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how many of you keep a passion in secret? |
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kaile![]() ![]()
since 2000-02-06
Posts 5146singapore ![]() |
well, i do..since i started writing this year, my friends have not been responding very kindly to my new favourite..poetry...they dont understand why i do feel the urge to write... looking back, i am kind of embarrassed that i ever told them...nowdays, i make no mention of me writing poems and i hope that they have forgotten my enthusiasm in writing but since passions is such an integral part of my life and i kind of feel sad for not being able to share, i just wonder how many of you here are in the same situation?...it may not be poetry...but how many of you are leading a double identity? looking forward to hearing your thoughts ![]() |
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Erin Member Elite
since 2000-06-15
Posts 2527~Chicago~ |
I keep it a secret. I had to find it on my own so thats what my friends would have to do!! People leave our lives as quickly as they come, but the ones that mean something leave footprints in our hearts. |
Member Seraphic
since 1999-05-20
Posts 21191Cape Cod Massachusetts USA |
I don't keep my "Passion in Poetry" a secret. My family and friends know about it - But they don't understand it. Of course I hear, "You spend ALL of your time in front of that computer.." I, in turn, kindly remind them that they might spend inordinate amounts of time in front of a television set. That used to be everyone's criticism of modern society... Remember that??? Trust me, though... I have a VERY busy schedule that takes me far from my computer for the majority of each day.. I don't hide what I do - nor do I share it. I don't talk about it with them. I don't tell them much about the lives of my "cyber friends"... It would mean nothing to them - much like it means nothing for us to hear details of a movie we haven't seen... I accept that this is MY choice... I simply enjoy it for myself... |
serenity blaze Member Empyrean
since 2000-02-02
Posts 27738 |
I've decided it's useless to try to explain to people who don't read why I want to write. But it is not a secret...and the people who really care about me can see that I am happier doing this, and they are happy for me. And if anyone is not happy about it? I consider that THEIR problem. And there are some who resent it, oddly enough. And I have learned to be amused about that. Afterall, of all of the things I could be doing on the internet, what exactly am I guilty of? WRITING POETRY...(oh horrors!!!) lol and a hug for you! |
Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-25
Posts 63354Listening to every heart |
If questioned, I respond...but more than likely, I'm met with odd looks... it is not something that can be described...much akin to explaining to a pre-teen or actual teen what "love" is...or in lieu thereof, what true "responsibility" is. But now and then for the heck of it, I send my best friends a Passions E-card with my poetry on it... and believe it or not...they are glad to hear from me... but they still do not understand it... do I keep Passions a secret? Not to poets who are looking for a wonderful home, no. But do I talk about it in my every day life? Hardly... but I do look for other ways to share the wonderful world of poetry... and there will be more on that....soon.... Karilea If I whisper, will you listen?... I would rather be silent and write, than speak loudly and be bound. KRJ |
wayoutwalt Member Elite
since 1999-06-22
Posts 4870TEXAS (it's all big) |
Oh yuh I used poetry in school as a clowning device I'd write something about how hairy your momma was or how you married a dog but then all sudden i got somewhat serious and the same crowd still liked it. guess that's where the variety comes from yuh.. get in good with the funny stuff then wow em with the deep stuff and lastly on the stuff subject...if they don't like it then they can STUFF IT!!! |
nakdthoughts Member Laureate
since 2000-10-29
Posts 19200Between the Lines |
I agree with Nan..I don't waste time on TV anymore, even gave up cable because I never watched it, instead got a second line here so I dont interfere with the phone. Others don't understand..although I share my poetry with my mom and elder aunts who think its wonderful and that I should earn a living from it..haaaaaaaa Poetry filled a need at the beginning, then friends were made and were my bonus gift... and at times I know I should be out in real more, but you know what, this is very real to me...and to be able to read words of others that bring me to tears or can match my moods, or cheer me up and make me laugh or smile..that is more than I ever asked for. And it was by chance I came here, and I shared it with many other poets, whom all seem to delight in the unwrapping of passions each day. Thank you for the chance to express myself. ![]() ~Wynter < !signature--> "The worst prison would be a closed heart". ...Pope John Paul II [This message has been edited by nakdthoughts (edited 12-04-2000).] |
suthern![]() ![]()
since 1999-07-29
Posts 20723Louisiana |
I came to passions with some friends from another site that was torn apart by unending wars... so there are those I wouldn't tell about PIP if tortured. *G* Aside from that, I might not post often, but poetry has become too much a part of my life to hide. *S* That sometimes surprises me... after all, it took Toe's support and his and LJA's encouragement to get me to go public with what I'd considered my "thoughts" (not real poetry.) But most people who know me know that I spend a great deal of my free (and not-so-free *G*) time reading poems. *S* And those very close to me know that the friends I've made online are every bit as much (and even more) important as the people I see face-to-face all the time. My conversation is peppered with references to my online life... I don't consider that any more strange than my sister talking about the kids she teaches or her neighbors. Both of us are talking about people that matter to us... and the fact that the other will never meet those people is irrelevant. *S* On the other hand (decisive today, aren't I? *G*), I don't think I've ever shared the URL with anyone. *G* They know I'm here... just not where "here" is. LOL [This message has been edited by suthern (edited 12-04-2000).] |
Romy Senior Member
since 2000-05-28
Posts 1170Plantation, Florida |
I don't think I keep it a secret but I don't share it either! Lots of times family members or friends want to read what I write in the forums but I won't give them the address! Maybe that's being selfish, but I can't be myself and write what I want to say in my poetry if I know they are reading it! I like to share my poetry with my friends and family when I'm ready to. It's nice to be able to have something private of my own, where I can try out my feelings with people here, who share and understand the need to write! A lot of people don't understand my need to write poetry and look at it as silly or a waste of time. But here, people support each other and encourage! |
Dopey Dope![]()
Member Patricius
since 2000-08-30
Posts 11132San Juan, Puerto Rico |
Well I don't keep any of my passions a secret. I'm pretty out there when it comes to me as a person. I mean, sure I have secrets......but only about me and stuff I wouldn't want people knowing due to the amount of embarrassment i would receive or the amount of privacy that information attains. Anyway, my passions are openly expressed. Everybody knows I'm a football player, everybody knows the girl I love, and everybody knows I write poetry. ![]() I was born myself, raised myself, and will continue to be myself. The world will just have to adjust. I hate your socks. I'd like to burn them! |
fractal007 Senior Member
since 2000-06-01
Posts 1958 |
I'm one of those people that carries around some aweful thing from the past. I suppose that one could say that I live a double life in that respect. No, I'm not saying what the awful thing in the past is, but it's pretty damned awful. About my writing, I too become rather embarrased when I tell people that I write poetry. I remember one time, I was showing my friend my website(which has about 3 of my poems on it). This friend of mine is an insanely intellectual type of person, so he's like Data from Star Trek. Remember the one where they rescued that kid from the ship, and he started trying to immitate Data? Remember the part where he's building that model of a temple, and he asks Data what he thinks? And then Data gives him this big asthetic analysis? Well, that's what my friend is like, lol. I digress. Anyhow, he and his brother(also insanely intellectual) looked at the poems and laughed at them. Ever since then, I've decided to only tell my more emotional friends that I like to write poetry. That way I won't have to deal with snobby intellectual criticism of my writing, lol. But don't get me wrong, I do like constructive criticism, just not the kind that involves laughing. |
since 2000-07-10
Posts 7423Maidstone Kent England |
Do I share my passion for poetry with anyone YES, I converted forst my office to poetry then, I spread it about a bit. Now anyone who's anyone in our hospital knows where the poetry is to be found. And come they do, I print them out I pin them up, and if I could get away with it I'd have poetry reading sessions too. My argument is that we have an art gallery in the hospital, we have some sculpture, we have paintings that are replaced frequently, so why not poetry. But as for my own works, I would no more dream of handing it out than I would dream of walking along the high wire. It wouldn't be in any way good enough. So in that way I suppose I do have a secret, but everyone knows of my passion and now most people share it. (But then we are English and we are all a little odd, don't you think?) Take care Mushy Marsha ![]() Take back the hope you gave,- I claim Only a memory of the same Robert Browning |
Sven![]() ![]()
since 1999-11-23
Posts 14937East Lansing, MI USA |
I used to keep my writing a secret. . . never thought that I was good enough to let anyone else see it. . . Then, one day. . . I knew that I had to share it. . . and the trail led here. . . and the rest, as they say, is history. . . I have told some of my friends and some members of my family that I write. . .and they have been more than supportive. . . someone said earlier that they only tell the more "emotional" of their friends that they write. . . I am perhaps guilty of the same thing. . . it's not that I don't want to tell the more "intellectual" of my friends. . . I just don't think that they need to know. . . ![]() ------------------------------------------------------- That which gives light must endure burning --Victor Frankl |
Member Seraphic
since 1999-05-20
Posts 21191Cape Cod Massachusetts USA |
Marsha... That's awesome... ![]() |
kaile![]() ![]()
since 2000-02-06
Posts 5146singapore |
hi there, thank you every one for sharing your thoughts....its been very heartwarming to see your replies and understand just what writing means to you.... why do i keep it a secret?why i dont i keep updating my friends on my progress?.... cos i guess i am doing something unusual and i dont want to be seen as a freak....i mean, whenever things get dull in my ecircles, someone will type a message appealing for someone to create some commotion(much like the Christopher fan club) ![]() i dont blame them...after all just last year, i was one of them....i posted this thread cos i am feeling weird leading that double life("what do you do when you are online, kaile?""nothing much, just replying to my emails and blindly surfing") ![]() somehow, i had that impression that i am the only one wwho have disinterested people around me...i never thought that you guys would face the same dilemma too with regards to your poetry...just knowing that you guys face the same problem as me makes me feel better, that i am not abnormal wanting to pursue writing... i appreciate ERIN's one-line reply...i had to find it so thats what my friends would have to do...simple one-line but it reflects how proud you are of this passion...i really should learn to think that way and yes, perhaps i will start communicating more with my "emotional" friends with regards to this passion.... ![]() thanx everyone for your kind replies, your willingness to share,it really means a lot to me HUGS ![]() |
Marge Tindal![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
since 1999-11-06
Posts 42384Florida's Foreverly Shores |
I've watched this thread to see what others had to say ... My turn now - If you know me - you know poetry ! ![]() I share it with everyone. I share mine and I share the works of others. I would no more think of showing up at work EACH DAY without a new piece of poetry, than I'd think of not breathing ! My friends so appreciate the poetry I bring to them. We have a bulletin board where others are now writing and sharing their works. I share it with friends all over the world through this wonderful computer media. My workplace has 9 divisions throughout Florida and 10 others nationwide ... I'm known as the quicker-quipper-picker-upper and my writing is shared throughout our network of stores. I was asked to write poems about each member of our sales staff - and those poems hang in each of their offices. My mailbox is full of requests for poetry and compliments from those who've read, not only my poetry, but the poetry of others. Just this evening I received a note from a man who had visited netpoets.com and dropped me a line about a poem of mine he read there. I acknowledge each and every e-mail I get concerning poetry. I invited this man to come and read the works of others in the forums also. I'm so proud to be a poet, that I can't imagine keeping it under wraps ! Next ! ![]() ~*Marge*~ ~*The pen of the poet never runs out of ink, as long as we breathe.*~ [email protected] |
Romy Senior Member
since 2000-05-28
Posts 1170Plantation, Florida |
Marge you are such a wonderful person! The only secret you seem to have is the magical way you inspire people! |
Marilyn Member Elite
since 1999-09-26
Posts 2621Ontario, Canada |
I have just found this post and I am sorry that it has taken me so long to do so. I am like Marge. I could no more keep my writing a secret then keep the fact that I breathe a secret. It is so much a part of me, of who I am and where I want to go. I have written for christmas gifts, Wedding receptions and gifts. I have gone as far as reading a piece I wrote at a reception. It was my gift to the bride and groom. I accually managed to move the groom to tears...lol. We all need to feel free to express who we are and if writing is a part of you, please do not be afraid of sharing it. If others can't respect that part of you, are there other parts of you they don't respect? Are they true friends? They do not need to share your passion but they do need to respect it. Just my two cents worth. ![]() < !signature--> When you are old and grey and full of sleep, And nodding by the fire, take down this book, And slowly read, and dream of the soft look Your eyes had once, and of their shodows deep; How many loved your moments of glad grace, And loved your beauty with love false or true, But one man loved the pilgrim soul in you, And loved the sorrows of your changing face... William Butler Yeats [This message has been edited by Marilyn (edited 12-06-2000).] |
dgvarner Member Elite
since 2000-05-13
Posts 3552High Springs, Florida |
ok..i've skimmed thru the replies here.. now, as marge said, 'my turn' ![]() as far as secrets in general..no..i'm not much of a secret keeper..keep my heart on my sleeve..make sure everyone knows how i feel about things--for the most part ![]() and about poetry writing..this is what i do..this is MY artwork..i'm proud of it..and will share it with anyone who will look at it! some of its fantastic, some of its mediocre, some of it sucks..but its still mine..the one thing i can do and call my little baby..'i did this, and i'm so proud that i can get my stuff sifted out in this manner..and if it inspires you to write too, wonderful!!' the only thing i do sometimes keep a 'secret' is the content of my poetry..some of it may be hurtful to someone..so i prefer to keep it out from under his/her eyes..even if i tell them..'i wrote a poem today about such-n-such...but i dont think you'd like it..or, i dont think you'd like to read this one..'...those who know me, understand.. ![]() anyway..thats my bit of loose change.. ![]() hugs, g "people who need people are the luckiest people..." barbra s. |
Irish Rose Member Patricius
since 2000-04-06
Posts 10263 |
Wow! I don't, I'm proud of this site, once my daughter said "what is dark passions" wondering what in the world her mother was doing on the internet. I explained, and went over the site, she has since learned to love it also. I have many thoughts on this subject, and could write about it all day, I am not embarrassed or ashamed or my love for Passions and would only wish I would curtail the amount of time I do spend here, but really I don't want to! What is that you express in your eyes? It seems to me more than all the words I have read in my life. Walt Whitman |
kaile![]() ![]()
since 2000-02-06
Posts 5146singapore |
thank you once again for your generous heart-pourings on how writing means to you...really enjoyed reading your responses... wynter, will be looking forward to your poem "the unwrapping of passions"...sound like a cool idea... ![]() you all are right of course, they need not understand but they just need to support and respect... thank you..i will see what i can do... ![]() |
Poet deVine
Member Seraphic
since 1999-05-26
Posts 22612Hurricane Alley |
Well, I waited a long time to reply because this is an issue that is near and dear to me. At first, I didn't tell anyone that I was even 'surfing' the net. Then when I got my first poem accepted at Passions, I began to tell people. Normally reserved about my private life, I opened up a bit more all the time. I'm proud of my 'home' here and of all of you. I talk about you to my family and friends all the time. They don't think I am strange (it took some time, but they know that if I talk about something it's important to me). My boss even subscribes to the newsletter! And several people read here - and I'm trying to get some to post but that will come in time. A secret? Not anymore. And never again. This is real - YOU are all real and to keep it secret somehow lessens that. ![]() |
kaile![]() ![]()
since 2000-02-06
Posts 5146singapore |
Eeeeewwww, i cringed big time when i read my words from another era..but i thought i would bump this up to gather other comments... er, your secret passion don't have to be limited to poetry.. ![]() |
serenity blaze Member Empyrean
since 2000-02-02
Posts 27738 |
smiling with you here. Hmmm...other secret passions, eh? ![]() I think I like to think that I can keep a passion a secret. But? I also think that I am about as subtle as a sledgehammer, and that I'm just kidding myself and remaining happy in my delusions. ![]() |
since 2001-05-15
Posts 529 |
No Secrets Here. I make an effort to avoid people that i don't think would understand this - because if someone doesn't understand poetry, what's the point in talking to them? not a whole lot, for me. do my friends come here to read? sure - i link people over here all the time. the only things they don't get toread is the stuff in adult, and that because most of my friends READ poetry but are more than a bit shy about WRITING it, hehe. but why hide something that's such a part of your daily life? if your "friends" don't understand it, then they're not really very good friends, are they? -Dave , who would rather have 1 or 2 true friends than a double fistful of "buddies" anyday |
Marshalzu![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
since 2001-02-15
Posts 2681Lurking |
Most of my friends know that I write but none seem to understand the importance of it to me and quote one person "it's nothing but adolesent drivel", it kind of hurts when you hear that but none the less I have carried on writing even if people don't understand it. |
since 2000-01-03
Posts 7855 |
Oh, I'm right out there. Doing public readings, getting published occasionally in the UK. My family was even in California one time when I won a $50 love poetry prize ... My mom likes it fine, so do my relatives. My dad's just kinda meh about th' whole thing. But it's definitely somethin' t' share. You need new friends. LOL ![]() She said burn ... together. |
Jenn Cirrincione![]() ![]()
since 2000-07-02
Posts 2107Fl |
Hmmm well as far as writing, lots of my friends know. My boyfriend is a writer himself and likes reading mine and even writes for me on occasion. if it weren't for the pip rules I might bring some of it on here ![]() Anyway, no one can appreciate writing as much as a writer themselves. ![]() Other passions? Well if I told you, they'd no longer be kept secret now would they? ![]() Why is it that we are at our most ingenius only when trying to destroy the things that keep us alive and thriving? |
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