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Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-05
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Ft. Lauderdale, Fl USA

0 posted 1999-12-11 06:08 PM

You ask me what I want to give me something nice.
If you are open to requests, I'll give you some advice.
Just think of how much you would spend on some small gift for me,
Then take that same amount and give it to a charity.

No need to rack your brain of thinking something you can buy
When there are many needy souls who need it more than I.
Just think of all the inner peace that you could give to me
If my gift, and your money, were to help a charity.

I have no need for watches. I've already three or four
But that amount of money would go far to help the poor.
What need have I for jewelry or those fancy silken ties
When I could have the chance to bring a smile to some child's eyes?

If other people followed suit and took the time to give
How wonderfully we could enrich this world in which we live.
So give me that, my friend, and through your generosity
You'll give the greatest gift that you could ever give to me.

 To the world you might be just one person but to one person you might just be the world.

© Copyright 1999 Michael Mack - All Rights Reserved
Member Seraphic
since 1999-05-20
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Cape Cod Massachusetts USA
1 posted 1999-12-11 06:14 PM

....So - Next time you come out of the store and hear that Salvation Army bell-a-ringin'... Drop some money in their coffer.... Good plan, Deer....
Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
2 posted 1999-12-11 06:23 PM

Balladeer -

You are such a sweetheart of a guy.
That is the nicest wish list I've seen this year.  I promise to fulfill your wish.
I want you to know that it is something that I also feel and do.  

I have a special project that I'd like to pass on to you ... Christmas isn't just for children but for 'past grown-up' too.
I visit an area nursing home where, believe it or not, many of the residents have no family to come to call.
My puppy and I put more smiles on their faces than you could possibly imagine.
The ladies always need socks to keep their feet warm.
The men always need handkerchiefs.
I always give the ladies something that smells sweet also.
And the men something to tinker with ...
and yes, they LOVE toy erector sets.


Now, that's my Christmas wish list.
Thanks, friend.

 ~*The pen of the poet never runs out of ink, as long as we breathe.*~
[email protected]

Member Empyrean
since 1999-09-21
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3 posted 1999-12-11 07:01 PM

I love this idea Balladeer, in fact I tried it one year....sure hope it works for you!

 In the dew of little things,
the heart finds its morning
and is refreshed.
(ee cummings)

Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-05
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Ft. Lauderdale, Fl USA
4 posted 1999-12-11 07:08 PM

Nan....I'm a sucker for Salvation Army bells. Pavlov was right!

Marge..I wouldn't have expected anything less from you. Your giving of yourself shows through in your poetry and, I'm sure, in your life.

Martie...Thank you. You almost make it sound like it didn't work for you. I hope not. One DOES need understanding receipients, for sure

 To the world you might be just one person but to one person you might just be the world.

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5 posted 1999-12-11 07:24 PM

Sometimes those who need most are those right before your eyes. I believe one of the best gifts is one given quietly, without want of praise or thanks.  Every year my family picks someone from our church who perhaps had a hard year, or is going through a tough time, and sends them a little extra in the mail...signed Jesus. After all, he's the reason for the season, you know?  

 "Glory remains unaware of my neglected dwelling where alone
I sing my tearful song which has charms only for me."

-Charles Brugnot

Dark Angel
Member Patricius
since 1999-08-04
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6 posted 1999-12-11 07:35 PM

Balladeer, This is a sweet and caring poem, just as you are a sweet and caring person  
I loved it.

 What comes from the heart goes to the heart.
Samuel Coleridge

Dusk Treader
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St. Paul, MN
7 posted 1999-12-11 07:39 PM

Now this is a truly wonderful poem about what the Christmas spirit is all about.  Great poem (I haven't seen anything else from you  ) loved it immensely.

 In flames I shall not be consumed, but reborn.

Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-05
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Ft. Lauderdale, Fl USA
8 posted 1999-12-11 07:50 PM

Saxoness, this is very true and the church is an excellent place to find these people. If your family signs the gift Jesus....they are not wrong.

Dark Angel...your compliment means a lot to me. Thank you.

Dusk Treader...yes, it is. Thank you for your kind words.

 To the world you might be just one person but to one person you might just be the world.

Member Seraphic
since 1999-08-22
Posts 22648

9 posted 1999-12-11 07:54 PM

What a blessed Christmas that would be! God bless you, Balladeer, you have quite the loving do the rest of you wonderful folks!    Fabulous poem, too.


Seymour Tabin
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Tamarac Fla
10 posted 1999-12-11 08:26 PM

Well you got that right.
Nothing but the best is what I expected,
And that's what I got. Well done.

Member Rara Avis
since 1999-07-17
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11 posted 1999-12-11 08:50 PM

Dear 'deer, we are so lucky.

You know what I wish - I wish more help to go to third world countries - one giant christmas present, to many people who don't even KNOW it is christmas.
What a charity of love that would be, to change the shape of their lives.

Love this poem, really do.


Member Rara Avis
since 1999-07-22
Posts 9245
12 posted 1999-12-11 09:07 PM

Balladeer I don't know what to say!
I loved it, and the thought that people out there think about these things. It touches my heart that they don't forget!

I know their are many who think they have nothing to give. But a gift of your time, or your poetry or something you have that comes from the heart. Those things tend to mean so much more than one that is bought! A gift from the heart lasts so much longer!

And I said I didn't know what to say.  

Jesus is the reason for the season

Member Elite
since 1999-09-26
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Ontario, Canada
13 posted 1999-12-11 09:54 PM

Youu touched me with this Mike. This is my 3rd attempt at replying. I guess I will say I agree and well done my friend.
Member Rara Avis
since 1999-08-13
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14 posted 1999-12-11 11:22 PM

    I know the sincerity in your words.  You have touched me very deeply. I must say thank you.


Senior Member
since 1999-11-08
Posts 678

15 posted 1999-12-11 11:30 PM

Heartfelt words.....This is very nice  

 Share what you are for you are what you share

Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-05
Posts 25505
Ft. Lauderdale, Fl USA
16 posted 1999-12-12 12:30 PM

Denise and Sy.....thank you much.
Severn...yes, that would be wonderful.
WhtDove....for not knowing what to say, you said it very well.
Marilyn...I appreciate your stamina....and your thoughts
First_Knight...I appreciate it.

 To the world you might be just one person but to one person you might just be the world.

Member Elite
since 1999-08-19
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Southern Florida
17 posted 1999-12-12 02:33 AM

Wonderful sentiments from a beautiful heart.....Touching poem Balladeer.. the pic!  

 A soul that writes from the heart and shares it, truly gives a gift extraordinaire!

Member Patricius
since 1999-07-05
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Glen Hope, PA USA
18 posted 1999-12-12 11:09 AM

How wonderful  
since 1999-11-21
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New Hampshire, USA
19 posted 1999-12-12 11:18 AM

Loved this Balladeer. Really touches the heart!
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Member Seraphic
since 1999-07-29
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20 posted 1999-12-12 03:29 PM

What a beautiful poem... and the sentiment is one I'd have expected from you. *S* Thank you for sharing with us all through the year... and reminding us that all of us have something worth sharing.
Junior Member
since 1999-12-11
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21 posted 1999-12-12 03:46 PM

In three words...I Loved It!!!

 Eboni Banks

Sally S.
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22 posted 1999-12-13 12:50 PM

You want to know something?  This is why I adore this place so.  There are so many thoughtful, kind and caring people who put others ahead of themselves.
When I talk to friends about this site, I tell them I know of no other place where there are so many "deep" feeling people.
Lovely sentiments, Mike.     

Junior Member
since 1999-12-04
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Carrollton, TX, USA
23 posted 1999-12-13 01:10 AM

You sound like my kinda guy.  Very talented and loving.  If all the people would just think like you, we would not have any problem with a Christmas list this year.  You also sound like someone that can help me change my user name from MAD to MAE as it is supposed to be.  Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

 Shine a light and darkness disappears.

Senior Member
since 1999-09-02
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24 posted 1999-12-13 10:02 AM

love the poem, the idea, and the heart of the poet  
Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-25
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Listening to every heart
25 posted 1999-12-14 10:56 AM

Ah, I sincerely and do like seeing
where all the good hearts are a'leading,
for I posted some little verse
in Holiday Cheer, for better or worse,

but I see it rings quite true
when I now read these words from you,
so to all, Happy Holidays, cheery and bright,
may you too, be stricken by His Light.

Look, then, into thine heart, and write ~~~ Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Senior Member
since 1999-08-16
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26 posted 1999-12-14 11:12 AM

Excellent verse and sentiment.

Check your email soon  

Merry Christmas, my friend!

 It's not the love you fear, but the fall from the height~Edwin McCain

Member Elite
since 1999-07-23
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Boot+Kitty=Poetry in motion
27 posted 1999-12-15 03:22 PM


Happy holidays, my fine old friend.  I knew you would write a poem like this - now you have all the ladies swooing - I've forbidden Lorelei to read this - I'm hanging on to that gal with every ounce of strength now.  I enjoy your serious poems, and your sentimental poems.  You've a real gift for flow.  I also notice that that scalawag and ne'er-do-well you-know-who has not dared to show his head in here - a good thing, too!

Merry Christmas, Deer, to you and yours.

since 1999-09-30
Posts 135
28 posted 1999-12-15 03:33 PM

Merry Christmas Balladeer. Very beautiful poem.
since 1999-08-26
Posts 323
29 posted 1999-12-15 03:34 PM

Balladeer, not only are you helping those people in need this christmas...but you've opened many hearts here with your precious words...thank you for reminding me that the gift of chrismas is giving...from the heart.
Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-05
Posts 25505
Ft. Lauderdale, Fl USA
30 posted 1999-12-15 03:44 PM

I'm glad for once I only can type my response because if I tried to say what these responses make me feel in words, I don't think I could without losing it completely. I thank you all. I feel closer to you that you will ever know. Best of holidays to all!

 To the world you might be just one person but to one person you might just be the world.

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