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0 posted 2000-11-11 12:29 PM

Overpowering words swirl in an abyss of inertia

As the uninspired struggles valiantly to seek them out

© Copyright 2000 heng kaile - All Rights Reserved
Poet deVine
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Hurricane Alley
1 posted 2000-11-11 12:51 PM

Find a book of quotes..or any book it to any page....then put your finger on the page and write something from whatever phrase is's hard. And you may not like the phrase, but the exercise is to get you to think...
Moon Dust
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Skelmersdale, UK
2 posted 2000-11-11 12:53 PM

Well you could try what I do and write about
writers block myself. Gets me going again

Sometimes you have to let go and move on,
But never let go of the memories.

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Plantation, Florida
3 posted 2000-11-11 01:38 PM

Try writing a poem using "found lines" cut from books, newspapers or just about anywhere. Put them together in a new, creative way. Found poetry!

Write a poem about your favorite cartoon character and put them in an unusual situation!  (I did one about Minnie Mouse once)

Try writing a poem from a photograph that moves you. Write about the scene without letting the reader know you are describing a picture.

Good Luck!

ellie LeJeune
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King of Prussia, PA USA
4 posted 2000-11-11 03:29 PM

Here's what works for me, without fail...When my mind is blank, I get my pen and book and I say this prayer. Lord what should I write? Bingo...there it is, evertime. Love, Ellie

le coeur a ses raisons que la raison ne con-nait point....the heart has its reasons that reason knows nothing of..

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Presque Isle, ME
5 posted 2000-11-11 04:52 PM

Well, this is brief, but you seem to have organized those swirling words in a nice way here.  Several times I have been inspired by just a small comment in an online conversation.  All of a Sudden, which you commented on here, was one of those, and Empty Spaces (posted at - click on my home page) and Mixed Emotions (posted both places) all came that way.  Hope you find something that helps.

To love another person is to see the face of God.
- Les Miserables


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ocala, fl, usa
6 posted 2000-11-11 08:35 PM

these are all great suggustions..add this..sometimes I play a "what if" game with myself..what if this were so, or that..good luck..

the woods are lovely, dark, and deep, but I have promises to keep, and many miles to go before I sleep...Frost

Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
7 posted 2000-11-11 11:56 PM

Read, read, read the works of others -
you'll find enough inspiration to knock
that writer's block off into a tailspin !

Take a short stroll down a lane of memory -
usually there's a pebble or two there
to pick up and throw upon the page.

Find a picture and step into it ...
become the surroundings ...
now write from the experience.

Every thought that you maintain
becomes a poem of lasting refrain
Written from a point of view
that others can step quickly into

Take that pen
and in a blink
dip it in
the ink-of-think

See just what
you've made me do
with just a hint
or two from you

I could whip
that writer's block
in very short ticking
of the clock !

I know you
can do the same
or Kaile the poet
isn't your name

So before I turn to go
let me tell you that it's so
You've only your thoughts
to set free -
No more writer's block

Whew !  Got my little fingers flying there, sir.
Love ya'

~*The pen of the poet never runs out of ink, as long as we breathe.*~
[email protected]

brian madden
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8 posted 2000-11-12 05:34 AM

Well let your mind wander and search for anything that you can use as a poem, and if a spark of inspiration does not fly then be patient my friend, just don't force the words. SOrry it is all the help I can be, and yes Read read read, inspiration can often be found from reading.

"an afixiation a fix on anything the line of life the limb of a tree
the hands of he and the promise that s/he is blessed among women".
Patti Smith

[This message has been edited by brian madden (edited 11-12-2000).]

Dennis L. White
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9 posted 2000-11-12 02:22 PM

  Relax and clear your mind of thought, now think of colors, any color, many colors, how do they feel, taste, smell? Colors have a way of triggering thought, memory and emotions. Let the colors speak to you and you will have plenty to write about! Have a GOLDEN day!
Dennis :^)

Moonbeams radiate
When the veiling cloud has passed
Playful shadows dance

Dennis L. White :^)

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10 posted 2000-11-12 03:04 PM

I rely on stream of consciousness writing when I get stuck in writers block.   And I find if I commit myself to this at least 10 minutes a day, it somehow keeps the block away!   (smiling)

Excellent suggestions all through here!

To capture and live a moment is truly living

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11 posted 2000-11-12 10:51 PM

Gosh thank you all for the terrific response.....i have just worked on Poet deVine's idea and hopefully i will work my way through the rest of the wonderful suggestions....gosh, this looks like fun!!!

Maria, isnt this poem a quickie on writer's block?LOL

Debbie, will love to read your minnie mouse's poem

ellie, yes, praying will help i guess

kcsgrandma, but interesting but what if my friend accuses me of using his unique expressions...LOL...hmmm, nevertheless, will check those poems of yours soon....

pegasus,interesting idea thank you

Marge thank you for that poetic response and for your fine encouragement and faith in me....makes me feel good

Brian, well i have been patient but its like this time i really want to write but the words just refuse to come out...sigh....

Dennis, i just learnt at school that people see things differently becos their language allows them to see different things...for examples some languages differentiate between red and yellow but for others, there is only a single term for both these colours..hmmmm...

dreamkeeper, Good for you but this wanna poet is a very ill-disciplined fellow LOL

thanks guys....will work on those suggestions!!!!!

Member Elite
since 2000-05-13
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High Springs, Florida
12 posted 2000-11-12 10:58 PM

ah..writers block... a bum isnt it..!

if i REALLY have something on my mind..emotional stuff, feelings..that sort of thing..i write a takes a poetic turn..i write it to the person, in honesty, sincerity, believing (even knowing i wont) i'll send it to that person...when its done..i most always have a poem in there somewhere..i pick it out and..what do ya know..  

ok..its not that kind of thing??  go to the people..think about what kind of lives they lead..what conversations they have when they go home.....

nope??  look thru a thesarus/synonym finder..find new words for the ones you already know..put them together..rhyming usually works best for my writers block..even tho i prefer to write free verse..

well..i had about 3 others..but they escaped me..sorry..!  

hope you crawl out of your slump soon!  good luck..

liked you little ditty btw  

hugs, dg

"so lift your heart with mine...the depth to which it grieves is the height to which it can celebrate!" -Lisa Hussey

Member Elite
since 2000-05-13
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High Springs, Florida
13 posted 2000-11-12 11:03 PM

ps..mar's (kcsgrandma's) idea works real well    i've done a little of that lately..sometimes the words from conversations are poetic in there own right..    dont be afraid to use them..

hugs, dg

since 2000-02-05
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14 posted 2000-11-12 11:16 PM

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Clio, MI , United We Stand
15 posted 2000-11-13 02:52 PM

Just has a pretty good idea there....I've seen those poems..they are quite interesting. One person starts them out and everyone that comes along just adds a little line or verse.

That would at least give you an idea


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The Hague, The Netherlands
16 posted 2000-11-13 05:23 PM

I can only tell you what I do when there are words in my mind that won't come to the surface... I go and do the dishes! LOL Gives my mind the oppertunity to wander off and most of the time ... bingo ! When I have a complete blank mind ? LOL I read a good book.  
Don't you worry. It will come back to you. It always does.

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17 posted 2000-11-26 01:07 PM

bumping this for ERIN
Dopey Dope
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Member Patricius
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San Juan, Puerto Rico
18 posted 2000-11-26 02:37 PM

I usually just sit down in pure silence and wait for something to happen.

I was born myself, raised myself, and will continue to be myself. The world will just have to adjust.

I hate your socks. I'd like to burn them!

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Listening to every heart
19 posted 2000-11-27 10:33 AM

I tell Mr. Writer's Block to go ahead and have his day, his way, his muse will get a grin, sit and spin and weave within...

in other words, once I tell Mr. WB it's OK...words come flowing on my way...

and as all things, this too, shall pass...

If I whisper, will you listen?...
I would rather be silent and write, than speak loudly and be bound.

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