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Severn Member Rara Avis
since 1999-07-17
Posts 7704![]() |
American Football. I watched a movie tonight (The Replacements - Keanu Reeves...) My two friends and I sat there enjoying the cheesy predictability of it...and also wondering 'what the hell is going on in this game?' Afterwards, a befuddled conversation ensued. Our results: A guy puts his hands on another guys backside...cries out 'HUT' (?) and then gets the ball...chucks it to someone else...runs off somewhere...the guy with the ball runs like hell mary to the line and tries to score. The other guys meanwhile serve no other purpose than to swear at guys lined up opposite them and then hurl themselves at them to stop the guy with the ball from being tackled....? Also...the guy with the ball can run around the field any damn way he wants to avoid the huge tackly guys...is that right? Plus - please tell me what it is called when someone runs OFF the side of the field into a bunch of people and the whole stadium screams? You see - this film was the first American Football movie I have ever seen that makes me want to go and watch a game of it... just to try and understand what on earth is going on... (and really - why the 'HUT'?) I am genuinely interested..so any A/F folklore would be appreciated...(then I can pass the info onto my friends who are just as curious). ![]() [This message has been edited by Severn (edited 12-03-2000).] |
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serenity blaze Member Empyrean
since 2000-02-02
Posts 27738 |
Okay...I may not be the best person to explain...but, as I have often said...football is like chess...it's more than just strength rules...there is thought there...and the Hut? is just a language of code that the quarterback speaks to his team...as for the movie...I can only speculate. There is quite often good reason to run out of bounds in football. Because, in football, you not only fight the other team, you fight the clock...so running out of bounds can not only save a guy's life? but precious seconds on the game clock. And this is the best I can do at this hour...and I will add more...AFTER THE GAME tomorrow... but yes? I LOVE FOOTBALL. |
Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-25
Posts 63354Listening to every heart |
I'm from here...and I'll never understand the game...but give me a good Nascar race anytime...now for some reason, I understand that... Karilea If I whisper, will you listen?... I would rather be silent and write, than speak loudly and be bound. KRJ |
Member Elite
since 2000-01-08
Posts 4697 |
I AM from the South, and I've played football before (homecoming, ok??), so I'll tell you what I know. The guy that has the ball at first is the center. He (or she, in my case) blocks for the quarterback, who is the person who hands it to someone or keeps it himself. The person who usually runs the ball to the touchdown line is the runningback (there are two of these). Everyone else basiclly blocks for whoever has the ball. And, yes, whoever has the ball can run whatever way possible to avoid getting clobbered. As for "hut", whenever they say that, the play begins. When someone runs off of the field into the people, that's called "out of bounds". As for scoring, whenever you get to the ball to your end of the field, it's a touchdown (7 points). You then have the option of trying to run the ball in again (called a 2-point conversion), or you can try for a field goal, where someone tries to kick it through the goalposts. (This is worth one point)These are all high-school rules, I'm not really sure if they are different than college/pro football. Football is a fun game to watch, but it's hard to play, especally when you don't have any padding and you are playing some HUGE 18-19 year old girls! ![]() "Where there is great love there are always miracles" -Cather "Love heals everything, and love is all there is"- Zukav |
Member Elite
since 2000-01-08
Posts 4697 |
Another interesting tidbit, the best goal kicker we ever had at our school was a German exchange student who got the experience from... yes... soccer. |
Irie Senior Member
since 1999-12-01
Posts 1493Washington State |
OK Severn….As I am a HUGE fan of football, I’ll do my best to explain. First a bit of history. Did you know that football actually began in the 1800’s and it was much like a game of soccer. Anyway…. Here are some of the basics. There are four quarters of 15 minutes each to a game……annoyingly interrupted by a 15’s minute half time. So you would guess that the game would be about an hour and twenty minutes, right? Wrong. The clock actually stops several times in the game for numerous reasons. If a time out is called, the ball is run out of bounds, a team scores, incomplete pass, and of course if someone is God forbid, injured. There for, you end up with a game that usually lasts around 2 hours give or take. Obviously the goal is to carry the ball to the end zone and score a touch down, giving That team 6 points. They then get to kick the ball at a chance for a field goal and score another point. The offensive team (the one with the ball) is given four chances to make a down (carry the ball ten yards). If they run three yards with ball and then tackled, they start play again at that spot, and calling it 2nd and 7, meaning it’s second down and they have seven yards left to go to make a first down…. and so on and so on. As long as the team is making downs, they continue down field with the ball. If by the fourth down they have not carried the ball ten yards, the offense is forced To either try for a field goal for three point or kick the ball to other team. This all depends on how close they are to the end zone. Now to answer your specific questions….. quote: Yes, or to make a first down. quote: Basically, yes LOL They are also protecting the quarterback. quote: Yes, you are correct, and many times the carrier runs backwards only hurting them selves. Occasionally a worthless quarter back (the guy recieveing the ball that's standing at the ohter guys backside ![]() should just through it away! GRRRRR quote: Usually this happens because this stops the clock, and they made to close to the end of the game….or they Have actually made a down just before they ran out of bounds. As far as the HUT goes, I'm not sure where that came from. I know that it's usually followed by a series of numbers that are sort of a 'code' to what play the team is to do. Hut simply means....Give me the ball. At times, you will see D (defense team) slapping the tops of their helpmets with their hands. This means they think they know what the offense is going to play. There is SOOOOO much more that I could "Humour" you with, but I won't. If there is anything else you'd like to know... let me know! ![]() < !signature--> ~Sheri "The things that come to those that wait may be the things left by those who got there first" [This message has been edited by Irie (edited 12-03-2000).] |
IsGona Senior Member
since 2000-07-14
Posts 723 |
Actually you were for the most part right on with your obsevations. I think Irie did a good job at filling in the holes. IsGona "Every body has their destiny... I'LL CHOOSE MY OWN ~Hatebreed~ |
Ryan Member
since 1999-06-10
Posts 297Kansas |
Well, I guess I could help explain the rules of American football, but it looks like that's being pretty well covered. So I'll talk about a different aspect of football that has been overlooked so far. That is the art of watching football. Watching football is something that requires just as much practice and effort as does playing football. First, a little background. There are 31 teams in the National Football League. Each team plays 16 games (plus one "off week" where they don't have a game). This makes the season 17 weeks long. After that, the 12 teams with the best records advance to a 2 bracket single elimination playoff system. But that's not really important. For the most part, all games are played on Sundays. There are two standard times for these games. They will either start at 12:00 or 3:00 (that, of course, is central standard time zone...hehe, time zones again). In the US, if you don't have cable or satellite television (like me), there are 2 network broadcast stations that televise football. This means that on any given Sunday, there are 2 games on tv at the same time. This is where the art of watching football comes in. Many people think the games is slow because there are always pauses between each play. However, a savvy football viewer can take advantage of this by changing the channel and watching the other football game. If this is done effectively, and if the timing works out, one can watch both football games at once without ever missing a single play. Of course, this becomes much more difficult if one has satellite television and has the option of many games to watch. But, that's not my problem, as I'm too cheap to pay for that. Anyway, two games at once is fine for me. So, in brief, that is a summary of watching football. Just make sure your remote has good batteries in it. Otherwise, a tragedy of massive proportions could occur when halftime comes and you're stuck watching those morons on CBS make stupid jokes that make no sense. *grins* Ryan "Hey Jim Kerouac, brother of the famous Jack, or so he likes to say...lucky bastard" --Cracker, "Big Dipper" |
Sven![]() ![]()
since 1999-11-23
Posts 14937East Lansing, MI USA |
K, I think that you've done a great job of humoring me!!! ![]() And many thanks to those WOMEN who have explained the game of football so expertly. . . Ladies, you did wonderfully!! ![]() Sunshine, NASCAR??? Cars going round and round in a circle for no apparent reason?? *sigh*. . . oh well, you can't win them all. . . ![]() -------------------------------------------------- That which gives light must endure burning --Victor Frankl |
Poertree Senior Member
since 1999-11-05
Posts 1359UK |
geez ..i knew it .. there was definitely somethin' wrong with the food or drink on that there Mayflower ship ... you are all nuts (apart from Sunshine ..lol) ![]() |
Poet deVine
Member Seraphic
since 1999-05-26
Posts 22612Hurricane Alley |
And there is one play that was called only ONE time in the history of all football games. Those of you who remember, call it the HEIDI play!!!! LOL |
Dopey Dope![]()
Member Patricius
since 2000-08-30
Posts 11132San Juan, Puerto Rico |
I see that a lot of fellow football fans have answered a lot but lemme just inform you that football is a game of the mind. It involves a LOT of brut, powerful force to play it but for the most part it has a lot to do with the mind. First off, I'm a veteran player winning many trophies and championships. Even with all this under my belt i probably know 10% of the game's ways. Blockers need to know how to block, where to block, the positions they have to block, and every play changes every circumstance. The runners need to know where to run, how to run, how to block, where to block (considering runners also block when the Quarterback throws the ball instead of handing it off to the runner). The receivers need to know where to run, how to fake their Conerbacks (the guys covering them), what patterns to run, and what on earth to do with the ball once they've caught it. The Quarterback needs to know EVERYTHING. Where everybody is and what everybody is doing. Let me tell you.......along with all this information....there's more than 200 plays to know by memory on each team. Then there's Defence......I don't even want to get into that. It's more blabber...... All in all.......you just have to know how to use your mind in combination with your weight and power to play the game. adios! ![]() I was born myself, raised myself, and will continue to be myself. The world will just have to adjust. I hate your socks. I'd like to burn them! |
Irie Senior Member
since 1999-12-01
Posts 1493Washington State |
Hey Sven...On behalf of all the women who love football. THANK YOU! Severn....anytime you'd like to come watch football with me, I'd love to have you and take you to a game! Be prepared to scream and yell until you have no voice left.... I even have a Nerf brick to throw at the TV when at home watching and my team fails to play well! ![]() Oh it's greaat fun!< !signature--> ~Sheri "The things that come to those that wait may be the things left by those who got there first" [This message has been edited by Irie (edited 12-03-2000).] |
Ryan Member
since 1999-06-10
Posts 297Kansas |
The Heidi play. Lmao. That had to be one of the best called plays ever. Yeah, right. *grins* Ryan< !signature--> "Hey Jim Kerouac, brother of the famous Jack, or so he likes to say...lucky *******" --Cracker, "Big Dipper" [This message has been edited by Ryan (edited 12-03-2000).] |
IsGona Senior Member
since 2000-07-14
Posts 723 |
Somebody clue me in. I concider my self a football fan but have no idea what the "Hiedi" play is. So what is it? "Every body has their destiny... I'LL CHOOSE MY OWN ~Hatebreed~ |
Severn Member Rara Avis
since 1999-07-17
Posts 7704 |
Hey K...thought? How on earth do guys who have other guys crashing into them have the brain cells to think at the time? LOL... Now I see Ryan is right - it is your Sunday today lol... Thanks hon - it was a crazy hour for you lol... Kari - nascar? You mean like the Speedshow? Cars going round..and round..and round...and round..don't you have to wear ear protectorants to those places? LOL.. Erica - cool! In this movie the guys kept saying 'that's why girls don't play this game...' Humph I say... Now - there is a discrepancy here - you say 7 points for a touchdown and Irie says 6? Padding...I'm sorry hon but I have to giggle. Girls and guys in NZ play Rugby or rugby league - and there is NEVER any padding...or helmets...(maybe a mouthguard if the player wishes.) And I assure you it is a hell of a lot more violent than A/F. In fact most Americans seem to think the countries who play rugby are full of insane people. Heh...padding..hehe... Thanks Erica for your awesome help! ![]() Oh - and interestingly - in this movie, the goal kicker was an English soccer player... ![]() Irie - what can I say? WOW - thanks...that helped hugely...I pretty much get it now..I just don't get the running where you want to thing..in rugby you have what's called a forward pass - a player can only throw to someone a little behind him, on the run of course... hmm - so a player can effectively stop the clock when he wants to? Weird...lol THANKYOU...!! ![]() Isgona - I would say you are right! Ryan - heh. I see...tell me something: WHY only a Sunday? WHY? Why not Saturday? What about players with religious convictions? What do they do? Yanno - sometimes being cheap is a really good thing yes? Hmm...the tragedy of massive proportions could always be avoided by getting up and turning the channel over... oops...am I contradicting you again? ~smirk~ Thankyou for that wonderful information...I feel armed and ready...when I get to America at some point I have my first Sunday planned out...two games in one time period (see - we know how to meddle with time hey?) Sven - lol...good - see, I have my uses...and I am as bemused by the nascar thing as you. Philip - look you...YOU can talk. SOCCER? Oh please, come ON...maybe two points for the whole game - and THEN crowds of people mauling each other to death. Explain that one dear P, he who harkens from the land of the sane. Javier - cool! A game of strategy...I didn't believe it from what I saw last night..but from what you say it certainly sounds that way... Sharon and Ryan - I DEMAND to know about the Heidi thing....TELL...please? Isgona - you snuck in..see? You have to tell...before begging ensues. (I'm not begging I promise). You guys all rock - thanks for taking the time to explain and contribute other MEANINGFUL stuff (ie Philip heh). ![]() [This message has been edited by Severn (edited 12-03-2000).] |
Ryan Member
since 1999-06-10
Posts 297Kansas |
Lol, I should be working on an essay, but it's dinner time (which, for me, a poor college student, consists of microwaved macaroni and cheese...ah well, the simple stuff is the best stuff). But, anyway, the Heidi Play. I may not get this all right (as I don't even know if I was 5 years old when it happened), but this is the general gist of it. There was a very good game going on, tied or something, going down to the last seconds. One of those all time great games, it was too close to call. Sorry, couldn't help it. But then, with only a few minutes left, the network went from showing the game to showing the movie Heidi. It enraged football fans everywhere b/c they didn't get to see the end of the game. And that is essentially the Heidi play. A horrible moment for football fans. If anyone out there wants to correct the details, feel free, but that's essentially what happened. I'll be back after dinner to cover the rest of your contradictions to me. *grins* Ryan "Hey Jim Kerouac, brother of the famous Jack, or so he likes to say...lucky bastard" --Cracker, "Big Dipper" |
Isis Member Ascendant
since 1999-09-06
Posts 6296Sunny Queensland |
Just to stir you up... Aussie Rules Football (AFL) RULES!!!!! It has more skill than grid iron and our guys aren't girly wearing all that protective gear!!! OK I'm ready for all the insults etc to be hurled at me LOL AUSSIE RULES FOREVER!!!!!! An Aussie Triumph, Isis< !signature--> *I believe every time you put your words to paper, you change. Each feeling is set free, and you may follow.....* ~Isis~~Sovereign of the Spirit. [This message has been edited by Isis (edited 12-03-2000).] |
IsGona Senior Member
since 2000-07-14
Posts 723 |
LOL It all makes sence now. "Every body has their destiny... I'LL CHOOSE MY OWN ~Hatebreed~ |
Ryan Member
since 1999-06-10
Posts 297Kansas |
And, just as I promised, here I am again. Actually, NFL games aren't just played on Sundays. In addition the Sunday games at 12:00 and 3, there is also a Sunday evening game at 7 (I think). Near the end of the season, for some reason (I rhymed, yay), they play one game every Saturday evening. There is also one game every Monday night for every week of the season. This is called Monday Night Football, and usually shows what is considered to be the best game of the week. Only teams who have a tradition of winning tend to be scheduled for Monday Night Football. Yes, yes, it seems unfair, but it is in an attempt to avoid pathetic games between pathetic teams (though those are sometimes funny to watch). Finally, there are always two games on Thanksgiving Day. These games are always played in Dallas and Detroit. Why Dallas and Detroit always play in the Thanksgiving Day games, I don't know, but that is how it is (and who am I to question that? *grins*). I think that covers all the days games are played on. Of course, once again, the playoffs are slightly different, but that is another story. And football is the master at messing with time, especially near the last two minutes in a close game. I've turned on a game with 2 minutes left, changed channels, come back 5 minutes later, and found there's still a 1:40 left in the game. But I guess that's how it works in any game with time-outs. "Thankyou for that wonderful information...I feel armed and ready...when I get to America at some point I have my first Sunday planned out...two games in one time period" Just make sure you come during football season, otherwise you might have to watch professional basketball, and god forbid that. *grins* "Hey Jim Kerouac, brother of the famous Jack, or so he likes to say...lucky bastard" --Cracker, "Big Dipper" |
Jannel Member
since 2000-01-18
Posts 492Muncie, IN, USA |
it's six points for a touch down, BUT if you make a touch down, you have a chance for an extra point, which would make it seven. other good (american) football movies: rudy- a story based around one of the most loved college football teams, Notre Dame. (note: in Indiana, this is pronounced Noe-Ter Dayme, not Noe-Tra Dahm) and ND football is a passion, with tons of tadition behind it. sorry, rambling) also, Varsity Blues is a great football movie. (Bonus: James VanDerBeek, of American TV's Dawson's Creek is delicious. and the guy who plays Lance is also beautiful.) Good luck understanding this. I live here, and have a hard time. It's mostly a male bonding thing. On Thanksgiving Day, all the guys in my family watch football, and the Super Bowl is a BIG DEAL for guys. And it has really good commercials. jann elizabeth |
serenity blaze Member Empyrean
since 2000-02-02
Posts 27738 |
Now that K is getting the idea, could someone please clue in the New Orleans Saints? (totally slaughtered today...) sigh. I HATE FOOTBALL. |
Trew Member
since 2000-06-10
Posts 365Ottawa, Canada |
I'll contribute a little bit here! Having played both rugby and football, allow me to say that I fully understand why football has so much equipment. Rugby is a game predominantly about speed. The focus is on ball movement, not really on the hitting, although that is a major part of the game. Football, however is about moving the ball despite the hitting. BTW... if you want a really crushing game, try lacrosse on for size. Welcome to Canada ![]() Without repeating what others have already said, let me direct you to a very good link for those who wish to learn more about the game. http://www.nfl.com/nflforher/beginner/index.html |
Poertree Senior Member
since 1999-11-05
Posts 1359UK |
quote: i don't have to explain i AGREE with ya.....lol ![]() P |
serenity blaze Member Empyrean
since 2000-02-02
Posts 27738 |
K? I forgot to tell you about my short-lived career as a football player. I guess I was about 10 or 11, and the guys in the neighborhood would gather at our house and the neighbors because we had adjoining treeless lawns--a perfect football field...and I convinced them to let me play. Tackle, too. What I lacked in strength and size, I made up for in enthusiasm. It started as a joke, but soon I made the team and earned their respect because I was insane--I would try to tackle anybody and quite often succeeded just by knocking them off balance at the knees. But one fateful day, a guy called "Bulldozer" came to play. He was legendary in the neighborhood for eating a light bulb when he was three-with no apparent ill effects. You guessed it, of course they gave him the ball, and pointed him in the right direction, lol, and before I knew it, I was the only one between him and the driveway, um...I mean goal line. You guessed it, I went right at him, and he ran right over me, quite effectively knocking me out as my head slammed against the concrete driveway. When I finally quit seeing stars and "tweety birds" circling over my head...the brute looked down at me like I was nuts and asked, "Why'd you do that?" There was only one answer then, and it's the only answer now: "Because you had the ball." When I got home from the emergency room, I was informed that I had been benched by the "concerned parent committee". sigh, that's when they bought me my "pom-poms" and my cheerleading career began. ("I could've been a contender!") |
Sven![]() ![]()
since 1999-11-23
Posts 14937East Lansing, MI USA |
I've got to go with Isis. . . I love Aussie Football. . . now there's the right idea!!!! ![]() ---------------------------------------------------- That which gives light must endure burning --Victor Frankl |
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