![]() [This message has been edited by Nan (edited 04-12-2001).] |
Allan Riverwood![]() ![]()
since 2001-01-04
Posts 3502Winnipeg |
Cool Nan! ![]() Mine's boring. haha ![]() -A bar of deoderant -About 400 Magic: The Gathering cards -A deck of 52 standard playing cards -About ten folded papers with senryus and haikus scribbled on them -A box of markers -A box of kleenex -A box of AA Batteries -An assortment of CD Rom games -One ball-point pen. ![]() Concieted?? Impossible! That would be a fault! |
Honeybee Member Ascendant
since 1999-12-26
Posts 5372Ontario, CANADA |
~Kleenex box with butterflies on it ~my computer and keyboard ~a cup of coffee in my Virgo cup ~Jergens Soothing Aloe Hand Lotion ~"Millenium 2000" Black clock ~small desk calendar ~speakers ~glass container holding scissors, glue, pens, highlighters and scrap paper ~large black stapler ~a pile of disks ~notepad ~dictionary ~printer ~fax telephone ~scanner |
Member Rara Avis
since 1999-08-02
Posts 8296Purgatorial Incarceration |
And I consider it clean right now... brrr... LOL Peace, C ![]() |
PhaerieChild Senior Member
since 1999-08-30
Posts 1787Aloha, Oregon |
Ok you asked for it!! A Marvin the Martian cup that holds a ruler and various office supplies like p-clips. A folder that I put some poetry in that is needing typed and burned to CD A credit card bill that needs paid My telephone A pair of headphones that I swear someday I will hook up to my computer, just not today. Computer tower with a touch lamp on top of it and two porcupine quill necklaces. A members guide for something called Preferred Home Network (really should check that out) A small water fountain featuring a cabin and mountains. Two floppy diskettes Three pieces of paper with various addresses and phone numbers on them. A speaker A monitor that sports a vulture beanie baby on one side and a little doo dad that I made that I call a my Computer Nerd on the other. In front of the monitor a small clock, my keyboard, and wristpad. On the other side of the monitor is a another speaker. A coffee cup warming pad. My mouse My calculator A rolodex My ashtray Another clock ( I seem to obsessed with time) A small wooden figurine thing that my husband gave me a couple of years ago of two people hugging. My 52 oz. Texaco drink cup. A pen and pencil organizer thing with various things in it. A cup with more pens and junk. A cootie catcher. 4 burned CD's that I keep adding to. A tube of Neosporin for a boo boo on my neck. My birth cert (don't ask) A power bill. And last a check that needs to go out today. How can you save me? |
Member Rara Avis
since 1999-06-15
Posts 7136Mobile, AL |
Hmmm.. **Television remote control (relatively unused unless my husband is home) **Pack of pens..red, blue, black **Ponytail holder with a soft fur puff ball (unused because I got another haircut) **Nail polish top coat **Nail polish pearl blue **Nail file **Another pen **Superglue **Stereo remote control **Cordless phone **fingernail clippers **Desk calender (Webster's version I use for writing a poem a day about the word on the date **Stacked papers from the desk calender that I have yet to write poetry for the words. **Junk mail **Empty jawbreaker box **bottle cap **Dayrunner **2cassette tapes **1 CD **Green watch **Book (Hamlet) (third time around reading) **Nail polish remover **Raspberry lotion and body spray **Balled up paper **Webster's dictionary/thesaurus **Book containing errr...Adult stories...(reading for research to see if I can do better) I CAN!! *sticks out tongue* **New stapler **Monitor **Keyboard **Printer **Mouse **Mouse Pad **E-machines tower **Bent bobby pin **Computer speakers **Printer paper still d-i-s-c-o-n-n-e-c-t-e-d |
Elizabeth Cor Senior Member
since 2000-10-13
Posts 879Over the river and through the woods |
3 DVDs that are probably overdue on top of... Monitor # 1 A pile of CDs. A printed e-mail. Keyboard (ergonomically correct, of course!) My lamp. Digital camera. Mouse (no pad). Rock garden with candles on top of... Monitor # 2 A dollar bill (we won't discuss where it came from). And I consider this a huge mess... ![]() |
Dusk Treader
Senior Member
since 1999-06-18
Posts 1187St. Paul, MN |
Hmmm.. Wow.. I can't see my desk, but let's give this a go.. LOL.
Member Elite
since 2000-01-08
Posts 4697 |
I share this computer with the family, so my parents don't let it get as messy as some of you have! ![]() --Standard computer stuff --stapler --pic of my sister and cousin --Selected stories and poems of Edgar Allan Poe --Two boxes of blank disks --an empty ink cartidge box --a cd book with computer CDs --a bunch of music CDs --printer paper --the box to my "Oregon Trail" game Oh, and a note from my loving sister "Erica, Since you are NEVER OFF OF THE COMPUTER, take some time to get into my e-mail and see if *guy's name* wrote back. It would be NICE if I could actually get on sometime" And my reply: "Sis, He didn't write you back (BIG surprise!), and if you want to get online, drive back to college, you have a computer there!" Teehehe! ![]() "Men judge generally more by the eye than by the hand, for everyone can see and few can feel."-Machiavelli |
coyote Senior Member
since 2001-03-17
Posts 1077 |
Pictures of my boys in uniform. A crystal thingy they got me that says, Dad. A battery powered pencil sharpener full of shavings. A "left-hander's calendar" with wisdom for the day: "A left-handed diagnosis is invariably wrong." (Yeah buddy) Box of Puffs plus. CDs: Opera, Mozart, Bach, Dylan. (Yeah, I'm weird) A little man in his pajamas saying: "It's gonna be one of those days". My reading glasses. A joystick I never use anymore. Linux for Dummies. King James Bible. Dictionaries in several languages. A Roget's Thesaurus.(From my Andover days, I like it better than Microsoft's.) Dictionary of quotations. (I read them when I'm trying to get online. It's dog-eared.) My favorite beverage. (It varys.) That's about it. ![]() "I hate quotes, they suck!" |
Member Rara Avis
since 1999-06-15
Posts 7136Mobile, AL |
Hmm..different day...Husband cleaned the desk...Grrrr!! Webster desk calender (same one..minus the unused words because he threw them away) ![]() Nail polish (one topcoat, one french manicure white, one nude pink) Supgerglue Nail file Websters dictionary/thesaurus Two tapes and a CD Raspberry body spray and lotion Three ink pens Three CDs..Mechwarrior 2 Mechwarrior gaming manual Cinnamon tic tacs Alarm clock Fingernail clippers 1 penny Copy of Hamlet Dayrunner Standard computer stuff and accessorises Bent bobby pin Geesh.....He claims he cleaned it off... *shrugs* LOL! ![]() |
Fading Away![]() ![]() ![]()
since 2001-03-14
Posts 3131Lynchburg, Virginia |
Starting from the left: -A basket full of crayons, colored pencils, and markers that we use for art stuff -the computer screen -the mic -the speakers -another basket with small pieces of paper for taking phone messages -a telephone for the second phone line -4 books: She Said Yes, Rachel's Tears, Emails from God, and Taste Berries for Teens -8 Devo-zines -a 3-hole punch -a stapler -a mug holding many pens and pencils -scotch tape -a folding picture frame where on one side it's a picture of my sister, brother, and I standing beside the fire place in 1985 on Christmas Eve with out arms around each other, and on the other side another picture with the same positions in the same place 15 years later - a Christmas gift for my parents last year. Welp, that's it... --Marie subconsciously, i think i can eat so much to make my stomach hurt, instead of my heart. |
Severn Member Rara Avis
since 1999-07-17
Posts 7704 |
Left: ~One lit candle ~Hair tie ~Glass of water ~Deep Spring Mineral Water - Orange and Mango (5% REAL juice yanno ooer) ~Three black pens ~Eye glasses ~Eye glass cleaning fluid ~My imagination (taking a break) ~'The Andaman Islanders' by Alfred Radcliffe-Brown (what a man) ~TV Guide ~Two gossip mags (NOT mine btw) ~Kit Kat wrapper ~A comb ~A cigarette lighter (for the candle - with a kiddy lock for my own protection) ~A movie listing guide ~Small jar of sweets ~A piece of paper with the email addy of my landlord - begging for attention ~A large notepad with scraps of useless poetry on it Right ~A red pen ~Pain killers ~A half full bottle of coke ~My intentions for a healthy diet ![]() All obscurity starts with a danger: |
Jamie Member Elite
since 2000-06-26
Posts 3168Blue Heaven |
hmmm --- 1/2 bottle of coke and what are the pain killers for?? your pain in the butt is 1/2 world away...heh |
Member Elite
since 1999-06-16
Posts 3850In the space between moments |
Okie, here it is. ~A copy of our school newspaper "The Breeze" ~three pens, 1 pencil ~a glass of water and a coaster with flowers on it ~a stapler ~a dictionary from my grandma that was printed in 1943 ~a piece of computer paper with random notes and drawings on it ~one of my journals with a unicorn rearing up on the front And on the top of the desk--- ~a jewelry box with safety pins in it ~ a green leafy plant ~my stupid scanner that refuses to work *Krista Knutson* |
Severn Member Rara Avis
since 1999-07-17
Posts 7704 |
The pain killers? Hmmmmmmmm something you will never experience... yeah hon...you said it...pain in the butt...heh...remember what I said about yer butt? HAHAHA ![]() [This message has been edited by Severn (edited 04-18-2001).] |
Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-25
Posts 63354Listening to every heart |
So? Two years later? What's on your desk now? Anything that resembles what you listed from your earlier notes? I didn't participate, and two years ago my current desk didn't even exist...I have a bigger desk now...so consequently, anything I had before has been added to, had I a list to begin with... cute thread...so....on the TOP of my desk [only] a glass hutch with shelves [which contains a LOT of stuff I won't even mention] a scanner my original journel of hand-written poetry a shorthand notebook some material for meter to take to Prairie Inkswells' next meeting my glasses a rock two speakers monitor a feathered pen and holder three photographs of family members calendar three shells one small dish one bigger small dish holding...rocks a hemp coaster mousepad mouse with no tail calculator two bottles of nail polish one container of nail polish remover one tiffany lamp one antique nib pen and marble holder one ceramic pen holder with pens, pencils, scissors, felt pen and letter opener one printer one small TV soft eyeglass holder one VCR tape one plugin for recharging cell phone one remote control and in a few minutes...one hot cup of coffee! [This message has been edited by Sunshine (07-12-2003 09:23 AM).] |
since 2002-10-12
Posts 2981 |
An ugly phoe, An ugly phonebook, flashlight, hairbrush, paperclips bizzare sketches, erasers and pencils and charcol pencils and all sorts of pencils. 3 CDs: Radiohead,A mix with Cold, Aerosmith, incubus, coldplay, counting crows, creed and a lot of other things that starrt with the letter C ![]() A cd player, a computer, CD labeler, speakerphones assigned novels: Farenheit 405,(or somthing like that) I know why the caged bird sings, lord of the flies State test results...ahh...I've been extinguished? thing full of blank CDs, not many left Glue A VERY ANNOYING CAT WHO NEEDS TO GET DOWN OFF THE COMPUTER TABLE tape and staples A printer/scanner, my foot (interesting?) I'll take that back, the cat knocked the flashlight and some drawings off.. If art is still inside, I feel it -Aaron Lewes [This message has been edited by Wind (07-12-2003 10:04 AM).] |
gemjop Member Elite
since 2002-11-18
Posts 2587Pencilveinia, USA |
he he. my cat does that toooooo! I have..... keyboard mouse and mat scanner printer hello kitty alarm clock (how girly) bit bottle of vittel mineral water ( for me spots) a golden delicious apple 3 golden delicious apple stickers 2 plates 2 pint glasses 1 cup of tea 1 packet of walkers crisps- eaten. bart simpson glass with pens in a purple sparkly seaside bucket with brushes and combs in (?) a green lamp mobile phone bus timetables amnesty international magazines various bottles of perfume books ranging from 'calorie counter' to 'the catcher in the rye' shot glasses a bendy duck and flamingo toys a toy pig that oinks a notepad holiday photographs and some crumbs. ![]() |
PhaerieChild Senior Member
since 1999-08-30
Posts 1787Aloha, Oregon |
Okay things have certainly changed in the last two years!! My desk consists of Cordless phone base (phone is out in dining area) business card holder pen and pencil holder that is actually holding scissors highlighters and bandaids? ashtray...can't live without that monitor keyboard mouse small copy machine speakers four tier inbox thing with bank bags, qaurterly tax returns, state unemployment tax returns notepad, staples, payroll sheets. 4 sharpies and an orange dry erase marker pencil sharpener box of p-clips two bottles of white-out stapler, deposit stamp and tape roll holder a cold can holder filled with pens and pencils and stamps, a rose given to me for my birthday by some really wonderful employees. a jar that has batteries in it calculator a glass of Dr. Pepper 4 straws a guest check order pad vitamins and minerals printer tower brown sugar and vanilla candle payroll records CD and a fan. Things got a LOT messier |
littlewing Member Rara Avis
since 2003-03-02
Posts 9655New York |
Books ranging from Neitzsche to the Bible Drawings from my son Coasters CD's to be burned and Hendrix/Rush/Hendrix/Italian Operas/Mozart/Billie Holiday Unpaid bills aha like they will ever get paid My truck payment book Work paperwork Scanner/printer/fax/copy/the whole shabang A shot glass ) it holds my pens) A music box from my prom Pictures of me and my son A book of Comforts Prayer to my guardian angel An Irish prayer A calendar! Where did that come from! Noahs Ark music boxes candles ashes in my keyboard Peace and Believe stones An Irish angel My choc labs ashes Angels everywhere A mold of my teeth before braces (its in a box) Countless journals Books belonging to my son Javascript HTML goodies The Book of Mormon!!!!!!!!!! (I told you I have strange books) Volumes of poetry and philosophy and literature The Sacred Circle Tarot Latin Dictionary Poets Market Countless Medical Journals Poupourri A nurse angel bear Homework Two Noritake China gold plated plates Sylvia Browne Stationary Two ashtrays which desperately need to go to ashtray Heaven *wishing I had what was on K's desk that goes into the rolling papers* LOL [This message has been edited by littlewing (07-14-2003 01:40 PM).] |
Skyfire![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
since 2000-12-27
Posts 3381Riding |
Hmm... well I have three computer desks actually... Here's the one upstairs lol: A sticky note that says "I AM BOB" on it (I wrote it) something for Dad's work a pad of note paper two sticky note pads a calculator reciepts a pen holder that has pens in it some kind of funky holding tray with a stamp and business cards in it a fancy new stapler paperclips a bill a binder my old lamp a small file system a couple clipboards This is my desk downstairs: a shot glass a journal a gift bag my earring holder This is my desk in Kamloops: a family pic pics of my horses my lava lamp my fibre optics lamp rolling papers ![]() scissors pens strewn all over paper strewn all over a plate a fork a bottle of pepsi a binder my fish tank one of my tigger stuffies a tigger beanie baby school books excedrin advil sleeping pills meds (I'm not the neatest person) ... Even though you're gone ... |
Miah Senior Member
since 2002-08-26
Posts 1062Pennsylvania |
Oh god I have so much junk!! To my left. A glass holder full of rings. Cell phone Dog leash A brown pen holder holding pens and a screwdrive Advil Inhaler Pop cap A thing to hold bills, and it's full ash tray smokes perfume more pens in a jar some junk I can't see To my right pad of post it notes purse calander My stack of sim games nail buffer lotto tickes from last sat. two boxes that held my cell phones sims box bill stubs nail polish remover bottel of Nexium wicker basket with junk my splint for my theeth candel container that held my fossil watch fossil watch programs old wallet My tarot cards Printer paper for printer nail polish okay, that should be it.. Man, I'm a slob. I think I am going to go clean this hell hole now. ![]() [This message has been edited by Miah (07-12-2003 02:31 PM).] |
Member Elite
since 2000-01-08
Posts 4697 |
Hehe.. it's nice to look back! I'll bet I have more stuff now, but no nasty note from my sister! Printer and printer paper Microphone WVU mousepad sitting, unused, on the wrong side of the computer Lots of CD's and CD cases loose change Lots of loose papers from various universitys that I'm not going to Things from WVU, the university that I AM going to My computer itself An empty cup Blank floppies A railroad mousepad sitting under my mouse 4 Packs of pictures A Graduation book thing I got from my parents Some Graduation cards Still that book of computer CDS WVU's parking policies A little statue of Jesus (He sees everything I type!) Oh, make me Thine forever And should I fainting be Lord, let me never ever Outlive my love for Thee [This message has been edited by LoveBug (07-13-2003 12:42 AM).] |
Member Rara Avis
since 1999-06-15
Posts 7136Mobile, AL |
hmmm..not my desk, but here goes.. Asorted CD's...games, music...etc... Empty Dr. Pepper bottle Watch Ace bandage (for wrapping my legs when they ache Package of pens ( ![]() ![]() A couple of stray pens Bottle of contact solution Candy wrappers Roledex Knife Fishing hooks Picture of Bro-In-Law's family Picture frame Cordless phone Notebook with scribblings of poetry (not sure if they are my sister's or Bro-In-Laws) Mouse Keyboard Speakers Mousepad VCR tape (yes..those still exist ![]() Plate with dissappearing pizza Cup of tea from last night I think thats it. You could hurt me with your bare hands. You could hurt me using the sharp edge of what you say. JEWEL |
anonymousfemale Member Elite
since 2000-02-02
Posts 2797Limbo |
my mobile deodorant encyclopedia and dictionary of medicine and nursing pens, pens and more pens burnt CDs blockbuster card cigarettes lighter a peg printer scanner paper envelopes notebooks empty shot glass bottle of bourbon I'm not being rude. You're just insignificant. |
Kielo Senior Member
since 2002-02-11
Posts 1109 |
I have not seen the top of my desk in months. Not only that, but if I were to inventory all the stuff on it, I would take up about two pages in a Word document.... Times New Roman, font size 10. ![]() I'll give you a small sampling. PENS! LOTS OF PENS! Several lighters A hackey sack from Dan... ![]() My prayer rock from SEMP Several books, among which is included All I Really Needed To Know I Learned in Kindergarten (which I'm not even sure how I aquired) A copy of Marx Brothers Go West and A Night At The Opera (on the same tape) A graphing calculator A two-year-old calendar which I found buried under a pile of... well.... STUFF! Toothpaste? Why is there toothpaste on my desk? (Yes, it's in a tube.... Although I did have to double check to make sure... ![]() Assorted dishes Email addresses without names attached Perscription sunglasses Toothpicks (I love my toothpicks. They're great fun. ![]() The Braveheart soundtrack Several CDs A very old report card An invoice from my school district for $50! WEEHOO! (That's fairly recent.... as in two months ago...) An apple shaped stress ball from the Canadian Ministry of Education from Ms. Byrne The case for my perscription sunglasses A doorknob from Ms. Morgan's portable Scissors A twist tie (badly used) The tie from the hood of my hoodie Dried lavender (in a vase of sorts) My dad's three-hole-punch A goldish snake belt thing that I used to wear around my neck for fun An HTML color code etc, etc, etc.... Wow. Kielo I'll never know the cost, but all of Him is more than enough for all of me.... |
IcyFlamez89 Member
since 2003-02-14
Posts 292Jersey City NJ |
Cell fone greeting card tape calculator printer tissue plastic bag |
Kielo Senior Member
since 2002-02-11
Posts 1109 |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() How do you keep your desk so CLEAN?!?! Kielo I'll never know the cost, but all of Him is more than enough for all of me.... |
Marshalzu![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
since 2001-02-15
Posts 2681Lurking |
1 Cup of Cold Coffee 1 Grafitti'ed Mouse Mat 1 Pair of Head Phones 1 Note Pad 1 Blunt Pencil 1 Pen Assorted Photographs 1 Photocopy of Rudyard Kipling's "IF" 50 Assorted CD's Dust |
wranx Member Elite
since 2002-06-07
Posts 3689Moved from a shack to a barn |
Hmmm, Besides the keyboard, monitor and printer... Notebooks (filled) Notebooks (1/2 filled) Notebooks (blank) Many of the above bear marks from the diligent attentions of my editor (Rosie, the dog) Ashtray (still room for a couple butts) Pack of smokes (nearly empty) A couple of lighters (nearly empty) Mail (see:Bills (in various states "read")) Answering machine Pens, pens and pens Piles of Cds (music, softwear, blank) Checkbook A coffee can full of landry day "leftovers" 2001 Tax return (so that's where it is!) A couple (sort of) empty (ewww!) coffee mugs Some kind of gizmo (I don't know what it is or where it came from, but it looks like it might be "important", and so, I'm reluctant to toss it) A "Dayruuner", that I'm proud to say has been unopened since Y2K |
vlraynes Member Rara Avis
since 2000-07-25
Posts 8229Somewhere... out there... |
You mean there's a desk under there?! ![]() |
Local Parasite![]()
since 2001-11-05
Posts 2527Transylconia, Winnipeg |
Cute, Vicky ![]() My remote control. Papers and books from when I was registering for my courses at the university. About ten pennies. Milton's Paradise Lost. Two bottles of water, one hers, one mine, both still cold as she just left a few moments ago. A yellow and blue hat with "YKPAIHA" written across the back (got it for a dollar at the army surplus shop). Homer's Iliad, the penguin translation (I know, I know). A stick of deoderant. A few CD cases. Poets are the unacknowledged legislators of the world. |
PoetryIsLife![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
since 2001-10-27
Posts 1763...in my boxers... |
It's a family desk... are you interested in my actual desk? It's a double desk, and you don't want to know. ![]() On this one, a movie, a DVD (Gangs of New York), some gloves for me tomorrow) and a note on how I can take care of a speeding ticket. Oh, a fern and a dolphin glove. ~Titus ![]() "I want you to hit me as hard as you can." No, really, I do. |
since 2001-12-03
Posts 1725Never close enough |
Oh yeah this is going to be fun! Now, take into mind that I operatea small web design business, and I am writing a novel. I just recently re-stocked my entire office! 1. 6 packs of Georgia Pacific copy paper 500 count. 2. 4 packages of post it notes & a new container. 3. 8 packs of index cards (they were on sale) 4. 3 packs of dividers 5. 4 Binders 6. 3 packs of large mailing envelopes (the manuscript mailing kind) 7. A digital camera (and it's cradle) 8. Address book 9. Client address book 10. Daily planner (not that anything exciting is planned...but just in case) 11. A cup painted with sunflowers that holds a zillion pens... 12. A ruler 13. Pencil sharpener 14. A paintbrush????????? 15. A collage of photos that my children made on a poster board (that is on the wall in front of me) 16. My monitor, and speakers 17. A hole puncher 18. Envelopes, batteries, printer ink. 19. Mail caddy 20. Peanuts and a Pepsi 21. Ashtray 22. Cigarettes 23. Cell Phone 24. My husbands cell phone 25. Digital thesaurus and dictionary 26. Checkbook 27. Credit card (e-bay shopping) 28. 27 program cd's ranging from Corel 9 to Adobe Deluxe, to a gold game. 29. Books in this order Holy Bible Phone Book Astrology Book The Spirit of America (Bennett) Sarah Ban Breathnach The Prophet (Kahlil Gibran) On Writing Well (Zinsser) Lady Chatterly's Lover (don't ask) Pride and Prjudice (Austin) Roots (Alex Haley) Another dictionary Another thesaurus Four Journals (still in wrapper) 24 File folders 2 packs of notebook paper 6 notbooks (some used, some not) Dental Floss Peppermint candy 2 ink pens Hair clip Rough draft manuscript List of favorite quotes I think that's all.... I wasn't supposed to list what is in the drawers was I? Now I feel the need to clean...it didn't look bad until I look at what I had written! |
serenity blaze Member Empyrean
since 2000-02-02
Posts 27738 |
hmmm... okay. sigh. Here goes. Two necklaces. Four CD wallets. various unmarked cds--loose. not one, not two but THREE empty packs of cigs a sharpie a coinpurse handlotion a box of diskettes (for all that stuff I never save ![]() drawings from kids. a hair scrungie ashtray--needs emptying too--OBVIOUSLY scanner printer (which doesn't work) an empty pillbox a couple of other empty items of paraphernalia montor keyboard speakers microphone mouse headphones and for some strange reason? A Lady Bic shaver (!?!) |
Bec Member
since 2001-02-23
Posts 475Canberra |
I can hardly see the desk, but we'll give it a go. There's a filing cabinet to the left, which serves as an extention of the desk. ~ Printer. ~ Printouts that no-one ever collects. ~ Expanding file. ~ Boxes of floppy disks. ~ 3x5 cards and box. ~ Misc paperwork. ~ Toy kookaburra. ~ Toy bilby. ~ Printer ink. Okay, the desk itself... ~ Notepaper. ~ Invoice book. ~ Deposit book. ~ More floppy disks. ~ Book called "Queensland's Country Roads, Bush Pubs and Beaches". ~ Speaker. ~ Monitor, webcam on top of monitor, keyboard. ~ More unclaimed printouts. ~ Other speaker. ~ Mousepad and mouse. ~ More floppies. ~ Scanner. ~ Lamp. ~ Joystick. ~ CDs. Wow, had no idea there was so much junk here! Bec ![]() "Poetry and Hums aren't things which you get, they're things which get you. And all you can do is to go where they can find you." |
KristieSue![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
since 2003-01-31
Posts 1460PA, US |
well, since I don't have a desk at home yet (I lounge on my couch w/ my laptop) I will give you my current situation: I'm at school at a caf table...I have taken over the entire table...;-) now I think you said left to right?.... a 20 oz coke a bag of Cool Buacamole Chips a rolled up piece of tin foil a hair tie a pen a Composition book pack of cigs w/ a lighter on top a plastic plant Criminal Law book Criminology book Victimology book book "Lucky" wallet bottle of water (got because the coke just makes the chips spicier LOL) if I remember, I'll do this at home... LOL Failure isn't failure if a lesson from it is learned ~ KS |
Ringo![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
since 2003-02-20
Posts 3684Saluting with misty eyes |
More computers, papers, slips of scratch paper, pens, bookcases, people... My computer finally lost the big battle and has been taken to Valhalla, so I am at the library lol. We see the light of those |
IcyFlamez89 Member
since 2003-02-14
Posts 292Jersey City NJ |
Wow, I must have one of the cleanest spaces here. all I have now, besides my computer and multifunction, is a digi cam, a calculator, and office CDs. I do a weekly cleanup to stay organized. Reading some of yours... i think some of you need routine cleanups too, lollz. |
vlraynes Member Rara Avis
since 2000-07-25
Posts 8229Somewhere... out there... |
Okay fine...since Brian's rolling his eyes at me..lol. From left to right... a can of furniture polish caller ID thingy left speaker several zip disks, in organizers note cubes (2 of them) pen hammer little heart-shaped box with rings and bracelets in it eyelash curler nail clippers coaster more zip disks pushpins pen/pencil holder (with pens and scissors) seashell (using it for a paperweight) money (not enough) monitor keyboard mouse right speaker remote control cordless phone bottle of windex bowl that needs to go to the kitchen..lol a lamp sunglasses keys letter holder daily calendar pad Now...are you afraid?! LOL ![]() |
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