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since 2007-03-12
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0 posted 2007-03-12 03:11 AM

Hey everybody, I have just signed up here at pipTalk and I was hoping to introduce myself here in my first post.

After vigorous minutes of searching and contemplating, I have arrived at the conclusion that this is the proper forum (and section) to introduce myself.

I am determined to remain as discrete as possible on here in hopes that my identity will not be revealed incase somebody I know just so happens to wander upon this great site. Speaking of which, I stumbled along this site from which had intrigued me and has just been added to my Favorites list along with these Forums. I do hope to contribute to this site and strive on being accepted into this community.

I will say however that my name is Mike, I am eighteen years old, and I have a strong passion for writing. Poetry in particular especially as of late. I would consider my writing a showcase of the talent that I hold, that I had never knew that was a part of me before, but at the same aspect... I don't think I am anywhere near the level of most of the people on these boards from what I have read so far.

While I believe writing can always be improved upon practicing, experience, and enhancing your poetry... I also believe it is a gift that cannot be necessarily be taught. Much like being a great teacher. Ironically, I feel that being a great teacher is a gift you are born with that cannot be "taught". Fortunately I have had the opportunity to have an English teacher who had touched and changed my life in a way I could never place into words. I just wanted to mention her for she really is a huge inspiration to me and my writing and I was blessed to hear her tell me that she actually changed her way of teaching (a bit) because of me in order to reach those shy kids who always wanted to speak up but for some reason never could. For you see, I was that kid and it took me almost the entire school year until I finally spoke up and it changed my life. As a result of being the guy that never spoke up, I think that is where I developing my writing talents as well as the passion I have for it.

Most of my poems and writing however I would believe are deemed "Rated PG-18", so I will probably be spending most of my time there.

Poetry is fairly new to me and I have tended to notice that the majority of my poems would fall under the categories of: Depressing, Disturbing, Perverse, Lustful, Insanity, Repulsive, just a few words that would come to mind.

Hell, I don't know if any literary major or most people in general would even consider some my work "poetry". I am sure that some of you will see it as great writing while others may think it's ridiculous and CHEAP TWO WORD rhymes. Honestly, I don't think it is that at all. I take this very seriously and I hope to share a lot of writing with all of your here and I hope that you all will enjoy it or be touched by it some way.

I have also learned to realize that it seems like most of my poems seem to be based upon from true experiences while my stories lean more towards fiction.

Anyway, I just wanted to introduce myself to this community. You can call me Mike or you can call me carnagec7 (It's just a made up name that nobody knows about with no significant meaning behind it whatsoever... or is there? Nah, there isn't.)

This isn't my first experience to forums and message boards but definitely my first experience in terms of interracting with others in regards to writing and poetry which I hope to share with all of you and really look forward to reading writings from others on here. There's so many different sections to these forums on here, I got lost about five times before I finally made it here.

I hope I am posting this in the proper section, if not, I apologize.

Anyway, that's my first post and you shall be hearing a lot more from me in bits and spurts.

I hope I was able to make a great first impression because this site clearly made a great first impression on me. I think I am going to love it here and look forward to interracting with everybody here. Thank you for taking the time to listen.

God Bless,


PS. I apologize for an typographical errors or grammar misuages for it is 3:05 A.M. in the morning (yes another clue revealed that I live in the East Coast even though Daylights Saving Time screwed everything and everyone over) and I am exhausted right now. Hey, I wrote a lot for my first post and if you made it this far... I hope you enjoyed these past ten minutes or so reading this as I enjoyed these past twenty minutes or so writing it.

Oh and one more thing I think I might add. After reading this post, getting to know me, and etc.. once you see some of my poems... YOU'RE NEVER GOING TO BELIEVE that this came from my thoughts. Just wait... I won't promise you it will great... but I will promise you that it will definitely touch you in some way... positive or negative, I do not know... but I promise it will touch you... make you laugh... make you cry... make scared.. make you happy... I can't say for people interpret different things differently. I look forward to posting my writings and receiving feedback as much as I look forward to reading yours and leaving feedback. This might have been the longest PS. that I have ever written. Just wait...

© Copyright 2007 carnagec7 - All Rights Reserved
Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
1 posted 2007-03-12 08:20 AM

Welcome to the friendliest poetic circle on the Internet~

I would hope that 'some' of what you write would fit the guidelines for the PG forums, as I don't do the restricted forums ... but you just enjoy yourself !!

Nice intro ... have a good time reading some excellent poetry from the many fine writers here~


~*The sound of a kiss is not as strong as that of a cannon, but it's echo endures much longer*~
Email -             [email protected]

Larry C
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2 posted 2007-03-12 04:02 PM

Welcome Mike,
Just know that writing to the adult forums cuts out a major portion of your audience here as the primary focus of this site is family oriented. But hope you like it here. My daughter taught English the way your teacher did. I've written a lot of her here.

Bless you for your courage and confidence. Best of luck.

If tears could build a stairway and memories a lane,
I'd walk right up to heaven and bring you home again.

New Member
since 2007-03-12
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United States
3 posted 2007-03-16 12:38 PM

[quote=Marge Tindal]Mike~

Welcome to the friendliest poetic circle on the Internet~
I would hope that 'some' of what you write would fit the guidelines for the PG forums, as I don't do the restricted forums ... but you just enjoy yourself !!
Nice intro ... have a good time reading some excellent poetry from the many fine writers here~

~*Marge*~[/quote] Hey Marge. Thank you for the warm friendly welcome. As for some of my writings (specifically poems) fitting the guidelines for the PG oriented sections here, I am specifically working on a poem at this very moment in hope of meeting those guidelines and sharing some of my writing with a greater amount of people on these forums.

I was wondering if you knew who and/or where I could ask some questions I have regarding those guidelines among some other things. I am not familar with any of the Moderators/Administrators on here so any help would be greatly helpful and appreciated.

As for an explanation of why I believe that most of my writing would be deemed inappropiate is because I feel that I able to perform my best writing when I have complete freedom and don't have to follow any guidelines, restrictions, or censorship. I do not mean that as any insult to you or this site, I perfectly understand the purpose and realize that this is a family oriented site.

But yeah, I feel I write best without any restrictions and not being forced to write about a certain issue which was the case many of times throughout school (and still is in college.

These are the reasons why I believe I have never been able to make a smooth transition from my passion of writing on my own personal free time as opposed to writing for a teacher or a professor in an English class or course.

Anyway, I just wanted to thank you for your response and the very nice welcome greeting.

New Member
since 2007-03-12
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United States
4 posted 2007-03-16 12:45 PM

[quote=Larry C]Welcome Mike,
Just know that writing to the adult forums cuts out a major portion of your audience here as the primary focus of this site is family oriented. But hope you like it here. My daughter taught English the way your teacher did. I've written a lot of her here.

Bless you for your courage and confidence. Best of luck.

Hey Larry, thank you for the heads up about losing a major portion of my audience and thank you for the nice welcome.

I am ecstatic to hear that your daughter taught English the same as my teacher. Also, I would definitely be interested in reading some writings from your daughter.

Thanks again.

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Listening to every heart
5 posted 2007-03-16 10:03 AM

Welcome to Passions, Mike.  We have several forums [including Mature] which may fit your various genres for poetry.  Because of your age, you may want to check with the appropriate moderator for that forum on whether or not you can be admitted at this time, as it is age specific.

You may contact any moderator at any time for questionable poetry, and whether or not you should place it in "this" or "that" forum.  We're always glad to help.

Interaction is a great thing about PiP.  If you check under the Member's Area/Help section, you will quickly learn what goes, and what doesn't.  Our rules and regs are very simple.  

I'm sure you will enjoy your time here.  Be passionate and write on!

New Member
since 2007-03-12
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United States
6 posted 2007-03-17 12:36 PM

Hey Sunshine, thank you for the welcome.

I have recently just sent an email to the two appropriate Moderators regarding the proper forum.

Age had not crossed my mind for I thought the age was eighteen (which I had turned last summer) but I will definitely look into that as well.

And thank you for your help regarding questionable poetry and determining where a certain poem would belong.

I have just discovered the rules and regulations sections so I shall go take a glance at that right now.

Thank you for the kind words, hope to see you around!

EDIT: Oh wow! I had just realized that there is a Mature section! I had thought that there was only one Rated PG-18 and that, that was the "Insights" section in Main Forums. Wow, I guess I have a lot more exploring to do!!

Edward Grim
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Greenville, South Carolina
7 posted 2007-03-17 12:57 PM

Well fire it up dude, let's see what you're made of.

Head Cheese & Chicken Feet

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since 2007-03-12
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8 posted 2007-05-17 02:07 AM

I don't know if the world is ready...
Edward Grim
Senior Member
since 2005-12-18
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Greenville, South Carolina
9 posted 2007-05-17 12:01 PM

I think the world will be fine.

Head Cheese & Chicken Feet

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10 posted 2007-05-17 12:59 PM

Welcome to Passions, there is so much to explore here. Hey I’ve been here forever and I’m still exploring well I hope you enjot it here and hope you post poems in somewhere other than the mature content forums and such… by the sounds of it, I think you might really enjoy dark poetry. Well hope to read more from you soon.

~fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me~

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