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Member Seraphic
since 1999-05-20
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Cape Cod Massachusetts USA

0 posted 2002-08-07 01:18 PM

So why are you all doing this silly FREE VERSE stuff??....
It astounds me how quickly time flies. We haven't done Free Verse for quite some time - so here's a reminder...

What's the first rule of Free Verse? The first rule, of course, is that there are no rules!! Free Verse becomes very personalized - totally expressing the inner feelings of the poet... thereby giving each and every poem its own format and ambience... That's a good thing..

Well then - If there are no rules - What do we consider as guidelines when we write in free verse? What makes some better than the rest? There are surely some basic tenets of poetry that good free versers utilize in their work.

Every poem, whether structured, free, or blank MUST impart a discernible message or have a theme. Otherwise, you've just a mumble-jumble of prattle.... So - Always think about just what you're trying to say - preferably before you start writing... (It's not ALL straight off the cuff)..

There is no distinguishable meter necessary in free verse. The poet has free reign to write as he/she so chooses. Some metric cadence makes the poem read smoother, but there are no specific rules that need to be met.

Line breaks - The most important aspect of the work, are subject to the discretion of the poet.. A line can consist of any number of words - from one to the width of your tablet. The important thing to remember is that line breaks should occur at points in the poem where they can best accentuate the words or thoughts you are trying to convey.

Rhyme - is not relevant. Free Verse doesn't need to rhyme! Some poets do, however, include a smattering of rhyming lines for effect.

Imagery - is probably the most important poetic tool you can employ in this type of poetry. It's definitely the key to quality verse. Whether you use:

Simile - a comparison using 'as or like'
Metaphor - a comparison that doesn't use 'as or like'
Personification - giving human attributes to the inanimate
Alliteration - repeated consonant sounds
Assonance - repeated vowel sounds
Onomatopoeia - words that sound as they're spelled
Hyperbole - exaggeration for effect

or any other form of figurative verse, it becomes the heart of your poem. Some of the best works are those which are in themselves an extended metaphor (the entire poem represents something other than the obvious).

There's a start... Let's write!

© Copyright 2002 Nancy Ness - All Rights Reserved
Member Empyrean
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Listening to every heart
1 posted 2002-08-07 01:30 PM

In other words
rants don't count!
[I've rarely known
a rant to have a theme!]
Count me in!

serenity blaze
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2 posted 2002-08-07 01:46 PM

hmmm....gonna let this one simmer a bit on the back burner while I go off for a bit--(that man is keeping me busy these days)

and Nan? I just may be able to complete this assignment...chuckle...keep fingers crossed!

Mark Bohannan
Member Rara Avis
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In the winds of Cherokee song
3 posted 2002-08-07 05:28 PM

ALRIGHT..........."The only rule is ...THERE ARE NO RULES".  For once I am excited about homework.  
Member Rara Avis
since 2001-09-23
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On A Journey To The Unknown
4 posted 2002-08-07 09:31 PM

Ok Nan, I will give this a try.
since 2002-07-31
Posts 72
Macon, GA
5 posted 2002-08-08 12:15 PM


Thanks Doll, now if I can figure it out......


Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
6 posted 2002-08-08 09:06 PM

Teacher !!
I found some neat stuff in the sandbox !
I'm playing~

~*The pen of the poet never runs out of ink, as long as we breathe.*~
           [email protected]                       

Bridget Shenachie
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Kansas USA
7 posted 2002-08-15 01:10 PM

Thanks, Nan.  It all helps!


Madame Chipmunk
Member Rara Avis
since 2001-12-05
Posts 8296
8 posted 2002-08-16 12:38 PM

I only do the workshops when the verse is free....
no charge for this one...

so I guess I'll dig my own burrow


copyright2002 Lyra Nesius

"poetry is life distilled"  Gwendolyn Brooks

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since 2001-01-03
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9 posted 2002-08-20 12:52 PM

I was wondering if this has any relationship to "free verse".  (as I am inexplicably reminded of a neighborhood evening kid game called "kick-the-can" and making it to the can "free")


Member Seraphic
since 1999-05-20
Posts 21191
Cape Cod Massachusetts USA
10 posted 2002-08-21 12:35 PM

You guys are just toooooo much...!

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