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since 2004-01-12
Posts 415
Iloilo City, Philippines

0 posted 2004-02-21 05:31 AM

Who can see the rainbow when it rains at night?

When I whimper in the dark
for my forgotten dreams
I would feel an unseen hand pat my cheeks dry
then, I couldn't help but smile

Who can see the rainbow when it rains at night?
Does its colors still dazzle in the darkness?

When I break into song
in the smothering midnight silence
a shadow lingers to listen
and then ghostly fingers
would break into a deafening applause

Who can see the rainbow when it rains at night?
Does its colors still dazzle in the darkness?

I know
you have been here all along
You have come to visit me
from heaven.

© Copyright 2004 Jasmine Sagge - All Rights Reserved
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1 posted 2004-02-21 03:03 PM

Great insight, a very good poem! Grover.
since 1999-09-26
Posts 411
deer park, wa
2 posted 2004-02-21 07:51 PM

When I read your title I was thinking a light from heaven or from a being from, would shine through the rain and make the rainbow.  Just a thought.  Nice poem
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since 2003-06-06
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So Cal So Cool!
3 posted 2004-02-22 03:25 PM

This is a rather unreasonable concept for any practical person to follow. Considering that :  
  The rainbow in the sky is sunlight - refracted, reflected and dispersed into its color components by falling raindrops.  

• When a rainbow appears, our eyes are directly between the sun and the center of the circle of the rainbow (The Earth cuts off the bottom half).*


For anyone who prefers to think logically, the preceding definition totally invalidates your premise.

Sid @  

[This message has been edited by cynicsRus (02-22-2004 07:29 PM).]

Member Rara Avis
since 1999-07-17
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4 posted 2004-02-23 01:19 AM

Hey Mr Cynic...that was my first thought too. I then decided to give the author the benefit of the doubt...that the author knows this and is just attempting irony...


Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
5 posted 2004-02-23 09:32 AM

I felt that you defined your premise of this piece in your titled question of 'Who can see the rainbow when it rains at night?'

It is just a lovely, lovely penning~

~*When the heart grieves over what it has lost,
the spirit rejoices over what it has left.
- Sufi epigram <))><

[email protected]

since 2003-09-05
Posts 398
I live within myself
6 posted 2004-02-23 03:14 PM

Since when did poetry have to be logical?  We know that certain things in nature - the moon for example - don't have senses as we do, but how many times do poets give them human characteristics.  It's metaphor.  And we also no that when we feel it's not with our literal heart and we don't see actual light shine over us when we are "enlightened" or warmly loved by actual heat.  But, all those things are known metaphors in the poet's language.  Here a rainbow is a beautiful form from heaven.  The poem was ok.  The only line I thought was pretty good and original was the title line used throughout, yet I had to reply about cynic's point of logic.  Poetry never had to follow "literal" aspects or be practical and logical in every point.  As long as the main point.  This was done here.  

Just a thought.

since 2003-12-01
Posts 136
Upper Ohio Valley
7 posted 2004-02-23 10:00 PM

"We know that certain things in nature - the moon for example - don't have senses as we do"

"We" know? Speak for yourself. That there is no empiric proof YET  that the moon has no senses is not proof that She doesn't.

Of course anyone can take any poetic license with anything, but a rainbow at night will throw a lot of us. Moonbows, that I have seen, tho. :-)

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since 2003-06-06
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So Cal So Cool!
8 posted 2004-02-24 01:27 AM

Since when did poetry have to be logical?

No one said it had to be logical, but I think it’s understood that this isn’t abstract either. However, I don’t think you’re clear on the meaning of metaphor
The line in question isn’t metaphor.
Kamla was probably more accurate in saying  it could possibly be irony.  But again, I didn’t think that was clearly understood, much less intentional. I got the feeling the author was really visualizing a rainbow at night, (whether or not he/she actually was), and I simply find it difficult to do the same

This was not a terrible poem. But in my opinion it was not an OK poem. Lacking rhyme and failing in the metrics department, it is relying on weak imagery and gratuitous adjuncts to carry it.

The line I found most annoying was the line you liked best
A simple difference of opinion—but opinions are what this forum is about.

Sid @

Member Rara Avis
since 1999-07-17
Posts 7704

9 posted 2004-02-24 01:58 AM

Sid, I was but merely presenting my own form of irony. Let me explain.

I believe that the author, as demonstrated in the piece, believes it is wholly possible, even probable, that rainbows do in fact come out at night - invisible.

This is my belief because of the way the poem has been written. There is nothing that suggests the fanciful, the metaphoric, or that the author 'knows' rainbows don't come out at night and is playing with a concept.

This means that an illogical concept comes across looking like fact. Now, acknowledging that a concept is illogical is not the same as saying that illogical concepts have no place in poetry. Of course they do. The thing is though, and what I think Sid is in part suggesting, is that such presentation needs to be put across with skill, in order to be effective.

This hasn't happened here. For me, as a reader, this is a flaw and a flaw I can't look past. I think - surely the author knows rainbows can't come out at night? Even though it looks as if the author doesn't know this, by the way the poem has been written, so I'll give them the benefit of the doubt. Perhaps it was irony. But I doubt it.

That's the only way I can make sense of this poem, and the only way it can remain at all credible to me.


since 2003-09-05
Posts 398
I live within myself
10 posted 2004-02-24 07:58 AM

I agree that the poem isn't written in the most original or best way possible, but what I'm saying about the message is if you take the rainbow and the night and see them not for a literal night or rainbow but for what they sometimes represent.  People often see rainbows as hopeful (since they come after a storm) and beautiful.  Night, especially here raining at night, could be despair and sadness.  Maybe the message is that even in our darkest hour, we have hope.  Even if we are so down, we don't see it there.  

Metaphor?  sure.  Literally logical?  No.  But, I don't think it was meant to be.  It's pretty obvious you can't see a rainbow at night.  Look deeper.  

since 2004-01-12
Posts 415
Iloilo City, Philippines
11 posted 2004-02-26 12:52 PM

Thank you very much for your very interesting remarks, guys! I had fun and I have gained lots of insights from them all. This is the first time I have posted in Critical Analysis, and I am very happy to have sparked such thoughts from you.
Member Rara Avis
since 1999-07-17
Posts 7704

12 posted 2004-02-26 05:01 AM

Echo - that was my point. There's nothing to look deeper at.

(no offense, J.Samm)


since 2003-12-01
Posts 136
Upper Ohio Valley
13 posted 2004-02-26 04:05 PM

Actually, I can't even see a rainbow when it rains during the day. I have to wait until it stops.

(above remark intended to be neither literal nor deep)

who can see your smile in the dark;
polite or verging on a grin?
is it meant for me or another?
is your heart of gold or of tin?

since 2003-09-05
Posts 398
I live within myself
14 posted 2004-02-26 04:52 PM

;-)  Well that was fun.
since 2004-03-27
Posts 72

15 posted 2004-03-27 09:43 AM

i like your poem cause its very optimistic.good job!
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