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in your dreams

0 posted 2004-12-02 10:47 PM

  i wish life was easier, like when i was a kid. all kids do is play. they dont worry about tomorrow, or about money. they don't have to care about which church to go to, or what to believe in.

  i am faced with a tough decision. will i move away and start a new life to possibly better myself, or will i stay here where my life as i know it exists comfortably ?

i know which decision i will make, but i'm afraid.

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Member Patricius
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just out of reach
1 posted 2004-12-02 11:02 PM

Life was only easier when we were children because we were provided for. At least we lucky ones were.
  As we grow up, decisions are left to us. It is wise to remember, there is no such thing as failure, only results. From these results whether good or bad, we learn valuable lessons.
  You can't just sit still and hope someone will give you the right answers. Life waits for no one, and who knows just what great times you might be missing out on while you are fretting about "tomorrow."
  Write down on paper the pros and cons of moving. decide. Good luck. Chris

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2 posted 2004-12-02 11:22 PM

Pros: Support, roof, clothing, food.
Cons: Parents.

The Cons win.

Huan Yi
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3 posted 2004-12-03 12:19 PM

And maybe nothing will change:


Your life, your choice.

Dark Angel
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4 posted 2004-12-03 03:14 AM

all kids do is play. they dont worry about tomorrow, or about money

Unfortunately not all kids play, and many worry about tomorrow, some even worry about money.

Good luck in your decision making

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5 posted 2004-12-03 05:51 AM

Boy, I'm confused.  Are you going off by yourself?  Do you live at home?  I thought here, /pip/Forum6/HTML/001085.html#5 you were married with a child.  And yet you're a eminem fan...and do a lot of posting in teen.

Why is it, ~DC~, that I feel you're jerking, or attempting to jerk, several chains at once?

Please take this as the question it is, and not one that is meant to come across as attacking you, because that is not what I do.  However, when I see so many confusing comments, posts, etc., I get curious as to who you are really trying to portray?  

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6 posted 2004-12-03 09:10 AM

travel is an education
meeting new people and cultures (be it in America or elsewhere) is an education, new surroundings...exciting....move...challenging...used to be a nomad myself...and love to move...whatever awaits there for you is never failure...

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7 posted 2004-12-03 02:22 PM


john: good point, as usual.

sunshine: i'm not portraying anyone, this is me. as confusing as me is.

thx for all your replies guys.

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8 posted 2004-12-03 03:19 PM

But you did not answer the questions, DC.  That's all right, your prerogative...

Enjoy the day.

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9 posted 2004-12-03 09:45 PM

What decision will you make?

I've been thinking a lot about the risks that dreams hold.  A person could end up poor; a person could end up changing a part of the world; a person could feel that they've really lived.

If a dream is meant to be, God will give the strength to follow through on it; and the family involved will be blessed - and sometimes blessings aren't more money.

I'm husband has a dream and we've been living it...and its good.

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10 posted 2004-12-03 11:47 PM

hmmm... well Sunshine i guess i can't really answer the question " Why do you feel?"

you tell me.

i am moving to a new city, going to a new church.
that is different than what im used to.

i am married, and my wife donna is with child.

i do like eminem, kinda like an inspiration to me. i think his word power is awesome.

and i post in teen because, well i dunno...
im only 22, so i guess i can relate more to teen experiences.

Huan Yi
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11 posted 2004-12-04 12:41 PM

“i am married, and my wife donna is with child…

and i post in teen because, well i dunno...
im only 22, so i guess i can relate more to teen experiences.”

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12 posted 2004-12-04 12:46 PM

with time comes experience.
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13 posted 2004-12-04 08:44 AM

I have made several moves across the nation since age what I believe I am hearing, is that this is your first move as an adult, with the mother of your child...basically..."on your own" as the breadwinner...

a lot of new and different things coming at wonder you may feel some confusion.  Very normal.   As my Mom or Dad would have said..."time to pull yourself up by your bootstraps" but that was in my time...

Thank you for expounding, DC...I was getting the feeling of flippancy, when actually it is anxiety speaking...

and that is perfectly normal.

As for posting in Teen...when adults are a good a good influence for them, that makes it all the better that it's your chosen venue for sharing...sort of like being a strong bridge from this life to their future...

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14 posted 2004-12-04 11:20 AM

thank you Sunshine

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15 posted 2004-12-04 03:07 PM

"i am married"

If you are married and have a child, then why are you saying how you have a crush on a certain person in the teen forum? Why did you write 4 poems about her if your married? Remember these lines from your poems about her:

"who will feel
the warmest kiss
that's ever
touched her mouth."

or maybe these:

"should she be
my lover?
should she be
my friend?
should we start this new
and what if it should

No offense, and don't take this personally, you know I love your poems and everything...but this just doesn't make sense to me.  Maybe you could clarify it? Thanks.  


[This message has been edited by *Alli4000* (12-04-2004 11:04 PM).]

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16 posted 2004-12-04 10:46 PM

well alli, truth is, i am a hopeless romantic, and i can express that side of myself freely here at passions. i'm actually very shy in person, and would never really be so outgoing as i can be here.

most of my posting is just in fun, for entertainment, and is not related to reality(as are the ones you are refering to), hence the pen name, ~DreamChild~.
i hope my friends here can understand that.

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17 posted 2004-12-06 03:50 PM

I have a lot to say, being the crushee in all, but I am not going to say it. I'm going to leave this as it is and hope that it all works out for you. I probably will not grace the pages of the teen forum anymore. I'll still be around. I am just "sick" of the drama. Lets all grow up people.
Huan Yi
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18 posted 2004-12-06 07:21 PM


America affords a long if not life long adolescence.

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19 posted 2004-12-08 09:53 AM

Hey Thanks Hyun
Larry C
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20 posted 2004-12-08 12:36 PM

Personally I take offense at the Teen post "flirts" on two fronts:

1. A married man has no business behaving single in any forum here and even less so in teen.

2. A married man ought to act married, period.

If tears could build a stairway and memories a lane, I'd walk right up to heaven and bring you home again.

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21 posted 2004-12-08 02:06 PM

opinions, opinions...

isn't this a place to express one's self freely?

though i am married, i am still a flirt, that's just me.

like it or not.

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22 posted 2004-12-08 02:39 PM

Freely, and Responsibly.

Larry C
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23 posted 2004-12-08 03:16 PM

And so you "prey" on teens. Give me a break!
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24 posted 2004-12-08 04:55 PM

Well never let it be said I am shy to call a spade a spade there DC, and although it isn't my usual style, it will have to do as I respect the site, and its readers.  

Firstly, I don't believe a lot of the stuff you are "expressing freely" in this community.  I am not quite sure you didn't even start the whole idea of someone using your name to draw attention to yourself either, and that you are both people, but that is neither here nor there, or my issue.  

Secondly, I do know one thing for sure though, you have no right posting in Teen period!  If you are in any way hitting on our teens in here at age 22, I want it known that I for one am complaining about your membership, and would like it examined! Period!  You should be ashamed of yourself, the nerve, calling it your "romantic" side m'ass!  

I think there has been far too much drama in here myself lately, and enough is enough. This is a POETRY SITE not like the rest, and won't ever be!    

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25 posted 2004-12-08 05:00 PM

maybe youre right about posting in teen, mysteria. a more mature audience would be better understanding. but as contraversial as i may be, that's just me.
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26 posted 2004-12-08 05:33 PM

Controversial may work for in The National Enquirer maybe, but here, , well, I am sure that you get the idea I suspect.

I'm done DreamChild, but then I am over 22 by a long shot

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27 posted 2004-12-08 06:14 PM

"though i am married, i am still a flirt, that's just me.

like it or not."

How could anyone have liked or not when noone knew you were married until now...?

Just my's like Larry pointed out.  Idk...I just don't see what you did right no matter how you try and justify it. Sorry...

Happy Holidays!

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28 posted 2004-12-08 06:25 PM

hey contraversy is part of art, and self-expression. i'm sorry if i offended anyone,
just being myself.

Larry C
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29 posted 2004-12-08 06:40 PM

So DC is "just being myself" a dodge for accountability?

If tears could build a stairway and memories a lane, I'd walk right up to heaven and bring you home again.

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30 posted 2004-12-08 07:25 PM

for what shall i be accountable?

that someone else has taken offence to an innocent whim on my behalf?

indeed i will be accountable.

who will judge me?

Larry C
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31 posted 2004-12-08 07:31 PM

Apparently that remains to be seen. But the fact that you find no harm in your behavior in the teen forum is indeed telling... My point is that you are choosing not to be accountable. So instead you hide behind the excuse of "just being yourself". Irresponsible.

If tears could build a stairway and memories a lane, I'd walk right up to heaven and bring you home again.

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32 posted 2004-12-08 07:46 PM

maybe posting in teen was a mistake, but we all make mistakes. ill own up to a mistake.
i'm only human.

but to whom shall i be accountable?

seems as though i am being judged by all, and without mercy at that.
but hey, that's human too.

Larry C
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33 posted 2004-12-08 07:52 PM

Well DC perhaps some remarks have been a little harsh. Quicker ownership would likely have gotten you a quicker resolution. But you have not exactly been repentant. I gotta tell you I had plenty of issues in my twenties. And I pushed back but at some point being a man means it may not always be as you want it or think it ought to be. Life isn't always fair. And if you have not learned that believe me it will teach you that. There are things I wish could be done over but instead I have to own it.

I did Child Protective Service work for years. So I'm pretty defensive about kids. All my work was with teens. And by law teens are not capable of consentual acts. So sorry, but I see your behavior there as predatory. And I know that is an aggressive word. But we have an obligation to our kids and their parents. Ah heck I'm lecturing and perhaps beating a dead horse.

Hope you fly right, 'cause you can write some good stuff. I'd rather you behave well enough to stay here than to get thrown out. Besides I wouldn't mind assisting in the maturing process. Peace!

If tears could build a stairway and memories a lane, I'd walk right up to heaven and bring you home again.

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34 posted 2004-12-08 08:24 PM

you know i find that offensive, larry, and gross. but i do admit to my error.

i have posted here in teen for years.
but perhaps it is time to shed some skins.

after all, didn't know there were so many babies...

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35 posted 2004-12-08 08:57 PM

indeed I will be accountable.
Thank you for admitting your actions were wrong, and at least owning up to it.

"though i am married, i am still a flirt, that's just me.

like it or not."
Well ... I didn't like it and sent out that message loud and clear.  As a consenting adult, you are free to behave however you wish with any consenting adult of your choice.  However, you took it into the teen area of this site, and it was later substantiated.  Unfortunately, this to me was not appropriate behavior from any adult posting at this site, and I wanted my feelings known about it.  

I am not that naive that I don't know millions of people flirt back and forth on the Internet for some very strange reason, and that is their business, but you openly admitted to doing your flirting in our teen area, that is what I reacted to.  The fact you are an adult you claim, age 22, and the playing field you chose was with teens from 13-19, not yet consenting adults, was my objection.  It would be wrong by any standard of the law, if when a teen were to go along with an advance by an adult, that the initiating adult did not stop that interaction in its tracks.
who will judge me?

You are your own judge, and jury I am afraid.  

I want to explain something so there is no mistake that I accused you, and did not judge you. I was going to send you an email but this serves as a good example to other adults even thinking of doing the same thing you did, for if I find out I will indeed do this again.  I accused you of something I felt wrong, quite openly not because I am self-righteous, but I am sure all for sticking up for people who can't defend themselves and in this case, it was a minor.

I didn't judge you, I don't even know you, nor do I judge anyone for that matter, lest they judge me.         You don’t know me either, so I could be lying right, and be that self-righteous person you think even?  I will tell you this though, when I don't like something someone does to the point it bothers me, what kind of a person would I be to let it slide and say nothing.  I can't imagine a world without change, change is good, healthy, and beneficial to all concerned in the change.

Thank you for your admission for having done wrong in this particular case, and I hope you have learned from it, now perhaps a change will be good?  Starting with your staying out of the Teen Forum.  You came here April, 2001 and were 19 then if you are 22 now, but sadly we all grow older.  Thank you for understanding.


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36 posted 2004-12-08 09:39 PM

try quoting a few other phrases too.
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37 posted 2004-12-08 11:33 PM

Cripes, I was worried about everything when I was a kid....prolly why I'm a twitch now.....

Now the serious answer.....It is a hard choice and only you can make it -- unless you stay at home until your parents change the locks... I was lucky, my girlfriend lived two thousand miles no choice, move out -- waaay out!

The biggest single factors are the easiest to miss....if you stay, it is a trap that you'll have to be resolute in order to easy to stay where it's so easy, and you just do. Then one day you're 34 and living with your mother, and you don't know how you got there.

On the other hand, if you go you'll very likely be living on cheese sandwiches for a while....but once you get traction you'll look in the mirror and see a man. This ole guy says, get steady work and a little in the bank first, then launch.

Your note about being afraid of it tells me which way you'll go....and that down inside you know you're ready....but get that job and money first. I didn't/couldn't, and boy did that suck....just try camping in spare room of your girlfriend's parents' house while you're doing it........

~~(¸¸¸¸ºº>   ~~(¸¸¸¸ºº>  ~~(¸¸ ¸¸ºº>    ~~~(¸¸ER¸¸ºº>

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38 posted 2004-12-08 11:43 PM

thanks rat.
would you like to share some of your philosophies?

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Member Patricius
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39 posted 2004-12-09 10:20 AM

Dreamchild, I was the first one to comment on this thread and have watched how it has billowed. Now, if you are grown-up, married with a tiny person who will be dependent upon YOU for the next, oh, eighteen years or so about to be born ... why do you have so much time to spend on the computer? Are you employed in such a way that you have ample time on your hands? That would be wonderful as your child will get lots of needed attention from Daddy. Hopefully the pay is efficient as diapers do not come cheap anymore. Does your job offer you medical benefits? I do hope so. Your wife must be an angel of sorts. She does know that you flirt, right?
  Enough jabbing you in the ribs.
I was married at 17, gave birth to a daughter at 18, divorced 14 years later. Then it got worse. But ... all decisions were mine. I still make the wrong decisions now and then, but I have no one but myself to blame. Dreamchild ... open your eyes and say hello to life. You are at the wheel and you have come to a four corner stop. Now what? You can't sit too long making small talk with your passengers without getting ticketed.     All the best, Chris

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40 posted 2004-12-09 10:59 AM

i work 6 days a week, full time, w/ benefits. but most of my free time is spent at home. which is what i have learned grown, married folks that work do. just so happens that the computer is my favorite toy, so i play with it alot, like i'm sure you don't.

my wife is an angel. she laughs at my flirtatiousness, and thinks i am the sexiest man in the world. she married me because she loves who i am; hard working, caring, playful, and flirtatious. she allows me to be me, and i love her for that.

i wish more people were like my wifey.

Larry C
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41 posted 2004-12-09 12:38 PM

Just when I thought I was through with this thread. Seems you strongly implied you were through in teen. Yet you continue to post there. Personally I don't think you belong in there based on your behavior. Was that an insincere implication?
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Member Patricius
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just out of reach
42 posted 2004-12-09 01:18 PM

Congratulations DreamChild, sounds like you have a perfect life. So, in other words, there was really no need for any of us to answer your initial question. Congratulations once more ..... for pulling the wool over at least this lamb's eyes.
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43 posted 2004-12-09 01:40 PM

i pull no wool.
it's not my fault you were blinded.
you point fingers, and ask questions later.
you really don't know me, so stop insinuating things.

i am young and free.
i'll continue to post in teen,
i like teensters. most of my friends are still teens. i'll still share, but with more discretion.

please feel free to continue sharing your input as well. you can't kill me.
i can only grow stronger.

keep me posted!

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Member Patricius
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just out of reach
44 posted 2004-12-09 01:47 PM

"i pull no wool.
it's not my fault you were blinded.
you point fingers, and ask questions later.
you really don't know me, so stop insinuating things."

I don't believe I was ever blinded, rather my eyes were opened with what I have been through. You really don't know me either, "young and free" man. So on that note I will bid you farewell.  Chris

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45 posted 2004-12-09 02:06 PM

see ya later i hope.
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46 posted 2004-12-10 01:17 AM

Adultery by Design.
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47 posted 2004-12-11 01:57 AM

Well, since you are older than me, and yet you still seem to feel the need to act like a 16 year old, you probably don't have any business being married or a dad... you probably should stay at home with mom and try to grow up. But it seems like you don't have that option anymore, so maybe you should consider getting on with it and growing up.
serenity blaze
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48 posted 2004-12-11 02:49 AM


I am not going to stand in line to toss stones at you.

I am married. I am a flirt. (and I had to say that lest you think I am on your case regarding that--'cause I am not.)

And one thing I haven't forgotten is that you were once one of our "teen forum" members, of which we are all very protective.

Seems to me you're in a bit of a bind too.

I think all I can offer is a bit of advice here.

You really need to get your head out of this forum, and drop that defensive chip.

You've got a child on the way, lovie.

Life is no longer all about you.

By all means, keep being yourself and expressing yourself, but I do advise you to be as honest as the day is long.

Because your days are about to get longer.

I sincerely hope you find a way, and I don't mind if you grieve the end of your childhood.

Just do it quick.

You should be celebrating someone else's childhood soon.

Funny, I don't think the gravity of fatherhood hit my husband either--until he held his son.

And oh, I promise you, he's still bitching about his childhood, and he still flirts, and he still has moments when he wants his mommy. (Sometimes I call her for him and trust me, it doesn't take long for him to regret wanting his mommy either.)

*shaking my head*

But looking past all the drama here, I see a couple of kids who are having a kid. And sweetie, that's not going to go away.

So I wish you, all that your name implies--a dream child. I hope your baby is born healthy and happy and you have the pride and ability to become a Dad to the child you fathered.

I sincerely wish you love and luck and pray that you continue to respect and celebrate your wife and mother of your child as a wonderful woman.

And now? If I may suggest? Let this be, and go do what you have to do.

Peace and hugs and happy holidays.

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49 posted 2004-12-11 03:32 AM

okay, serenity. sounds like the best word yet, and lotsa folks here are full of them.

ya know, i'm not really defending myself,
i just like seeing how pitifully people relate to something different.

it's really quite amazing...

since 2004-10-24
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50 posted 2004-12-11 03:57 AM


I love your work, and probably always will. But this has nothing to do with the topic I am replying to. You may not want to listen to someone that is 9 years younger than you, and I wouldn't really blame you for that. And please don't find any of this offensive. I just would like to state my feelings about this topic....

If you say that you appreciate the advice someone has given you, why, may I ask, do you not take heed of that advice? You may have, and I just have not seen it recently, but after you say something like that. Then to come back with:


sounds like the best word yet, and lotsa folks here are full of them.

Is it just me or does it now sound like you are going to fight until you win, no matter what you have to give up, or how much you have to embarrass yourself? Winning is not always the best, and bigger isn't always better.


i just like seeing how pitifully people relate to something different.

it's really quite amazing...

Something like that shows no better person than the one that started the original post, although you claim to "have changed".
Just my feelings and questions, read & agree/disagree as you like!

Good judgment comes from experience,
and a lotta that comes from bad judgment.

Poet deVine
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51 posted 2004-12-11 06:48 AM


ya know, i'm not really defending myself,
i just like seeing how pitifully people relate to something different.

Trust me DC, what you were asking about is not 'different'. What we reacted to was the situation you placed yourself in...and the possible outcome. Flirting is fine. But when it's done with someone who is underage it's dangerous. When you do it without disclosing that you are 22, married and with a baby on the way, that's called manipulation. Let's hope your baby isn't a girl who gets on the internet when she's 13 and meets a 22 year old married man who just wants to flirt with her....or is that all he wants? You never know...we've all heard the horror stories of what can happen to people who meet online.

Age does not indicate mature attitude. I think you'll still be this same way when you're 45. Just as some of the REAL teens here have surpassed you in maturity already. Maybe you should continue to post in fact if there was a preteen forum, you'd fit right in.

serenity blaze
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52 posted 2004-12-11 08:52 AM

Funny you should mention a thirteen year old daughter.

I happen to have a thirteen year old daughter who is a member of this forum.

Do I worry about that?



That is my job as a parent.

and smile, she has read this thread, and said that while DC is "cute" he is an obvious "poser".

so no, I don't worry about her...


and no offense dream child

yanno what I do?

I keep my head down and keep typing

I never say never, and I'm sure you will rise to the occasion of DAD just as you did, least once before.



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53 posted 2004-12-11 12:37 PM

so far, replies in this thread, so do stray from the original topic. but since everyone
seems to keep putting thier two cents in,
i may as well put mine in the pot.

ya know what, i have considered all of these opinions, and heeded some advice.
i have been wrong. but everyone is wrong sometimes.

you may not like me, but at the end of this thread, there is several that i don't like, too. it really amazes me, how ignorant people can judge someone they don't even know, and all the closed-mindedness really stings me, because i really would like to express myself freely, despite one stupid mistake.

however, the more we carry on this discussion, the more i learn about my fellow pippers, and yes i am much different than most, but that's what spices it up, i think.

i will continue to post freely, and reply as well. everyone should feel free to scrutinize, as maybe you will learn to see past fault, and actually learn more about me
as an artist, instead of some immature man.

in life , i am a responsible adult. i don't live at home with mom, i work, and provide for my family, a home, cars, clothes, food, cable, power, water, phone, blah blah blah.

the point is... i post here to express myself in ways that life can't afford me opportunity to do.

forgive me my offenses, as i will not begrudge, but don't be quick to judge someone as a person, because that is prejudiced, and ignorant.  

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since 2001-03-07
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British Columbia, Canada
54 posted 2004-12-11 01:42 PM

I first wanted to commend that young person for their very mature attitude, and comment above, then, ~DreamChild~ (child of dreams) I will leave this open to give you the last word     as I know you would wish that.  However I just had to say I finally learned what Ron Carnell has been shouting for years in here, and that is, not to react to someone waiting for a reaction, and the second great lesson he teaches is, that if you give someone enough rope they will hang themselves with no one's help.

On that note, I hope you and your family have a Merry Christmas and a safe, and easy birth with your new child.  Trust me when I tell you this, if indeed a child is coming into your life whether you like it or not, you are about to have a life-changing experience for the better.  There is simply no graeater honor bestowed on a human being than that of being a parent.  That was why I reacted to you in the first place here to get the heck out of Teen.  

You write some great poetry and I will hope you have time to write about "those feelings" after you hold that new daughter or son.  

I am sure that there are more things in the world that need our attention today than this thread, and much sorrow about these blue halls in what should be a joyeous time, so I sure would like to see you say your final word and end this thread.  The thought that other's feelings amuse you quite frankly makes me a tad sad.

Peace poet person.

Senior Member
since 2001-04-23
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in your dreams
55 posted 2004-12-11 01:49 PM

some people never understand.
Janet Marie
Member Laureate
since 2000-01-22
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56 posted 2004-12-11 05:17 PM

I received an email with some quotes, and a request that they be passed on and shared. After reading this thread, also brought to my attention by an email, I think this may well be just what the sender had in mind for the wisdom of the words.

Telling a child to "grow up" before their time is like telling a tree to lose its leaves before fall.

Dr. Phil

People seem not to see that their opinion of others is also a confession of their character.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Do what you feel in your heart to be right. for you'll be criticized anyway. You'll be damned if you do, and damned if you don't.

Eleanor Roosevelt

I have learned silence from the talkative, toleration from the intolerant, and kindness from the unkind; yet strange, I am ungrateful to these teachers.

Kahlil Gibran

As years go by, time will change and even reverse many of your present opinions. Refrain therefore, from setting yourself up as a judge.


"this medium is over taken by keyboard prophets who believe their every word profound."

Internet Quotation

serenity blaze
Member Empyrean
since 2000-02-02
Posts 27738

57 posted 2004-12-11 05:38 PM

Thanks Jan. And lord gotta love that Eleanor, huh?

(and DC? psssssssst--my daughter just wanted me to clarify her poser comment--she was referring to the hat on backwards in your pic--that style is apparently not to her taste.)

And now, do you think we could all be kind to one another?

Now there's an original idea for the holidays!

Love to all, and DreamChild, I really meant it when I said I wish you all the best. My children are my crowning glory. I wish you the same joy.


Senior Member
since 2001-04-23
Posts 544
in your dreams
58 posted 2004-12-11 07:23 PM

Thank you Janet, serenity. Merry Christmas to you both.
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